Top 45 Benefits of Indian Gooseberry Juice for Skin, Hair, Health
I. Overview
The nutritional and health benefits of Indian Gooseberry, could be partially thanks to its abundant content of vitamin C. Indian Gooseberry can help people to: improve muscle tone, strengthen eyes, increase vitality, flush out toxins; act as a body coolant, promote healthier hair, increase skin health, help the urinary system, enhance food absorption, enhance fertility, regulate elimination of free radicals, strengthen the lungs, support the heart, act as an antioxidant, nourish the mental and brain functioning, fortify the liver, and balance stomach acid.
II. What Is Indian Gooseberry?
The Indian Gooseberry is a member of the Euphorbiaceae family [1]. This fruit ripens in wet, forested, and hilly areas in the autumn on the Indian subcontinent. In India, the gooseberry is considered a sacred plant. This fruit is extremely nourishing, but it is pretty sour. Both fresh and dried Indian gooseberries should be made use of as they have many good advantages for health.
III. Nutritional Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry
It can act as a useful natural home remedy for a lot of conditions, so it is commonly used in Ayurvedic medical care. Indian gooseberry is an excellent source of Vitamin C, and contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, such as carotene, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin B complex. Indian gooseberry is also a strong antioxidant needed for the body growth and defense.
Several health issues are triggered by oxidative damage (as the cells of our body use oxygen, they produce by-products known as free radicals that can harm people). Antioxidant agents will repair and prevent these harms. Vitamin C is an essential and important antioxidant agent, making gooseberry a powerful assistant of the body in the fight against many diseases, such as different types of cancers.
IV. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry For Overall Health – Common Uses Of Indian Gooseberry
1. Enhance Appetite
This is the very first one out on the list of the best health benefits of Indian gooseberry that we would like to introduce in the article today and want to encourage readers to learn!
Consuming powdered Indian gooseberry together with honey and butter before having a meal can aid a lot in enhancing your overall appetite. This would support in increasing the pounds of your body healthily. Taking Indian gooseberry powder can also help your body balance its nitrogen levels; thus your body will be about to feel more energized and healthy.
Enhancing appetite is an amazing benefit that those tiny Indian gooseberries bring about, so do not miss it!
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2. Remedy For Hyperacidity And Ulcers
The dried powder of Indian gooseberry is a useful natural treatment for ulcers, hyperacidity, and other blood impurities.
Get more: 28 Natural Home Remedies for Ulcers in Stomach
3. Dissolve Kidney Stone
Taking powdered Indian gooseberries in combination with radishes can help a lot in dissolving kidney stones. In fact, this is also among the best health benefits of Indian gooseberry that we should not skip at all costs!
4. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry To Purify Blood
Indian gooseberry powder combined with honey can help to purify the blood effectively. This is also one of the best health benefits of Indian gooseberry that we would like to share with the readers on Herbal Remedies.
5. Treat Intestinal Issues
Dried Indian gooseberry is very good for our digestion. You should have it after each meal of the day to get rid of intestinal issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and diarrhea.
6. Lower Fat Content
This is the next one among benefits of Indian gooseberry juice for health that people should not skip!
Indian gooseberry juice is discovered to be very useful in reducing the content of fats inside the body.
7. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry To Cure Anemia
The abundant iron content in Indian gooseberry juice can help to prevent anemia by raising the levels of hemoglobin inside the body.
8. Heal Menstrual Sickness
Indian gooseberry juice can also help a lot in reducing cramps and menstrual disorders.
For Menstrual Cramps: some of the vitamins and minerals combined in Indian gooseberries can help effectively in the treating menstrual cramps. As it would take a while for the necessary elements to accrue inside our body, people should eat Indian gooseberries regularly so that it is always in the system and thus can help to prevent menstrual cramps monthly for females.
9. Cure Bleeding Nose
This is also one of the best nutritional benefits of Indian gooseberry that we would like to introduce in this article and you should never look down! Add 3 – 5 drops of the juice extracted from Indian gooseberries to the nostrils to treat a bleeding nose.
10. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry To Improve Eyesight
Indian gooseberries contain a lot of essential minerals and vitamins required for increasing our eyesight. Consuming the juice of Indian gooseberries mixed with some honey can help to reduce intra-ocular tension, thereby can help to improve vision.
Indian gooseberry is super good for the health of our eyes as well. It is considered and proven to prevent age-related macular degeneration and enhance eyesight. The antioxidants contained in Indian gooseberry can help a lot in protecting the eye retina against oxidative stress, thus can reduce the risks of cataract.
Try soaking Indian gooseberries in water and washing your eyes with the infusion to enhance eyesight effectively. You can also enjoy gooseberry juice in combination with some honey to improve your own eyesight, and researchers have shown that this juice can help a lot in boosting cataracts and nearsightedness while lowering the intra-ocular tension. This is major because of the powerful carotene contained in this fruit, which has long been famous for their great impacts on vision-related diseases, such as those that stem from activities of free radicals. Carotenes and vitamin A can help to lower the risks of night blindness, macular degeneration while strengthening your vision before the occurrence of age-related degeneration due to free radical activities!
See more: 35 Simple Natural Home Remedies for Dry Eyes Relief
11. Strengthen The Body And Mind
Another one out on the list of the most effective benefits of Indian gooseberry for health and beauty that we cannot forget when talking about these amazing tiny fruits is the power to strengthen mind and body of them.
Drink Indian gooseberry juice in between each meal to dispel the weakness of your mind and your whole body effectively.
12. Abundant Source Of Vitamin C
Indian gooseberry juice is abundant in Vitamin C. Just one glass of the juice made from fresh Indian gooseberries has almost 15 times higher Vitamin C compared with the equal amount of orange juice.
13. Natural Remedy Against Conditions & Energize The Body
Indian gooseberry juice is actually a good-for-health drink that can help a lot in energizing the body at any time throughout the day. It can help to break down proteins, promoting more effective digesting functions. Indian gooseberry juice can also help to neutralize the acidity in our tummy thanks to the cooling properties contained in the fruits.
The most effective way for you to take Indian gooseberry is to consume the Indian gooseberry juice. Consuming gooseberry juice regularly can act effectively as a natural treatment against several health conditions.
14. Diarrhea And Dysentery
Thanks to its powerful laxative and cooling properties, Indian gooseberry is an effective component in remedies for dysentery and diarrhea. It offers wonderful relief for hyperchlorhydria (the abdomen’s burning sensation) and gastric syndrome. As a laxative, it can help a lot in flushing out any toxin or harmful substance you might have eaten that are leading to your illness or discomfort; thus, eliminating it from the body’s entire system so that the healing process could begin, and cooling the discomfort and burning that are often associated with diarrhea as it occurs.
Learn more: 29 Natural Home Remedies for Diarrhea in Adults
15. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry For Heart Disease
Heart disease is also among the biggest and most common concern of people all over the world. When it comes to natural ingredients that can help to promote heart health, Indian gooseberry is also on top. This is, in fact, also one of the most amazing health benefits of Indian gooseberry we want to show in front of readers’ eyes and want to encourage readers to make use as well.
As mentioned above, Indian gooseberry can help a lot in strengthening the heart muscles so that the heart can smoothly pump blood throughout our body. By relieving the excessive cholesterol buildup, the chromium could help a lot in reducing the risks of atherosclerosis, or plaque buildup in the arteries and vessels. This helps to lower the risks of heart attacks and strokes as well. The iron content of this fruit can help to promote the creation of new red blood cells, helping to increase the oxygenation and the circulation of cells and organs to maximize the regeneration and growth of tissue, while keeping the blood arteries and vessels clean.
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16. Diuretic Activity
Besides having a very rich content of water, in nature, Indian gooseberry is also slightly diuretic, meaning that it can increase the volume and the frequency of urination. Urination can help the body a lot in eliminating the excess levels of uric acid, salts, and water, as well as unwanted toxins. Furthermore, it can aid the weight loss process a lot, since up to 4% of urine is really composed of fats. Thus, a diuretic substance is always essential for stabilizing the health of kidney, and also preventing the uterine infections and urinary infections. Alma is a wonderful way to do this!
See more: 30 Natural Home Remedies for Uti Infections in Women & Men
17. Metabolic Activity
This is also one of the most amazing health benefits of Indian gooseberry juice we need to mention in the list today and start making use of it for good!
Consuming foods that are rich in protein is one of the most useful ways to boost our health because proteins are an indispensable substance that all metabolic activities of our body always needs. Our enzymes could break down each plant protein into amino acids and reassemble the amino acids into the proteins that your body can use. Protein is essential for a wide range of metabolic activities; organ health, muscle development, and cellular growth that we need to stay happy and healthy!
18. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry For Digestion
Indian gooseberry is a type of fruit that is very abundant in fiber. It supports and keeps our bowel movement healthy by always cleaning the gastrointestinal tract. It can also help to strengthen our digestive system, boosting the ability to absorb nutrients from foods of your body as well. The bitter and sour taste of Indian gooseberry can help to trigger the taste receptors, keeping our body’s digestive enzymes always well-active. Indian gooseberry can also help to get reduction from hypochlorhydria and gastritis syndrome. Take powdered Indian gooseberry with milk 2 times per day to cure acidity and bloating. The laxative and cooling properties of Indian gooseberry are super good and useful for curing diarrhea. It can work effectively as a natural laxative that will be clearing the accumulated matter from your intestinal tract, helping to reduce signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. In brief, this is also one of the best nutritional and health benefits of Indian gooseberry juice that we would like to introduce in the entire article today and want readers to make use of for good!
19. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry For Relieving Diabetes
Gooseberry has chromium, which provides diabetic patients with a therapeutic value. Indian Gooseberry can help to stimulate the isolated cell group secreting the insulin hormone; thus relieving the levels of blood sugar in people suffering from diabetes and helping to promote their body healthy and balanced. As the blood sugar levels is lowered, it means that glucose would be used by the cells as energy for functioning as well; thus, the metabolism of your own would be stronger and more energetic without the spikes and plunges in blood sugar levels – a severe harm to people suffering from diabetes. Chromium in Indian gooseberry can also help to enhance the impacts of beta blockers, a super useful assistance for heart health, by lowering the LDL cholesterol rate inside the body.
20. Cancer
Another one out on the list of health and nutritional benefits of Indian gooseberry people need to know is that this fruit contains substances that can aid a lot in preventing and curing cancer. The abundant content of antioxidant that Indian gooseberry has can help a lot in restricting the development of carcinogenic cells; thus can help to prevent cancer effectively. It can help to keep the harmful free radicals at bay, reducing the risks of liver, skin, and stomach cancer. The ORAC (Oxidative Radiance Activity Capacity) can also help to prevent cell damage from oxidative stress, thus barring the growth of tumor cells inside our body. Indian gooseberry can also help to counteract the harmful effects of anti-cancer medicines.
21. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry For Cardiovascular Health
Indian gooseberry is also very famous as it has positive impacts on the cardiovascular system and heart health in general. It is very abundant in a lot of nutrients necessary for heart health, which can help to prevent the blockage of blood flowing to our heart, lowering the levels of bad cholesterol. It can help to strengthen the heart muscles, control hypertension, and lower cholesterol. Indian gooseberry has potent antioxidants such as pectin and amino acids, which can aid a lot in lowering the serum cholesterol inside our blood, relieving low density lipoprotein inside our body. It can also help to increase good cholesterol inside our body. C reactive protein and triglyceride are noticeably reduced by its intake. It can also help to protect the arteries from plaque and fat accumulation, helping to prevent atherosclerosis. In fact, this is also among the best health and nutritional benefits of Indian gooseberry that we want to encourage readers to learn carefully about and make use as soon as possible for good!
Get more: List of 22 Foods High in Cholesterol to Avoid
22. Antioxidants
The high levels of antioxidants contained in Indian gooseberry can help to protect the body from the harms of free radicals. It can also help to slow down the natural aging process and promote the longevity.
23. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry For Weight Loss
Health-conscious subjects should definitely consume more Indian gooseberry in their daily meals. Indian gooseberry can help to boost the metabolism, resulting at the reduced levels of fat accumulation inside our body. It can also help to keep our tummy full for a longer time period. People should add more Indian gooseberry juice for weight loss purposes. Keep reading to learn more benefits of Indian gooseberry and how to make use of this tiny fruit for those certain purposes right at the comfort of your own home.
24. Fight Infections
Thanks to the astringent and antibacterial attributes, Indian Gooseberries can help to protect your body against infection and can also help to improve the immune response of the whole body. This fruit is also very high in vitamin C, which is well-known for its powerful antioxidant abilities and the ability to boost the immune system. It can also help to increase the count of white blood cells inside our body, which is the major line of defense for our immunity, because these blood cells are responsible for attacking and eliminating foreign substances and toxins throughout the body and in the bloodstream.
Read more: 35 Foods To Increase Blood Platelets Count Instantly & Naturally
25. Respiratory Disorders
Indian gooseberry is also believed and well-known for its beneficial power on respiratory disorders. Vitamin C in this fruit makes it a mighty herb used in medicine to fight cough and cold. Consuming Indian gooseberry on a regular basis can help a lot in boosting the immune system, helping to reduce throat infection and flu effectively. It can also help a lot in dealing with and beating off blocked chest problems, tuberculosis, and chronic cough. It is also discovered to reduce signs and symptoms of asthma. In fact, this is also one of the best health and nutritional benefits of Indian gooseberry that we would like to introduce in the entire article today and want you to learn about and make use for good!
See more: Top 28 Natural Home Remedies for Asthma Attack
26. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry For Mental Health
By facilitating proper flow of blood, Indian gooseberry can also help to improve nerve health. Regular intake of Indian gooseberry can also help to improve cognitive functions, increase memory and concentration as well. It can also help to protect the nerve cells from the damage of free radicals, preventing conditions such as Alzheimer’s diseases and dementia. The high content of iron contained inside Indian gooseberry can help to facilitate oxygen transportation, thus helping to prevent the degeneration of the brain.
27. Stress
Indian gooseberry is actually a useful stress reliever and can aid a lot in inducing sound sleep. Try using Indian gooseberry oil to massage your scalp so that it will help to relieve headaches and induce sleep effectively. The use of Indian gooseberry oil to massage your scalp before bathing can help to remove bilious giddiness and night blindness.
28. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry For Bone Health
Another one out on the list of the best nutritional and health benefits of Indian gooseberry we need to talk about is the greatness for bone health and bone density.
Some professionals coming from Ferrara University have discovered that Indian gooseberry extract can help a lot in slowing the activities of osteoclasts, the cells contributing to the breaking down of bones. The anti-inflammatory power of this fruit can also aid a lot in reducing swelling and pain of the bone system in those who have arthritis. One of the unwell-known advantages of Indian gooseberries is how it can help our body in positively absorbing calcium. Calcium is actually an indispensable component of our bone system, nails, teeth, and also makes sure that we will enjoy healthy, lustrous, and beautiful hair. Indian gooseberry juice can help a lot in strengthening your nails and teeth. Thus, consuming a vitamin C-abundant fruit like Indian gooseberry is among the most useful ways to keep our body feeling and looking great!
Check more: Top 56 Natural Sources Of Calcium In Food For Everyday Life
29. Reproduction
This is the very last but not the last one out of the list of nutritional and health benefits of Indian gooseberry that we want readers to learn and remember to make use as soon as possible.
Indian gooseberry is famous as a vrishya herbal, meaning that it can help a lot in enhancing all 7 tissues, including the reproductive tissue. Indian gooseberries support the reproductive system in both females and males, overcoming difficulty in conceiving. Indian gooseberry offers powerful vipaka properties that can aid a lot in revitalizing semen in males by enhancing the quality of the sperms.
V. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry Juice For Skin
The cooling nature of Indian gooseberry makes it good for curing all types of skin disorders. Some health benefits of Indian gooseberry for skin include:
30. Anti-Viral Nature
This is actually the first one out on the list of the best beauty and health benefits of Indian gooseberry that people should not skip yet try making use as soon as possible for good!
The anti-viral properties of Indian gooseberry can help a lot in protecting the skin from harmful pathogenic conditions.
31. Restricts Free Radical Skin Damage
People could be able to control breakouts and acnes by eating this fruit on a regular basis. The antioxidant properties of Indian gooseberry can aid a lot in restricting the skin damages of free radicals, helping to prevent the onset of age spots and acnes effectively. This is also one of the best beauty and nutritional benefits of Indian gooseberry that people should make use at home!
32. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry In Reducing Pigmentation
The high Vitamin C content in Indian gooseberry can help to flush out the metals and toxins the body, helping us to digest more effectively and easily. This can also help to reduce skin pigmentation and blemishes.
33. Restore Skin Firmness
Indian gooseberry has large amounts of antioxidants and Vitamin C, making it extremely good for skin health. It can help to restore the firmness of the skin by boosting the production of collagen. This is, in fact, also among the most amazing health and nutritional benefits of Indian gooseberry that we should mention in this list above!
Learn more: 33 Natural Sources of Collagen You Might have Never Thought of
34. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry To Lighten Skin Tone
Consuming Indian gooseberry juice regularly can also aid a lot in brightening our skin tone. The anti-bacterial effect of Indian gooseberries can help a lot in purifying the blood, exposing the natural glowing skin beneath. It can also help a lot in revive the texture of the skin, making it supple and smooth.
35. Astringent Nature
Pimple-prone and oily skin will also need the help of Indian gooseberry. Try making a facemask with lemon juice, rose water, and the powder form of Indian gooseberries. The astringent nature of lemon and Indian gooseberry can help a lot in tightening the pores, giving us bright, healthy, and clear skin. Keep reading the article to learn about some other health benefits of Indian gooseberry that people should not look down yet try making use of these tiny fruits right from today!
Check more: Top 47 Natural Skin Tightening Remedies for Your Skin
36. Natural Cleanser
A face mask made with powdered Indian gooseberry can act effectively as a natural cleanser to remove grime and dirt from our facial skin. Try creating a thick paste by combining olive oil, water, and powdered Indian gooseberry with sufficient amounts. Use this mixture to apply directly onto the facial skin and rinse it off after ten minutes.
37. Heal Acnes And Pimples
Powdered Indian gooseberry is very helpful for clearing acnes and pimples. The naturally pure extract of Indian gooseberry can be used to apply directly onto the facial skin for reducing oiliness and pimples.
38. Reduce Blemishes And Skin Irritation
Indian gooseberry can help a lot in flushing out toxins from our body, fading blemishes and skin irritation.
39. Anti-Aging
Aging is a very common concern among people all over the world, especially women. When it comes to the power to slow down the natural or premature aging process, Indian gooseberry is among the best. This is also one of the best nutritional and health benefits of Indian gooseberry we should not look down yet try to make use as soon as possible for good!
Indian gooseberries can help to prevent health-related hyperlipidaemia by lowering the numbers of free radicals inside the body thanks to its antioxidant properties. Free radicals can contribute to signs of aging, such as age spots and wrinkles. It can also help to protect the body from radiation effectively as well. Fresh gooseberries have more than 80% carbohydrates, minerals, protein, water, and fiber. It can be used as a natural home remedy for anemia, indigestion, liver disorder, fever, cerebral, gastric, respiratory problems, urinary problems, and heart disease. Gooseberry can help to strengthen nails and teeth, lower cholesterol levels, and increase the production of red blood cells.
VI. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry For Hair
Indian gooseberry can be used in several hair tonics as it can help to enrich hair pigmentation and hair growth. It can help a lot in maintaining hair color, strengthening the hair roots, and improving luster. Consuming fresh gooseberries or using them to create a paste to apply onto the roots of your hair can help to improve the color and overall growth of your hair naturally and effectively. Indian gooseberry oil is extremely common in India as it has been discovered and proven to reduce the risks of baldness and hair loss. This quality is because of the carotene contained in this fruit, as well as the general antioxidant capacity and iron content it offers, which can help to reduce hair loss by not giving free radicals chances to pose harms to our hair follicles or influence the hormones that could be able to trigger premature hair fall.
40. Treat Scalp Conditions
Another one out on the list of the best health and nutritional benefits of Indian gooseberry we would like to introduce in the entire article today is that this tiny fruit can help to cure scalp related conditions naturally without requiring the support of any type of drug, pill, or medication.
Indian gooseberry contains antibacterial properties can help a lot in preventing scalp related diseases, such as dandruff and eczema. It can help to clear the build-up from the scalp, relieving scalp itchiness effectively.
41. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry To Boost Hair Growth
Indian gooseberries contain essential fatty acids that can help to boosting hair development. You can try using Indian gooseberry oil to massage directly onto your scalp to get shiny, long, and thick hair.
42. Natural Hair Color
A combination of shikakai [2] powder and Indian gooseberries could be used to dye your hair naturally. This is also one of the best health benefits of Indian gooseberry that you should not skip!
43. Strengthen Hair
Indian gooseberries can help to strengthen the hair roots, boosting hair development naturally. The nutrients contained in Indian gooseberries can help to penetrate into the follicles, making the hair voluminous, shinier, and softer. It can also help to condition the hair, making it stronger against breakage.
44. Prevent Premature Hair Graying
The antioxidant property of Indian gooseberry enriches the hair pigmentation, as mentioned above. Topical application of gooseberries in the powder form or paste form can help to prevent premature graying and nourish the scalp at the same time.
45. Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry To Treat Hair Fall
Another thing we cannot forget to mention on the list of the best health and nutritional benefits of Indian gooseberry today is its power to cure hair thinning and hair fall effectively and naturally.
Indian gooseberries are very abundant in Vitamin C, of which a mild deficiency can contribute to serious hair loss.
See more: 31 Best Natural Home Remedies for Hair Fall Control
The entire writing today is actually the list of 45 health and nutritional benefits of Indian gooseberry juice that people who love this vegetable and really want to use it to improve health should read carefully and take some notes. In fact, Indian gooseberry is not simply a tasty, juicy, and sweet fruit but it can be added to several dishes, such as ice-creams, sweet porridges, smoothies, candy…, but also a natural medicine that can help to beat off many diseases from mild to moderation levels. Moreover, Indian gooseberry is not difficult to find and also not too expensive to buy from any fruit store and supermarkets. Thus, people can try making several delicious dishes with this fruit by combining it with some simple ingredients. Indian gooseberry has been proven good for health and contains many nutritional values, so our dear readers should try making use of this sweet fruit regularly (excepting those with allergies or certain conditions as cautioned).
After reading the entire list of the best nutritional and health benefits of Indian gooseberry on AllRemedies and know how to store, process, and make use of this fruit, if you like the information we provide, let us know as a great encouragement. If you want to ask something or have something unclear about the content of this article, feel free to leave them in the section below, we will try our best to give you the most satisfying answers. In addition, if you know anyone else who needs the help of Indian gooseberry as well, then do not hesitate to share this list widely and make use of it together with people you know.
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