List of 44 Healthy Foods for Flat Belly Diet and Avoidable Ones
I – Overview
Belly fat is always the concern of people, especially for women, because it not only makes them less confident but also reflects unhealthy diets. Reducing an oversized belly is not really easy but maintaining a flat belly from the beginning is not difficult.
The easiest and most effective way is consuming foods for flat belly that are also much available on the market. They are considered to reduce bloat, boost metabolism while supplying your body with enough essential nutrients. Following core exercises and belly workouts also supports you to achieve a goal on a slim waistline.
Now, AllRemedies.com would like to show you 44 healthy foods for flat belly diet and avoidable ones. All of the recommended foods are not only effective in keeping your waistline slim but also beneficial in your overall health. For those who want to lose weight as well as own a sexy belly, just spend a few minutes reading our article to have more experience!
Read more: 49 Best Natural Home Remedies for Weight Loss Fast
II – List Of 44 Healthy Foods For Flat Belly Diet And Avoidable Ones You Should Know
1. Pork
You may have been aware that pork is high in energy, fat, and cholesterol that harm your health, but it is just right when you consume it too much. In fact, pork is considered one of the foods for flat belly if eaten in a moderate level [1]. According to a research before, people should take in 6 ounces of pork daily in order to lose weight while also preserving the muscles.
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2. Turkey
Turkey is another kind of meat that can be consumed in a weight-losing diet [2]. Turkey is really helpful in fighting belly fat as it contains a low content of calories but a high level of protein. It is time for your body to use more calories to digest protein as well as digest carbohydrates supplying energy for your body, which means your body eliminates the excess content out of it. In addition, turkey contains leucine that plays a role in maintaining muscle mass during your weight-losing process indeed.
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Get more: The Best List of 30 Healthy Foods High in Protein to Choose
3. Seafood
Salmon in particular and seafood in common are excellent foods for flat belly [3]. As you know, seafood, especially some kinds of fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids. More clearly, these healthy fats help stimulate metabolism thereby burning more fat in the body. In addition, people who consumed these fishes on a regular basis can experience an improvement in the glucose and insulin response, which is necessary for the whole body system, especially in over-weighted ones. In other words, seafood helps slow down the digestive process and prevent cravings after meals, which in turn restricts the risk of weight gain and waistline wideness.
If possible, you should consume 2 servings of seafood with 4 ounces per one every week. And you should choose natural fishes instead of the farm-raised ones because they certainly contain more omega-3 though they are a bit expensive indeed. If seafood is not your favorite, flaxseed and walnuts may be good choices for omega-3's source.
Learn more: 30 Miraculous Benefits of Fish Oil for Health and Beauty
37 Health & Beauty Benefits of Flaxseed, Flaxseed Oil
4. Eggs
Eggs are other foods for flat belly you should consume. In fact, eggs are well known for their rich source of protein and friendly for dietitians due to their balance of amino acids that plays an important role in producing muscle fibers and other brain chemicals. According to a research before, people who consumed eggs each morning felt less hungry along the day, which certainly supports the weight-losing process as well as the slim waistline, than when consuming ones with complex carbohydrates like bagels. More clearly, protein and fat found in eggs are the reasons for this feeling of satiety [4].
It is advised to consume one egg per day, but for those with high blood cholesterol, the consumption should be told by a doctor because eggs are quite high in cholesterol, about 213mg of cholesterol per one pack.
Check more: 21 Tips How To Increase Good Cholesterol & Lower Bad Cholesterol
5. Leafy Greens
Leafy greens are certainly the foods for flat belly that may be widely known. Not only do they contain carotenoids essential for preventing cancer but they also contain a low level of calorie necessary for shrinking your waistline. It is estimated that a cup of broccoli just has 50 calories and spinach has only 40 calories while they occupy 20% of the daily requirement for fiber. In addition, most of the leafy greens are rich in calcium that is essential for the muscle contraction as well as supply fuel for your workouts.
To add leafy greens to your diet as foods for flat belly, you should consume them 3 servings daily. For example, you can store a package of prewashed baby spinach ready in the fridge and add them to your salads, sandwiches, toss into soups, pasta dishes, and stir-fries up to your favorite. If you are fed up with spinach, you can consume arugula, broccoli rabe, and broccolini alternatively.
See more: Brussel Sprouts Benefits For Health, Skin And Hair
6. Foods For Flat Belly – Veggie Soup
Veggie soup is another of the foods for flat belly you should regularly consume. It has been proved that people who consumed soups basing on broth or low-fat cream soups twice daily experienced more successful weight-losing process than those who consumed snack food with the same amount of calories. More clearly, if you maintain consuming veggie soup, you may get a weight loss of 16 pounds on average after a year. Because it is so easy to buy and choose vegetables, there is no reason restricting them in your diet. So, try to consume at least a cup of vegetable soup low in calories and sodium every day as a natural way to stay slim.
Find also: List Of 10 Foods High In Sodium To Avoid Consuming
7. Spinach
Ranked in vegetable group, spinach is highly recommended as one of the foods for flat belly. The reason is that spinach is really low in calorie, which is estimated at only 40 calories in a cup. The vegetable is also a versatile food when used in the meals in many forms and is makes you feel full. In addition, spinach is also a rich source of calcium essential for the muscles contract, which means it is helpful after working out indeed.
Read more: Top 56 Natural Sources Of Calcium In Food For Everyday Life
8. Asparagus
Asparagus is a healthy spring food that is rich in both the soluble and insoluble fiber acquiring your body more time to digest. In fact, asparagus is well known of its rich source of antioxidants and its acts as an aphrodisiac. In addition, the veggie is also beneficial in keeping a slim stomach because it can keep you feel full longer between meals as well as prevent the risk of weight gain in common. Asparagus also stimulates the removal of waste and water from your stomach, which decreases bloat and discomfort as a natural diuretic. Also, the veggie contains probiotics that make it the fuel for healthy bacteria in the gut.
See also: A List of 38 Best Foods High in Fiber
9. Foods For Flat Belly – Fennel
Fennel is a perennial herb that gives some benefits for the belly. In fact, it has been used for centuries to improve digestion, reduce gastrointestinal spasms, and prevent bloat, which means it can help achieve a flat belly indeed.
Fennel can be eaten raw or cooked, used to make tomato and fennel soup or sprinkled on pizza. In addition, fennel seeds have been indicated to have slimming properties, so it is advised to make fennel tea to deal with your stomach before and after any big events.
Get more: 28 Health and Beauty Benefits of Fennel
10. Chili Peppers
It sounds like strange that chili peppers are also the ideal foods for flat belly [5]. In fact, spicy foods including chili peppers can boost the metabolism and support you in achieving the drawn eating goal. More clearly, chili peppers contain capsaicin that is also the active component making their heat that is believed to be beneficial in preventing weight gain [6]. According to the research before, participants who consumed foods rich in capsaicin experienced fewer cravings for sweet, salty, and fatty foods and a lower eating preoccupation in general.
There are many was to add chili peppers to your diet such as adding them into an omelet, stir fry, salads, or directly biting them.
Read more: 24 Black and White Pepper Health Benefits
11. Ginger
Ginger is certainly familiar for those who often face digestive problems. For example, you may often take in ginger ale when being sick as the drink can give positive effects to calm your upset stomach. And not only the digestion but ginger is also beneficial for keeping a belly slim [7], which depends on its certain compounds stimulating the foods to move through the gastrointestinal tract. This is the reason why ginger has been used for centuries to treat bloating. A study conducted in 2012 also showed that participants who took in hot ginger beverage after meals feel fuller, which means the drink helps restrict further food consumption as well as prevents weight gain.
To add ginger to your diet as one of the foods for flat belly [8], you should make ginger tea on your own by adding ½ teaspoon of freshly grated or ground ginger into a cup of hot water and consume it sometimes a week.
Learn more: Top 27 Health & Beauty Benefits of Ginger
12. Garlic
Not only ginger but garlic is also one of the foods for flat belly. Have you heard garlic is thermogenic? In fact, garlic can boost the metabolism, which in turn burns off the excess belly fat as well as maximizes the fat level burned for energy in your body.
Find more: 35 Proven Amazing Benefits of Garlic for Skin, Hair, and Health
13. Foods For Flat Belly – Tomatoes
Tomatoes are other foods for flat belly. This kind of vegetables is really low in calories and mainly water content, which makes tomatoes perfect for minimizing belly size. Fortunately, tomatoes are high in flavor and colored red, so it is easy to add them to meals as an ingredient or to decorate. In addition, tomatoes are also naturally diuretic, which makes them effective in belly boat vanish.
Get more: Top 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat Naturally and Quickly
14. Mushrooms
While the deficiency of vitamin D is related to a higher level of belly fat, mushrooms are the rich source of this vitamin, which explains why mushrooms are real foods for flat belly. In other words, mushrooms can work like magic on the slim belly [9], so you should consume them on a regular basis with a moderate amount each time.
15. Whole Grains
Nowadays, people tend to follow gluten-free diets [10], but you should remember that diets with carbohydrates should not be boycotted unless you are diagnosed with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. In fact, carbohydrates found in whole grain can help you stay slim, which sounds quite strange but true. Additionally, whole grains are also a rich source of fiber that plays an important role in boosting digestion and increasing satiety. A recent study has indicated that participants who consumed whole grains on a regular basis got a 49% lower risk of weight gain in general.
Moreover, whole grains partly aid in the regulation of insulin and blood sugar levels, which makes it ideal for the health in common. To add whole grains to your diet, you can consume oatmeal in the morning, snack with plain, and consume quinoa or brown rice.
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16. Foods For Flat Belly – Quinoa
As mentioned above, quinoa is a kind of whole grains that are often consumed to keep a slim belly [11]. In fact, it is estimated that a cup of quinoa contains just 11g of protein and 5g of fiber, which is really helpful in boosting the digestion. The whole grains own a crunchy-yet-chewy texture and nutty flavor similar to short-grain brown rice and whole wheat couscous.
Quinoa can be cooked as any other whole grain unless you purchase brands instructing to consume instant. It is recommended to consume at least a half cup of quinoa a day to get and maintain the flat belly.
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17. Almonds
If you find healthy foods for snacks in the afternoon, almonds may be a good choice. The reason is that almonds have monounsaturated fatty acids that encourage the body to burn fat and restrict hunger. According to a recent study, people who followed a serving of almonds in their low-calorie diets lost more weight than others who followed a similar diet but with snack high in carbohydrates alternative to almonds. So, people who are on a diet in common and want to have slim belly should add almonds to their diets to experience the changes.
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18. Nut Butter
Similar to almonds, nut butter is also rich in monounsaturated fats that in turn help decrease the persistent belly fat. Do something you like with nut butter and have a tasty treatment for belly fat but don’t over consume it. ¼ cup of nut butter is recommended for a day, so you should set it as the limitation.
19. Foods For Flat Belly – Beans
Beans are also ranked foods for flat belly [12]. Although over-consumption of beans can cause some digestive problems, a proper consumption can help fire off fat, regulate digestion, and develop muscles indeed. In other words, the consumption of beans makes you feel full for longer, so you will be restricted with over-indulge. If you eat beans regularly, you may minimize your bloated belly look indeed.
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20. Lentils
Lentils are considered very nutritious especially protein and fiber that help increase satiety [13]. In fact, lentils are grown within pods such as white beans, chickpeas, and dried peas. And they are also rich in iron whose deficiency is associated with slower metabolism indeed, which means lentils help improve the whole system and remove excess substances out of your body.
To consume lentils as food for flat belly, you can add them to salads or use them alternative to whole grains such as brown rice. In combination with other kinds of veggies, lentils can make a great basis for a lean-protein serving.
21. Soy
Other foods for flat belly are known as soybeans that are rich in antioxidants, protein, and fiber. In fact, you can see how versatile they are. For example, you can consume a snack with dry-roasted soybeans, add some into soups, or slip a spoon of silken tofu into the smoothie. In addition, you can also make soy milk even in place of meals on your own that is believed to be good for your health. According to research, participants who drank soy milk in place of a meal experienced more effective weight-losing process than the others.
It is recommended to take in 25g of the soy protein daily while remembering that 1/2 cup of steamed edamame has 11g protein and 130 calories and 4 ounces of tofu have 10g protein and 94 calories. In addition, you should consider choosing soy products with “isolated soy protein” note because they certainly give you more health benefits.
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22. Walnuts
Walnuts are also wonderful foods for flat belly. In fact, walnuts contain a high content of omega-3 fatty acids essential for burning your body fat. However, you should consume natural walnuts and avoid salted ones because they can cause you weight gain indeed. You can cook walnuts with chicken breasts or make chicken salad sandwich with red grapes and bok choy.
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23. Foods For Flat Belly – Cucumbers
Cucumbers may be not strange in any healthy diets including weight-losing ones. In fact, cucumbers contain mainly water, up to 96%, and quercetin, the flavonoid antioxidant essential for reducing swelling, so they are considered to help prevent bloating. There are many ways to add cucumbers to your diet as they are really versatile when you can eat them raw, sprinkle some of the cucumber slices into yogurt, add them to a chopped salad, or use with homemade hummus. In brief, there is no limitation for you to consume cucumbers as they don’t cause you to gain weight while keeping you full restricting you from further eating.
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24. Bananas
Bananas are also ideal foods for flat belly also acquainted in any healthy diets. If you need an afternoon snack, you can eat a banana, which may be the best choice indeed. The fruits much contain a mineral called potassium that is helpful for digestion in particular and the whole system in common and also a healthy carbohydrate resistant starch that slows down the digestion keeping you full over time. In addition, this carbohydrate also encourages the liver to switch the mode to burn fat in your body as well as boost your metabolism.
For those who want to keep slim belly, bananas are really useful because they can regulate sodium levels thereby preventing water retention in the body and reducing the risk of bloating as well.
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25. Papaya
Similar to bananas, papaya is also beneficial in the digestive process. In fact, the brightly colored tropical fruit is very rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and folate that are all necessary for the whole health. In addition, it also contains papain, an enzyme that helps the gastrointestinal system deal with difficult-to-digest foods, which certainly prevents belly bloat and inflammation.
To use papaya as one of the foods for flat belly, you can eat it fresh or add it to salads or throw it on the grill with some olive oil giving more attractive taste indeed.
Learn more: 43 Foods That Cause Bloating And Swelling In The Stomach
26. Avocado
Another of the foods for flat belly is avocado. In fact, a serving of this fruit just contains 2g fiber and 4g monounsaturated fat that is not only safe for the heart but also beneficial in keeping the pounds off. According to a recent study, participants who consumed avocado on a regular basis had smaller waistline than the others. So, it is worth adding avocado to your diet, which can be done by putting it onto pudding, brownies, toast, pasta, or banana bread that are all supportive to your belly.
Not only does avocado keep your stomach slim but it also benefits the gut. It has been indicated that healthy fats found in the fruit are vital for the gut health because it coats the stomach and eases the digestion. Also, it helps the body absorb more nutrients and antioxidants into the body improving the health in general.
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27. Apples
Apples are others foods for flat belly you should consume [14]. You may have heard that apples are really beneficial in maintaining or losing weight, which has also been proved by a study before. According to the study, overweight women who ate 3 apples or pears daily along with a proper diet within 3 months had more effective weight-losing process than those who consumed oat cookies instead of apples [15]. In fact, a large apple contains up to 85% water and 5g of fiber, which means they will help you feel full for longer. In addition, the fruits also contain a compound called quercetin that helps fight some types of cancers, promote healthy lungs, and reduce cholesterol damages.
Due to the health benefits of apples, you should consume the fruits on a regular basis. More clearly, one or two apples a day is recommended for you, and you just need to remember to purchase fresh and branded ones.
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28. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is another of the foods for flat belly. According to a study, people who consumed a half of a grapefruit 3 times a day got their weight loss while not changing their normal diet. This may be good news for those who don’t want to change any parts of their diet because of weight loss. The fruit also makes you feel full for longer and prevent the further consumption of foods.
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29. Berries
Other foods for flat belly are berries, the fruits with a high level of fiber indeed. In fact, people are often said to take in foods rich in fiber, which is explained that the consumption of fiber you eat, estimated from 25 to 35g a day, helps decrease the absorption of calories from other stuff digested in your mouth. In other words, fiber can trap food particles and eliminate them from the system before they are over-digested in your stomach. With a high content of antioxidants, berries can also prevent the risks of chronic diseases like cancer, improve the blood flow, tone the muscles thereby supporting you after workouts as well.
You should consume at least a half cup of berries daily, which is equivalent to about 30 calories. There may be no limitation, so you can consume some kinds of berries like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries [16]. In addition, you can add some gooseberries, boysenberries, and black currants into your mix to get more exciting one.
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30. Lemon
Lemon may be a good choice for those who want to maintain or reduce body weight. For example, you can drink lemon juice instead of alcohol or sweetened beverages in your diet to lose weight as well as keep slim belly. And instead of unexpected calories, lemon juice supplies you with much vitamin C that helps you fight against many other diseases as well.
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31. Peppermint And Chamomile Tea
Herb tea like peppermint and chamomile ones are really beneficial for maintaining slim belly. After a big dinner, you can take in a cup of any tea as a natural way to recover your stomach. Both the peppermint and chamomile tea can help relax the gastrointestinal muscles, dissolve gas, and ease the digestive process.
It has been said that peppermint tea can decrease bloating making your belly look flatter indeed while chamomile tea can improve your sleep whose deficiency is associated with belly fat. So, you can consume both of the herbal tea at the same time to gain the best results on your flat belly.
Read more: 53 Health And Beauty Benefits Of Peppermint
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32. Yogurt
Yogurt is one of the foods for flat belly you can consume. Yogurt is well known for its probiotics that help balance microflora and also restrict bloating, which makes it beneficial for the gut. In addition, yogurt also contains quite a high level of protein, about 17g in a serving also more than in an egg, so it can make you feel full for longer and decrease your consumption.
Not only does yogurt be consumed in raw but it is also consumed when added to your smoothie. There are many smoothie recipes for you to choose, which depends on the time of a day, in the morning or afternoon.
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33. Dark Chocolate
Have you ever heard that dark chocolate is very beneficial for health? In fact, it is believed to be friendly to the heart health and the appearance as well. However, you need to purchase good quality dark chocolate with more than 65% cacao that can give you the best benefits. In addition, dark chocolate also contains monounsaturated fatty acids that play an important role in speeding up your metabolism. According to a study before, people who regularly consumed dark chocolate with the mediated amount each time had lower BMIs than the others. However, it is necessary to keep the consumption under control because the over-consumption of dark chocolate can cause weight gain as well.
34. Low-Fat Chocolate Milk
Low-fat chocolate milk is another of the foods for flat belly. In fact, the beverage has an ideal carbohydrate to protein ratio that helps lose fat and build muscles indeed. Not only kids but adults or anyone can also consume low fat chocolate milk in the weight-losing diet.
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35. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil can be added to your dishes to improve the ability to keep your belly slim. The reason making olive oil beneficial for this point is its content of monounsaturated fat that helps burn fat and calories in the body, which in turn support the weight-losing process.
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III. Avoidable Foods For Flat Belly
As mentioned above, there are many foods for flat belly you can consume in the diet that not only helps you maintain a sexy waistline but also improve your overall health indeed. On the other hands, there are some kinds of food you should avoid on the way to achieve a slim belly that is high in sugar and carbohydrates. Don’t let those foods interrupt your weight loss.
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36. Fast Food
Fast food is known as the first one of the avoidable foods for flat belly. You can find the immediate convenience of a fast-food meal, but you don’t know that it contains totally more than 2,000 calories also your daily requirement for calorie. Moreover, fast food contains many bad fats that cause you weight gain along with cardiovascular diseases as well. So, instead of consuming fast food low in nutrition, you should consume freshly cooked foods that improve your health.
37. Snack Foods
People need snack foods sometimes a day, which helps them deal with the empty stomach but brings some negative effects. Some snack foods like chips, pretzels, and trail mix are receivable in a moderate consumption, but other like sweets should be rejected. It is recommended to consume fruits or vegetable sticks for between-meal snacks as a way to maintain your healthy weight and slim belly.
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38. Potatoes
Potatoes are favorite foods of most people, but they are not foods for flat belly indeed. According to a study, the consumption of a single baked potato can give the identical effect on the body similar to the take in of a tablespoon pure sugar. Moreover, the consumption of tomatoes can leave you hungry and desire more food after digested, which increases the risk of weight gain indeed.
Learn more: 27 Science-Backed Uses Of Potatoes For Health, Skin, Hair, Beauty
39. Refined Grains
In fact, refined grains are exactly pure carbohydrates that increase the sugar level in your body like eating sweets. And like potatoes, when the sugar high fades then you will start feeling hungry again and need more foods to deal with your appetite. It is the reason why you should consume whole and wild grains that release their carbohydrates slowly instead of consuming refined ones.
40. High-Fructose Corn Syrup
This is not exactly food, and the problem is that high-fructose corn syrup is made from sweets and refined grains, which means it has the bad effects of both the ingredients. In fact, fructose is sugar that adds calorie to your diet without any nutritional value. Moreover, it has been indicated that high-fructose corn syrup encourages the consumers to eat faster without the feelings of fullness, which should be avoided by those who want to stay slim indeed.
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41. Sweets And Soda
Candy or anything sweet is really the enemy of those who is troubled with the weight problem. In fact, they contain nothing but calories, one of the causes of weight gain. According to the researcher, the first thing you have to do when losing belly fat is eliminating high-calorie foods out of your diet. This is the reason why you hay to say goodbye with sweet things. In addition, if you have been drinking soda regularly, you may be wrong and have to give up. A soda can contain up to 150 calories indeed, so soda is considered a bad form of sweet. Instead of soda, you can drink water or iced tea that is friendly to your stomach without any calories.
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42. Alcohol
Alcohol is another of the avoidable foods for flat belly. Although moderate consumption of alcohol can bring people some health benefits such as decreasing risks of heart diseases, it causes 2 problems as well. One of the problems is that alcohol is high in calories and low in nutrition, which means it brings the consumer not many benefits while also raising the weight gain risks. Moreover, the regular consumption of alcohol can result in further drinking more alcohol. So, alcohol should just be taken in when you are in some events and always be kept under control.
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43. Fruit Juice
Fruit juice is subtle. It can contain many important nutrients, but it's often high in sugar. Willett notes that many people seem to differentiate between “food calories” and “beverage calories,” not taking into account the effect of their liquid intake. Although a glass in the morning is OK, don't make fruit juice your default beverage.
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44. Avoidable Foods For Flat Belly Diet – Dairy
It can deny the benefits of milk for human health, but it is really not safe for those who have weight problems. In fact, dairy is rich in calcium but also rich in fats and carbohydrates, which raises your risks of weight gain as well as waistline wideness. If you want to get in much calcium, you can consume leafy green vegetables or other low-calorie foods instead of dairy.
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IV – Conclusion
After reading the article on 44 healthy foods for flat belly diet and avoidable ones in our main Superfoods page, hope that you can know how to maintain a slim waistline as well as stay healthy with a wide range of easy-to-buy foods. Please let us know if you have any question by leaving them below and share with us other foods for flat belly if you really get.
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