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26 Natural Home Remedies for Bronchitis in Children & Adults

Updated: 10/31/2019

Bronchitis is a disease that is caused by inflammation and infection in the lining of your bronchial tubes. The symptoms of bronchitis include shortness of breath, chest congestion, wheezing, fatigue, persistent cough and heavy mucus. There are 2 types of bronchitis, chronic and acute. Acute bronchitis is popular and is caused by the flu virus or cold while chronic bronchitis is because of allergies, air pollution and addiction to smoking. When your immune system becomes weak and your lungs have an infection, you may get bronchitis. There are many traditional ways of treating bronchitis at home by using vegetables, fruits, herbs and many more. These traditional methods are not tested by scientific methods. There isn’t any proof to show that they work.  In this article, will show you 26 home remedies for bronchitis in children & adults. The following writing collected information from reliable sources. However, it is not intended to give medical advice. Keep reading this writing to understand more!

A note on honey: Traditionally honey was used to create medicines and remedies. People used to make their own honey. Now we buy it from a shop. Normally it is pasteurised and many of the natural properties are lost. If you can’t find unpasteurised honey, I would recommend not using it. Honey contains lots of naturally occuring sugars. Bacteria love to feed on sugar! So you by taking honey you might be creating the perfect way to grow more bugs!

Top 26 Natural Home Remedies For Bronchitis In Children & Adults

1. Ginger

The anti-inflammatory & immune building properties of ginger may help in treating the cold as well as sore and inflamed bronchial tubes.

Remedy 1:

  • You take 1 teaspoon of pepper, 1 teaspoon of ginger powder, and 1 teaspoon of cloves.
  • Then you mix all these ingredients to get a mixture.
  • Next, you combine a little of it with milk or  manuka honey. (If you can’t get fresh unpasteurised honey, use milk. Supermarkets mostly sell pasteurised honey.)
  • You should keep drinking it three times a day to relieve bronchitis.

Remedy 2:

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  • You prepare 1/2 teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves and ground ginger.
  • Then, you mix all these ingredients with a cup of hot water.
  • Next, you stir it well and drink for a few days to get relief from bronchitis.

Remedy 3 (For Instant Relief):

  • To do this, you need 1 teaspoon of black pepper and 1 teaspoon of ginger powder.
  • Then, you combine with a cup of boiled water.
  • You should let it steep for 5 minutes.
  • After that, you add honey in it then stir well.
  • You should drink this herbal tea twice a day to relieve bronchitis instantly.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric contains the anti-inflammatory property that heals cough related to bronchitis. 

You can follow these steps to spit the excess mucus to get relief from bronchitis.


  • At first, you mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk.
  • Then, you boil it and drink.
  • You should apply it twice or thrice a day. To have faster results, you should drink it when you do not eat anything.

Note: It is not recommended for people who have hyperacidity, stomach ulcers, gallbladder stones, or obstructive jaundice.

3. Salt Water

Salt water is a traditional antiseptic agent. Using salt water several times a day to gargle is a great method to treat different symptoms of bronchitis. It has the ability to help the inflammation in your throat soothe as well as reduce some of the mucus which cause irritation to your throat.


  • You just prepare 1 teaspoon of salt. You have to make sure that you use enough salt. If you use too much salt, it can lead to a burning sensation in your throat. Or if you use too little salt, it will not be effective.
  • Then you mix it with a glass of lukewarm water and stir it well.
  • You should use this daily to clean your throat and eliminate the mucus.

4. Onion

Onion has the expectorant effect that can help in dissolving mucus and phlegm; therefore, it may help to get relief from bronchitis. Besides, onion juice may prevent further build up.


  • You take a fresh onion and squeeze to get the juice.
  • Every morning, you use one teaspoon of this juice when you are hungry.
  • You should use it daily to get better results.
  • Or you can mix raw onions with your salad or use it to cook.

5. Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds contain medicinal properties, which may help in treating bronchitis as well as relieving chest pain related to it.


  • Firstly, you take 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon of flaxseed (linseed), 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 pinch of common salt.
  • Next, you mix all these ingredients to get a mixture.
  • Then, you drink it daily before bedtime.
  • Or, you can mix dry sesame seed powder (1/2 teaspoon) with 2 tablespoons of water then drink it twice a day.

There are many other effective home remedies for bronchitis presented in the next part of this post, keep following it to have more information!

6. Water

When you suffer from bronchitis, you should keep the body well hydrated and help in maintaining a productive cough by providing enough water and clear liquids for your body.

Therefore, you should drink at least 8 to 10 cups of water daily. You may also drink vegetable juices and fruit juices. In the morning, you can apply a cup of water combined with the juice of half a lime. 

Remember not to drink alcohol or caffeine that can cause loss of extra fluid. Therefore, it may make the mucus more difficult to dislodge.

7. Epsom Salt

Taking a bath with Epsom salt can help in relieving bronchitis symptoms, especially when you are suffering from acute bronchitis.


  • At first, you mix 2 to 3 teaspoons of Epsom salt with the lukewarm bath water.
  • Then, you stir it until the Epsom salt is dissolved completely
  • Next, you soak yourself in the bath and leave it there for about 30 minutes.
  • If you are suffering from chronic bronchitis, you should do this 2 times a week. For people with acute bronchitis, applying this method every night is the best.

8. Honey

Honey is one of the natural ways to help you in dealing with the cough, which occurs with bronchitis. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties which will help to soothe your throat. Besides, honey has the ability to boost your immune system.

Remedy 1:

You add 1/2 teaspoon of honey to a cup of tea and drink it every day when you are suffering from bronchitis.

Remedy 2:

  • At first, you prepare 1/2 teaspoon of honey with fresh ginger paste, 1 pinch of black pepper, and 1 or 2 clove powder
  • Then, you combine all these ingredients to get a fine paste.
  • You use this paste to eliminate the burning sensation in your throat.

Remedy 3:

  • At first, you add some drops of lemon to lukewarm water.
  • Then, you combine with 1 teaspoon of honey and stir it well.
  • You should drink it regularly to decrease congestion and throat inflammation.

Remedy 4:

  • You slice a fresh onion in a bowl or plate.
  • Then, you let honey cover it overnight
  • In the next morning, you throw onion slices away and use 1 teaspoon of honey 4 times a day to relieve bronchitis instantly.

9. Eucalyptus Oil

Steam therapy has a positive impact on people who are suffering from bronchitis. Please be careful not to burn yourself. Applying eucalyptus oil will help to soften the mucus in your obstructed airways. Besides, its antibacterial properties may help in healing bronchitis symptoms. You can also apply eucalyptus oil externally on your chest. This has the ability to help you in eliminating the mucus and improving the function of the respiratory system.


  • Firstly, you add some drops of eucalyptus oil to boiling water.
  • Then, you use a towel to cover your head in order that you may inhale the steam.
  • You can use pine oil, rosemary, lavender, mint or tea tree oil if you cannot have eucalyptus oil.

10. Garlic

Using garlic is one of simple home remedies for bronchitis. Because of its antiviral and antibiotic properties, garlic has highly beneficial for healing bronchitis, especially acute bronchitis.


  • First of all, you take 3 garlic cloves.
  • Then, you peel and chop them.
  • Next, you put them in a cup of milk and boil for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After that, you let it be warm and drink at night before you go to bed.

11. Oregano Oil

In order to soothe the deep coughing, soreness and different bronchitis symptoms, you can use oregano oil as a natural treatment. You just hold some drops of oregano oil in your mouth and apply this remedy daily to treat bronchitis.

Keep reading this writing about 26 best home remedies for bronchitis in children & adults to discover more other remedies you can give a try!

12. Orange Juice

Orange contains a large amount of vitamin C. It is recommended that you should absorb plenty of vitamin C in order to have a strong immune system. Drinking orange juice is known as one of the best home remedies for bronchitis. It not only provides vitamins and nutrients but also helps to soothe the inflamed throat.

Besides, you can combine the orange juice with almonds to alleviate the sore throat. To do this, you finely crush 1/2 teaspoon of fresh almonds then you mix it with orange juice. You drink it every night to improve your condition.

13. Lemon

Because lemon contains citrus properties that may help to get rid of bronchitis, you can follow this remedy to treat bronchitis:

  • Firstly, you boil a cup of water then you put a teaspoon of lemon peel on it.
  • Next, you steep this mixture for a few minutes.
  • Besides, you may boil a lemon wedge.
  • After that, you strain the water in a glass and drink it.
  • To heal the sore throat, you may mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to a cup of lukewarm water, stir it well and use it to gargle.

14. Hot Toddy

One of the home remedies for bronchitis is to use hot toddy. To prepare hot toddy, you need:

  • Firstly boil a little water.
  • Then put a tea bag on it.
  • Next, allow it to steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Now, combine a pinch of cinnamon powder and honey.
  • You stir it well and drink to help in soothing your burning throat and getting relief from bronchitis.
15. Bay Leaf

Using bay leaf is one of the simplest home remedies for bronchitis. You can use it to make a tea by these steps:

Remedy 1:

  • Firstly, you boil a cup of water till.
  • When it begins boiling, you place a fresh bay into boiling water.
  • You should allow it to steep for several minutes.
  • You drink it regularly to relieve bronchitis.

Remedy 2:

  • At first, you take some bay leaves and soak in hot water.
  • You use it as a poultice on your chest.
  • Then you take a towel to cover the chest.
  • After it cools down, you rewarm it and repeat the process.
  • Keep doing this until you get the improvement.
16. Thyme

To eliminate mucus and strengthen your lungs, thyme is an herb which is known as one of the best home remedies for bronchitis by its antibacterial properties. You may use it as a seasoning or make a tea.

Remedy 1:

  • At first, you add 1/2 teaspoon of thyme oil to a cup of boiled water.
  • Then, you allow it to steep for about 5 minutes.
  • You can add a little honey to sweeten it.
  • You should drink it every day to get the best results.

Remedy 2:

Olive oil can block and prevent virus growth. Besides, it is known as one of the most powerful antibiotics. Olive oil can treat bronchitis naturally, heal inflammation, treats fatigue, and boost your immune system. They also use this powerful natural antibiotic to heal herpes infection, shingles, hepatitis, chronic candida, and more. The combination of olive and thyme oil may help you in healing bronchitis. You can apply these steps.

  • You dilute thyme oil by mixing olive oil at the ratio of 2:1.
  • Then you rub it on your chest.
  • You should apply it regularly to soothe your throat as well as get rid of bronchitis.
17. Almond

Almond is very commonly applied to help people who are suffering from bronchitis. It contains magnesium, potassium, and calcium that are known to have the ability to strengthen the immunity of your body. This may help your body to fight the infection that causes microbes.

These microbes influence to the respiratory tract, which leads to swelling, soreness, headache, breathing difficulty, and pain. Therefore, using almonds daily may help to decrease the sore throat, pain, and swelling. Although they cannot relieve bronchitis instantly, they can give you relief from bronchitis in a long time.

18. Savory

Savory is known as one of the herbal home remedies for bronchitis. It is reputed because it may eliminate the mucus in your lungs. But you must not use it too much. You just place 1/2 teaspoon of savory into boiling water and drink it regularly to get relief from bronchitis.

19. Licorice Powder

Licorice root is an effective herb which may help you to treat symptoms related to bronchitis.


  • First of all, you make a fine powder by grinding the dried licorice root.
  • Then you combine a teaspoon of the powder with a cup of water.
  • Next, you boil this mixture for about 15 minutes.
  • Now, you strain the mixture and let it warm.
  • You should drink the water twice a day during a week to get rid of bronchitis symptoms.
20. Green Tea

Green tea contains antioxidant properties that are traditionally used as a treatment for many problems including bronchitis. It is thought that it has the ability to eliminate the viruses and boosts your immune system. Whenever you suffer from bronchitis, you just make a little hot green tea and drink it slowly to get the best advantages of the green tea.

21. Turmeric And Milk

The ability to soothe of milk combined with the astringent and antiseptic properties of turmeric may be beneficial for providing fast relief from bronchitis.


  • You just add turmeric powder (a pinch of them) and sugar to a cup of milk.
  • Then, you boil this mixture for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Next, you let it warm and drink daily to get relief from this respiratory problem.
22. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a well known traditional remedy. It contains antiviral properties and is considered very effective in eliminating the virus caused by bronchitis. There are many various ways by using tea tree oil you can apply. You can use a little tea tree oil to massage on your chest. Or you can place some drops of tea tree oil to boiling water then cover your face with the help of a towel. Inhaling the steam may help in getting relief from bronchitis.

23. Apply A Hot Compress On Chest

Bronchitis may make your chest feel painful and heavy, especially when you are suffering from cough frequently. Using heat can help in easing the pressure. You can try one of the following ways of heating your chest:

  • You take a bottle and fill it with hot water then put it on your chest.
  • Or, you can use a heating pad on chest. You should place it over your clothes so that it does not overheat your skin.
  • Another way is to apply an electric blanket to cover yourself.
  • Taking a warm bath is also a good way that you can do to relieve bronchitis.
24. Avoid Smoke As Well As Lung Irritants

Inhaling smoke may make you feel pain and cough when you are suffering from bronchitis. It may also delay the lungs' healing process. You should avoid smoking as well as inhaling secondhand smoke. You should also stay away from these lung irritants, areas with heavy pollution (streets during rush hours) and strong chemical smell (factories, gas stations, hair salons, etc)

It’s particularly important for parents not to smoke if your children have breathing problems. Even if you smoke away from your children, the toxins will remain on your clothes and can affect your child’s breathing.

25. Breathe Warm And Moist Air

Whenever your lungs are irritated, you can try hydrating them with warm and moist air. It may help in soothing your bronchial passageways. If you let your throat dry out, your lungs may become more irritated. That leads to prolonging the infection. You should try the following ways for breathing humid air:

  • You may use a humidifier. A humidifier is a machine which can make the air in your room moisturize. It is available at drugstores.
  • You take a pot of water and boil it on the stove. It can increase your room's humidity by the steam that is produced from this boiling water.
  • Applying a nebulizer to breathe in purified water and saline mists.
  • You take a radiator and put a bowl of water on it. The heat produced by the radiator makes the water evaporate and thereby humidify the air.
  • Take a steamy bath or shower. You have to make sure that you close the bathroom door so that you can get the advantages of inhaling in the moist air.
26. Warm Liquid

Warm liquids such as tea or soups may be beneficial for relieving bronchitis. The warmth agent of soups has the ability to relieve the irritated throat as well as choke bronchial tract.

The different possible benefits which warm liquids can give are decreased inflammation, eased congestion, and pain reduction. Lukewarm water also has many benefits for bronchitis symptoms. However, warm liquid in any form is considered one of the effective home remedies for bronchitis.

If you want to know more about natural, at-home remedies for other diseases and conditions, go to our main Home Remedies page. After reading the article of top 26 home remedies for bronchitis in children & adults, hope that it can help you find out the best solution to get rid of bronchitis quickly and easily. However, the article is only for informational purposes, thus, you should meet your doctor to get advice before applying any at home remedy.

You may check out more this article medically reviewed by Scott A. Johnson, AMP, CEEOS at [Link]

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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