32 Health and Beauty Benefits of Corn
I – What Is Corn?
Originated in Central America and Mexico, corn is believed to be a vegetable but in fact, it is a food grain. Because corn has a pleasant and delicious taste, many people like eating this food. Baby corn is stored in tight jars and cans that are sold in the supermarkets. Asian people often use baby corn in their cooking. Sweet corn can be sprinkled in the fresh rice or cooked with chilies and onions. This grain is cultivated and harvested in summer. This grain is delicious and rich in nutrients. Moreover, it possesses many health and beauty benefits of corn.
II – What Are The Health And Beauty Benefits Of Corn?
There are many reasons for you to include corn in your regular diet. Continue reading the article on AllRemedies to know more.
1. Boost Digestion
Corn contains a great source of both insoluble fiber and soluble fiber. Therefore, corn is included in a list of healthy foods for digestion. Regular consumption of corn can facilitate the digestive process. It is one of health benefits of corn I would like to mention in this article. Soluble fiber has the ability to prevent cholesterol from forming a gel-like consistency. Insoluble fiber is beneficial in making stool bulky and soft; therefore, it helps reduce the risk of diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, constipation as well as intestinal problems.
Read more: A List of 38 Best Foods High in Fiber
2. Boost Energy
Because corn is viewed as a starchy vegetable, it contains a lot of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can provide your body enough energy for daily activities. Moreover, regular consumption of corn can keep the nervous system and brain function properly. As boosting energy is one of health benefits of corn, this starchy vegetable is a recommended beneficial food for athletes who need more carbs in their diet and more energy for their exercise performance. It takes the time to digest corn because this food is a complex carb. You should eat corn two or three hours before you exercise.
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3. Lower The Risk Of Anemia
Anemia is a health condition in which there are not enough red blood cells in the blood. When you get diagnosed with anemia, you may experience the weakness, fatigue, irregular heartbeat, pale or yellowish skin, lightheadedness or dizziness, chest congestion, cold hands and feet, and headache. Deficiency of folic acid,vitamin B12 or iron can lead to anemia. Lowering the risk of anemia is included in a list of health benefits of corn because this grain is loaded with folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron.
4. Aid In Weight Gain
Corn is a recommended healthy food for underweight people because one of health benefits of corn is aiding in weight gain. The principle of weight gain is increasing calories intake. It helps put some pounds in your body. Corn is an ideal food for weight gain because it is rich in calories and carbs. One cup of corn kernels can contain 130 calories. Corn can be served in a variety of ways.
5. Lower Bad Cholesterol Levels In Your Body
The liver produces cholesterol. However, there is good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body. It is important to keep the balance of good cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels in the body. The increase of bad cholesterol can weaken your heart and lead to cardiovascular diseases. Fatty foods are high in cholesterol; therefore, you should limit the consumption. Fortunately, there are many foods that help lower cholesterol levels in the body. That is also one of health benefits of corn that I would like to introduce in this article. Sweet corn is loaded with vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and carotenoids that contribute to this benefit of corn. Regular consumption of corn keeps your heart healthy. The antiatherogenic effect of corn oil help lower cholesterol levels, inhibit the cholesterol absorption and fight against the free radicals.
Read more: List of 22 Foods High in Cholesterol to Avoid
6. Prevent Hypertension And Diabetes
Organic vegetables such as corn can treat the signs of diabetes. The whole corn contains phenolic phytochemicals that regulate the release of insulin in the body. Therefore, baby corn or sweet corn is a recommended healthy food for diabetic patients. Consumption of corn can help patients with diabetes or hypertension improve the symptoms and have a normal life. Moreover, corn is rich in pantothenic acid. B vitamins present in corn have the ability to metabolize lipid, protein, and carbohydrate in the body. Regular consumption of corn can keep the adrenal glands function well and thus, prevent stress.
Read more: 37 Best Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes Mellitus
7. Strengthen Connective Tissue
Connective tissue is the important part in ligaments, bones, cartilage, muscles, and tendons. If the connective tissue is not strong enough, it can lead to bone breakdown, muscle weakness, tendon injury and ligament pain. Corn is loaded with magnesium that regulates blood sugar levels, break down fat and carbs to provide energy for daily activities. A cup of corn can give you 12% of the daily recommended magnesium intake. Corn is also rich in other essential minerals such as phosphorous, copper and iron that can strengthen the bone. Increasing copper, iron, magnesium and phosphorus intake can help prevent bone cracking and weakness caused by aging.
Read more: List of Common Foods High in Magnesium – 19 Foods
8. Keep Cancer At Bay
Corn has a lot of antioxidants that can fight against the damage from free radicals and keep certain cancers at bay. Moreover, ferulic acid, the phenolic compounds, present in corn is beneficial in inhibiting the tumor growth in the liver and breast.
9. Improving Vision
When we search for health benefits of corn, you should mention that it can improve the vision. For the better vision, it is recommended consuming the yellow kernel of corn regularly. This is because it contains carotenoids. Carotenoids have the ability to protect your eyes against macular degeneration and impairment of vision. Beta-carotene present in corn can help boost the production of vitamin A that improves the vision.
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10. Lower The Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases
Corn oil contains an antiatherogenic effect; therefore, it can help regulate the cholesterol levels in your body and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Consumption of corn oil is good for the heart health because corn oil is packed with omega 3 fatty acids. These healthy fatty acids play the important role in reversing the damage caused by bad cholesterol and increasing the good cholesterol in your body. Moreover, it increases blood flow and circulation by keeping the arteries from being clogged. Regular consumption of corn can help regulate the blood pressure and prevent stroke and heart attack. It is health benefits of corn that I would like to share with you in this article.
11. Beneficial For Pregnant Women And Unborn Baby
Pregnant women should eat corn regularly for their health and the unborn baby’s development. Corn is loaded with folic acid, the essential nutrient for pregnancy. The deficiency of folic acid during the pregnancy can lead to neural tube defects or underweight infants. Because of these health benefits of corn for both the baby and the expecting mother, pregnant women should include corn in their diet. However, consumption of corn can worsen the conditions of swollen feet or hands or high blood pressure.Therefore, you should consult your doctor carefully before consuming corn.
12. Lower The Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease
Corn is a great source of thymine that contributes to enzymatic reactions and helps improve the cognitive function. Moreover, this grain is good for the synthesis of acetylcholine that plays the important role in maintaining the good memory. Deficiency of acetylcholine may cause Alzheimer’s disease and mental function impairment. Aging is a triggering cause for mental function impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. When you search for health benefits of corn, you should not ignore it.
13. Keep You In A Good Mood
The good news for someone who often suffers from stress and anxiety is that there are many foods for fighting against stress and depression. It balances your mood and keeps you in a good mood. Corn is a great source of vitamin B6 that helps boost the production of norepinephrine and serotonin in your brain. Serotonin and norepinephrine regulate your mood. In addition to these benefits of corn, consumption of this grain can make more melatonin produced and keep your internal clock normal. It gives you a deep peaceful sleep at night and makes you feel awake in the morning.
14. Keep Blood Sugar Normal
Unhealthy fatty foods on the market can increase the blood sugar levels in your body. It is important for you to limit the consumption of these unhealthy fatty foods and eat nutritious foods daily. Many harmful factors can affect the blood sugar levels and increase the risk of diabetes. Fortunately, there are a variety of foods that can regulate the blood sugar levels. One of them is corn. It is also one of health benefits of corn that I would like to introduce in this article. Corn contains a lot of nutrients including folic acid, vitamin B1, and B5 that are beneficial in regulating blood sugar levels in your body. Fiber and protein in corn not only treat digestive problems but also prevent sudden drops and spikes in the blood sugar. It is recommended consuming one or two cups of corn daily.
15. Loaded With Antioxidants
Research has found out that corn is loaded with antioxidants because of a lots phytochemicals found in kernels. Moreover, yellow corn contains carotenoids such as zeaxanthin and lutein that are beneficial for the heart. It is believed that heating corn may cause nutrient and property loss. But actually, heating corn can make antioxidant increase.
16. Rich In Protein
Protein plays the important role in providing your body throughout your day and increasing muscle mass. This one of health benefits of corn makes it become a health vegetable I would like to introduce to you in this article. A cup of corn can contain 5 or 6 grams of protein. Therefore, you should include corn in your regular diet.
18. Alleviate Hemorrhoid
The experience with hemorrhoid is painful and uncomfortable especially when you have bowel movements. This is because hemorrhoid makes the blood vessels on the outer anus and rectum become swollen and bleed. There are some prescription medications and natural home remedies that can help you heal the conditions of hemorrhoids. Moreover, when you get diagnosed with hemorrhoid, you should pay attention to your diet. The ways you choose your foods can make hemorrhoid less painful. It is recommended increasing fiber in your diet. Fiber can help make stool soft and bulky; therefore, it is easier for stool to pass out of your body. Moreover, fiber is beneficial in reducing bleeding. You can increase fiber intake by eating fiber rich foods such as corn. Corn is a great source of fiber; therefore, regular consumption of corn can help improve digestive problems. Moreover, adding fiber in your regular diet can help you lower the risk of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. They are also health benefits of corn that you should know. If you look for great sources of fiber, you should not ignore corn. You can also take fiber supplement for treating hemorrhoid after you consult your doctor carefully.
19. Enhance The Nutrient Absorption In Your Body
Corn is often used in a variety of central and South American dishes. The possible explanation for that is that corn is rich in nutrients and this grain can boost the absorption of nutrients. For instance, regular consumption of corn can help boost the absorption of minerals such as calcium, zinc, and iron. They are health benefits of corn. You should consume corn regularly to improve the overall health.
20. Packed With Vitamins
Corn is packed with B vitamins such as niacin and thiamin. Thiamin is an essential vitamin for cognitive function and nerve health. Moreover, niacin deficiency can lead to diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia. Moreover, corn is a great source of vitamin E that play the important role in boosting the immune system and enhance the body defense against disease and illness.
In addition to health benefits of corn, this grain contains a lot of beauty benefits. Corn is loaded with several vitamins such as niacin, thiamin, and vitamin C. Corn is also rich in antioxidants and minerals. These nutrients are beneficial for skin and they are needed for the skin care. Continue to read to know more about beauty benefits of corn.
21. Make Your Skin Healthy
Looking for the list of beauty benefits of corn, you should mention that the use of corn can make your skin healthy. Yellow corn is loaded with beta-carotene that turns into vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A is beneficial for the healthy skin. Both lycopene and vitamin A have the ability to prevent skin damage caused by UV rays and free radicals. Moreover, increasing the intake of beta-carotene can boost the production of collagen that can help maintain the smooth and glowing skin.You can eat corn in your regular diet to get enough beta-carotene and lycopene. Alternatively, you can also apply corn oil topically to your skin. Linoleic acid present in corn oil is also beneficial for skin health.
22. Alleviate Skin Rashes Or Irritation
Corn starch is often added in many cosmetic problems and it can be used topically to treat skin irritation and rashes. You just need to apply a sufficient amount of corn oil to your skin and leave it for a couple of minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
23. Reduce Aging Signs
Corn contains anti-aging properties. It is a reason why eating corn on a regular basis can help make you look younger. People who add corn in their diet have fewer wrinkles, fine lines as well as aging signs. Corn can help slow down the aging process. Eating corn can lengthen your longevity. Moreover, corn oil is often used as a beneficial ingredient in many cosmetic and skin care products for reducing wrinkles and fine lines. When you use these products, you should read the label carefully to avoid side effects and allergic reaction. Remember that not all expensive products are effective. Alternatively, you can use corn oil topically to reduce and prevent the early appearance of aging signs on your skin. Follow this instruction:
- Spread corn oil over the wrinkles and fine lines
- Use your fingertips to massage your skin gently
- Leave it for 15 – 20 minutes
- Rinse it off with lukewarm water
If you want to have a satisfactory result, you should repeat the treatment several times a week.
Read more: home remedies for wrinkles
24. Improve The Skin Texture
When applied to your skin, the nutrients of corn oil can be absorbed into the skin deeply. The use of corn oil can help nourish your skin and make it look smooth and bright. In order to enhance your skin texture, you just need to massage your skin with a sufficient amount of corn oil regularly. Corn is packed with a plenty of nutrients. Overconsumption of corn also gives you a glowing and radiant skin.
25. Reduce Acne And Pimples
If you have skin problems like acne and pimples, you do not need to buy expensive skin care products. Some natural ingredients from the kitchen can help reduce acne and prevent breakouts. To reduce acne, you should pay attention to your diet. It is recommended consuming more fruits and vegetables. Corn is one of the healthy foods for acne. Moreover, corn is loaded with vitamin E. Therefore, people often combine corn with other natural ingredients to create an effective paste for treating and reducing acne.
In this article about benefits of corn, I would like to introduce to you an effective remedy for acne problem made from cornstarch and water.
Do this:
- Mix a tablespoon of cornstarch with a sufficient amount of water to create a consistent paste
- Set the paste aside and then rinse your face with a mild cleanser
- Use your fingertips or a cotton bud to apply the paste to your skin
- Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes until it turns completely dry
- Rinse it off with lukewarm water
Because cornstarch may make your skin drier, you should apply it directly to the affected areas where you have acne and excess oil production. Do not use this treatment too much. If you feel your skin much drying, you should apply a suitable moisturizer to your skin to regain the lost moisture. You can add lemon juice to the mixture to enhance its benefit in treating acne and pimples. A teaspoon of lemon juice has the ability to kill off the bacteria causing acne and pimples. Moreover, the combination of cornstarch, water, and lemon juice is effective in lightening acne scars.
Read more: 28 Best Natural Acne Cures at Home That Work Fast
26. Make Your Skin Fair
In an article about the benefits of corn, I would like to introduce corn flour facial pack for the fairness skin. This facial pack can help lighten acne scars, dark marks, dark spots, and freckles. The regular use of this pack can make the facial skin glowing and radiant.
To prepare this mask, you will need:
- A tablespoon of corn flour
- A tablespoon of turmeric
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- A tablespoon of baking soda
- A few drops of rosewater
Do this:
- Mix corn oil, turmeric, lemon juice, baking soda and rosewater together
- Cleanse your skin with water before applying the mixture to your skin
- Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes
- Rinse it off with lukewarm water
Learn also: How to Get Glowing Skin Naturally at Home – 34 Simple Ways
27. Lighten Your Skin
Corn also has lightening effects that are also benefits of corn. Corn helps relieve sunburn, get rid of discoloration and improve your uneven skin tone. If combined with other natural ingredients such as honey and milk, corn is effective in softening and lightening rough skin. The combination of corn flour and rice powder oil can help control the oil production, smooth skin and get rid of dead skin cells. Regular use can give you a radiant and glowing skin.
You will need:
- 2 tablespoons of corn flour
- A tablespoon of honey
- 3 tablespoons of milk
- 2 tablespoons or rice powder
Do this:
- Wash your facial skin with lukewarm water first
- Mix corn flour, honey, milk and rice powder in a bowl to create a creamy paste
- Apply a thick layer of this mixture to your skin
- Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes
- Rinse it off with lukewarm water
Alternatively, you can mix corn flour with papaya and banana. The alpha hydroxy acids, antioxidants, and vitamins present in papaya and banana can whiten your skin and make your skin look smooth and glowing.
Do this:
- Blend two or three slices of papaya and banana
- Add 2 tablespoons of corn and stir all ingredients well to create a smooth paste
- Store the mixture in a refrigerator for 30 minutes
- Wash your facial skin with lukewarm water
- Spread the mixture over your skin
- Use your fingertips to massage your skin for 5 to 6 minutes
- Soak a cotton ball in cold water and use it to remove the mixture from your skin
If you want to get a satisfactory result, you should repeat the treatment twice or thrice a week.
28. Exfoliating Face Scrub With Cornstarch
Cornstarch can be used to make an exfoliating face scrub. In this article about the health and beauty benefits of corn, I would like to introduce to you the exfoliating face scrub with cornstarch. This scrub can help treat dull skin, hydrate and smooth your skin. You can use this face scrub in the summer to avoid dullness and darkness.
To prepare this scrub, you will need:
- A tablespoon of cornstarch
- A tablespoon of oats powder
- A tablespoon of coffee powder
- 3 tablespoons of coconut oil
Do this:
- Mix cornstarch, oats powder, coffee powder and coconut oil together
- Rinse your skin with water
- Apply the mixture to your skin and then exfoliate your skin for a few minutes
- Rinse it off with cold water
It is recommended exfoliating your skin twice a week. Do not exfoliate too much because it can make your skin thinner and more sensitive. This scrub can clean and lighten your skin, making your skin radiant and smooth.
29. Keep Your Hair Healthy
Looking for the beauty benefits of corn, we should mention that corn oil has the ability to keep your hair healthy. Corn oil is loaded with omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids that can treat inflammation and keep the scalp from becoming flaky and dry. These fatty acids are essential for the cell structure. Deficiency of these fatty acids may lead to hair fall or brittle hair.
In order to make your hair healthy and nourished, you should follow this instruction:
- Make the corn oil warm by heating it for a few minutes
- Apply the warm corn oil to your hair and your scalp
- Use your fingertips to massage your hair and your scalp for a few minutes
- Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes
- Rinse it off with a mild shampoo and lukewarm water
If you want to have a satisfactory result, you should repeat the treatment three times daily.
30. Combat Hair Loss
There are also many beauty benefits of corn oil for hair. Regular consumption of corn can strengthen your hair because corn is packed with antioxidants such as lycopene and vitamin C. Both lycopene and vitamin C can boost the production of collagen, leaving your hair to look smooth. Corn oil can add shine and volume to your hair. It is not surprising when corn oil is included in many hair products. One of beauty benefits of corn oil for hair is combatting hair loss. Corn oil is loaded with vitamin E and fatty acids. Therefore, application of corn oil can make hair follicles well-nourished and hydrated. Corn oil is packed with antioxidants; therefore, it can prevent the free radical damages such as hair fall and dryness. Moreover, vitamin K present in corn oil aids in the absorption of calcium, treating hair loss.
Do this:
- Make corn oil warm
- Spread corn oil over your hair and massage your scalp in circular motions for a few minutes before bedtime
- Cover your hair with a plastic cap
- Leave it overnight
- Wash it off with water and mild shampoo in the morning
If you want to have a satisfactory result, you should repeat the treatment twice a week.
31. Condition Your Hair
Corn oil can help nourish and moisturize your hair and your scalp. Therefore, instead of buying expensive hair conditioners, you can use corn oil. Because of numerous beauty benefits of corn for hair, you can use the corn oil as an effective conditioner.
Do this:
- Warm up a sufficient amount of corn oil to make it penetrate your hair and your scalp better
- Wear a plastic cap
- Leave it for 15 minutes
- Rinse it off with shampoo and warm water
It is recommended applying this treatment two or three times a week to see the best result.
32. Oil Mixture To Nourish Your Hair
People want to have a healthy and glowing hair; therefore, they pay attention to the hair care routine. Therefore, they buy a lot of hair products that claim to nourish your hair. But there are many beauty benefits of corn oil for hair. It can help nourish and strengthen your hair effectively when combined with other natural ingredients.
In this article about benefits of corn, I would like to share with you the oil mixture for hair.
Do this:
- Combine a tablespoon of corn oil with a few drops of tea tree oil
- Apply the oil mixture to your hair
- Leave it for 15 minutes
- Wear a shower cap while waiting
- Wash it off with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo
Repeat this treatment until you get the best result. If the tea tree oil is not available, you can use rosemary oil.
These are 32 health and beauty benefits of corn I would like to introduce to you in this article. I hope that you can find this article informative and helpful. Do you like eating corn or know any natural ways to use corn for hair and skin? Feel free to leave your experience and ideas bellow the post. I will answer as soon as I can.
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