Herbal Remedies

50 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar For Health And Beauty

Apple cider vinegar has been used as a well-known natural remedy for various ailments and diseases. Nutritionists often recommend apple cider vinegar for their customers. The intake of apple cider vinegar has detoxification effects, provide your energy and improve digestion. Furthermore, there are also many amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar for beauty.

Apple cider vinegar contains not only anti-bacterial properties but also great sources of calcium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, iron, copper, fluorine, and silicon that play the important role for your health and beauty.

I – What Are The Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Health And Beauty?

According to many studies and research, the use of apple cider vinegar has the ability to cure acid reflux, treat diabetes, reduce blood pressure and support weight loss. The intake of apple cider vinegar can help fight against bad bacteria while increasing good bacteria in the body. The anti-bacterial and antibiotic properties of apple cider vinegar make it become a wonderful ingredient for digestion, skin care and immune system. Furthermore, polyphenols present in apple cider vinegar are effective in preventing cancer, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes. Apple cider vinegar is a great alternative for antibiotics and medications that have some unwanted side effects.

It is time for us to find out amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar for health and beauty. What are benefits of apple cider vinegar you should know? This article on Allremedies.com can give you a satisfactory answer.

1. Detox Your Body

Talking about amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar for health and beauty, we should mention its detoxification. Considered as a great lymphatic and liver tonic, apple cider vinegar can detox your body’s system and organs. The use of apple cider vinegar can help improve the cardiovascular health and keep the body’s pH in balance.

2. Whiten Your Teeth

If you have yellow teeth, apple cider vinegar can become a great solution for you. Apple cider vinegar should be considered as a natural teeth whitener when we talk about amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar. The pH of apple cider vinegar whitens your teeth by removing stains on your teeth.

3. Treat Heartburn And Acid Reflux

One of the benefits of apple cider vinegar for health is treating heartburn and acid reflux. The imbalance of pH level in the stomach and lack of enzymes are common causes of heartburn and acid reflux. Apple cider vinegar is effective in balancing the pH level and boosting the production of enzymes in the stomach.

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4. Get Rid Of Candida And Boost The Production Of Probiotics

Yeast and candida can affect millions of people from all around the world. Candida and yeast’s attack results in a lack of energy, bad breath, digestive problems and UTI’s. The use of apple cider vinegar can help get rid of candida by boosting the growth of probiotics. Besides taking apple cider vinegar, you should also remove sugar from your daily diet.

5. Support Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar is effective in supporting weight loss. Therefore, when you talk about health and beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar, you should not ignore that. Apple cider vinegar helps you lose unwanted weight and fat because it has the ability to boost detoxification and inhibit sugar cravings. Acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar contributes to that benefit.

6. Balance The pH Level In Your Body

Acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar has the ability to balance the pH level in your body because of its alkaline properties. In a list of health benefits of apple cider vinegar, that is important. Imbalance of the pH in your body may increase the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer. Keeping the pH level in balance, the intake of apple cider vinegar can provide your energy dramatically.

7. Relieve A Sunburn

Soothing a sunburn is also one of health benefits of apple cider vinegar I would like to share with you in this article. People often combine apple cider vinegar with other natural ingredients such as lavender essential oil and coconut oil to soothe a sunburn and irritated skin.

8. Treat And Prevent Diabetes

Apple cider vinegar can help prevent and treat diabetes by balancing blood sugar, which is also included in a list of amazing health benefits of apple cider vinegar. It is due to the acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar. Patients with diabetes should add apple cider vinegar to their diet to improve their health condition.

9. Improve Poison Ivy

Poison ivy causes inflammation and swelling. The use of apple cider vinegar can help speed up the recovery by reducing inflammation and swelling. That benefit of apple cider vinegar is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of potassium present in apple cider vinegar and its detoxification.

10. Reduce Blood Pressure

A 2009 study showed that apple cider vinegar has the ability to reduce blood pressure and triglycerides significantly. Regular intake of apple cider vinegar is recommended if you suffer from high blood pressure.

11. Kill Off Fungus On Skin And Toes

Killing off fungus on skin and toes is one of amazing health benefits of apple cider vinegar introduced in this article. It is due to the anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. It is not surprising when apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy for fungus.

12. Cure Seasonal Allergies

Apple cider vinegar has the ability to cure seasonal allergies. It removes mucous in the body and improves lymphatic drainage. Therefore, the use of apple cider vinegar is effective in clearing your sinuses and boosting your immune system.

13. Treat Eczema

A list of benefits of apple cider vinegar includes treating eczema. The pH of apple cider vinegar can help fasten the healing process for eczema and other skin issues.

14. Relieve Varicose Veins

Apple cider vinegar is a great home remedy for varicose veins because it contains anti-inflammatory properties. Massaging apple cider vinegar over your affected areas may help increase blood circulation. Using apple cider vinegar can give you a significant improvement after a few weeks.

15. Get Rid Of The Body Odor

The body odor may make sufferers feel unconfident and it is caused by yeast and bad bacteria. The damp armpit increases the growth of bad bacteria. To get rid of this unpleasant and smelly odor, people have to find different products. Not all products are effective. Unfortunately, getting rid of the body odor is also one of the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar. The use of apple cider vinegar is effective in killing yeast and neutralizing odors. Apple cider vinegar can make your body smell fresh all day.

16. Treat Warts

Topical use of apple cider vinegar can treat warts. Apple cider vinegar contains anti-inflammatory properties; therefore, it fastens the healing process. You just need to apply apple cider vinegar to the affected areas and cover it with the bandage. Let it sit overnight and remove it in the morning.

Read more: 26 Natural Home Remedies for Warts Removal on Hands & Body Parts

17. Treat A Cold

Beneficial properties and numerous benefits of apple cider vinegar for health and beauty have been researched and investigated. Several studies found out that the use of apple cider vinegar can treat a cold and its symptoms such as a sore throat. This is because apple cider vinegar is loaded with vitamins and acetic acid.

18. Add Shine To Your Hair

Apple cider vinegar should be added to hair care routine because the use of apple cider vinegar can add shine and volume to your hair. You should use apple cider vinegar as a great natural hair conditioner on a regular basis to get a satisfactory result. Talking about amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar for beauty shiny hair, you should not ignore that.

19. Improve Heart Health

Apple cider vinegar is good for the heart health. The intake of apple cider vinegar can help lower the risk of stroke and heart disease by reducing blood pressure and increasing good cholesterol in your body. A 2011 research showed that apple cider vinegar has the ability to control triglycerides.

The chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant, presents in apple cider vinegar helps to prevent the oxidization of LDL cholesterol particles.  The oxidization of LDL cholesterol particles is a common cause of heart disease.

20. Prevent Digestive Ailments

One of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is preventing digestive ailments. Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy for various digestive disorders because it boosts the production of digestive juice and helps breakdown foods. It is a reason why the use of apple cider vinegar can prevent bloating, indigestion, heartburn, and gas. Drinking a glass of water with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar can give you a significant relief from heartburn. The heartburn is caused by the low level of acid in the stomach. Apple cider vinegar has the ability to boost the production of acid stomach. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar contains the healthy acids such as isobutryic, acetic, propionic and lactic acids that are beneficial for digestion. These healthy acids also prevent the unwanted growth of bacteria and yeast in the stomach.

Keep in mind that although there are some benefits of apple cider vinegar for digestion, it is not an effective remedy for ulcer.

21. Prevent Osteoporosis

Women over the age of 65 are vulnerable to osteoporosis. Suffering from osteoporosis, patients lose 50 to 75 percent of the bone material from the skeleton. It is important for you to prevent osteoporosis before it damages your bone. The benefits of apple cider vinegar can help. This is because apple cider vinegar is loaded with calcium that can strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

22. Slow Down The Aging Process

Slowing down the aging process is one of the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar for health and beauty. Becoming older is not a pleasant experience. More importantly, people do not want the physical signs of aging such as sagging skin and wrinkles. Apple cider vinegar is a great source of powerful antioxidants that prevent early aging signs and slow down the aging process. Furthermore, that benefit of apple cider vinegar is also due to its ability to stabilize the acid and alkaline balance.

23. Prevent Free Radical Damage

Overproduction of free radical may result in a variety of health and beauty issues. For instance, excess free radical causes oxidative damage to tissues, cell membranes, DNA, and proteins. Free radical puts you at the higher risk of diseases such as emphysema, ulcers, immune disorder and arthritis. The free radical damage affects not only the inner body but also the outer appearance. For example, it results in sagging skin, haggard look, and wrinkles. It is important for us to reduce the free radical’s effects and extensive damage by consuming more antioxidants. Antioxidants are present in a variety of vegetables, fruits, and foods such as apple cider vinegar. The use of apple cider vinegar can help fight against free radical in the body. Talking about benefits of apple cider vinegar for health and beauty, you should not ignore that.

24. Kill Various Types Of Bacteria

Apple cider vinegar has the ability to kill off pathogens such as bacteria. It is a reason why apple cider vinegar has been used for cleaning the wounds for over 2 thousand years. Vinegar inhibits the growth of bacteria such as E.coli in the food. Application of vinegar to the skin to kill bacteria causing acne.

25. Reduce Cholesterol

Fatal cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart disease are caused by high level of cholesterol in the body. Many studies found out that vinegar consumption can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is due to the presence of the antioxidant chlorogenic acid in apple cider vinegar. The uses of apple cider vinegar also help lower blood pressure. Reducing cholesterol level in the body is one of the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar. However, further studies on the human should be carried out to prove that benefit.

26. Reduce The Risk of Cancer

Cancer occurs when the tumor cells grow uncontrollably. Reducing the risk of cancer is one of the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar because it contains anti-cancer effects. According to some recent studies, apple cider vinegar has the ability to shrink tumors and get rid of cancer cells.

27. Relieve Bloating

Apple cider vinegar is a well-known remedy for bloating. Therefore, I would like to mention this use in a list of amazing health benefits of apple cider vinegar. The intake of apple cider vinegar can help your body digest food properly in the intestine by increasing the acidity in your stomach. Slow digestion may result in acid reflux. When the food present in the stomach backs up into the esophagus, it may cause the unpleasant feeling of fullness and a burning sensation.

Read more: 43 Foods That Cause Bloating And Swelling In The Stomach

28. Boost The Absorption Of Nutrients

The use of apple cider vinegar boosts the absorption of nutrients such as iron, calcium, folate,  and vitamin B6 by stimulating the production of acid in the stomach. These nutrients are necessary for your health and they contribute to numerous health benefits of apple cider vinegar. Poor production of acid in the stomach leads to deficiencies in nutrients.

29. Make You Feel Full Longer

The intake of apple cider vinegar inhibits the hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods by keeping your stomach full longer. Consuming apple cider vinegar after each meal can make you feel satisfied at least 90 minutes after meals. People who take apple cider vinegar eat less sugar than others who do not.

30. Treat Bad Breath

Treating bad breath is one of the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar for oral health. The antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar help get rid of microorganisms that cause bad breath. Although it is true in theory, any other antibacterial agents are more effective in treating bad breath than apple cider vinegar. If using apple cider vinegar does not bring any improvement, you should try other better products or home remedies.

31. Soothe Jellyfish Stings

If you have jellyfish stings, you should keep diluted apple cider vinegar on your hand. In a list of wonderful benefits of apple cider vinegar, vinegar is an effective home remedy for jellyfish stings. It deactivates the stings and soothes the irritated skin soon.

32. Cure Diarrhea

Apple cider vinegar is loaded with pectin. Therefore, curing diarrhea naturally is one of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. The pectin present in vinegar plays the important role in forming a protective coat for intestine and colon.

33. Keep Indigestion At Bay

There are more benefits of apple cider vinegar for health. The use of apple cider vinegar not only treats diarrhea but also prevents and treats indigestion. This is because apple cider vinegar is good for the digestion.

34. Treat Hiccups

Hiccups are caused by different factors such as the low level of acid in the stomach, overeating and slow digestion. If hiccups make you uncomfortable, apple cider vinegar is a great solution for you. This is because it soothes diaphragm spasms and keeps acids in your stomach in balance. Therefore, you should not ignore that benefit of apple cider vinegar.

35. Relieve Exhaustion And Fatigue

Stress may increase lactic acid in the body, which leads to fatigue and exhaustion. Moreover, apple cider vinegar is a great source of enzymes and potassium that get rid of the feeling of tiredness. The intake of vinegar can provide your energy and elevate your mood.

36. Reduce Leg Cramps

The combination of apple cider vinegar and water can help dissolve the acid crystals present in the blood. Moreover, apple cider vinegar is a great source of calcium and potassium. These nutrients play the important role in easing the leg cramps.

37. Relieve An Upset Stomach

There are more amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar for health. For instance, the intake of apple cider vinegar can help relieve an upset stomach. An upset stomach may cause gas and pain. These unpleasant symptoms can be treated with the help of apple cider vinegar. This is because apple cider vinegar contains the pectin. The pectin found in apple cider vinegar is effective in relieving intestinal pain, spasms, and aches.

38. Clear The Stuffy Nose

The stuffy nose can be treated by cold medicine. However, cold medicine may have some unwanted side effects if taken too much. Have you thought of using apple cider vinegar for clearing the stuffy nose? If you have heard about amazing health benefits of apple cider vinegar and tried the vinegar, you may find it effective in treating stuffy nose. The potassium abundant in apple cider vinegar helps thin the mucus while the acid gets rid of bacteria in your nasal cavities.

39. Regulate Blood Sugar

Controlling blood sugar is one of health benefits of apple cider vinegar I would like to share with you in this article. Apple cider vinegar contains anti-glycemic properties that can help boost insulin sensitivity. Taking apple cider vinegar on a daily basis can balance the blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes. If you suffer from diabetes, you should consult your doctor to use apple cider vinegar properly.

40. Protect Bone Health

Apple cider vinegar is loaded with magnesium, potassium, calcium, and other essential minerals that play the important role in protecting bone health.

41. Reduce Arthritis Pain

The benefits of apple cider vinegar also include reducing arthritis pain. That is due to the presence of potassium in apple cider vinegar. Potassium prevents the build-up of calcium in the joints.

42. Treat Acne

There are many benefits of apple cider vinegar not only for health but also for beauty.  Apple cider vinegar is one of the effective home remedies for acne and pimples because it contains antibacterial properties. Although apple cider vinegar can prevent further acne breakouts, the acid in vinegar irritates the skin. If you want to use apple cider vinegar for treating acne and pimples, you should dilute apple cider vinegar in water.

43. Cleanse Your Face

Apple cider vinegar is considered as a natural toner or cleanser for your face because of amazing beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar. Antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar can help prevent breakouts. Moreover, the use of vinegar is also to balance the skin’s pH levels.

44. Lighten Bruises

There are more other beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar for the skin. The uses of apple cider vinegar for lightening bruises and reducing the discoloration of your skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

45. Get Rid Of Smelly Feet

Apple cider vinegar is a great home remedy for smelly feet because it contains antibacterial properties. Moreover, apple cider vinegar is effective in balancing the pH of the feet. The pH imbalance is a cause of the smelly feet.

46. Brighten Your Skin

Apple cider vinegar is a great home remedy for different skin issues including eczema, psoriasis, blemishes and dry skin. Regular of apple cider vinegar can help brighten your skin and improve the skin complexion. This is because apple cider vinegar contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Beside diluted in the water, apple cider vinegar can be combined with other natural ingredients to create wonderful face masks.

47. Remove Dandruff

Dandruff is a common hair issue that makes many people feel unconfident. It is embarrassing when you with dandruff problem have to appear in front of others. People pour a lot of money and time on hair care products. However, not all costly salon sprays are effective. Alternatively, you can try natural home remedies such as apple cider vinegar for treating dandruff. This is because the vinegar has the acidity that gets rid of fungus. The fungus is a cause of dandruff growth on the scalp.

48. Soothe A Sunburn

There are more other benefits of apple cider vinegar for beauty. For instance, apple cider vinegar is a wonderful rescue for sunburn. It soothes the sunburned skin by balancing the pH level of the skin and making it cool.

49. Treat Dry Scalp

Apple cider vinegar not only gets rid of dandruff but also treats dry scalp. The acidity of apple cider vinegar is effective in getting rid of harmful germs on your scalp and reducing dry scalp.

Read more: Top 15 Natural Home Remedies for Dry Scalp & Hair

50. Prevent Age Spots

Apple cider vinegar prevents age spots, which is one of the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar for beauty. Apple cider vinegar is a great source of sulfur that contains anti-aging effects. Apple cider vinegar is considered as an effective home remedy for sun spots and age spots.

II – What Are The Side Effects Of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Although there are numerous benefits of apple cider vinegar for health and beauty, overconsumption of apple cider vinegar may result in some unwanted side effects. Therefore, using apple cider vinegar is a key if you want to avoid major known side effects. Do not drink vinegar on a regular basis because it can cause a deterioration of dental enamel. Moreover, the acids in apple cider vinegar may make your teeth yellowish. It increases the teeth’s sensitivity to cold and heat. If you apply apple cider vinegar directly to your skin, it may cause a burning and irritating sensation. To prevent those unwanted side effects, you should dilute apple cider vinegar in a sufficient amount of water or mix it with a pinch of baking soda to decrease the acidity level in apple cider vinegar.

III – Where And How To Buy Apple Cider Vinegar

You can buy apple cider vinegar with the good quality in many nutrition or natural health stores. Apple cider vinegar can also be found in various online retailers. It is recommended looking for apple cider vinegar with a pH level of 5 to 7. If you can drink apple cider vinegar due to its strong sour taste, you can take apple cider vinegar in capsule form after consulting your doctor.

Are you satisfied with the information about amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar for health and beauty? Apple cider vinegar has the multipurpose; therefore, you should keep a bottle of apple cider vinegar available in your kitchen. Read the label carefully whenever you buy and use apple cider vinegar. Do you have any questions to ask after reading this article? You can leave them in the comment section bellow the post. I will answer as soon as I can. Thank you for reading.

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I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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