Updated: 11/20/2019
Jock itch (or called tinea cruris, ringworm of the groin, crotch itch, and Dhobi itch) is usually fungal infection[1] which is caused due to a type of fungus known as tinea (a type of yeast). Jock itch can affect both women and men and usually occurs on the inner thighs, buttocks, groin, and genital area. Other factors that contribute to this problem are wearing tight underwear, being overweight, having a weak immune system, and excessive sweating. It has the same symptoms to inverse psoriasis. People with this condition often experience some symptoms such as itching, redness, flaking skin, and a burning sensation. Besides, this infection is mildly contagious, so you shouldn't share your personal belongings with others. Although this is not a serious condition, it is very uncomfortable and embarrassing. This infection is best treated with topical antifungal medications of the azole or allylamine type. Besides, you can easily control it by using natural solutions. The below solutions would also work well for other tinea infections like Athlete’s Foot. So, don’t delay preventing and treating this infection with the best natural home remedies for jock itch listed below.
- 20 Fast Remedies How to Get Rid of Jock Itch Naturally in Females
- 10 Research-Based Anti-Fungal Foods For Candida And Yeast Infection
- Top 8 Natural Foods that Cause Yeast Infection in Babies to Avoid
- 15 Home Remedies Using Tea Tree Oil For Yeast Infection Itching
Top 31 Best Natural Home Remedies For Jock Itch
1. Garlic
Garlic is one of the best natural home remedies for jock itch thanks to its antifungal properties[2],[3]. It stops the fungus from spreading and gives you relief from inflammation and itching instantly.
Way 1: Garlic
You will need:
- A few cloves of garlic
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- Crush these garlic cloves to make a paste.
- Apply the paste to the affected skin.
- Allow them to stay on there for a few minutes.
- Wash it off with water (sooner if it starts to burn).
- Follow this way for about two or three times per day.
Way 2: Garlic and olive oil
You will need:
- Garlic – a few cloves
- Olive oil
- Fry garlic cloves in this oil.
- Leave them to cool down and strain the oil.
- Apply it to the affected areas.
- Leave it on for several hours before washing it off.
- Repeat this way for about two or three times per day.
Or you can eat garlic in a raw form to strengthen the immune system and promote the healing process. You can also take a garlic supplement every day.
Way 3: Garlic and honey
You will need:
- 5 to 6 crushed garlic cloves
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- Mix the crushed garlic cloves with honey.
- Apply this mixture to your affected areas.
- Wash the areas after a few minutes with normal water.
- Follow it for about 2 times per day to get positive results.
Way 4: Garlic, white vinegar, and tea tree oil
You will need:
- 4 to 5 garlic cloves
- 1 tablespoon of white vinegar
- 1 tablespoon of tea tree oil
- Crush these garlic cloves to make a fine paste.
- Mix the tea tree oil and white vinegar in this paste.
- Allow it to soak for a day.
- Apply this mixture generously to the affected areas.
- Use this remedy for about 2 times per day for 1 to 2 weeks. Wash off if it starts to burn.
2. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil contains natural antifungal properties and is also a natural germicide and antiseptic that helps lower inflammation and itchiness of the skin. Its antifungal properties naturally work to destroy jock itch fungus[4] [5]. It also contains cleansing and stimulating elements and powerful antibacterial quality.
You will need:
- Tea tree oil
- Water
- A cotton ball
- Mix the tea tree oil with water at the ratio of 1:4.
- Dip a cotton ball in the oil solution.
- Apply this ball directly to the affected areas of your skin.
- Allow it to stay on there as long as possible.
- Repeat it 2 times per day for 4 weeks.
- You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil into your bath water and then soak in it for at least 15 minutes.
- Or you can use shower gel or soap containing tea tree oil.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera contains antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. It can deeply penetrate into your skin and reduce your discomfort and itchy problem[6]. Aloe gel also possesses a substance called glycoprotein. Glycoprotein boosts up the healing process by easing inflammation and pain. It is also one of the natural remedies that can help promote the immune system. This is a wonderful one to heal as well!
You will need:
- A fresh aloe vera leaf
- You squeeze the gel from fresh aloe vera leaf.
- Apply this gel directly to the affected area.
- Let it stay on there without disturbing it.
- Repeat the way for 2 to 3 times per day until the infection is healed.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Using diluted apple cider vinegar to wash the affected areas is one of the great home remedies for jock itch. In addition, this vinegar contains strong antibacterial and antifungal properties to control and treat various skin infections. Its antifungal activity may help combat fungus and candida growth, including jock itch[7].
Way 1: Diluted apple cider vinegar
You will need:
- Apple cider vinegar – 2 tablespoons
- Warm water – 2 cups
- Mix the apple cider vinegar with warm water.
- Use this solution to wash the affected areas.
- Allow it to dry completely.
- Follow this remedy for about two or three times per day, especially before going to sleep.
Way 2: Apple cider vinegar and water
You will need:
- Water
- Apple cider vinegar
- Mix the apple cider vinegar with water.
- Fill this solution into a spray bottle.
- Spray it liberally on your affected areas.
- Let the area air dry.
- For quick relief, redo it for about two times per day.
Way 3: Undiluted apple cider vinegar
You will need:
- Apple cider vinegar
- A cotton ball
- Dip a cotton ball into the undiluted apple cider vinegar.
- Apply this ball to the affected areas.
- Try this treatment for 4 to 5 times per day for at least about 3 days to prevent you from the infection.
5. Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol is one of the most effective home remedies for jock itch because it may kill the fungus causing the infection thanks to its antimicrobial agent and disinfectant[8]. It is also a drying agent that can help to keep the affected areas dry. As you know, fungi often thrive in warm and moist environments.
You will need:
- 90 percent isopropyl alcohol
- A cotton ball
- Immerse the ball in the alcohol.
- Dab it on the problem areas.
- You needn’t wash it off because the alcohol will evaporate fast.
- Follow this method for a few times per day until you feel satisfied with the results
- Caution do not do this over broken skin/ open wounds- would burn badly.
6. Turmeric
Turmeric is an antiseptic and antibiotic, which can help to kill as well as prevent the infection from spreading to other body parts or to others. According to many studies, curcumin in turmeric is a potent antifungal effect and may help fight against fungi[9] [10].
Way 1: Turmeric juice
You will need:
- Raw turmeric juice
- Apply a little raw turmeric juice directly to the affected areas of the skin.
- Allow it to stay in the area.
- Alternatively, take 1 teaspoon of raw turmeric juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Stir them well to make a proper mixture.
- Then, take this mixture orally when you apply the turmeric juice to the affected areas.
- Repeat this remedy regularly to get rid of the problem.
Way 2: Turmeric and honey
You will need:
- Turmeric powder
- Honey
- Mix the turmeric powder and honey well at the ratio of 1:1 to make a fine paste.
- Apply this paste to the affected areas of the skin for about 2 to 3 times per day.
- Apply it regularly to treat this infection.
7. Listerine
Listerine is one of the excellent home remedies for jock itch thanks to its antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. These properties will give instant relief from tinea cruris[11]. Listerine may also help inhibit fungal infections in people having autoimmune diseases[12].
You will need:
- The amber Listerine mouthwash
- A cotton ball
- Soak a cotton ball into the amber Listerine mouthwash.
- Use this ball to apply the solution to the affected areas.
- Leave it on till it dries completely.
- Reuse it for about three or four times per day for a few months.
- Caution do not do this over broken skin/ open wounds- would burn badly.
Precaution: Do not apply Listerine to open wounds.
8. Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver is one of the most powerful home remedies for jock itch due to its antifungal and antibiotic properties[13]. So, it may help deal with fungi causing the infection.
You will need:
- Colloidal silver
- Apply this colloidal silver directly to the affected areas of the skin for about 2 times per day until the infection has completely treated.
- You should repeat the way regularly.
Note: You can use colloidal silver either by spraying or rubbing (this depends on the thing that you have either liquid or gel).
9. White Vinegar
White vinegar contains antifungal and antiseptic properties, which may help kill off bacteria causing infections[14] [15a] [15b]. It is an effective topical treatment for burns and skin infections.
Way 1: White vinegar and water
You will need:
- White vinegar – 1 part
- Water – 4 parts
- A washcloth
- Mix the white vinegar and water well.
- Soak the washcloth in this solution.
- Use this washcloth to wash your affected areas gently and thoroughly.
- Let the solution dry naturally and don’t wash it off.
- Reapply this way for about 1or 2 times per day.
Way 2: White vinegar and coconut oil
You will need:
- White vinegar
- Coconut oil
- Take equal parts of coconut oil and white vinegar.
- Mix them well.
- Apply this mixture to the affected skin.
- Leave it on for several hours before washing it off with water.
- Repeat this treatment for about 2 times per day till you get rid of jock itch.
10. Raw Papaya
Papaya has an enzyme which will kill the fungus causing jock itch[16]. In addition, this enzyme can also help to reduce the inflammation in a short time[17] [18].
Way 1: Papaya seeds
You will need:
- A fresh raw papaya
- Separate the seeds from this papaya.
- Put these seeds for about 3 to 5 hours under the sun to make them dry.
- Crush these dried seeds and add water to make a paste.
- Apply this paste to the affected areas.
- Leave it on for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
- Wash it off with water.
- For best results, follow this process for 2 to 3 times per day.
Way 2: Raw papaya
You will need:
- A raw papaya
- Cut a raw papaya into small slices.
- Use one of these slices to rub on the affected areas for about 10 to 15 minutes.
- Follow it 2 to 3 times per day to prevent the infection completely.
11. Onion
Onion contains antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic properties that may easily kill the fungus causing jock itch[19]. Therefore, onion is considered as one of the great home remedies for jock itch you should try!
You will need:
- An onion
- Grind the onion into a paste.
- Apply this paste to the affected areas.
- After 30 minutes, wash the area thoroughly with warm water.
- Pat dry the areas.
- Try this treatment 1 or 2 times each day.
- You can also replace onion paste with onion oil or onion juice.
- Alternatively, you can include onions in your cooking to protect your whole body from microbes.
12. Salt Bath
Salt may help to control the development of the fungus and make the process of treatment quicker[20] [21]. In addition, it can be used to treat boils and blisters effectively. In this remedy, you can use bath salts, Epsom salts, or just table salt.
Way 1:
You will need:
- 2 cups of salt
- Warm water
- Pour warm water into the bathtub.
- Add the salt into it and stir them thoroughly.
- Soak yourself in this warm water for about 30 minutes.
- Follow it 1 to 2 times each day for at least 1 month for the best results.
Way 2: Salt And Vinegar
You will need:
- Salt
- Vinegar
- Mix some salt and vinegar to get a fine paste.
- Apply this paste directly to the affected areas.
- Allow it to work on for about 5 to 10 minutes.
- Repeat this way for at least 1 week.
- Caution do not do this over broken skin/ open wounds- would burn badly.
Note: It will slightly irritate your skin where you are applying this paste.
13. Olive Leaf
Apart from strengthening your immune system, the olive leaf also contains antifungal and antimicrobial properties that may help you a lot in providing relief from the fungal infection[22]. Early research recommends that applying a mixture of olive oil, honey, and beeswax to the skin is beneficial for treating jock itch[23]. Great to promote healing as well.
Way 1:
You will need:
- An olive leaf
- Consume this fresh olive leaf daily for about 3 times per day.
- You can also have the supplement of this leaf for about 2 to 3 each per day.
- Follow this way until you cleared out this problem.
Way 2:
You will need:
- 3 to 4 olive leaves
- A cotton ball
- Grind the olive leaves to make a paste.
- Dip the cotton ball into this paste and apply it directly to the affected areas.
- Keep it on for abou half an hour.
- Rinse the area with warm water and pat dry thoroughly.
14. Honey
One of the most useful home remedies for jock itch is honey because it contains antiseptic, soothing, and antifungal properties[24]. In particular, manuka honey is great for fungal infections that cause jock itch, ringworm, or nail fungus[25] [26]. Safe and can promote tissue healing as well.
Way 1:
You will need:
- Honey or manuka honey
- Apply the pure honey or manuka honey to your affected areas.
- Leave it on for about 30 minutes before washing it off with water.
- Pat dry the area thoroughly.
- Use this remedy for 1 or 2 times per day until the infection clears.
Way 2:
You will need:
- 2 teaspoons of honey
- A few minced garlic
- Mix the honey and minced garlic well to make a paste.
- Apply this paste to the affected skin.
- After several minutes, wash it off with water.
- Reapply it 1 to 2 times each day until you got satisfied results.
15. Holy Basil Leaves
Holy basil leaves contain an antifungal property that may help to fight the fungus causing jock itch[27]. Rubbing basil leaves on the affected area not only combats the infection but also gives you relief from inflammation caused due to the infection.
You will need:
- A few holy basil leaves
- A cotton ball
- Crush these leaves and squeeze them to extract their juice from them.
- Take about 2 teaspoons of the juice.
- Dip the cotton ball into the juice and apply it to the affected areas of the skin.
- Repeat this way for about 1 to 2 times per day for about 10 days to get faster relief from jock itch.
16. Lavender Oil And Jojoba Oil
These oils are a safe and soothing remedy for jock itch. Lavender oil is well known for its antifungal properties[28]. The oil is highly effective at combating infection and, therefore, may lower fungal progression together with the spread and growth of infection in host tissues[29]. It also has antimicrobial compounds, which may kill the infection causing fungi[30].
Way 1:
You will need:
- Lavender oil – a few drops
- Apply lavender oil to the affected areas properly.
- Leave it on without touching it.
- Repeat this home treatment regularly for about 2 to 3 times per day to get better results.
Way 2:
You will need:
- 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil
- 1 drop of lavender oil
- A cotton ball
- Mix the jojoba oil and lavender oil well.
- Immerse the cotton ball into this oil solution.
- Apply the mixture to the affected areas.
- Allow it to sit on as long as possible.
Follow the way every day to get relief from jock itch quickly.
17. Licorice Root
Licorice root is one of the excellent home remedies for jock itch thanks to its numerous fungicidal components. It is a powerful antifungal and has a few different chemicals that help to disrupt fungus[31] [32]
You will need:
- Dried licorice powder – 6 teaspoons
- Hot water – 1 cup
- A cotton ball
- Stir the dried licorice powder in hot water thoroughly.
- Boil this water for a few minutes.
- Allow it to simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes until it becomes a concoction.
- Soak the cotton ball into this concoction.
- Apply it directly to the affected areas.
- Continue doing this process for 2 to 3 each per day.
18. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil will give you great relief from the itchiness of your skin. In addition, it can help you to treat ringworm infection, particularly the scalp ringworm. It is also effective in combating drug-resistant Candida species[33]. It additionally exhibits natural properties that are useful for soothing the rash and blocking moisture. Besides, it makes your skin smooth and less prone to jock itch in the future[34].
Way 1:
You will need:
- Coconut oil – a few drops
- Apply the coconut oil directly to the affected area.
- Leave it on there for overnight.
- Apply this oil for about 3 to 4 times each day.
Way 2:
You will need:
- Coconut oil – 1 tablespoon
- Oregano oil – 4 to 5 drops
- Mix the coconut oil and oregano oil.
- Apply this mixture to the affected skin.
- Follow it two or three times per day until your skin is improved.
In addition, you can include extra-virgin coconut oil in cooking to speed up the treatment process. At first, you should start with 1 teaspoon of this oil and then you gradually raise the dosage to three tablespoons daily.
19. Lemongrass Tea
Thanks to its antioxidant and antiseptic effects, lemongrass can help against skin infections and bacteria[35]. Lemongrass essential oil may help fight internal fungal infections such as ringworm and is used for treating external infections such as jock itch and athlete’s foot[36]
You will need:
- 1 tea bag of lemongrass
- 1 cup of hot water
- Dip the lemongrass tea bag into the boiling water.
- Allow it to steep for a few minutes.
- Drink this lemongrass tea.
- Then, take this tea bag out.
- Put this tea bag into the affected area of your skin.
- Leave it to sit for a few minutes.
- Consume this tea and put the tea bag for about 2 to 3 times each day.
20. Indian Lilac Or Neem
Indian Lilac is used to treat many skin problems including tinea cruris. It contains antifungal properties which may help to eliminate the fungus causing tinea cruris[37]. It also has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties which may help in the treatment process[38] [39].
Way 1: Neem leaves and turmeric root
- Grind equal amounts of turmeric root and neem leaves to form a paste.
- Apply this paste to the affected skin.
- Let it dry completely.
- Rinse with warm water and pat it dry.
- Follow this remedy for once per day for a few months.
Way 2: Neem oil
- Apply some neem oil directly to your affected area.
- Massage gently until the oil penetrates deep into your skin.
- Allow it to stay for several minutes and take a bath.
- Follow this way every day for a few months.
- Or you can mix ½ teaspoon of neem oil with 1 cup of aloe vera gel and apply the mixture to the affected area for 1 time daily for a few days.
21. Baking Soda
Baking soda may help to reduce moisture in your affected areas. In addition, it will help to neutralize the pH level of your skin, which is essential for recovery quickly. Its antifungal properties may aid in the infection effectively[40] [41].
You will need:
- 1 cup of baking soda
- 2 cups of Epsom salt
- 1 cup of sea salt
- Add the baking soda, Epsom salt, and sea salt to the bathtub filled with warm water and stir them thoroughly.
- Soak in your bathtub for at least half an hour.
- Take a shower and wash the affected areas with an antibacterial soap.
- Rinse with cold water.
- Use a blow dryer to dry the affected areas and rub some coconut oil onto them.
- Follow this remedy for about 2 to 3 times per week for a few weeks.
22. Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit Seed Extract contains antioxidant, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties[42]. So when you get grapefruit seed extract internally, it will boost your immune system. You can also topically apply grapefruit seed extract to your affected areas. You can use undiluted grapefruit seed extract to apply directly to the skin or dilute this extract with water if your skin is sensitive.
You will need:
- 4 to 5 drops of grapefruit seed extract
- 3 tablespoons of warm water
- Mix grapefruit seed extract and warm water.
- Soak a cotton pad in this mixture and apply it to your affected area.
- Repeat this way for about 2 to 3 times each day for at least 1 to 2 weeks to see positive results.
23. Oregano Oil
Oregano oil has about 40 to 64 percent thymol that makes it become one of the best home remedies for jock itch. The oil is enriched with lots of vitamins, antifungal properties, and other nutrients, which can enhance immunity. This is the reason why it is effective at conquering candidiasis[43] [44]. It does not just remove the candida fungus but also improve your body so that it can fight off the infection. You can take this oil internally or apply it externally.
If you take internally, you can take about 2 to 5 drops of oregano oil mixed with a little water 2 times each day for about a week. If you use externally, you can follow the following directions.
You will need:
- 3 to 5 drops of oregano essential oil
- 3 to 5 drops of rosemary essential oil
- 1 to 2 drops of wild thyme oil
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of sweet almond oil
- Mix all the above oils thoroughly.
- Apply this oil mixture to your affected areas.
- Repeat this way for about 3 to 4 times per day.
24. Campho
Camphor has been used to treat fungal infections and to repel insects for a long time[45]. It is traditionally used in Chinese medicine and is also beneficial for treating ringworm infection since it contains antifungal properties.
- Take a pinch of camphor powder and apply it every day to your problem areas.
- You can also mix this camphor powder and a little sesame oil and rub this mixture on your affected areas. Follow this way for about 2 times per day.
- Alternatively, dilute 2 to 3 drops of camphor oil in 1 to 2 tablespoons of the carrier oil such as olive oil or sweet almond and apply to your infection for about 2 to 3 times each day.
Note: Camphor is poisonous when it is ingested. You do not use it internally and even when using externally, you should use a small quantity.
25. Goldenseal
Goldenseal has natural astringent and antiseptic, antifungal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. These qualities of this herb make it more suitable for treating jock itch. The root of goldenseal has been used extensively to treat multiple infections since ancient times. It is also effective against bacteria and fungus[46].
You will need:
- 5 to 6 teaspoons of dried goldenseal herb
- 1 to 2 cups of water
- Add the dried goldenseal herb with water.
- Allow this mixture to simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Strain the solution.
- Dip a cotton ball into this water and apply to the affected areas for about 2 to3 times per day.
- You can also mix 5 to 6 drops of goldenseal tincture in your favorite juice and drink it for about 2 to 3 times each day.
Precaution: Pregnant women should avoid using this remedy.
Jock itch is a very common issue among people who regularly take part in physical activity and athletes. Prevention is the best remedy. However, if you do get this condition, these natural home remedies for itch jock are perfect to alleviate it. Try them and let us know which ones work best for you.
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