Top 18 Benefits of Banana Flesh and Peels for Health and Skin
I – Overview
Everyone knows bananas, but not all of us know about the benefits that it brings to human health [1]. Many people even do not like to eat this fruit, but you should know that bananas are exceptionally high in nutrients, especially potassium, which is really good for health. Do not skip reading this article as it will help you to know clearly about the benefits of bananas flesh and peels that you might have never known before!
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II – Nutritional Value Of Banana
There is evidence for that bananas are one of the most beneficial fruits. In a banana, there are eight types of essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce itself and 11 types of minerals and 6 vitamins. It can be said that bananas are good not only for children but also for adults if they eat one or two a day. Specifically, they will provide more energy, vitamins, and minerals for the body.
Bananas contain a special protein called cytokine [2] which is able to destroy the tumor, so protecting the body from some cancers is also known as one of the benefits of bananas. In particular, ripe bananas with mottled or dark shades are even richer in cytokines, which is why ripe bananas are supposed to be healthier.
In this article, will give you more details to find out why bananas are always in the list of the best fruits to eat.
The followings are the most well-known nutrients contained in bananas that science has successfully proved.
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1. Vitamin C
When it comes to fruits rich in vitamin C, many people often think of citrus fruits. But very few know that a banana diet portion will even provide us up to 15% of the daily necessary vitamin C intake.
Vitamin C [3] is an important antioxidant which is capable of neutralizing free radicals – which cause many serious illnesses for the body. Not only that, but this vitamin also protects blood vessels, produces collagen that connects the muscles, bones and other tissues in the body together. Taking the benefits of bananas into consideration, vitamin C plays a really important role.
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2. Potassium
Mentioning potassium-rich foods [4], bananas are always on the top of any list. In fact, on average, a banana provides our bodies up to 422mg of potassium, equivalent to 9% of the potassium required daily for the body, which is clear to prove the benefits of bananas for health.
Potassium not only assists muscular and cardiovascular functions, ensures normal heart rate and blood pressure, prevents hypertension [5] and muscle spasms, but also helps to remove salts from the body so that the salt content in the body maintains at a certain concentration, thereby it helps improve the condition of the edema.
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3. Fibers
A banana is only about 105 calories, but it contains up to 12% of the recommended fiber per day. Fiber plays an important role in the digestive system function. Eating fiber can reduce the risk of heart disease and even some certain types of cancer.
On the other hand, fiber also helps maintain body weight. A study of 252 women over the course of the continuous 20 months found that for every 1 gram of fiber they eat a day, their body weight would drop by 0.25kg.
Experts explain that fiber makes you feel full longer and helps reduce calorie consumption for a long time.
With the forth-mentioned amazing nutritious benefits of bananas, it is not surprised that this fruits can help us with tremendous problems related to health and beauty. It is time to go into details and explore the benefits of bananas.
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III – Top 18 Benefits Of Banana Flesh And Peels For Health, Skin
1. Limit Cramp Symptoms
Lack of minerals is the main cause of muscle contractions. People with frequent cramps should supplement foods rich in potassium and magnesium such as bananas [6]. That is also why athletes cannot skip such a good fruit like bananas in their daily diet. Athletes must regularly drink tonic water containing potassium, magnesium, and other electrolytes during hot weather, but all of them are considered equally to the benefits of bananas. On average, a banana contains 420 milligrams of potassium, equivalent to nearly 10% of the amount of potassium that an adult needs a day (4,700 mg).
Besides bananas, many other natural foods that can be substituted are sweet potatoes, raisins, dried beans, peas and lentils, spinach, or winter squash.
Read more: List of 19 Common Super Foods High in Magnesium
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2. Prevent Kidney-related Diseases
All foods rich in potassium have the function of helping the body restrict kidney stones. Benefits of bananas are also often mentioned in this side. Frequent eating ripe bananas can reduce the risk of developing severe kidney disease by 40%, according to a study by the National Library of Medicine in the United States.[7]
People with high levels of calcium in urine often facing with the formation of kidney stones. This is a hard-assimilated substance under the influence of gastric juice, but it must have the effect of bile acid. Thus, increasing the amount of potassium in the body will reduce the absorption of calcium because potassium impedes the formation of complex links of calcium with bile acids. Therefore, to prevent the formation of kidney stones, you need to add potassium to your diet every day to minimize calcium excreted in the urine. Benefits of bananas to kidney-related patients have been widely acknowledged.
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3.Improve Cardiovascular Health
Foods rich in minerals, especially potassium and magnesium, are recommended for people with high blood pressure and heart diseases. In addition, high cholesterol is a major cause of blood vessel obstruction and atherosclerosis, while bananas are a fruit that contains phytosterols that help lower the cholesterol levels and maintain healthy blood vessels [8]. Therefore, towards cardiovascular health, amazing benefits of bananas are also mentioned [9].
Bananas are highly rich in potassium and have low salt content, which keeps blood pressure stable. In addition, according to scientific research, potassium in bananas also lowers blood pressure. Therefore, by eating 2 bananas a day, within a week, you can see your blood pressure index drops by about 10%. At the same time, you can also reduce the risk of stroke by 26%. However, this level depends on the weight of each person.
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4. Protect The Stomach
People with stomach ulcers should eat bananas every day because bananas contain a special enzyme that excretes mucus to protect the stomach.
Ripe bananas are usually fragrant, their flesh is soft, sweet and they are known to be a perfect nutritional supplement solution. Not only that, pectin active in the banana helps balance and stabilize the digestive system, which helps improve stomach problems. In addition, another benefit of bananas has been revealed when many studies in modern medicine have shown that the remedy for stomach pain from green banana powder is very effective in treating diseases such as peptic ulcer [10].
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5. Provide The Body With Enough Necessary Energy
Bananas provide a great source of energy thanks to vitamins (vitamins A, C, B6) and minerals (potassium, magnesium folate, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, and iron) [11]. In particular, the carbohydrate content in bananas is very high, which can provide the body with energy immediately without accumulation as fat in the body. On average, a banana contains 105 calories, 90% of this number comes from carbohydrates [12]. Most carbohydrates in ripe bananas are sugar, sucrose, glucose, and fructose. That information is really important when mentioning the benefits of bananas to people who are on a diet.
Bananas also contain low levels of fat and protein. The botanical essences are beneficial in bananas as antioxidants, including dopamine and catechins.
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6. Boost The Mood
Bananas contain dopamine, a neurotransmitter and promote the production of emotional hormones which express happiness. That is why when the mood is not good; nutritionists often advise us to eat ripe bananas. In particular, you will know about the surprising benefits of bananas in boosting our mood more clearly with the following information:
- High levels of B vitamins in ripe bananas help keep you calm and balance hormone.[13]
- 5-hydroxytryptamine and synthesized 5-hydroxytryptamine amine in bananas will help the mind to relax and stay away from depression very effectively.
- Bananas contain tryptophan, a beneficial substance that the body converts to.
- Serotonin makes you feel happy, relaxed and therefore, your mood is better.
- Low levels of potassium are one of the main causes of stress, and with a high content of this nutrient, one of the benefits of bananas is to help the body get over stress and anxiety easily [14]
- For pregnant women, eating bananas is also a way for moms to reduce their morning sickness when they wake up.
- If you are often stressed, overworked or shocked, this is why you should eat 2-3 bananas a day.
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7. Cure Diabetes
Tropical fruits that contain certain levels of starch may improve the condition of people with type 2 diabetes. However, people with diabetes also need to note that green bananas contain the average starch content of 12.5g while ripe bananas only contain 5g. In other words, benefits of bananas for diabetics can only be shown if they eat this fruits in a smart way. Specifically:
- Eat a little green banana, because the blood sugar index of bananas is very different drugs on the maturity of the fruit. A ripe banana may have an average blood sugar index of about 60, while this index in a green banana is only about 40.
- Eat separately from meals. It is because the carbohydrate content of this fruit is already high, so there is no benefits of bananas can be shown if you eat both bananas and rice. In case you eat bananas along with a meal, make sure you eat little carbohydrates, sugar, and starch.
- Eat only 1 – 2 small bananas a day (each fruit is no more than 15cm long).
- Do not eat bananas along with sweets or soft drinks.
- If people with diabetes have kidney complications, or are using potassium-sparing diuretics such as Spironolactone, should not eat bananas because they contain much potassium and sodium, which can aggravate the disease.
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8. Lose Weight
Starch also functions to prevent fat accumulation in the body and to burn fat. Therefore, those who are on a diet for the purpose of weight loss should only supplement a maximum of 10g resistant starch, equivalent to 1-2 ripe bananas.
One of the most favorite benefits of bananas is known as the slimming effect because they contain little calories and much fiber. Because of banana sweetness, many people think that it contains a great number of calories. In fact, a banana has only about 100 grams of calories. In addition, the high levels of starch in bananas are likely to cause fullness. It takes time for the body to convert starch into sugars, so bananas will not cause the body to store too much energy [15]. Thus, bananas are the most effective slimming fruit.
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9. Good For The Digestive System
- Treat constipation: The rich fiber in bananas has a laxative effect, so it helps reduce constipation. For people with chronic constipation, if they eat a banana every night before going to bed, the illness will be reduced.
- Support diarrhea treatment: Pectin in bananas reduces diarrhea and the risk of bowel cancer. In addition, benefits of bananas are also mentioned as they stimulate the regeneration of lining mucus, increase mucus secretion, reduce acid in the ulcer and heal the ulcer of the stomach.
- Reduce heartburn: Banana acid also helps reduce heartburn for those who are suffering from this.
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10. Release The Stress For Eyes
The problem that our eyes are swollen red and tired appears because we have absorbed too much salt in our diet portion every day. When you eat a banana, the amount of potassium in this fruit will act to neutralize the potassium and salt content by helping the body to excrete salt. Not only that, not many people know that the benefits of bananas also include that this fruit helps our eyes avoid premature aging due to stressful learning and working.
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11. Improve The Memory
It is known that 200 students at a famous school in England have gone through exams by eating bananas in the breakfast to boost their brain power. Research has shown that potassium in bananas can support learning by improving memory.
Bananas are not only a mild sedative remedy based on the mechanism of relaxation, but it also has the function to help the eaters think optimistically. Physicians who know well about this benefits of bananas advise each of us to eat two bananas a day to help improve the physical platform remarkably.
12. Reduce The Itch Of The Skin
Not only does banana flesh is beneficial, but banana peels are also well-known for many advantages. One of considerably popular benefits of banana peels is they contain compounds that can prevent bacteria. Experimentally, banana peels can be used to treat bacterial bacillus or bacteria that cause itchy skin and numb legs. People with the diseases can choose fresh banana peels to cover the itch and keep massaging several times or blend them to take the water and continuously drink it several days. With proved benefits of bananas, this method brings about good results.
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13. Treat Anemia
Bananas are high in iron, which can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in blood and thus it will help those who are anemic [16]. In addition, it is a good source of magnesium to support hemoglobin synthesis. It is advisable to eat a ripe banana mixed with a tablespoon of honey twice a day.
Many people do not have a clue that banana flowers are also full of fruit-like nutrients. Indeed, mentioning the benefits of bananas is mentioning the benefits that we can take from many parts of a banana tree.
14. Heal Mosquito Bites
When bitten by mosquitoes or insects, you can try rubbing bananas on the skin in this area. You will be surprised to find out its effect to reduce swelling and itching caused by mosquito bites.
- Apply a piece of banana peel on the surface of the mosquito bites, let the inside part directly contact the bites.
- Keep this peel on the area for about 10 -15 minutes before taking out.
By doing the steps below, you will realize that your mosquito bites become less swollen and no more itchy. That is another wonderful healing benefits of bananas [17] that we want to mention in this article.
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15. Help Give Up Smoking
Bananas can help people who are trying to quit smoking fulfill their goals. It is because it contains many vitamins C, A1, B6, B12, potassium, and magnesium, which are advantageous substances to help the body recover from the effects of nicotine in cigarettes.
Advice to everyone when facing a stressful situation is to rest and eat a banana. Those who are trying to quit smoking should add some bananas to their daily diet. This fruit is rich in vitamins B, so it helps regulate blood sugar and help the smokers be calmer and more patient.
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16. Beautify The Appearance
The nutrients contained in bananas have a great effect on the beauty improvement of women. They play great roles in creating wonderful benefits of bananas to the appearance improvement in women.
Potassium can help moisturize the skin, improve the surface of the skin and make it smoother. Meanwhile, vitamins are also the main nutrients in bananas. Vitamin B substance has the effect to fight against free radicals that stimulate the aging process. Vitamin A will blur acne scars and help the skin become smoother. Zinc and lectin have positive influences on eliminating bacteria causing acnes. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the process of collagen production and removes free radicals. In addition, vitamin E has great uses in protecting the skin from harmful UV rays while slowing down the aging process at the same time. Amino acids also play important roles as they nourish the skin, strengthen connective tissues, and help maintain skin elasticity.
Take the advantages and benefits of bananas to make up some better remedies for beauty care is also a favorite activity of many young women. Here, we would like to introduce an effective method to make a banana mask, a favorite kind of mask for women when thinking about beauty care. You need to follow the following steps:
- Blend half of a banana, add a suitable amount of sugarfree fresh milk to make a mixture.
- Mix the mixture well before applying a layer of it on your face.
- Keep the banana mask on your face for 15 – 20 minutes.
- Rinse it off with cool and clean water.
This method can make the skin soft, smooth, and remove the ugly acne spots on your face perfectly.
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17. Good For The Nervous System
Bananas are high in vitamins B that keeps the nervous system calm. Vitamin B6 in bananas helps regulate blood sugar levels so that it also improves your mood better. Tryptophan – a kind of protein that the body converts into serotonin [18] – helps you relax and improve your mood very well. Therefore, bananas are especially useful for people with depression or seasonal depression.
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18. Improve The Training Effects
If you are looking for a good snack before and after exercising, bananas are the primary candidate in your list [19]. Not to mention the benefits of bananas for health in the long run, just about improvement for training effects, bananas are proved to be essential for everyone.
This fruit is a healthy source of carbohydrate for training activities; its influences are even equivalent to tonic water for athletes. The amount of carbohydrates in a banana is rapidly converted into energies for the practitioners. Moreover, the abundant potassium content from this fruit also prevents dehydration of the body. Not only has a similar potency to antioxidants, fiber, B-6 vitamins, and tonic water, bananas also contain other valuable nutrients which the others do not have.
Without a doubt, bananas are a natural remedy to cure many diseases. When coming to compare a banana with an apple, bananas contain four times protein, twice carbohydrates, three times the phosphorus, five times vitamin A and iron, and twice other vitamins and minerals as much as apples.
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IV – Notes When Preserving And Eating Bananas
Do not peel off immediately if you want to take all advantages of the biological components of bananas. If you do not eat, keep bananas naturally in a cool place.
All of the benefits of bananas are lost if stored in the refrigerator or ice compartment. To be more specific, the banana cream is only for the good appetite, but there is no nutritious benefit from this. You also need to be choosy when buying bananas so that your money can be spent smartly!
You should choose bananas with ripening fruits unequally. Bananas which are used with ethrel are often ripened equally over the bunch, so this is considered to be a very important factor while choosing safe fruits for your family dessert. You can choose bananas with black spots in their peels. Naturally kept bananas are ripe from its stem to its body.
Bananas are a kind of sugary fruits, so eating too much and not maintaining proper oral hygiene habits can lead to teeth decay. Eating too many bananas can be quite dangerous. It is recommended that adults eat about 2 bananas a day. If you eat dozens of it daily for a long period of time, you may be at risk of getting vitamin and mineral poisoning, hyperkalemia [20], muscle weakness, temporary paralysis, and abnormal heart rhythms.
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V – Conclusion
This article, hopefully, has provided useful information to all of my beloved readers about the benefits of banana flesh & peels for health & skin, one of the most familiar fruits in our daily life. There are still more interesting writings about many other different remedies and diseases treatment methods in the main page of Superfoods for those who want to keep good health and attractive appearance. It is very nice to receive all of your own sharing experiences and knowledge about bananas and its effects on health and beauty care.
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