Home Remedies

29 Proven Home Remedies for Dry Cough: Causes, Prevention, Cure

Updated: 8/14/2019

I – What Is A Dry Cough?

A cough [1] is not a serious health problem. A cough is a body action to clear the mucus and irritants from your airway. A cough has two types: nonproductive and productive [2]. A productive cough [3] can produce mucus and phlegm which helps clear the lungs. A nonproductive cough is also called as a dry cough, and it does not have ability to produce mucus or phlegm.

You may have a dry cough due to acid reflux or allergies. In some cases, a dry cough does not show any obvious causes. Whatever the causes of dry cough are, this condition can affect your daily life and activities especially when it becomes worse at night.

To know the possible treatments or home remedies for dry cough in kids and adults, you should understand the causes of a dry cough.

II – What Are The Common Causes Of A Dry Cough?

1. Asthma

Asthma is a health issue in which your airways become narrowed and swell. Asthma can lead to both nonproductive and productive cough but in most cases, they are nonproductive. It is a reason why asthma is a one of the common causes of a dry cough. Besides a dry cough [4], other symptoms of asthma are shortness of breath, wheezing, pain in chest, wheezing attacks, a whistling sound, and trouble sleeping due to coughing or wheezing.

2. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) also results in a dry cough. This condition occurs when stomach acid flushes back up into the esophagus. Stomach acid makes your esophagus irritated and leads to cough reflex. Other symptoms include chest pain, heartburn, chronic cough, regurgitation of sour liquid or food, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and mild hoarseness.

3. Postnasal Drip

Postnasal drip makes your nose produce more mucus than regular. This mucus is runny and watery, therefore, it leads to a cough. This health condition also has the symptoms such as trouble swallowing, runny nose, coughing at night, and sore throat.

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4. Viral Infection

The dry cough caused by viral infection often lasts up to two months. It is caused by the irritation of your airways. A dry cough due to viral infection cannot be treated easily and it takes time and patience. Coughing can make the irritation in your airway get worse; therefore, you can try warm liquids and throat lozenges to get relief.

5. Environmental Irritants

Environmental irritants such as pollution, smoke, mold, dust, and pollen can cause a dry cough. Chemical particles like sulfur dioxide also lead to the problem. Even clean air which is too cold or too dry also result in a dry cough for some people. People in a dry climate should use a humidifier to avoid a dry cough.

Other less common causes of a dry cough include ACE inhibitors, whooping cough, collapsed lung, lung cancer, and heart failure.

III – How Can You Treat A Dry Cough?

It is difficult to treat a dry cough. When you have a dry cough, your airways will become sensitive and the condition gets worse. However, you can use throat lozenges to add moisture and relieve irritated throat tissue as one of the possible treatments for a dry cough. Alternatively, taking OTC cough suppressants like dextromethorphan also helps get rid of a dry cough effectively. If you want to use natural home remedies for a dry cough, you can try adding honey into a hot drink. That will help cure irritated throat tissue.

There are other amazing home remedies for dry cough in kids and adults we would like to introduce to you in this article in AllRemedies.com.

IV – Home Remedies For Dry Cough In Kids And Adults

1. Honey Tea

Honey tea is one of the amazing home remedies for dry cough we would like to introduce to you in this article. Some research has shown that honey is effective in relieving coughs.  Honey can work as the cough-suppressing medication that can give you a significant relief from a dry cough.

Here is the instruction on how to make the honey tea:

  • Add 2 teaspoons of honey into a cup of warm water
  • Drink it daily until the symptoms of a dry cough have gone completely

It is important to note that children under 1 year old should not consume honey.

2. Ginger

One of the amazing home remedies for dry cough in kids and adults is ginger. Containing anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can relieve an asthmatic or dry cough. It also gives you significant relief from pain and nausea.

Here is the instruction:

  • Add 20-40 grams of the fresh ginger root into a cup of hot water
  • Let it steep for a couple of minutes
  • Drink it

You can add some honey to the ginger tea to make it taste better. Ginger tea can work, but it may lead to heartburn and stomach upset in some people.

3. Steam

A dry cough can be treated with a hot bath or shower. Staying in the bathroom filled with steam for a few minutes can help get rid of the symptoms of a dry cough. Furthermore, drinking a glass of warm water afterward can boost the result by preventing dehydration.

If you do not want to take a hot bath or shower, you can make the steam bowl. First, add hot water with some essential oils like rosemary or eucalyptus oil into a large bowl. Second, cover your head with a large tower to trap the team. You just need to inhale the steam for a few minutes until you get the relief.

4. Fluids

Staying hydrated is a key if you want to find amazing home remedies for a dry cough. According to some research, liquids at room temperature can reduce a runny nose, cough, and sneezing. Furthermore, people with the flu or a cold can get significant relief from drinking the warm beverages. The same study also indicated that hot beverages could relieve more symptoms such as chills, sore throat, and fatigue. You should drink hot beverages such as herbal teas, clear broths, decaffeinated black tea, warm fruit juices, and warm water.

5. Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is a powerful herb that can be used to treat sore throats and coughs. This herb is effective in relieving irritation caused by coughing because of its high mucilage content. An herbal cough syrup that contains marshmallow root, ivy, and thyme can reduce a cough caused by respiratory tract infections and common colds. Marshmallow root can be found in the form of bagged tea or dried herb. You just need to add the herb into a cup of hot water and let it steep for a few minutes before drinking it. However, you should drink only one or two cups of marshmallow root tea. Drinking too much can result in stomach upset.

6. Salt-water Gargle

Talking about home remedies for dry cough, you should not ignore salt-water. You just need to gargle with salt water to get significant relief from a cold and dry cough. Salt water has the ability to relieve mucus and phlegm in the back of the throat.

Here is the instruction:

  • Add half a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water
  • Dissolve it completely
  • Let it cool down and then gargle it

You should allow the mixture to be at the back of the throat for a couple of minutes before you spit it out.

Salt water should not be used by younger children. Furthermore, you must not swallow salt water because it is dangerous.

7. Bromelain

Pineapples are loaded with bromelain enzyme [5]. This enzyme contains anti-inflammatory properties and mucolytic effects. Consuming bromelain can help reduce the mucus and get rid of it from your body. As one of the amazing home remedies for dry cough, you just need to drink pineapple juice daily to remove mucus from your throat. However, the pineapple juice does not have enough bromelain to treat the symptom of a dry cough completely.

Therefore, you can take bromelain supplements. It is important for you to consult your doctor before taking any supplements.

Some people are allergic to bromelain; therefore, they cannot drink pineapple juice or eat pineapple. If you are taking medications, you should talk to your doctor about it because bromelain can interact with some certain medications and cause side effects. People taking specific antibiotics or blood thinners should not consume bromelain.

8. Thyme

Thyme has medicinal and culinary, uses and it is one of the amazing home remedies for dry cough, bronchitis, sore throat, and digestive issues. If you have dry cough, you can consume a cough syrup that has ivy leaves and thyme to get significant relief. Thanks to the antioxidants, thyme can fasten the healing process for a flu and dry cough.

Alternatively, you can add 2 tablespoons of dried thyme into a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for 10 minutes and then drink it daily.

9. Slippery Elm

Americans often use slippery elm to treat digestive issues and coughing. Like marshmallow root, slippery elm is loaded with mucilage that is effective in a soothing cough and sore throat. It is a reason why slippery elm is one of the amazing home remedies for dry cough you should know. To get significant relief from dry cough and flu, you just need to make slippery elm tea. First, you add 1 tablespoon of dried herb into a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for about 10 minutes and then drink it. If you take medications, you should consult your doctor before drinking slippery elm tea. This is because slipper elm can interact with some certain medications.

10. Dietary Changes

If you suffer from acid reflux, you should change your diet and find the best solutions on how to cure acid reflux. Acid reflux is one of the common causes of a dry cough. Therefore, avoiding the foods that increase the risk of acid reflux is one of the best solutions on how to deal with the condition and relieve a dry cough.

The beverages and foods that cause acid reflux include caffeine, alcohol, citrus foods, chocolate, garlic and onions, fatty and fried foods, mint, tomatoes, and spicy foods.

11. Probiotics

Consuming probiotics is also one of the amazing home remedies for dry cough. Probiotics are effective in boosting the immune system and balancing the good bacteria in the gut. The superior immune system plays an important role in fighting off the infections and allergies that result in a dry cough. According to some research, Lactobacillus, one type of probiotics have the ability to prevent the common cold.

To increase the intake of probiotics, you can take supplements that contain Lactobacillus and other probiotics. These supplements are available at drug stores and health stores.

You can consume foods that are loaded with probiotics such as natural yogurt, miso soup, sauerkraut, and kimchi.

However, probiotics in foods are not enough. It may be better to take a probiotic supplement instead.

12. Homemade Honey Cough Syrup

Honey is one of the amazing Ayurvedic remedies for many health issues and problems. Honey has medicinal purposes. Honey is effective in soothing your throat and give you significant relief from a dry cough, especially in children [6]. Honey is one of the amazing home remedies for dry cough you should know. It is recommended using organic honey to treat cold, flu, and dry cough.

Here is the instruction:

  • Pour organic honey in a pan
  • Cut a lemon into a half and extract this juice
  • Boil the mixture of honey and lemon juice for a few minutes
  • Consume it when you have a dry cough to get significant relief.
13. Basil Concoction

Honey Basil [7] is also known as Tulsi in India. It is the most sacred plant. This herb has a lot of amazing benefits for health and beauty. Basil is one of the amazing home remedies for a dry cough we would like to introduce to you in this article. Basil has been used widely as the most effective Ayurvedic cough syrup, expectorant, and cough suppressant.

You should prepare the following ingredients:

  • Basil essential oil
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • Water

Here is the instruction:

  • Put some basil leaves into a pan filled with boiling water
  • Let it steep for 15 minutes
  • Let it cool down
  • Strain the tea and drink it

You can also chew some fresh basil leaves in your mouth. It also relieves irritate the throat and a dry cough. Furthermore, you can utilize basil essential oil to treat a dry cough. Put some basil essential oil into a bowl filled with the boiling water. Cover your head with the large towel and inhale the steam.

14. Turmeric Milk

Turmeric milk is also known as golden milk. Turmeric has been a traditional remedy in India for millennia. Turmeric milk is effective in boosting the circulatory system. The combination of turmeric and milk is one amazing home remedies for a sore throat and dry cough. The turmeric milk can cure common throat infections.


  • 2 cups of almond milk or coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon of ground turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt, black peppercorns, cinnamon stick, fresh ginger, and cardamom pods

Here is the instruction:

  • Pour 2 cups of almond milk or coconut milk in a pan
  • Add 1 tablespoon of ground turmeric, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, one tablespoon of ground cinnamon, salt, black peppercorns, cinnamon stick, fresh ginger, and cardamom pods into this pan
  • Boil it for a few minutes
  • Turn off of heat and then pour the liquid into a glass
  • Drink it daily to get significant relief from a dry cough

Turmeric milk is good for your health and your digestion. Therefore, even you do not suffer from a dry cough; you should drink it regularly.

15. Onion Juice

Onion juice is one of Ayurveda home remedies for dry cough we would like to introduce to you in this article. Onion juice has therapeutic value. Onion can work as an energy booster and appetite stimulant.  Although onion juice is effective in relieving a dry cough, you should consume it in moderation.


  • Honey
  • Onion

Here is the instruction:

  • Mix the raw onion juice with raw honey in equal quantities
  • Leave it for at least 3-4 hours before consuming
  • Consume a tablespoon of this concoction three times daily
16. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is effective in treating a dry cough; therefore, aloe vera with a wide range of medicinal effects are often used as one of the amazing home remedies for a dry cough. Aloe vera can soothe your throat irritation effectively and naturally.

Prepare honey and aloe vera juice before following this instruction:

  • Mix one or two tablespoons of honey with a glass of aloe vera juice
  • Mix it well
  • Drink it twice or three times daily to treat a dry cough completely
17. Peppermint

Peppermint is a part of the Ayurvedic tradition. This herb has been used for many medicinal purposes [8]. Peppermint is effective in soothing the throat irritation and treating a dry cough. Peppermint is one of the recommended home remedies for a dry cough and wet cough.


  • Almond oil
  • Peppermint oil
  • Essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and rosemary


  • Mix some drops of peppermint oil with a few drops of almond oil
  • Apply this oil mixture to your chest to get significant relief

Alternatively, you can use peppermint steam inhalation as one of the amazing home remedies for a dry cough. First, put some drops of peppermint oil into a bowl filled with boiling water. Cover your head with a large towel and then inhale the peppermint steam for a couple of minutes. To add more powerful result, you can add rosemary and eucalyptus oils into the water.

You can also chew some peppermint lozenges or peppermint candy that does not have too much sugar to treat a dry cough.

18. Eucalyptus Steam Inhalation

Eucalyptus is one of the wonderful Ayurvedic home remedies for dry cough because it can work as a decongestant and it can increase vitality. If you use eucalyptus, you can get significant relief from throat irritation and infection. It also helps prevent dry cough.

You will need:

Here is the instruction:

  • Add 2 drops of eucalyptus oil and a pinch of salt into a glass of water
  • Use it to gargle your throat

Alternatively, you can put some drops of eucalyptus oil into your palms and then use it to massage your upper chest and throat.

Using eucalyptus oil as the steam inhalation also work effectively.  You just need to add some eucalyptus oil into a bowl filled with boiling water. Cover your head with a large towel and then inhale the steam.

19. Yoga

Yoga should be included in a list of amazing home remedies for dry cough because it has cardiovascular effects. Practicing yoga on a daily basis can help strengthen the respiratory tract. The practice of yoga breathing exercises can help promote respiratory health. According to some studies and research, yoga is also effective in treating asthma of mild and moderate severity that is one of the underlying causes of dry cough.

20. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds that are loaded with nutrients and minerals have also been used as one of the amazing home remedies for dry cough in kids and adults. Flaxseeds can relieve your throat and get rid of the bronchial tract discomfort. If combined with lemon and honey, it can work effectively because lemon and honey are mild antibiotics.

Here is the instruction:

  • Put 2 or 3 tablespoons of flaxseeds into a cup of water
  • Boil it until the water turns thick
  • Strain the liquid and then add 3 tablespoons of lemon and 3 tablespoons of honey into this solutions
  • Consume 1 tablespoon of this solution as the natural cough treatment
21. Black Pepper Tea

One of the wonderful home remedies for dry cough is black pepper tea. Black pepper can stimulate the circulation and boost mucus flow. Honey can act as mild antibiotics and a natural cough suppressant. Therefore, drinking black pepper tea with honey, you can find significant relief, and the symptoms of dry cough can improve fast.

Here is the instruction on how to make black pepper tea:

  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper into a cup filled with boiling water
  • Cover it well to prevent the steam from escaping
  • Let it steep for at least 15 minutes
  • Strain the tea and then sip it slowly

You should drink it daily until you find the best result.

22. Lemon

Lemon can treat a dry cough effectively and naturally without causing any problems. Lemon is rich in vitamin C; therefore, it also helps fasten the healing process and boosts your immune system. You just need to sprinkle some salt and black pepper on half of fresh lemon and then suck on it to get significant relief.

23. Almonds

Almonds are one of the amazing home remedies for dry cough in kids and adults we would like to introduce to you in this article. Almonds are effective in relieving bronchial problems.

Here is the instruction:

  • Blend a teaspoon of finely ground almonds and add it into a cup of orange juice
  • Sip it daily to treat a dry cough
24. Garlic

The use of garlic can treat a cough effectively [9]. It also clears your nasal passage. Garlic contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can treat a cough effectively and naturally.

Here is the instruction:

  • Add three cloves of garlic into a pan filled with water
  • Put one teaspoon of oregano into this water
  • Boil it for a few minutes
  • Let it cool down and then add one teaspoon of honey
  • Drink it

This treatment can help clear blockages and relieve breathing. The use of garlic can give you the constant relief from coughing.

Alternatively, you can crush garlic and mix it with some drops of olive oil and honey. Consuming this mixture can treat a sore throat. You can also add garlic to your cooking because garlic has many amazing health benefits.

25. Honey And Hot Milk

The combination of honey and hot milk can treat dry cough and chest pain. If you have continuous coughing, you can use the combination of honey and hot milk as one of the amazing home remedies for dry cough. You just need to drink the combination of hot milk and honey before sleep.

26. Carrot Juice

Carrot juice [10] can bring many health and beauty benefits. It is also one of the great home remedies for dry cough in kids and adults. Carrot juice is a great source of essential vitamins that are good for your body and your immune system. Carrots are effective in treating cold, cough, and sore throat. Carrot juice is loaded with vitamin A and vitamin C. Drinking carrot juice can give you significant relief from a cough. You should add one teaspoon of honey into a glass of carrot juice before drinking to enhance its effectiveness.

27. Grapes

Grapes [11] contain strong expectorant properties; therefore, eating grapes can help boost the functioning of the lungs. Grapes reduce the mucus from respiratory organs and clear the passages in your lungs. As a result, you can breathe easily. To treat a dry cough or a bad cough, you can drink grape juice or eat grapes. It is a great idea to add some honey for more effectiveness in curing sore throat and cough.

28. Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is one of the wonderful herbal home remedies for dry cough, cold, and flu [12]. Elderberry syrup is loaded with vitamin C that can improve and boost your immune system; therefore, it helps to fasten the healing process. To get rid of illness and dry cough, you just need to consume elderberry syrup.

29. Whiskey

Sipping on whiskey can work if you suffer from a dry cough. It can soothe your sore throat and get rid of a continuous cough. It is a reason why the cough syrups you buy have alcohol in them. You want to know home remedies for dry cough in adults, right? Please drink some whiskey or add some whiskey to your tea.

V – Tips To Prevent A Dry Cough

It is impossible to avoid getting a dry cough completely, but you can follow these useful tips and techniques to reduce the risk of getting a dry cough.

  • Avoid contact with patients of sickness and dry cough: You should have a safe distance from sufferers from the flu, head cold, and
  • Use disinfectant: When someone in your family suffers from an illness, you should clean the bathroom and kitchen with a disinfectant. It is recommended washing towels, bedding, and soft toys with a hot wash
  • Reduce stress: Stress can lead to the poor immune system, and it is one of the common triggers for sickness. If you want to reduce stress, you should exercise regularly, do deep breathing, meditate, and practice muscle relaxation techniques.
  • Wash your hands regularly: You can use warm water and soap to get rid of viruses and bacteria from your skin. It is important for you to instruct children on how to wash their hands in the right way.
  • Stay hydrated: It is important for you to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. You can drink herbal teas and other beverages to make your body hydrated.
  • Get enough sleep. Deep sleep can make your body healthy. During the sleep, your body repair by itself. It is great to sleep for 7-9 hours every night.
  • Take immune-boosting supplements: You can take vitamin C, zinc, and probiotics during the flu and cold season to stay away from illness.

VI – Conclusion

These are 29 home remedies for dry cough in kids and adults. We hope that you can find this article useful and informative. If you have any questions to ask, please feel free to leave them below. We will answer all your questions as soon as we can. Thank you for reading.

You may check out more this article medically reviewed by Scott A. Johnson, AMP, CEEOS at [Link]

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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