20 Natural Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth Pain
11. Change The Way You Brush
If you brush your teeth vigorously, it is easy for your teeth to get sensitivity. The possible reason may be that hard brushing will damage or wear away the enamel. If you are suffering from the teeth sensitivity, it will make your condition gets worse. Moreover, hard brushing will erode the gums or make bone loss. As a result, the tooth root is exposed. You can also scrub at cementum. Cementum is the root protector; however it can wear down faster than enamel. Therefore, it is needed to change if you want to know the home remedies for sensitive teeth. According to Bowerman, changing the way your brush your teeth is the big step to reverse teeth sensitivity.
12. Warm Salt Water
If you suffer from teeth sensitivity, a glass of warm salt water will give you the significant relief. All you need to do are dissolving one teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water and rinsing your mouth thoroughly. This remedy will help you to fight against the bacteria causing teeth sensitivity.
13. Cloves
Thanks to antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and antioxidant, it makes the cloves become one of the effective home remedies for sensitive teeth at home. Eugenol which is a component of cloves can do this great job. It is no wonder when Eugonol is utilized in the form of a mixture or paste as filler, dental cement, and restorative material. Clove oil is often used as an anesthetic and old remedy for most of the tooth problem, including toothache and sensitivity. In Germany, there are many clinical trials that prove the effectiveness of cloves.
If you experience a toothache or teeth sensitivity, why do not you try clove remedy before going to the dentist?
- The simplest way is holding the whole cloves in your sensitive tooth until it is chewed up. After that, you can spit it out.
- The alternative option is using the cotton ball in the mixture of olive oil and clove oil and then applying it on your affected tooth. Hold it for a few minutes until the pain and discomfort vanish.
- Moreover, you can mix a few drops of clove oil in a glass of warm water and use it as the mouth rinse in order to relieve from teeth sensitivity. If you want to have the good result, you should apply this treatment for a couple of weeks.
14. Garlic
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It is suggested that patients with teeth sensitivity can apply garlic on their affected tooth to find the significant relief. Garlic is considered as one of the natural remedies for sensitive teeth because of its antibiotic and medicinal properties, which can help you to alleviate the pain. Garlic has been utilized for medicinal purpose since 3000 B.C. Allicin in garlic contains antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it gives garlic the great ability to treat many conditions related to dental health, including gum disease, tooth decay, toothache, and teeth sensitivity. There are more than 500 different species of bacteria living inside your mouth. Some are good bacteria, which are beneficial for your health while others are bad bacteria causing teeth diseases. Keeping your teeth and your mouth healthy means that keeping good bacteria and bad bacteria in balance and under the control.
Garlic remedy can help you to do this great job. Allicin in garlic can help to fight against the bad bacteria. Therefore, you can take garlic supplement or include garlic in your diet. Garlic is a pack of nutrients that are beneficial for not only oral health but also overall health. It is recommended eating garlic for many benefits. Garlic is effective in treating cold. Moreover, allicin can boost your body’s immune system.
If you want to use garlic as one of the home remedies for sensitive teeth, you should crush the garlic clove and mix with black salt or table salt. After that, apply it on your sensitive teeth. If you want, you can chew one or two garlic cloves for the better relief. It is recommended repeating the treatment for a few days in order to treat teeth sensitivity effectively and completely.
15. Onion
It is said that onion is effective as the brushing agent to ease your teeth sensitivity. The possible reason may be that onion has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that can control the pain and alleviate the discomfort caused by teeth sensitivity. Therefore, when you experience the teeth sensitivity, you can hold a raw onion in your mouth and try to chew it to alleviate the pain. If you do not want to chew, you can apply onion juice on your affected teeth and hole it for a few minutes until you get the relief.
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