Top 11 Tips How To Reduce Triglyceride Levels Fast With Dieting
What Is Triglyceride?
Triglycerides are a specific type of fat found in your body. When you consume food, it is understandable that the calories from food are transmitted into energy, which enables you to perform daily activities. However, if you take in more calories than your body needs to function properly, it will definitely convert the extra calories into triglycerides and stores them in your fat cells to be used for energy later. While this seems to be a brilliant mechanism of your body, having too many triglycerides in your bloodstream can increase your risk of heart disease and other health-related problems.
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Triglycerides Levels and Cardiovascular Risk
Scientific studies demonstrate that the risks of heart attack and other hear-related problems can be increased by high triglycerides level [1]. As an inevitable result, acknowledging individual triglyceride level is as vital as knowing one’s cholesterol level [2]. Many experts also add that in various cases, triglycerides and cholesterol numbers go hand in hand, and the possibilities of heart-related problems may be handed down from previous generations to the next ones. Normal triglycerides are less than 150 mg/dL. If your level is over 200 mg/dL, it is too high. With over 500 mg/dL, the triglycerides level is very high.
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Top 11 Easy Tips How To Reduce Triglyceride Levels Fast With Dieting
Fortunately, it is possible to keep your triglycerides level under control with some diet tips and tricks. In other words, if you eat healthy and balanced meals, you stand a good chance of decreasing the level of triglycerides as diet plays a very important role in managing your triglycerides. There is a grain of truth in the belief that healthy choices people make when it comes to diet and work out routine are even more crucial than supplements or medications to control triglycerides level in most people. In this article, we have provided top 11 easy tips on how to reduce triglyceride levels fast with dieting.
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1. Reduce Saturated Fats And Trans Fats
As simple as it might seem, lowering your fat intake is the very first tip to keep in mind. Saturated fats and trans fats are the bad types of fat, which can only worsen your problem of having high triglycerides level. Food products originating from pork or beef coupled with various types of fast foods such as fried chicken or burger, and commercially baked goods, as well as other junk foods, contain a lot of bad fats. Even though these foods taste so good, reducing their consumption is vital if you want to achieve a healthy level of triglycerides. [3].
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Keeping fat intake under control does not mean you have to cut out fats completely from your diets. By contrast, there are a number of foods which provide your body with healthy fats. They are avocado, nuts and seeds, olive oil, etc. You should make an effort to substitute bad fats for good ones to reduce your triglycerides level.
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2. How To Reduce Triglyceride Levels – Limit Your Added Sugar Intake
It is a widely approved view that excess sugar consumption creates havoc for your general well-being. Nonetheless, added sugar accounts for a big part of many people's diets. Too much sugar in your diet is turned into triglycerides, which can result in an increase in blood triglyceride levels, along with other heart disease risk factors. One study which lasted for 15 years showed that those who consumed at least 25% of calories from sugar were twice as likely to die from heart disease as those who consumed less than 10% of calories from sugar. [4].
Added sugar commonly lurks in sweets, cookies, soft drinks, and fruit juice. Therefore, in order to keep your triglycerides level normal, which lessens the chances of your having heart-related problems, stay away from sugary treats.
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3. Eat More Fiber
One thing you should always remember to incorporate in your every meal is fiber. Including more fiber in your diet can decrease the absorption of fat and sugar in your small intestine, which helps to lower the amount of triglycerides in your blood. [5]. In one recent research, experts in the field of nutrition illustrated that providing people with meals full of rice fiber reduced triglycerides in the blood roughly down to 7–8% among those who suffer from diabetes.
There is no rocket science in finding foods which are rich in fiber. There is a variety of them, ranging from fruits, vegetables and whole grains to nuts, cereals, and legumes. These are also essential parts of a healthy diet. Not only do you stand a chance of keeping your triglycerides level in check, but you can also have better overall health with more fiber.
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4. How To Reduce Triglyceride Levels – Follow A Low-Carb Diet
It is advisory that those who have very high triglycerides level should follow a low carb diet, which focuses mainly on protein rather than carbohydrate for the sake of their heart. Just as refined sugar, an excessive amount of carbs of your daily consumption can be transformed into triglycerides and your body coverts it into body fat. Not surprisingly, a low carb diet has been linked to lower blood triglyceride levels. In a study conducted in 2006, participants were made to follow a low-carb diet, whose 26% of calories came from carbs. The results came as a surprise as these people had greater reductions in blood triglyceride levels as compared to the participants who were given higher carb diets providing up to 54% of calories from carbs. [6].
The answer to the question of how to reduce triglyceride levels with dieting is to follow a low carb diet by minimizing carb intake.
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5. Eat Fatty Fish Twice Weekly
There is no better source of good fats and omega 3 than fatty fish like salmon or tuna. One of the top 11 tips on how to reduce triglyceride levels fat with dieting is to eat fatty fish regularly. There is a widely approved belief that fatty fish have the ability to do wonders for human heart health coupled with blood triglycerides levels. This can be justified by the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that is considered essential, meaning you need to get it through your diet. Accordingly, having two servings of fatty fish per week can decrease the risks of heart disease and reduce triglyceride levels.
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6. How To Reduce Triglyceride Levels – Increase Intake Of Unsaturated Fats
Researches show that unsaturated fats (which include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) can reduce blood triglyceride levels, especially when they are replacing other types of fats. While the former type of fats can be found abundantly in foods such as olive oil, nuts, and avocados, the latter is present in most vegetable oils and fatty fish. In a study, the participants were given four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil daily for six weeks. For the duration of the study, this was the only source of added fat in their diets. The results indicated a remarkable drop in triglyceride levels, as well as total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, compared to the control group. [7].
Therefore, to gain the benefits of unsaturated fats when it comes to lowering blood triglyceride levels, you should opt for a healthy fat like olive oil and use it as an alternative to replace other types of bad fats in your daily meals.
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7. Establish A Regular Meal Pattern
When it comes to lowering the triglyceride level in the body, meal frequency proves to work. After you have a meal, the cells in your pancreas send a signal to release insulin into the bloodstream. Therefore, insulin is responsible for transporting glucose to your cells, thus it is used for energy. In case you have too much insulin in your blood, your body can become resistant to it, making it difficult for insulin to be used effectively. This can result in a build-up of both glucose and triglycerides in your bloodstream. Luckily, following a regular eating pattern can assist in preventing insulin resistance and high triglycerides.
Accordingly, so as to regulate your triglyceride level, you should remember to feed your body at regular times throughout the day, with three main meals and 2 to 3 frequent snacks as this will prevent your body from being resistant to insulin.
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8. How To Reduce Triglyceride Levels – Add Soy Protein To Your Diet
Even though protein plays a crucial role in everyone’s diet, many people agree with the consensus that animal protein is not the healthiest source of all as it can increase the cholesterol level in your body. A great substitution is soy. Soy is very high in isoflavones, which are a type of plant compound with various health benefits. This is particularly true when it comes to lowering triglyceride level. [8].
A brilliant way how to reduce triglyceride levels is to substitute the animal for soy protein. Soy protein can be found in foods like soybeans, tofu, and soy milk. Consuming soy protein as an alternative to the conventional animal protein can tremendously give you a drop in your blood triglycerides level.
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9. How To Reduce Triglyceride Levels – Limit Alcohol Intake
The health problems related to excessive consumption of alcohol cannot be denied. One of them is increasing triglyceride levels. This is because alcohol is high in sugar and calories. If these calories remain unused, they can be converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells. Some studies even demonstrate that moderate alcohol consumption can increase blood triglycerides by up to 53%, even if your triglyceride levels are normal in the first place. [9].
Therefore, if you are a heavy drinker, you run greater risks of high triglyceride levels as compared to those who moderately consume alcohol and those who do not drink. In order to keep heart problems, which are direct consequences of high triglyceride levels, those who drink an extra amount of wine, beer, and other alcohol beverages should decelerate their intake.
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10. How To Reduce Triglyceride Levels – Eat More Tree Nuts
Eating nuts has been proven scientifically to decrease triglyceride levels. A 2010 article in the Archives of Internal Medicine analyzed the results of 25 different trials to measure the effects of nuts on triglyceride levels. This study found that eating nuts could lower triglyceride levels by more than 10 percent in some people. All tree nuts such as walnuts, cashews, almond, pecans, pistachios, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts are effective in lowering triglyceride levels. By incorporating these types of nuts in your daily meals or snacks, you have the right to hope that your triglyceride levels will decrease. However, portion control is important when it comes to nuts as they are very high in calories. Although these nuts have more benefits to eat, The Wall Street Journal notes that to reap their benefits most people only need to consume two servings per day.
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11. Opt For The Mediterranean Diet
A very popular dietary pattern to decrease triglycerides is the Mediterranean diet. This diet is featured with foods which are not high in glycemic index coupled with a large consumption of good fats, particularly olive oil and fatty fish, and small consumption of conventional meats as well as saturated fats. The overall intake of carbohydrates is also very low in this diet. However, the types of carbohydrates consumed are predominantly low in glycemic index – owing to the fact that they are largely unprocessed.
To lower triglycerides, some foods should be avoided, and these foods are not included in a Mediterranean diet. You have to decrease animal fats and refined carbohydrates such as bread or pasta if you want to strictly follow this diet. Foods that can be added to the diet to reduce triglycerides are cold water fish, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, thus help to lower triglycerides. Some notable representatives of foods which are high in omega 3 are fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and halibut. Other food choices which are also efficient in lowering triglycerides include high fiber nuts and seeds such as oats, walnuts, and beans of any kinds.
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How To Reduce Triglyceride Levels – Conclusion
Having high triglyceride levels means you are consuming too much sugar and bad fats in your diet, which can pave the way for numerous health consequences. High triglycerides are often linked to not only heart disease, but also obesity and type 2 diabetes. By following top 11 tips on how to reduce triglyceride levels with dieting we have listed below, you can hope to regulate the level of triglyceride in your body, thus optimize your overall health. If you know any other How To tips and tricks which help to decrease triglyceride levels, so not hesitate to share with us!
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