Updated: 12/07/2019
- I – Vaginal Odor Symptoms
- II – Causes Of Vaginal Odor
- I – Home Remedies For Vaginal Odor
- 1. Apple cider vinegar
- 2. Yogurt
- 3. Baking Soda
- 4. Garlic
- 5. Tea Tree Oil
- 6. White Vinegar
- 7. Citrus Fruits
I – Vaginal Odor Symptoms
It is important for you to notice the symptoms of vaginal odor symptoms before finding suitable home remedies for this problem. The most common symptoms of vaginal odor include:
- Itching, redness, and irritation in the vaginal area
- Excess white discharge
- Metallic-smelling discharge
- Foul-smelling discharge
- Fishy smell
- White, thick discharge
- Yellow or green discharge
- Pain during intercourse
- Pain in the lower abdomen
II – Causes Of Vaginal Odor
Every problem has its own contributing factors. So does the vaginal odor. Here are its causes:
- Yeast infection causing thick, white discharge
- Bacterial infections or growth causing a foul, fishy smell
- Hormonal changes due to breastfeeding, menopause, or pregnancy
- Poor hygiene
- Sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis causing green
- A forgotten tampon
- Wearing cotton undergarments
- Using too much soap when you rinse the vaginal area. That may result in the excess production of natural chemicals, leading to bad odor and unpleasant smell.
Furthermore, certain serious diseases may increase the possibility of developing a disgusting smell and abnormal vaginal discharge. They may include cancer of the vagina or cervix. If you have a fishy oil, a certain cause may be bacterial vaginosis.
Now, let’s find out the top home remedies for vaginal odor in women.
- 20 Natural At-Home Remedies for Yeast Infection Symptoms
- 15 Home Remedies Using Tea Tree Oil For Yeast Infection Itching
- 6 Home Remedies For Chlamydia
III – Home Remedies For Vaginal Odor
1. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the amazing home remedies for vaginal odor you should know if you are a woman. Apple cider vinegar contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Using apple cider vinegar can get rid of the bad odor by removing the bacteria and toxins. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar has the ability to regulate the acidic quality of the vaginal flora. There are two ways for you to use apple cider vinegar for treating vaginal odor.
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The first one is taking a warm bath with apple cider vinegar.
- Add two cups of apple cider vinegar into a warm bath
- Relax in this warm bath for 20 minutes
- Repeat this procedure several times a week to get a satisfactory result
The other is to consume apple cider vinegar with water.
- Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water
- Drink it daily to get the best result
2. Yogurt
Yogurt is also included in a list of amazing home remedies for vaginal odor. Yogurt is loaded with lactobacillus bacteria[1] that help regulate the vaginal pH level and prevent candida infection. The vaginal pH level should be kept in balance if you want to prevent or reduce vaginal odor. You can consume 2 cups of unsweetened yogurt on a daily basis to improve your immune system and treat vaginal odor. Alternatively, you can insert some plain yogurt into your body with the use of a tampon. Let it sit for a few hours. Remove the tampon and then wash the area carefully. Some people take probiotic supplements before consulting their doctor.
3. Baking Soda
Baking soda can help get rid of the vaginal odor by balancing the pH level in the body. It is a reason why I would like to introduce baking soda in the article about amazing home remedies for vaginal odor in women.
Here are the instructions:
- Add one cup of baking soda into the warm bath water
- Relax in this bath for about 20 minutes
- Use a clean towel to dry yourself thoroughly
It is recommended to repeat this treatment regularly to get a satisfactory result.
4. Garlic
Garlic is considered a natural antibiotic; therefore, it can deal with vaginal odor caused by vaginal infections. Furthermore, the antibacterial properties of garlic can treat yeast infection and bad bacteria.
Do you want to use garlic as one of the amazing home remedies for vaginal odor? You just need to add the garlic cloves to your diet. Alternatively, you can apply a garlic clove to the vagina and leave it for one or 2 hours. It is recommended repeating this treatment a few times a week until you get a satisfactory result.
5. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil contains antiseptic and antifungal properties; therefore, using tea tree oil can remove unpleasant vaginal odor. Tea tree oil is effective in getting rid of bacteria that cause vaginal odor.
How is tea tree oil used for treating vaginal odor? Follow this instruction:
- Dissolve a few drops of tea tree oil in a cup of water
- Rinse your vagina with that solution daily to get the best result
Alternatively, you can soak a tampon in some tea tree oil and apply it to your vagina. Leave it on for one hour. You should repeat this treatment a couple of times a week until the bad odor disappears completely.
6. White Vinegar
White vinegar can break down odor proteins, thus neutralizing odors. A white vinegar rinse is effective in eliminating vaginal odor. Furthermore, white vinegar can help regulate the pH levels in the vagina. It is a reason why I would like to introduce white vinegar in the article about amazing tips and home remedies for vaginal odor in women.
Here are the instructions:
- Mix one-half cup of each salt and white vinegar in the warm bath water
- Relax in this bath for 20 minutes
- Rinse it off with lukewarm water
You should repeat this treatment several times a week until the bad odor disappears completely.
7. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are effective in fighting infections and preventing vaginal odor. Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C that can help boost your immune system and get rid of toxins from your body. A strong immune system plays an important role in fighting against the harmful bacteria that lead to vaginal odor. Eating citrus fruits also helps relieve urinary tract infections. Do you want to know effective home remedies for vaginal odor? You should not ignore citrus fruits.
8. Pineapple
Pineapple is an amazing fruit for vaginal health. Consuming pineapple is effective in getting rid of vaginal odor. All you need to do is add pineapple juice or raw pineapple to a regular diet. It is recommended that drinking one or two glasses of pineapple juice daily and you can see the symptoms of vaginal odor disappear after a few days.
9. Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide[2] is not actually a home remedy but this multipurpose chemical is effective in treating bacterial vaginosis and getting rid of the bad vaginal odor. Hydrogen peroxide is considered as one of the most excellent feminine odor treatments. Hydrogen peroxide contains natural disinfecting effects that can kill harmful bacteria in the vagina.
To use hydrogen peroxide treatment, you will need:
- 3% hydrogen peroxide
- Water
- 1 tampon
Do this:
- Mix peroxide with water in equal quantities
- Soak a tampon in this solution
- Insert this tampon into your vagina
- Leave it for about 30 minutes
You should repeat this treatment several times a week until you get the foul odor is treated successfully.
10. Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll tablets or liquid chlorophyll is one of the amazing home remedies for vaginal odor I would like to introduce to you in this article. They can act as a great deodorant that can relieve the unpleasant and strong odor from the vagina. You just need to dilute one tablespoon of chlorophyll in 8 oz. of water and then drink it. It is recommended consulting your doctor before using chlorophyll treatment.
11. Alum
Alum is aluminum potassium sulfate. It is effective in cleaning water tanks and it can be used as a traditional aftershave ointment. The combination of alum and water may get rid of harmful bacteria. Alum is effective in preventing bacterial growth. You will need:
- Alum
- Water
Here are effective ways on how to use alum as one of the amazing home remedies for vaginal odor:
- Add half a teaspoon of alum into a glass of water and then consume it twice a day
- Deep an alum sticks into the water and then rub it gently around the vaginal area.
- Add one-fourth tablespoon of alum powder into a glass of water and then use that solution to rinse the vaginal area
12. Cranberry
Cranberry is effective in curing urinary tract infection. Cranberry contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It is a reason why cranberry is also helped get rid of the bad odor of your vagina. Using cranberry can help prevent bacteria growth.
You will need:
- 1-liter water
- 1 cup of cranberries
Do this:
- Let the cranberries soak in water for the whole night
- Sip this solution during the day
This solution can help remove toxins and avoid bacterial infections.
To treat vaginal odor, you can also blend the cranberries and drink the juice. It is important to note that patients with irritable bowel disease should not consume the pulp of cranberry.
13. Turmeric
Turmeric is one of the amazing home remedies for vaginal odor I would like to introduce to you in this article. This is because turmeric contains anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Consuming turmeric can help get rid of bacteria and enhance immunity. First, when you use turmeric for treating vaginal odor, you should prepare the ingredients like:
- 1 glass milk
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1-inch turmeric root
Here are those ways on how to use turmeric as one of the amazing home remedies for vaginal odor:
- Wash and peel turmeric root and then chew it in the morning
- Dissolve turmeric powder into a glass of milk and then consume it before bedtime.
- Wash and peel turmeric root and add it into a pan filled with water. Boil it for a few minutes. Use the water to wash your vagina.
You should to that treatment until the foul odor of your vagina disappear completely.
To use turmeric for treating vaginal odor, you should follow this instruction.
14. Seeds And Nuts
Containing a great source of vitamin E, seeds and nuts are effective in preventing itching and vaginal dryness. Pumpkin seeds are loaded with zinc; therefore pumpkin seeds are used to treat itching, vaginal dryness, vaginal odor, and bacterial growth. Other nuts including flaxseeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts have the ability to treat hormonal imbalance, cure vaginal dryness and regulate the menstrual cycle. Therefore, in this article about the amazing top home remedies for vaginal odor, we should mention seeds and nuts.
To use seeds and nuts for treating vaginal odor, you will need:
- 2 hazelnuts
- 4 almonds
- 1 cup milk
- 1 tablespoon of flaxseed powder
Do this:
- Let 4 almonds soak in water for about 4 hours
- Peel off the skin of almonds
- Put those almonds and hazelnuts into a blender
- Spin it
- Pour the milk into a cup and then add the flaxseed powder into that milk
- Stir well and consume it
Did you know that the combination of milk and nuts is effective in improving bone health, boost brain function, enhancing immunity and getting rid of oxygen radicals?
15. Guava Leaves
Guava leaves[3] are loaded with antimicrobial properties; therefore, it is considered as one of amazing home remedies for vaginal odor. Guava leaves are loaded with antioxidants, tannins, anti-proactive and antibacterial properties. Using guava leaves is effective in treating wounds and preventing microbial infections. Therefore, it is not surprising when guava leaves can be used to treat foul vaginal odor.
You will need:
- 1-liter water
- 4 or 5 guava leaves
Do this:
- Toss those guava leaves into the water
- Boil it
- Drink this solution before you have breakfast
It is recommended to repeat this treatment every alternate day for about 2 weeks to have a satisfactory result.
16. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is well-known as the mood uplifting and sweet-smelling oil. It is surprising when lavender oil is effective in relieving vaginal irritation and itching that cause vaginal odor.
Here are the instructions:
- Add 1 drop of mint oil and 2 drops of lavender oil into the bathwater
- Relax in this bath for about 10 minutes
Alternatively, you can dissolve mint oil and lavender oil in a liter of water. Soak a cotton ball in that solution and then use that solution to applying your vagina and area around it. Before applying this solution on your vagina, you should store the combination of mint oil, lavender oil, and water in a bottle and put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes to get the better result.
17. Boric Acid
Boric acid[4] is effective in preventing bacterial growth and control the acidic pH in the vagina. Boric acid can prevent bacterial vaginosis because it contains mild antiseptic properties.
You will need:
- Gelatin capsules – size “00”
- Boric acid
Do this:
- Add boric acid into the gelatin capsules
- Store it in an airtight container and then keep it in a dry place
- Insert that solution into your vagina
- Leave it overnight
Boric acid is effective and it can work if you repeat the procedure twice a week. However, it is important for me to note that boric acid capsules should not be swallowed directly. Furthermore, pregnant women should avoid using boric acid. After you use boric acid for treating vaginal odor, you should keep it away from your children. You should read the label carefully before using boric acid.
18. Light Perfume
To get rid of vaginal odor, you should apply some light perfume to your knees and inner thighs. That can give you a good smell. It is recommended to avoid heavy scent by choosing a light perfume.
IV – Herbal Home Remedies For Vaginal Odor
1. Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry is also known as amla and it is one of the most amazing home remedies for vaginal odor. Indian gooseberry or mala is effective in removing unpleasant vaginal odor. As an organic cleanser and natural blood purifier, Indian gooseberry can treat the infection that causes bad odor. Furthermore, Indian gooseberry is also used to deal with thick vaginal discharge. It is recommended eating Indian gooseberry daily. You can take gooseberry supplements but it is important for you to consult your doctor before taking it.
2. Fenugreek
Fenugreek is a powerful healing herb for women’s health. Consuming fenugreek regularly can help regulate menstrual cycles and balance hormones. For treating vaginal odor, you can drink fenugreek tea.
Here are the instructions on how to make this herbal tea:
- Add one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds into a cup of water
- Strain the tea and drink it daily
Unfortunately, consuming fenugreek may lead to skin irritation or diarrhea in some people. If you see those significant unwanted sides, you should stop consuming and make an appointment with your doctor.
3. Neem
Neem is one of the amazing herbal home remedies for vaginal odor I would like to introduce to you in this article. This is because neem contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help reduce vaginal odor and vaginal infections.
Here are the instructions:
- Add some neem leaves in a pan filled with water
- Boil it for a few minutes
- Strain and let it cool
- Use this treatment to rinse the vaginal area a few times a week
You can do it daily until the bad odor disappears completely.
4. Rose Hips With Vitamin C
Rose hips are actually the seeds of the rose plant and they are loaded with vitamin C. You can create one of amazing home remedies for vaginal odor in women by combining a vitamin C tablet and rose hips. Vitamin C can act as a powerful immunity booster and it is effective in getting rid of harmful toxins from your body. If you have foul odor caused by bacterial vaginosis, this combination of rose hips and a vitamin C tablet can give you a significant improvement. If you are vulnerable to bacterial vaginosis, you should repeat this treatment for vaginal odor at least a couple of months to prevent the recurrence of this infection.
In this treatment for vaginal odor, you will need:
- 1 tampon
- Vitamin C tablet
- Rose hips
Do this:
- Insert the rose hips and vitamin C tablet into your vagina
- Hold it in place with a tampon
- Do it daily to get rid of the foul odor from the vaginal discharge
5. Betel Leaves
Do you know that betel leaves[5] are one of the amazing top home remedies for vaginal odor in women? It is true. The possible explanation is that betel leaves contain antibacterial properties and astringent effects.
Here are the instructions on how to use betel leaves for treating vaginal odor.
- Tear some betel leaves and add them into a pan filled with water
- Boil them for a few minutes
- Let it cool down until it reaches the room temperature
- Soak a tampon in this liquid and then apply it into the vagina for about 15 minutes
- Remove it and rinse it off with lukewarm water
V – Tips To Reduce The Risk of Vaginal Odor
- Drink enough 8 hours per day to remove toxins and free radicals from your body
- Avoid consuming tea, coffee and carbonated beverages such as soft drinks
- Never use artificial perfumes because it may change the pH level
- Use tampons during your period and remove them after your period ends
- Avoid drinking sugary drinks because they lead to yeast generation
- Use protection and wash your vagina during the intercourse
- Wear clothes made of natural fabric such as cotton because they ensure air circulation
- Take a bath daily. You can use sea salt bathtub for the best prevention
- Increase the intake of citrus foods that are loaded with vitamin C. They may include grapes, guava, sweet lime, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and pineapples. Vitamin C plays an important role in boosting the immune system and help the body prevent harmful bacteria.
I just introduced the top home remedies for vaginal odor in women. I hope that you can find this article useful and these home remedies for vaginal odor effective. Make sure that you repeat this treatment regularly to get the best results. If you have anything to ask, please raise your voice by leaving your comments below the post. I will answer as soon as I can. Thank you for reading.
Note: Tip No.4 of this article was reviewed by Nancy Moyer, MD [Link]
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