
21 Foods that Cause Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Updated: 11/15/2019

Do you know that a balanced and nutritious diet plays an important role in preventing a variety of diseases and health conditions? If you eat right, you can prevent heartburn and other health problems. Heartburn is a digestive condition in which the acid from the stomach moves up into the esophagus. If you are experiencing heartburn, it is recommended eating foods that can relax the muscle and control the acid flow. However, certain kinds of foods may result in or worsen heartburn. In this article in,I am going to let you know a number of common foods that can cause heartburn and acid reflux.

I – Know About Heartburn

Heartburn may cause burning pain in your chest. When you bend over or lie down, the pain becomes worse. Most people experience occasional heartburn. People can control the discomfort and make the risk of heartburn reduced by living a healthy lifestyle and eating a balanced diet[1].

Occasional heartburn does not have any serious complications. However, frequent heartburn that interferes with pregnancy or overweightyour daily life may be a sign of serious health conditions that require medical care. Heartburn is not a dangerous health condition; however, you should consult your doctor if heartburn is accompanied by other symptoms such as serious chest pain, difficulty breathing, or pain in the jaw or arm. The causes of heartburn are solely foods that you consume. Those foods may include onions, spicy foods, tomato products, chocolate, fried or fatty foods, citrus products, peppermint, fatty meals, carbonated beverages, and caffeinated beverages.  People with pregnancy or overweight problems may be more vulnerable to heartburn. Moreover, people who don’t sleep well, have erratic eating schedules, stay awake till late, smoke heavily and consume alcohol regularly, consume more junk than healthy food (high-calorie, fried, salty foods) could be at risk too.

II – Foods That Cause Heartburn

1. Caffeine

Some people may have heartburn after drinking coffee. Therefore, if drinking coffee results in your heartburn, coffee may be the foods that cause heartburn and acid reflux. The possible explanation may be that coffee is loaded with caffeine. Different brands of coffee have a different amount of caffeine[2]. Other sources of caffeine may include energy drinks, soft drinks, ice cream, and snack foods even tea. Furthermore, coffee may make your stomach produce more digestive acid. It is a reason why you have symptoms of heartburn after drinking several cups of coffee daily. However, drinking one cup of coffee is fine.

Two small cups of coffee a day is fine, nothing more than that.

Read more: 30 Natural at Home Remedies for Acid Reflux in Adults

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2. Chocolate

Chocolate is effective in relaxing the muscle and controlling the flow of stomach acid. Eating chocolate may make the LES open longer. That results in heartburn if you eat too much chocolate. Furthermore, chocolate is loaded with caffeine that is also a cause of heartburn. It is estimated that a 1 1/2 ounce bar of chocolate may consist of about 20 mg of caffeine.

3. Fatty Foods

Greasy foods and high-fat foods should not be ignored if you talk about foods that cause heartburn. Eating those foods may relax the LES. Furthermore, it takes time for your stomach to digest high-fat foods. Slow digestion may increase the risk of heartburn. Therefore, you should avoid a fatty diet because it is a cause of both short-term and long-term heartburn. Such foods shouldn’t be eaten at night especially.

4. Citrus Fruit

Both citrus fruit and its juice are foods that cause heartburn you should know in this article. This is because they boost the production of acid in your stomach. Compared with other fruits, citrus fruit is the greatest source of citric acid. The citric acid in grapefruit is more than in orange juice. Pineapple is also one of the foods that cause heartburn in some people. If you are vulnerable to heartburn, you should also limit the intake of soft drinks that contain citric acid. Fizzy drinks as well. List down all the citrus fruits and mention all of them can increase your heartburn rather than mentioning each one.

5. Peppermint

People often add peppermint[3] to a variety of foods as a flavoring. It is also added to mints, gum and peppermint tea. Containing numbing and calming effects, peppermint herb can soothe the upset stomach and relax stomach muscles. Peppermint is beneficial for digestion. However, peppermint makes the LES relax, thus worsening the symptoms of heartburn. Therefore, if you are experiencing heartburn and acid reflux, you should avoid peppermint.

6. Alcohol

Alcohol is harmful to your health if you drink it too much. Furthermore, alcohol is included in a list of foods that cause heartburn[4]. This is because drinking alcohol can make your LES relax. Furthermore, it may lead to irritation in the lining of your digestive tract. Therefore, when you are at a party, you should limit the consumption in moderation.

7. Spicy Foods

Many people think spicy foods are delicious. However, they do not know that spicy food may lead to frequent heartburn, upset stomach, and stomach ulcers. Spicy foods are vinegar, paprika, chili, and jalapeno pepper. You should write down the symptoms after eating different foods.

Read more: 19 Natural Home Remedies for Upset Stomach Nausea in Adults

8. Onion And Garlic

Onion and garlic are not recommended for people with frequent heartburn. If you want to cure heartburn, you should avoid consuming onion and garlic. When the symptoms of heartburn are worse, you should make an appointment with your doctor. Onion and garlic are some of the foods that cause heartburn I would like to introduce to you in this article. It can be added to your food but avoid adding it to salads or sauteed veggies.

9. Beef

In this article about foods that cause heartburn, I would like to mention beef. Beef is loaded with fat that results in acid reflux. Cuts of beef like porterhouse, mignon, T-bone steaks, and New York strip are rich in fat; therefore, it may lead to heartburn. When you are experiencing heartburn, you should avoid consuming beef. Beef takes time to get digested and especially shouldn’t be consumed in the night. Also, cold-cuts have excess salt and hence that could worsen your symptoms.

10. Cheese

Cheese is loaded with fat. Consuming high-fat foods may relax your stomach and inhibit digestion. As a result, it makes your esophageal sphincter under the pressure and leads to heartburn. High-fat cheeses are cream cheese, cheddar, Parmesan, gouda, and stilton. Low-fat cheeses are ricotta, cottage cheese, feta and other cheeses with reduced-fat. The cheese sauce is bad for your health because it contains a lot of butter and heavy cream. 

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11. Soda

Soda is not recommended for sufferers from heartburn and acid reflux. Many soda varieties have high acid content, like fruit-flavored beverages and colas. The carbon dioxin present in soda has harmful effects on our health. The bubble makes the esophagus open, leading to heartburn and acid reflux. If you find that soda may cause your heartburn, you should avoid drinking soda. Drinking soda is also harmful to your health. It leads to obesity, diabetes and other health diseases. Water is a great solution.

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12. Pepper And Salt

Ingesting spicy foods may cause heartburn in many people. Chilies may cause heartburn. But you do not forget that simple pepper is one of the foods that cause heartburn. Salt is another food that results in heartburn. Several studies have shown that people who eat diets high in salt may be vulnerable to heartburn. Therefore, it is recommended that reducing the intake of sodium and spicy foods in your diet if you are susceptible to heartburn and acid reflux. Too much of spices should be avoided. Use fewer spices to make your meals.

13. Butter

Consuming fatty foods may result in heartburn. If you have heartburn or want to live healthily, you should use a nonstick pan or cooking spray in culinary. You can also steam or grill foods. If you have heartburn, you should not add butter into your cooked vegetables or soups, gravies . To add flavor, some herbs are a great decision.

14. Candy

Candy is not recommended if you are suffering from heartburn. This is because candy may worsen heartburn. Candy contains a lot of sugar that may increase the risk of developing acid reflux. You can consume natural fruit sugars; however, you should understand your body. Candy has added preservatives; therefore, candy has some harmful effects on your body.

15. Nuts

Nuts are a great source of protein and fat. Protein plays an important role in the body; however, fat consumed relaxes your stomach, inhibits digestion, and delays the process of emptying the stomach. They may cause bloating and put the pressure on the esophageal sphincter. As a result, it causes heartburn and acid reflux. Nuts are one of the foods that cause heartburn I would like to introduce to you in this article. If you have heartburn or acid reflux, you should avoid consuming nuts. Nuts can be consumed but in moderation. You should avoid consuming too much of it. Nuts are a good source of omega 3 fatty acids and aren’t bad for the body. So once in a while is okay.

16. Dairy Products

Dairy products are good for your health. Drinking milk on a regular basis can support bone growth and development Calcium. Milk is also an effective home remedy for many health conditions. Drinking a cup of milk can give you temporary relief. However, it is not recommended consuming dairy products if you have heartburn and acid reflux. This is because milk boosts the production of acid. Drinking milk may make your stomach feel full, leading to heartburn and acid reflux.

17.  Broccoli

Most vegetables are healthy and loaded with nutrients and minerals. However, it is important for us to know how to consume vegetables properly to get their benefits and nutrients. Gas and indigestion may result in heartburn and acid reflux. Broccoli can help you lose weight. However, eating broccoli may add gas to the digestive system, leading to acid reflux and heartburn. You can couple this with coffee. An additional pointer isn’t required

18. Tea

We all know that caffeinated beverages may result in heartburn. So does decaffeinated tea. Many types of tea may result in heartburn and acid reflux[5]. Therefore, if you are suffering from heartburn, you should avoid drinking all kinds of tea until the symptoms and discomfort of heartburn and acid reflux disappear completely. You can couple this with coffee. An additional pointer isn’t required

19. Avocado

Like other triggering foods for heartburn, avocado is loaded with fat. Although, fat is more healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated.  However, it still slows down the digestive process. If you consume avocado daily, it may put pressure on the valve. That causes heartburn and acid reflux. Therefore, you should avoid consuming acid reflux if you have heartburn and acid reflux. It is bad for overall health and hence it needs to be avoided under all circumstances.

Read more: Avocado Oil for Skin and Hair Care – 28 Benefits and Uses

20. Tobacco

We all know that avocado is harmful to your health. It is not surprising when tobacco is one of the foods that cause heartburn and acid reflux. Tobacco may make your stomach feel full and boost the production of stomach acid. It is bad for overall health and hence it needs to be avoided under all circumstances.

21. Tomato-Based Foods

Have you ever wondered why eating foods such as chili, pizza, and spaghetti sauce may cause heartburn. It is because chili, pizza, and spaghetti sauce are tomato-based foods. If you are experiencing heartburn, you should avoid tomato-based foods. This is because those foods may worsen heartburn and acid reflux.

III – Foods Can Be Eaten For Heartburn And Acid Reflux

Those foods may alleviate the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux. Furthermore, they also give you a significant relief. Here are the foods you should add to your diet to prevent the risk of heartburn and acid reflux.

  • Vegetables: Vegetables are loaded with fiber and minerals that is effective in reducing stomach acid. There are a variety of vegetables you can opt for, including green beans, asparagus, potatoes, leafy greens, and cucumbers
  • Ginger: Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, ginger is an excellent remedy for heartburn and certain gastrointestinal problems. If you have heartburn and acid reflux, you should slice or grate ginger root and then add it to your cooking. You can add grated or sliced ginger to smoothies and drinks to relieve the symptoms of heartburn. Or, you can consume ginger water in the morning. Boil ginger in 2 cups of water, reduce it to half and consume.
  • Lean meats: When you suffer from heartburn and acid reflux, you should consume lean meats. Lean meats include turkey, chicken, seafood, and fish. They are low in fat; therefore, consuming those lean meats can help reduce the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux. You can broil, grill, poach or bake those lean meats.
  • Noncitrus Fruits: Acidic fruits may cause heartburn and acid reflux. However, noncitrus fruits such as bananas, melons, pears, and apples can reduce the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux.
  • Healthy fats: Healthy fats include walnuts, olive oil, flaxseed, sunflower oil,  and sesame oil. If you have heartburn or acid reflux, you should avoid or reduce the intake of trans fat and saturated fat and opt for healthy unsaturated fats. Avocado and nuts fall into this category, hence you must remove from the worse foods list.

IV – Find Your Triggers Of Heartburn And Acid Reflux

It is important for you to find the possible triggers of your heartburn and acid reflux. After eating a full meal or consuming certain foods, you may feel a burning sensation in your chest and stomach. You should notice the symptoms such as regurgitation, vomiting, sore throat, dry cough, burping, bloating, hiccups, a lump in the throat and difficulty swallowing. Some certain foods may result in symptoms of heartburn. To figure out foods that cause heartburn and acid reflux, you should keep a food diary and note:

  • Which foods you eat during the day
  • What time you eat those foods
  • What symptoms you have after eating those foods

It is recommended to ask for nutrition and diet advice to start your meal plan. It is a great idea to get recommendations from the doctor or physical provider. This article about foods that cause heartburn and acid reflux has the goal: “minimize heartburn and control the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux.

To prevent heartburn and acid reflux, you should change your diet and your lifestyle. If you have heartburn, do not worry because it is not a serious health condition. To get a relief, you can take medication after consulting your doctor or use natural home remedies for heartburn.

Those are 21 foods that cause heartburn you should know and keep in your mind. After reading this article, you can leave your questions in the comment section. I will answer as soon as I can. Thank you for reading.

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I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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