Categories: Home Remedies

19 Home Remedies For Acidity And Gas Pain In Stomach: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention

Updated: 11/16/2019


Acidity is the common problems which affect people of any age. It is shown that more than 60 million people in America suffer from acidity and bloating at least once a month. Acidity and gas can lead to nausea, stomach ache, vomiting, chest pain, bad breath, gas, and other symptoms[1]. In this article, we will list out the best home remedies for acidity and gas pain in stomach. Know more about this issue and how you can fight against it with natural treatments in the following sections.

What Causes Acidity And Gas In Stomach?

There are many factors which increase the risk of developing acidity in your stomach. They include:

  • Stress or depression
  • Lack of sleep
  • Lack of exercise
  • Alcohol and smoking
  • Hormone changes during pregnancy
  • Caffeine
  • Excess food consumption
  • Unhealthy or improper eating habits
  • High starch or spicy foods
  • The side effect of some medicines

In addition, it can be aggravated when you eat a heavy meal and lie down or when you bend over or lift a heavy object.

What Are The Symptoms Of Acidity And Gas In Stomach?

The common symptoms of acidity and gas in the stomach may include:

  • Belching[2]
  • Regurgitation
  • Restlessness
  • Bad breath
  • Feel burning in the stomach
  • Feel burning in the throat
  • Feel something in the stomach when swallowing
  • Regular prolonged sour taste in your mouth
  • Regular indigestion
  • Regular constipation
  • Nausea after eating
  • Stomach bloating or fullness
  • Gas
  • Upper abdominal pain

Stomach acidity inflames the esophagus. If it happens, the stomach acid may damage the lining of the esophagus. Sometimes it can cause bleeding. Although acidity is a common problem and it does not cause any serious complications or consequences, you should not ignore the acidity symptoms.

Some patients with hyperacidity in their stomach feel uncomfortable and unpleasant and want to find the effective home remedies for acidity and gas in the stomach. If you suffer from stomach acidity, you can drink a glass of warm water before going to bed and after you wake up. However, you should not drink water during the meal because it can cause improper indigestion which triggers the acidity in the stomach.

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When To See A Doctor

If stomach acidity happens at night, it can make your abdomen painful. However, the level of pain you suffer does not indicate exactly the degree of esophagus damage. Gas is one of the symptoms of acidity and some other factors causing gas include smoking, chewing gum, drinking through a straw, drinking carbonated beverages, drinking or eating too quickly, or wearing loose dentures.

Long-term acidity can lead to serious problems. If you see these severe symptoms such as unexpected weight loss, vomiting blood, black or maroon-colored stools, and swallowing with pain, you should make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

Top 18 Home Remedies for Acidity And Gas In Stomach

1. Basil Leaves

Because they contain carminative and soothing properties, basil leaves are considered as one of the effective home remedies for acidity and gas. It also has a cooling effect, which may decrease the overall pain and burning related to acid reflux[3].

To alleviate the symptoms of acidity, you should eat some basil leaves. Make sure to chew it carefully and thoroughly. Another option is adding two or three basil leaves to a cup of boiling water. Cover it and wait for a few minutes. You can add a little bit of honey to make it taste better. However, do not add any milk because milk will worsen the symptoms of acidity and reduce the effectiveness of this treatment. Sip it slowly. Drink this solution several times during a day for best results.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a well-known remedy which is widely used to treat many health diseases and problems[4]. Moreover, cinnamon is considered as a natural antacid which may help you to alleviate the stomach gas[5]. For this treatment, you should add half a teaspoon cinnamon powder to a cup of boiling water. Cover it and let it steep for about 5 minutes. After that, sip it slowly to reduce the pain and gas caused by acidity in your stomach. Drink this cinnamon tea three times a day. Alternatively, you can add the cinnamon powder to a  meal such as soup.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar contains alkalizing properties; therefore, it will help you to treat acidity effectively and naturally. It is beneficial for bringing the gastric juices to a normal level[6]. It may also help to alleviate digestive conditions including heartburn and acid reflux by boosting acid and healthy bacteria in the gut[7]. For this remedy, you can simply mix some unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water. Drink the solution daily. If you want to prevent hyperacidity from occurring, you should drink apple cider vinegar treatment before a heavy meal. You should not eat too quickly because it can result in stomach gas.

4. Cumin Seeds

Because cumin seeds can work as the natural neutralize, it can keep the stomach acidity symptoms under control. Moreover, it will alleviate indigestion and stomach pain which make you feel uncomfortable and unpleasant[8].

For the treatment of acidity and gas, you simply crush a few cumin seeds and add them to a glass of warm water. Stir well and drink the solution thoroughly. It is recommended drinking cumin seed solution after the meal to keep the acidity problem at bay.

You can also add some cumin seeds in water and boil it. Strain the solution and drink after having a meal.

Alternatively, mix one teaspoon of coriander seed powder, one teaspoon of fennel seed powder, some cumin seed powder, and a little sugar in one-half cup of water. Consume this mixture with an empty stomach to find relief from stomach gas. Repeat the treatment regularly until the symptoms of hyperacidity completely disappear.

5. Ginger

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea effects, which will help keep the acidity under control[9]. Fresh ginger is also known for fighting nausea, protecting against stomach ulcers, and promoting digestion[10] [11] [12]. Thus, it is not surprising when ginger is considered as one of the best home remedies for acidity and gas.

Whenever you suffer from acidity, you should chew a small slice of ginger. You can also make ginger tea by boiling ginger in a cup of water for a few minutes. Strain the water and drink it several times a day to get relief from hyperacidity.

Alternatively, you can consume a tablespoon of ginger juice three times a day. This treatment is proven to be effective in treating stomach pain caused by acidity.

6. Fennel

As one of the natural home remedies for acidity and gas pain in the stomach, fennel will help you to reduce stomach pain[13]. Fennel seed is a great aid to digestion. It is useful for relaxing the smooth muscles in your gastrointestinal system and reducing bloating, gas, and stomach cramps[14] [15]. The possible reason may be that it has carminative properties.

For this purpose, simply chew aniseed after a meal. Another option is making fennel tea by adding some fennel seeds in a cup of hot water. Let it steep for a few minutes. Strain the water and sip this solution slowly. Whenever you suffer from stomach acidity, you should use this treatment to get relief.

7. Coriander

Coriander is effective in treating indigestion[17] [18]. It further helps alleviatethe gas symptoms caused by indigestion. It also contains anti-spasmodic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, which are useful for digestion and the treatment of bad breath.

You can make the coriander tea by soaking some leaves in a cup of hot water. Let it steep for about 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the water and drink it slowly. Consume this herbal tea several times a day whenever you have stomach gas attack.

8. Black Pepper

Black pepper is a well-known remedy for stomach gas caused by the lack of hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Consumption of pepper helps to increase the hydrochloric acid production in the stomach, thereby improving digestion. Proper digestion will help you avoid intestinal issues including constipation, diarrhea, and colic[19]. Plus, it will help you to release the gastric juice, thus boosting your digestion[20].

You can mix one teaspoon each of black pepper powder and jaggery with sufficient buttermilk and consume this mixture before your meal to prevent hyperacidity from occurring. Another option is to make a mixture of dried mint leaves, black pepper powder, coriander seeds, and ginger powder in equal amounts. Consume it once or twice a day for quick effects.

9. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural effective antacid which helps you to fight against the extra acid in your stomach. It can also eliminate the symptoms of acid indigestion and heartburn. It may help counteract the stomach acid and push it back down into your stomach[21] [22]. Using baking soda solution will help you to keep the hydrochloric acid under control.

You can mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Have this solution with an empty stomach. Trying this solution several times will make the symptoms of hyperacidity disappear quickly.

10. Herbal Tea

People often drink herbal tea before the meal to prevent indigestion, gas, and acidity. Herbal teas contain their acid neutralizing effect. Along with that, they soothe the stomach and embrace anti-inflammatory agents that may calm the burning sensation in the esophagus[23] [24]. There are a variety of herbal teas that you can drink before a heavy meal or spicy meals to keep these problems a bay. For example, raspberry, mint, and blackberry are one of the most effective home remedies for acidity and gas in the stomach. Moreover, chamomile and peppermint tea can help you reduce the pain and discomfort in your stomach.

All you need to do is dipping the herbal tea bag in hot water and let it steep for a few minutes. Sip the herbal tea slowly to get relief. Many patients also dip the dried chamomile flowers or mint leaves in water to drink.

11. Cardamom

Cardamom has been used in Ayurveda, Unani system, and Chinese medicine as a traditional remedy for digestive issues. The methanolic extract from the spice is the component that may help control gastrointestinal discomfort such as flatulence, acidity, and stomach cramps[25]. Cardamom[26] contains the volatile oil which can cure a lot of digestive problems such as indigestion, gas, and acidity.

To improve the symptoms of acidity or reduce the pain caused by this problem, you can consume cardamom alone or add sufficient cardamom powder in vegetables when you cook. You can also buy cardamom tea bag in any health store or add cardamom powder in a cup of hot water. Cover and let it steep for a few minutes. Allow it to cool down and sip it slowly. Drink the cardamom tea several times a day to get significant results.

12. Lemon

Lemon is effective in treating and preventing digestive problems including gas, acidity, and indigestion[27] [28]. Lemon works as a body cleanser that flushes the toxins and waste products out of your body. Moreover, it will help your body produce more bile juice. As a result, drinking lemon juice daily will stimulate your digestion and make the digestive system healthy.

Method 1:

Squeeze one lemon and add the juice to a glass of warm water. Consume the lemon juice in the morning after you wake up to keep any digestive problems at bay.

Method 2: Lemon And Baking Soda

Squeeze one lemon juice and add the lemon juice to a glass of lukewarm water. Put sufficient baking soda in it and stir the solution until the baking soda and lemon juice are dissolved. You should drink this solution daily to get significant relief.

13. Asafoetida

Asafoetida[29] is considered one of the most powerful home remedies for acidity, gas, constipation, and stomach-ache[30]. To improve the condition, you should add a pinch of asafoetida to a glass of warm water. Then, drink this solution several times a day to get relief.


Asafoetida isn’t recommended for nursing moms, pregnant women, children, or those with a bleeding disorder or those with low or high blood pressure. It is also known to interact with antihypertensive drugs, anticoagulants, and antiplatelet medications.

14. Carom Seeds

Carom seeds will help you to boost the release of gut juices[31]. It also may help settle the stomach and decrease acidity in the gut, thus stopping the excessive production of gas[32].

You can simply swallow 5-10 seeds along with a little salt and drink a glass of water immediately to let the carom seeds go down. Whenever you suffer from acidity or gas, try this solution.

15. Caraway Seeds

Caraway seeds have limonene and carvone that have long been used for gastrointestinal issues and other disease conditions in Ayurvedic medicine[33] [34] [35]. They are also effective in healing the gastric disorder. These seeds are considered one of the effective home remedies for acidity and gas.

To make this treatment, you dip a few caraway seeds in a cup of hot water. Steep for a few minutes and strain the tea. Drink the tea before having a meal. Chewing caraway seeds along with a little salt also has the same benefits.

16. Gooseberry

Gooseberry is effective in treating many diseases related to stomach, skin, hair, and heart. Because gooseberry has a great source of vitamin C and fiber, drinking gooseberry juice will help you to treat the problems of constipation and acidity[36].

To have a more satisfactory result, you should drink gooseberry juice several times until the symptoms of excessive acid disappear.

17. Turmeric Leaves

Turmeric has healing and medicinal properties; therefore, it is not surprising turmeric is considered as an effective remedy on how to get rid of hyperacidity. It contains antioxidant, gastroprotective, and anti-inflammatory agents, which aid in reducing acidity and symptoms related to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)[37] [38] [39]

You take can boil slices of turmeric root in water to create a tea or add turmeric powder a glass of coconut milk. Drinking this solution regularly will help you to reduce the gastric problems.

18. Aloe Vera Juice

If you suffer from hyperacidity, a glass of aloe vera juice will keep the symptoms under control. Aloe vera juice may help reduce inflammation in the stomach and esophagus and minimize the frequency of heartburn[40]Aloe vera is also a natural laxative.

You should prepare ½ cup of aloe vera and drink it before a heavy or spicy meal.

Some Tips For Acidity And Gas Prevention

  • Eat less at a time by having smaller meals (about four to six smaller meals daily)
  • Avoid skipping your meals and eat on time to keep your stomach healthy
  • Cut down irritating food (spicy, fried, acidic, or fatty foods) and chocolate to reduce gastric symptoms and heal your stomach
  • Stop alcoholic and caffeinated beverages to protect your stomach lining and prevent ulcers.
  • Stop smoking to reduce stomach acid production, boost healing, and prevent the risk of getting stomach ulcers and cancer.
  • Better control your stress to reduce gastric juice production in your stomach Do exercise regularly.
  • Chew gum for 30 minutes to get a significant relief. The possible reason may be that it will stimulate your salivary glands and boost the follow of saliva[41]. If you chew gum, the build-up of acid in your stomach can be flushed out quickly and effectively.
  • Drinking a glass of warm water every time you suffer from acidity and pain is an effective way to alleviate the uncomfortable sensation caused by excessive acid and gas pain.
  • It is recommended to elevate your head when sleeping. Make sure that you do not lie down after the heavy meal because sleeping on a full stomach can lead to hyperacidity.

Using natural home remedies instead of OTC medicines that can lead to side effects may be always a better option. Give these remedies a try, and see which one works best for you. If you know of any other home remedies for acidity and gas in the stomach, please share them with us in the comments box below.

You may check out this article medically reviewed by Girlene Coughlin, RD, LD, CPT [Link]

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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