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23 Tips How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks On Butt, Thighs, Breasts

Some people may have ugly stretch marks on the surface of their skin after puberty, pregnancy, and rapid weight gain. The stretch marks may be caused by sudden changes in body size. Ninety percent of pregnant women suffer from stretch marks around their thighs, hips, and abdomen. These ugly narrow lines and streaks on the surface of their skin may make them lose confidence. Unfortunately, these stretch marks seem genetic. It means that if your mother has stretch marks, you may have a chance to develop ones. However, you do not need to worry. There are many effective ways on how to get rid of stretch marks on butt, thighs, breasts fast at home that help you to eliminate the appearance of old and new lines.

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How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Fast At Home – Effective Solutions And Techniques

Doctors will consider the stretch marks as striae, stria or striaegravidarum. Stretch marks can affect any parts of your body. However, the most affected areas include thighs, buttocks, breasts, and abdomen. In the early stages, the stretch marks may appear with purple or red color. They gradually become silvery-white. They are often thin and long lines on the surface of your skin. As we mentioned before, there are many causes of stretch marks. However, commonly, it is caused by sudden changes in your body sizes. However, if your stretch marks are not because of body changes in size but some certain syndromes such as Marfan syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, you should make an appointment with the doctor to get diagnose and medical treatment. In rare cases, overuse of powerful ointment and steroid creams may contribute to this problem. In particular situations, for example when you are pregnant, having stretch marks is unavoidable. However, building the good habits such as doing exercise to maintain a healthy weight, drinking enough water and taking care of your skin will help you to lower the risk of developing stretch marks.

Most of the stretch marks can fade away themselves over time and gradually become less noticeable. After giving birth, if you start to have good habits, stretch marks will disappear for a couple of months. There are a variety of treatment options available that help you to ease the appearance of stretch marks immediately or gradually. For example, lotions, gels, creams, cosmetic surgery and laser surgery may be often used to treat stretch marks. However, there are not much evidence and studies that show the effectiveness of these approaches in treating stretch marks. Therefore, it is important to be realistic. It should also be known that laser and cosmetic surgery may be effective but these treatments seem expensive for some people to afford. Moreover, some treatments will cause unwanted side effects. However, you should not be disappointed. Besides the options that we mentioned above, there are many natural and effective ways on how to get rid of stretch marks on butt, thighs, breasts fast at home that will help you to eliminate the stretch marks effectively. These natural and helpful treatments will help to fasten the healing process. If you concern, please read this article on to know more.

1. How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Using A Moisturizer

The first tip on how to get rid of stretch marks fast we would like to mention is using an appropriate moisturizer. A study showed that people who applied herbal moisturizer regularly at home saw more significant improvements in their stretch marks than those who did not. Moisturizer will not only help you to ease the appearance of stretch marks and ugly lines on the surface of your skin but also tighten your skin by boosting elasticity. Consider it. If your skin has a lot of stretching, you will need to hydrate it in order to tighten your skin and reduce stretch marks. The simple solution that helps you to eliminate the old stretch marks and prevents the appearance of new ones is to apply suitable lotion on your skin areas where you have stretch marks or worry about getting them in the future. Using an appropriate lotion may improve the appearance of stretch marks gradually; therefore, you need to be patient. However, if you do not believe in the quality and safety of chemical-based moisturizers which are available in the market, you should replace them for natural moisturizer you can do it at home from olive oil, wheat germ oil, and aloe vera.

2. How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Using Retin- A

Another tip on how to get rid of stretch marks is using Retin-A. Some people saw the improvement in their skin after using Retin-A for a few weeks. The possible reason may be that Retin-A plays the important role in boosting your skin collagen, reducing stretch and preventing tears. However, it should be noted that if you are pregnant women or breastfeeding mom, you should avoid any products containing Retin-A. When you want to use Retin-A to treat stretch marks, it is important to consult your doctor and get the prescription before trying this solution. However, Retin-A may increase your skin sensitivity to UV rays, therefore, you should wear the sunscreen with at least 15 PDF to lower the risk of getting sunburn on your skin.

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3. How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks With Vitamin E Oil

Asking for the ways on how to get rid of stretch marks on butt, thighs, breasts, you should not ignore vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is often considered as the magical cure for stretch marks. It is said that vitamin E oil is effective in treating stretch marks caused by pregnancy and rapid weight gain. Moreover, it does not cause any unwanted side effects if you use this remedy in moderate doses. If you have stretch marks and ugly purple or red lines on the surface of your thigh, hips, and your tummy, you should mix vitamin E oil in carrier lotion or moisturizer for the better result.

4. Egg Oil

Egg oil is also called ovum oil or egg yolk oil which comes from the yolk of chicken eggs. It contains mainly triglycerides with traces of cholesterol, lecithin, xanthophylls such as zeaxanthin and lutein and immunoglobulins. Because egg oil has free-proteins unlike the egg, it does not cause irritation or redness for people who are allergic to egg and want to use egg oil for skin and hair care. Egg oil has been used in traditional Chinese practice as the effective treatment for different ailments and diseases such as eczema, burns, dermatitis, skin ulcers, mouth ulcers, tineacapitis, chapped nipples, nasal vestibulitis, ringworm, hemorrhoids, and frostbite and so on. Therefore it is not surprising when egg oil is considered as one of the effective natural solutions on how to get rid of stretch marks a home.

Pregnant women often use egg oil from the first trimester in order to prevent pregnancy-related stretch marks from appearing. You just need to massage your skin abdomen areas, including sides and lower abdomen gently with egg oil. It should be applied twice a day from the 8th week of pregnancy. You should continue this treatment for 6 weeks after delivery. You can make egg oil at home. Firstly, you should boil 6 eggs for about 20 minutes with high temperature. Peel the egg after letting it cool down. And then cut it in halves. After that, use the spoon or fork to separate the egg yolk from the whites. If you do not want to waste the whites, you can use them for food. Mash the yolk and put it into the shallow frying pan. Heat the mashed yolk on low flame and continue heating until the yolk becomes dark. When you can smell it or feel its smoke, stir and mash it periodically. Continue heating until the proteins are black and the oil is released. It will take time. At this stage of cooking, you can see and feel a lot of pungent smoke. Turn off the heat and allow the pan of boiled yolk to cool down to room temperature. In the next step, you should squeeze the oil and filter it with the help of a strainer or a fine cloth. Put this filtered oil into a dry, clean glass or ceramic bottle. It is important not to store the oil in plastic or metal bottle. If you see any particles in this oil, you need to filter it again. The oil needs to be clear and transparent. To keep its quality, you need to place the bottle or glass of oil far away from water. Any exposure to water can worsen its quality. If egg oil is stored in a refrigerator, it can be kept for three years. With room temperature, its quality will not be lost for up to one year.

5. How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Using Essential Oils

Although there are not many studies and evidence that prove the effectiveness of the essential oil in treating and eliminating stretch marks, it is used as the home remedies how to get rid of stretch marks by a lot of people. They apply one of the essential oils they like on the affected skin areas or use a carrier oil such as coconut oil to make application easier. Here are some effective oils that help you ease the appearance of stretch marks. They are rose, frankincense, lavender, geranium, myrrh, and helichrys.

Read more: Benefits of Lavender Oil for Hair, Skin, and Health

6. Increase Vitamin C Intake

It is said that nothing can help you to treat stretch marks completely but there are natural topical treatments and diet that help you to eliminate the appearance of stretch marks on your skin. One of the vitamins which are effective in reducing stretch marks is vitamin C. Vitamin C which can be used both externally and internally can help you to find the significant relief. Eating vitamin C-rich foods will help you to minimize the stretch marks by giving you the healthy skin. Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant which can fight against the free radicals and remove toxins which hamper the healing process and formation of healthy tissues.

Vitamin C can be found in grapefruit, oranges, cranberries, and strawberries. Moreover, peppers, broccoli, and leafy greens also have the great source of vitamin C. Increasing vitamin C intake by food is considered as the effective way. However, if you are busy, you can take vitamin C supplement instead. It is important to consult the doctor before choosing vitamin C supplement as the treatment how to get rid of stretch marks on butt, thighs, breasts. Moreover, it is also noted that the amount of vitamin C intake depends on the gender, the age. Specifically, infants should not consume more than 50 mg a day. An adult needs to take about 75 to 90 mg per day. Breastfeeding women should consume more, about 120 mg vitamin C per day. You should not consume more than 2000 mg daily. Too much vitamin C can cause some problems for your health, including a headache, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps, or bloating, heartburn, insomnia, and kidney stones. Some dermatologist may suggest vitamin C ointment for people who want to boost their collagen production and healing process. However, there are not enough studies to show the effectiveness of vitamin C when it is applied to your skin. But, according to Dr. Emily Kane, vitamin C cream is effective in stimulating the new skin cell’s growth while improving the early-stage stretch marks. However, vitamin C cream cannot work for older stretch marks. The possible explanation may be that the basic structure of your skin has been changed due to stretch marks and the layers are pulled apart; hence, nothing can help you to make those layers become normal again.

7. Eat Healthy To Reduce And Prevent Stretch Marks

Besides the creams, lotions, and treatments for stretch marks in the market, you also need to reduce and prevent stretch marks from inside. Without a healthy diet and necessary nutrients, your body and your body will not soft or smooth although you have tried many creams, lotions, and treatments for stretch marks. Therefore, it is needed to have a healthy diet which provides your body and your skin a variety of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. It is important to increase protein intake in your daily diet. Superfoods which have a great source of protein include pumpkin, squash, beans, yogurt, fish, nuts, egg white, pumpkin, watermelon seeds, peanuts, almonds, and so on. Eating a good source of protein regularly will help to tighten your skin.

Vitamin C plays the important role in stimulating new skin cell’s growth. Vitamin C is available in guavas, peppers, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, gooseberries, papaya, oranges, and strawberries.

Vitamin E will nourish your skin and make your skin look healthy and soft. Moreover, eating vitamin E regularly will help to slow down the aging signs. Olive oil, kale, nuts, spinach and tropical fruits such as papaya and kiwis are rich in vitamin E.

If you want to prevent stretch marks during the pregnancy period, you should eat nuts and seeds which are high in zinc, a mineral substance. Taking zinc will keep stretch mark at bay or lower the risk of developing stretch marks due to pregnancy.

Maintaining the healthy weight is the important tip on how to get rid of stretch marks and prevent new stretch marks from appearing. We all know that rapid weight gain or weight loss will increase the risk of developing stretch marks on the surface of your skin. One of the reasons which make people gain weight rapidly is fast foods, and processed foods, sugary beverage, foods with high calories. Therefore, it is needed to avoid these foods and eat healthy foods with low calories instead.

8. Drink Water

Drink water is considered as the best way on how to get rid of stretch marks from inside. It is recommended drinking enough 8 glasses of water per day in order to reduce the prominence and sharpness of stretch marks on the surface of your skin. As a result, it will make the appearance of stretch marks less visible. Moreover, water can help to detoxify your body which makes your skin look healthy and plump. If you want to prevent or eliminate the stretch marks, you need to be properly hydrated.  Therefore, drinking water is the best option for you. Because stretch marks are caused by rapid gain weight, drinking water will reduce appetite and make you consume fewer calories later. If you maintain your healthy weight, you do not need to worry about stretch marks appearing on your skin. Doing exercise regularly and drinking enough water will help to prevent stretch marks.

9. How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks With Derma Roller

Derma roller is the device which helps you to improve stretch marks and other scars effectively at home. All things you need to do are rolling over your body, including your hips, thigh, and abdomen where you have stretch marks and other ugly scars. This device cannot be found in the kitchen but you can buy it in every market. Derma roller is cheap enough for everyone to afford it. Moreover, it is totally natural because nothing like creams or lotions with questionable ingredients is needed.

10. Castor Oil

It is said that using castor oil for your skin will give your skin youthful and soft look. Moreover, it also helps you to prevent many problems related to the skin such as age spots, wrinkles, dark spots, moles, pimples and fine lines. People with stretch marks also use castor oil in order to minimize their problem. Therefore many manufacturers of beauty products want to convince you to buy their expensive products. However, you can create castor oil home treatment for healthy and glowing skin. When applied to your skin, it will penetrate your skin. As a result, castor oil can condition, nourish, and moisturize your skin at the same time. Minerals, vitamins and natural omega 3 fatty acid will work to make the stretch marks less visible. You simply need to apply sufficient olive oil onto the skin areas where stretch marks exist. Massage with your fingertips in circular motions for about 10 minutes. You can massage more if you can. After that, you use a thin, cotton cloth to wrap the treated areas. Apply a bottle of hot water or a heating pad to the treated areas for about 30 minutes. The high temperature will ease the inflammation. This treatment of how to get rid of stretch marks should be repeated daily for at least one month in order to see the positive result.

See more: 46 Benefits of Castor Oil for Health

11. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is well-known as the effective solution for many skin problems, ranging from acnes, pimples, to stretch marks. Many studies have found beneficial properties in aloe vera that is effective in treating skin conditions. For ages, people have used aloe vera gel extracted from its leaves to heal wounds as well as sooth their skin. Using aloe vera externally will help you to reduce the visibility of stretch marks. The skin has elastic which can contract or expand, depending on the body growth. Stretch marks are caused if the skin stretches too fast or too much. As result, it leads to elasticity damage and leaves the unsightly stretch marks. Aloe vera will heal these wounds and make the stretch marks less visible. There are many ways on how to get rid of stretch marks at home with aloe vera.

The firstly simple way is to rub aloe vera gel on your affected skin areas. Massage it gently using your fingertips. And then let it sit for a couple of minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

An alternative solution is taking oils from five vitamin A capsules and ten vitamin E capsules to mix with one-fourth cup of aloe vera gel. Mix it will in order to create the smooth paste. Spread this mixture over your skin areas where you have stretch marks. Rub it gently until it absorbed completely into your skin. It is recommended doing this treatment on how to get rid of stretch marks daily in order to get the satisfactory result.

Some people may get irritated when applying aloe vera. Therefore, if there is any sign of irritation, you should stop doing this treatment.

Learn more: Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel and Juice 

12. Egg White

Besides egg oil, egg white is also considered as one of the effective home remedies on how to get rid of stretch marks. If you are not allergic to egg, this treatment is suitable for you. Proteins and amino acids in egg white are effective in eliminating stretch marks and stimulate the new skin cell formation. In order to treat this skin problem, you should need a fork to separate the egg whites from two eggs. Before applying this remedy on your affected skin, you should wash your skin first with warm water. Pat your skin dry and spread the egg whites over the affected skin areas with the help of a makeup brush. You need to wait for a couple of minutes in order to make sure that the egg whites dry completely. Finally, rinse off the egg white with warm water. But if you want to moisturize your skin, you can apply some drops of olive oil onto your skin to keep your skin hydrated and soft. This treatment should be reapplied for 2 months in order to see positive results on how to get rid of stretch marks.

13. How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks With Lemon Juice

We all know that lemon juice is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidant.  Drinking lemon juice every day will help to boost your immune system and keep the cold at bay. Moreover, when lemon juice is applied topically onto your skin, it can be used to treat a variety of ailments and problems, such as acne, pimples, and inflammation. Lemon juice is also considered as a natural treatment that helps you to lighten your skin effectively. Surprisingly, if you want to look for the effective solutions on how to get rid of stretch marks, lemon juice is also the great choice. Thanks to its acidic properties, lemon juice will make the stretch marks less visible and fasten the healing process. In order to treat stretch marks at home, you just need to rub lemon juice directly and gently onto your affected skin areas. You should use your fingertips to massage in the circular motions. Allow your skin to absorb all the benefits of lemon juice for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Another option on how to get rid of stretch marks fast with lemon juice for you to choose is mixing sufficient lemon juice and cucumber juice in the equal quantities. Lemon juice is effective in tightening your skin and lessening the stretch marks while cucumber juice has the cooling properties which can make your skin smooth and comfortable. Apply this mixture of lemon juice and cucumber juice onto your stretch marks and leave it for a couple of minutes. It is recommended repeating this treatment for one or two months to get the satisfactory result in how to get rid of stretch marks.

However, when you want to apply lemon juice on your stretch marks, you should be careful because lemon juice will cause some irritation and redness for sensitive skin. You can prevent irritation by diluting lemon juice with sufficient water.

Learn also: 22 Best Ways on How to Use Lemon for Darkcircles

14. Sugar

This tip on how to get rid of stretch marks on butt, thighs, breasts sounds strange but it is effective. The possible reason may be that sugar is well-known as the effective solution that helps to exfoliate skin and get rid of dead skin cells as well as boost the new skin formation. Because of its natural exfoliating properties, sugar should be included in the list of natural home remedies that help you to reduce the stretch marks effectively. It is recommended using natural white sugar to exfoliate the dead skin cells and eliminate stretch marks.

As the home remedy for stretch marks, you should mix one tablespoon of raw white sugar with sufficient almond oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix it well in order to create the smooth paste. After that, apply this paste on your affected skin. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. It is recommended rubbing this treatment for a couple of minutes per day before you take a shower. You should follow this treatment for one month in order to see how to get rid of stretch marks naturally.

15. How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks With Potato Juice

Potato juice is packed with vitamins and mineral. When it is applied to your skin areas where the stretch marks are present, it will help to eliminate their visibility. Moreover, it will help to boost the new skin cell healing and restoration. Apply potato juice on the affected skin areas will help to tighten the skin. You need to choose the best potatoes with good quality. Make sure that you buy them in the local stores that your trust. The potatoes need to be free-chemical. Wash a potato in the running water. Cut it into small thick pieces. Take one piece and rub it gently on your affected skin. Keep doing it for a couple of minutes. Make sure that the starch of potato will cover fully your stretch marks. Let it sit on your skin for a while until the starch of potato becomes dry enough. Finally, you can get the starch off with warm water. You should repeat this treatment for one or two months in order to get a significant relief.

16. Alfalfa

Alfalfa is the common legume which can grow throughout the world under various conditions. Alfalfa can grow up to 0.9 m and its flowers bloom from July to September. Alfalfa is effective in treating kidney bladder as well as prostate disorder. Alfalfa is recommended for people with lower cholesterol. Because alfalfa is useful for multipurpose, it is not surprising when alfalfa is used to treat stretch marks at home. The possible reason may be that alfalfa leaves contain essential amino acids that are beneficial for your skin health. Moreover, they have a great source of vitamin E, K, and protein which can help to nourish your skin. When you want to use alfalfa as the effective solution on how to get rid of stretch marks, you should mix two teaspoons of alfalfa powder with sufficient chamomile oil to create the smooth thick paste. Alfalfa powder can be bought in a market or created by grinding its leaves with the help of blender or food processor. Firstly, before applying this paste, you should rinse your skin with lukewarm water. Pat it dry with the clean towel. After that, use a spoon to spread the paste on your affected skin. Make sure that this paste covers fully the stretch marks. Massage the affected skin areas in circular motions using your fingertips. It is recommended repeating this treatment twice or three times a day for a few weeks. You will see the significant improvement on your skin soon.

Read more: 26 Benefits of Alfalfa Sprouts and Leaf

17. How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks With Cocoa Butter

Asking for the home remedies on how to get rid of stretch marks fast at home, you should not ignore cocoa butter. The possible reason may be that cocoa butter is considered as the excellent moisturizer which can help to nourish your skin and eliminate the appearance of stretch marks. In order to create the effective treatment for this skin problem, you just need to apply cocoa butter directly on the stretch marks around your hip, thighs, and abdomen. Wait for a few minutes and rinse with water. You should do this treatment twice or three times daily.

Another way to utilize cocoa butter in order to treat stretch marks is making the mixture of half a cup of cocoa butter, two tablespoons of grated beeswax, one tablespoon of wheat germ oil, one teaspoon of apricot kernel oil, and one teaspoon of vitamin E oil. Mix it well in order to create a smooth paste. Heat the mixture over the low flame until the beeswax melts. To store this mixture, you should put it in the airtight container and place it in a refrigerator. It is recommended applying it on your existing stretch marks twice or three times a day. Not only does it reduce the existing stretch marks, prevent the new stretch marks but it also helps to make your skin look smooth and hydrated. This solution is effective and you can see the significant result how to get rid of stretch marks for one month. Therefore, we would like to recommend you try it.

18. How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks With Olive Oil

Olive oil is the oil extracted from olives, fruits of the olive tree through an incredibly simple process. It is said that olive oil has the great source of omega-3 fatty acid, monounsaturated fat which is beneficial for overall health and skin. Olive oil can be used in cooking for a lot of health benefits, such as controlling cholesterol, managing your healthy weight, and preventing some health diseases like diabetes, heart attack at bay. Moreover, applying olive oil on your skin will help you get the hydrated, glowing and supple skin. It can be used as a moisturizer, condition, toner, and cleanser for amazing wonderful benefits. Olive oil will hydrate your skin and make it look soft like a baby’s skin. When the nutrients of olive oil such as omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fat are absorbed into your skin, it will nourish your skin. However, it is important to distinguish the different kinds of olive oil. The bottle of olive oil may say “pure olive oil” and “extra virgin olive oil”. The difference is that pure olive oil or simple only olive oil has poor quality and is extracted using chemicals. Sometimes, they are diluted with other cheaper oils. On the other hand, in order to get extra virgin olive oil, the olive fruits need to be harvested in time and processed properly without adding any chemicals. Because extra virgin olive oil has to undergo many tests to make sure it meets the good standard, it is the great choice if you want to apply it on your skin. Thanks to its nutrients and antioxidant properties, using olive oil treatment externally can help you to treat a variety of skin problems, including stretch marks. In order to do this treatment, you should add a few drops of extra virgin olive oil onto the stretch marks and massage it gently. You should leave this treatment for 30 minutes in order to let omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D, A, E can be absorbed into your skin. Finally, you can wash it off with lukewarm water. If this treatment is repeated several times a day and for a couple of weeks, it can reduce the visibility of stretch marks to a great extent.

Moreover, you can make the mixture of olive oil, vinegar, and water to create the excellent night cream. This cream will give moisture to your skin and make it hydrated. Moreover, because olive oil contains vitamin A, it will be effective in exfoliating your skin and getting rid of stretch marks.

19. Apricot

Numerous people have used apricot scrub as the way on how to get rid of stretch marks from their skin fast and effective. The effectiveness of apricots in shedding the dead skin cells and getting rid of stretch is proven by many studies and evidence. Therefore, it is time for me to introduce to you how to make an apricot scrub. Firstly, you should cut to open two or three apricots to remove their seeds. Get rid of the seeds and crush this fruit into a thick paste. After that, you can apply this paste on your stretch marks. It is important to leave it at least 20 minutes because it will need time for the skin to absorb all the nutrients and benefits of apricot paste. When the paste becomes dry, you can wash it off with lukewarm water. It is recommended repeating this treatment daily for one or two months in order to get the desired result how to get rid of stretch marks naturally.

20. Black Tea Massage

Asking for the effective solutions on how to get rid of stretch marks fast at home, you should not skip black tea massage. The possible reason may be that black tea contains the great source of vitamin B, vitamin C, and E, and is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Therefore, drinking black tea will boost your immune system. Moreover, it will help your body fight against the free radicals which can affect your health and result in many health problems such as cancer, diabetes, and inflammation. Black tea is effective in improving the nervous and brain system, encouraging the digestive tract to function well, strengthening connective tissues and your bone. Because drinking black tea will increase the energy, it will make you lose weight easily. B complex vitamins in black tea will improve the state of your nails, skin, and hair. Vitamin B12 will prevent your skin from forming age spots and pigmentation. All things you will need are 2 tablespoons of black tea powder and 1 teaspoon of salt. Dissolve black tea powder and sail in water and boil it within 2 minutes. After that, you should let it cool down a little bit in order to avoid burning sensation. After that, you can apply this solution to your stretch marks on the surface of your skin. If you want to have a more satisfactory result, you should repeat this treatment several times a day for a couple of weeks to see how to get rid of stretch marks naturally with black tea.

21. Turmeric

When you look for the effective home remedies on how to get rid of stretch marks fast on your skin, you should remember turmeric as the great choice. Turmeric is not only delicious but also good for your skin. Turmeric is used as a spice commonly in Asian cooking. Turmeric is present with bright orange-yellow color. It has light, complementary smell and taste. If you want to use turmeric as one of the home remedies how to get rid of stretch marks on butt, thighs, breasts, you should choose 100% turmeric without additives. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is effective in treating many skin problems, such as blemishes, redness, rosacea, and stretch marks. As the treatment for stretch marks, you should combine turmeric with water or oil in order to create the thick paste. After that, spread this paste on your skin twice or three times a day in order to make the stretch marks disappear. It is recommended repeating this process for a couple of weeks for great result how to get rid of stretch marks with turmeric.

22. Coconut

Coconut oil can help your skin hydrated when it gives moisture. The small molecules in coconut will quickly penetrate into your skin; as a result, it will help your skin to retain suppleness and elasticity. Moreover, coconut has antioxidant that will fight against the toxins, free radicals. It improves your immune system and increases the blood flow to all over the body. When applied to your skin, it will help you to treat stretch marks by making them less visible.

In order to cure stretch marks, you just need to apply a few drops of coconut oil onto your skin areas where the stretch marks are present. You should rub it gently in order for the coconut oils to absorb into your skin. After that, you should use your fingertips to massage in circular motions. You should continue doing this treatment several times a day for at least 15 days in order to see the significant result.

Alternatively, you can mix a few drops of coconut oils with sufficient tea tree oils. Apply this mixture on your affected skin. After waiting for 15 minutes, you can rinse it off with lukewarm water in order to prevent the new stretch marks from forming.

23. Coffee

Coffee should be considered as the effective home remedy on how to get rid of stretch marks because it has chemicals which help to lighten the stretch marks. Firstly, you should grind some beans of coffee into the smooth paste with the help of blender or food processor. Add sufficient water to the ground coffee. However, if you take coffee ground from the coffee machine, you do not need to add more water. Next, you add a little aloe vera gel to mix with the paste. Spread this paste over your face and rub gently for 3 or 5 minutes. After that, wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. Apply olive oil or a suitable moisturizer afterward in order to keep your skin hydrated and soft. Repeat this treatment of how to get rid of stretch marks until you get the satisfactory result.

Learn more: 24 Health and Beauty Benefits of Green Coffee Beans Extract 

These are 23 home remedies and techniques on how to get rid of stretch marks on butt, thighs, breasts fast at home that we would like to introduce to you on AllRemedies. Do you find helpful information in this article? If yes, please let me know by leaving your comments below. We will answer your questions as soon as we can.

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I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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