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10 Fast Ways How to Cure Migraine Headache Pain Naturally at Home


It cannot be denied that everyone suffers from a headache from time to time. It is unavoidable, even for complete health nuts. Scientific researches demonstrates that there exist over 150 different types of headache disorders, at both primary and secondary levels — while the formers happen on their own, the latters are caused by various medical conditions [1]. Migraines are one of the most debilitating kinds of headaches as they are not like the typical normal ones experienced by people.

What Are The Symptoms?

When you encounter migraines, you may experience extremely uncomfortable symptoms such as pounding pain, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound. Moreover, some people even experience flickering lights coupled with dazzling and wavy lines — while some of them even suffer from sudden vision loss for a temporary period.

Read more: 21 Natural, Quick Home Remedies for Migraines Relief

What Causes Migraines?

What can actually trigger a migraine? Well, the list varies from daily stress-causing factors, fatigue, changes in temperatures and weathers to the increase in anxiety level. Moreover, too much exposure to bright lights or noises, strong smells, as well as a little amount of sleep, and hormonal imbalances, especially in women can also be the culprits. What is more, diet plays a crucial role in the forming of migraines in many people, as the lack of nutrition or the overconsumption of harmful things like coffee or sugar can pave the way for migraines to occur.

Top 10 Fast Ways How To Cure Migraine Headache Pain Naturally At Your Own Home

When a migraine strikes, you might go to any possible lengths to make it go away, including rushing to the nearest pharmacy to get some aspirins. However, there are natural remedies, which are drug-free ways to reduce the severe symptoms of migraines. In this article, we, have provided top 10 fast ways how to cure migraine headache pain naturally at home. These at-home treatments may help prevent or even cure migraines, or at least help reduce their severity and length of this type of headaches.

See more: 20 Quick Natural Home Remedies for Headaches That Work

1. How To Cure Migraine Headache With Lavender Essential Oil

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Lavender essential oil originates from lavender (scientifically known as Lavandula angustifolia), which is an easy-to-grow plant. A whiff of this oil can bring about many sensations, and its sweet aroma allows people to picture in their minds rows and rows of gorgeous violet flowers under the summer sky. Lavender essential oil is renowned for its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antidepressant properties. Accordingly, it is among the most common oils used in aromatherapy to treat a migraine and other types of a headache [2]. Moreover, the fragrance of this multifunctional essential oil can help to relax and calm a nervous body, thus eliminate stress – the number one trigger for headaches in the first place.

By simply applying the lavender essential oil on some pressure points of your skull, you stand a chance of preventing a nasty migraine or even reducing the severity of the symptoms. You can always make lavender oil on your own by following these following steps:

  • Clean and dry a jar completely, and then place the dried lavender flowers in it. You should have enough flowers to fill your jar.
  • Pour olive oil or other oils of choice all over the flowers until they're completely covered.
  • Put the jar in a place where it can get a great amount of sun, and let it sit for three to six weeks. The sunlight will help extract the oil from the flowers and infuse it with the base oil.
  • After three or six weeks, pour the oil through your cheesecloth and into a sterilized bottle.

Find more:  29 Benefits of Lavender Oil for Hair, Skin, and Health

2. Apply Peppermint Essential Oil

Another type of essential oil which can facilitate your body to speed up the process of curing a migraine headache is peppermint oil. Essential peppermint oil serves as a headache treatment because it is safe and effective in treating the headache triggers, getting to the root of the problems instead of minimizing the pain temporarily. It also provides relief, aids circulation and reduces stress in human beings. Some women develop migraines during pregnancy or menopause due to hormonal imbalances. In these cases, it is highly recommended for them to go for essential oils instead of medications, as medications might often cause unwanted impacts on their babies. Peppermint essential oil uses and benefits include its long-lasting cooling effect on the skin, ability to inhibit muscle contractions and stimulating blood flow in the forehead when applied topically.

Applying essential oil such as peppermint directly onto the forehead and temples has been believed to efficiently alleviate a tension headache. According to a study conducted in 1996, 41 patients with 164 headache strokes were analyzed. The essential oil was utilized topically within 15 to 30 minutes after a migraine headache appeared. The surveyed participants admitted a reduction in the severity of the pain of their headache. Therefore, it is relevant to state that peppermint oil is an all-natural, cost-effective and available alternative to the normal headache therapies [3]. In order to improve blood circulation, reduce pain and relieve tension from a migraine, all you need to do is to dilute two to three drops of peppermint oil with coconut oil and rub it into the shoulders, forehead, and back of the neck.

Get more: 53 Health And Beauty Benefits Of Peppermint

3. How To Cure Migraine Headache – Go For Ginger

A commonly-used cooking spice which is available in the kitchen is ginger. This spice has been religiously utilized for such a long period of time as a natural remedy to treat various health problems ranging from upset stomach, improper digestion to irregular periods. Tension headaches are no exception. It is common knowledge that migraines are often characterized by nausea and vomiting. Ginger might be extremely useful in offering migraine sufferers the reduction in these symptoms, especially with regards to stomach upset. This ingredient contains over 200 different substances in its extracts, which prove to possess antihistamine, anti-inflammatory as well as anti-nausea contents, which may justify why it is able to help with migraines. [4]

There are a number of ways to use ginger as a home treatment of migraine headaches. Some of the most common are:

Firstly, crush fresh ginger then bring it to the boil in water. After that, let it cool down a little bit and drink the liquid. You will definitely witness a decrease in the seriousness of your migraine.

You can also try to inhale ginger because this method can bring about the same result of lessening the severity of migraines. You just need to crush ginger into smaller pieces. Another alternative is to mix a tablespoon of ginger powder with hot water then inhale its smell.

Learn more: Top 27 Health & Beauty Benefits of Ginger

4. Add Magnesium To Your Diet

A mineral with the scientific name ‘Magnesium’ is vitally important for various health purposes for the body, ranging from the protein provision, blood sugar regulation to blood pressure management. An insufficient amount of this mineral has been linked to depression, thus interferes with the body’s function of releasing neurotransmitters, the chemicals responsible for binding the nerves together and thus they can influence mood, as well as blood vessels constriction. All of these occurrences in the body have been proven to be linked with migraines. In one study from 1996 of 81 people with a migraine who were randomly assigned magnesium or a placebo, magnesium supplementation reduced the frequency of attacks by 41.6% compared to 15.8% in the placebo group. [5]

By incorporating foods that are rich in magnesium, for example, green vegetables, various types of beans, tree nuts as well as plant protein and good fats like peanut butter or avocados, you stand a chance of eliminating migraine symptoms. Remember that diet plays an essential role in the general health, and by adding something you lack to your diet, you can cure specific problems including migraines. You should make an attempt to include more magnesium-rich foods in your daily intake to get the best possible results.

Read more: List of 19 Common Super Foods High in Magnesium

5. How To Cure Migraine Headache – Opt For An Ice Pack

One of the easiest at-home remedies to get rid of a migraine is to use an ice pack. All you need to do is to place an ice cube onto your scalp, forehead, temples, or neck to alleviate the pains. Experts are not sure about the exact reasons why this method works like magic, however, lessening the flow of blood might be the answer. You might also make an effort to use a frozen pack or a cold cloth which has been made wet with cold water. This simple technique will definitely reduce the severe symptoms of your occasional migraine headaches if you apply an ice pack to the problematic areas right after the symptoms begin to annoy you. Therefore, using an ice pack should be included in the top 10 fast ways how to cure migraine headaches pain naturally at home.

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6. Try To Work Out, Particularly Do Yoga

Do not make an attempt to exercise vigorously when you are being a victim of a migraine attack for it can worsen the situation. Having said that, after you completely recover from a migraine, a workout routine on a regular basis can keep your headaches at bay tremendously. It allows your body to give out endorphins, which are chemicals that relieve pain. It is also efficient in helping you to sleep and feel better, thus keeps migraine symptoms at bay.

There is no denial to the fact that various yoga postures are capable of assisting in reducing or even eliminating prevalent conditions related to health such as back pain, anxiety, overweight, sleeplessness, let alone headaches and migraines. The benefits yoga offers on the physical level are widely recognized. Today, millions are opting for the yogic lifestyle for their overall health and fitness benefits. Yoga makes our body flexible and strong to cope with the hectic schedule of working or studying. It also increases endurance and vitalizes the organs. Yoga genuinely gives out a feel-good factor and improves self-confidence. Getting on your mat when you are suffering from a migraine headache can be extremely helpful in relieving some of the symptoms. This is made possible by the fact that yoga adds more blood circulation to your head and taking deep breaths, you might see noticeable improvements.

Keep reading: There's A Yoga Pose For Every Health Problem You May Experience

7. How To Cure Migraine Headache – Minimize Stress Factors

One of the top fast ways how to cure migraine headache pain naturally is to reduce stress level. There is a grain of truth in the fact that stress can be extremely hazardous to the body and mind. It is, however, impossible to step away from stress completely. You may notice the occurrence of pounding headaches in case you are cramming for exams, or your deadlines at work are close, or something goes wrong in your relationships. Overthinking and stressing out is the ultimate recipe for migraines in some people. Therefore, it is suggested that you should adjust your coping mechanism to cheer yourself up, even in the moments you are really anxious and upset about something.

There are various tactics you can perform at home to keep your stress level under control. It is advisable that you avoid noisy environments, leave work a little earlier, or ask your partner to take care of the household chores and the kids. Making time for yourself is vitally important when it comes to reducing stress level, and migraines as well. Another technique you can try to do is to meditate and breathe deeply while trying to visualize a peaceful image. A number of relaxation techniques can remarkably help those who suffer from headaches and migraines.

See more: 38 Awesome Tips & Tricks How to Stop Feeling Anxious

8. Give Up Caffeinated Drinks And Smoking

How many times have you been told that consuming caffeine and cigarette can be extremely harmful to your body? The immediate good feelings you have after taking in these things cannot compensate for the deterioration of your health in the long run. One of the effects that caffeine and cigarette have on your body is causing occasional headaches and migraines. This type of headache is such a nuisance for many people to tackle. For some people, this can engender a migraine, but for others, a headache caused by caffeinated drinks is moderately painful, and different people experience different levels of pain owing to several factors. Another contributory factor to your migraines can be smoking. Both smoking and inhaling secondhand smoke can give way for a migraine headache. The substance known as nicotine found in cigarette is harmful, and it is capable of changing the size of blood vessels in your brain, and that can cause a headache. [6]

Withdrawal from smoking as well as drinking caffeine is necessary if you want to get rid of migraine symptoms. A lifestyle without these two unhealthy habits does not only set you free from constant headaches and migraines, but it also contributes to your general well-being. If you do want to keep yourself awake instead of having coffee or lighting a cigarette, make yourself a smoothie, which is packed with many antioxidants beneficial to your body.

Get also: 25 Health & Beauty Benefits Of Drinking Coffee Everyday In The Morning

9. How To Cure Migraine Headache – Avoid Alcohol

The main reason why alcohol can be linked to headaches [7] is that it can cause dehydration in the body of those who consume it. Whether you treat yourself a glass of wine after work, a few glasses of beer during a party, or craft cocktails to celebrate something special, alcohol has a marked negative influence on our system. Although you may enjoy yourself while having your favorite drink, the headache that comes as a result could be terribly annoying. The alcohol contains ethanol, which is a potential cause of migraines. It is such a powerful vasodilator that it can cause headaches in a number of people. In other words, alcohol stimulates the body’s process of excreting important vitamins, salt, as well as minerals through the kidneys. This then results in dehydration and imbalances of electrolyse. Dehydration unfolds the possibilities of the imbalance of the water as well as nutrients in your body, and this also has an impact on the normal flow of blood. [8].

If you want the severe problems of migraines to go away soon, you should not allow yourself to be a heavy drinker [9]. Of course, you do not have to give up your favorite beverage for the rest of your life as moderation is key. Do not consume an excessive amount of something which you know may cause you to suffer.

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10. How To Cure Migraine Headache – Sleep Well

No enough or too much sleep can both be headache triggers. Studies demonstrate that 25 percent of those with sleep disorders have headaches and migraines. To minimize your headache risks as well as the severity of your migraines, you should make an attempt to stick to the same sleep pattern every night. If you have trouble sleeping and or snore heavily during sleep, you should gravitate towards some natural remedies which can help you to achieve better sleep.

Learn also: Top 17 Natural Home Remedies for Sinus Headache Relief


Having migraine headaches can be a real nuisance. Not only do you have to suffer from excruciating symptoms, but your daily schedule can also be disrupted. In order to cope with your annoying migraines, you can use the top 10 fast ways how to cure migraine headache naturally at home that we have provided. If you know any other tips and tricks, do not hesitate to share with us.

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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