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21 Home Remedies for Pinworms: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Updated: 6/15/2019


Pinworms (genus Enterobius) is a parasitic worm which is the most common infection in the human affecting anybody at any age. Many people want to find the effective natural remedies to kill this infection. In this article, we will introduce to you some effective and natural home remedies for pinworms in adults and children that help you to find significant relief. Scroll down!

What Are Pinworms?

Pinworm infections are also called as oxyuriasis or enterobiasis. It is the most common intestinal infection in the United States and the world, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [1]. The pinworm is also the most common helminth infection in Western Europe and Oceania.

Pinworms are ¼ to ½ inch in length. They are thin, narrow, and white worms. When the patients with ringworms sleep, the female pinworms will crawl out of their anus and lay thousands of eggs. Pinworm infections can grow and spread fast and easily if not treated soon. Some patients do not see any symptoms while others will experience intense rectal itching. This problem may interfere with their sleep. Pinworm infection will easily spread from child to child. This disease is often seen in children between the ages of 5 and 10. It also affects people living in institutions and someone who regularly contact with others in these groups. The possible reason may be that they often put their finger to their mouth and pass the personal items to others. When they scratch, pinworms will be lodged under their finger and by eating food, the pinworms come back to your body or spread to other children who share with you foods or personal items. The cycle of infestation will continue until you treat pinworms completely.

Symptoms Of A Pinworm Infection

In most cases, pinworms cause no symptoms. However, if the worms crawl around your intestinal to lay eggs when you sleep, you may have an itching sensation in or around the vaginal. Itching and the movement of pinworms can interrupt your sleep. Another symptom which is common in the female is urinary tract infection. It occurs when the worms penetrate into the urethra or vagina. Some more serious complications such as insomnia and poor sleep may occur if pinworm infection is not treated. In rare cases, bleeding may happen due to intense scratching.

To sum up, here are common symptoms of pinworm infection if you notice:

  • Frequent itching of the anal area
  • Difficulty in sleeping due to the discomfort and anal itching
  • The existence of pinworms in the child’s anus if he or she has this infection
  • Skin irritation, pain, and a rash around the anus
  • Pinworm presence in stools

Causes Of Pinworm Infection

There are many causes of pinworm infection. However, we will mention two common triggers. Firstly, this problem is caused by eating unsanitary foods. Accidentally breathing or swallowing pinworms can lead to this problem. The microscopic eggs will be transmitted to your mouth by contaminated drink, food, or your fingers. When you swallow the pinworm eggs, they will hatch in the intestines and grow into mature for a couple of weeks. The second trigger of this problem is sharing personal items and foods which the infected patients have touched. When infected people scratch their itchy areas, the pinworm eggs will hide under your fingernails and transfer to your food, unclean sheets or clothing. If this problem is not treated well and completely, it can lead to serious complications. Pinworms can live in the sufferer’s body for up to 13 weeks; therefore, scratching affected areas cause unintentional ingestion and increase the risk of reinfection. It is a restart of this condition.

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Who Are At Risk Of Pinworm Infection?

Anyone at all ages can be affected by pinworm infection. Because the normal eyes cannot see the microscopic pinworm eggs, it is impossible for you to avoid scratching the affected area or contacting with affected people.

Here are people who are at risk of pinworm infection: [2]

  • Family members and caregivers who contact the infected people
  • Children who go to preschool, day care, or elementary school
  • Individuals living in institutions and crowded accommodations like dormitories
  • Adults or children who do not wash their hair before eating
  • Children often suck their thumbs as their habit

Can Your Pets Spread Pinworms To You?

Pinworms affect only humans, and they are not seen in your dog and cat. Therefore, getting pinworms from your pets is impossible.

How Can You Diagnose A Pinworm Infection?

Sometimes, pinworms are diagnosed incidentally by pathology. If you doubt you are suffering from a pinworm infection, you should meet a doctor. He or she can help you diagnose a pinworm infection by giving you a tape test. In a tape test, patients take a piece of cellophane tape and press the sticky side against the anus skin.

Because of pinworms presence in the anus while a patient is sleeping. A tape test should be conducted when you wake in the morning. If you have the pinworm eggs, these eggs will stick to the piece of cellophane tape. After that, you can take the tape to a health care provider or a doctor.

It is recommended conducting a tape test three times in three mornings to have an accurate result.

What Are The Treatments For A Pinworm Infection?

Pinworm infection can be treated with oral medication. Because pinworms can spread from a person to a person, people who contact with infected people need to use treatments for pinworm infection at the same time to avoid reinfection. The most effective medications include albendazole [3], mebendazole [4], and pyrantel pamoate [5]. To treat the pinworms and pinworm egg completely, you should take more than one course. Ointments and creams are effective in soothing the itching skin in the affected area around your anus.

Besides, there are many natural ways and medical treatment on how to get rid of pinworms. Let’s check out these effective home remedies for pinworms.

Home Remedies For Pinworms

1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains antifungal and antibacterial properties, so it is effective in fighting against parasitic infections [6], [7]. This oil works as one of the amazing home remedies for pinworms.

You will need:

  • 1 or 2 teaspoons of coconut oil
  • 1 or 2 drops of tea tree oil


  • Mix the coconut oil with tea tree oil.
  • Spread it over the affected area
  • Do it daily

Note: Tea tree oil can be used directly; however, it can lead to irritation in people who have sensitive skin.

2. Clove Essential Oil

Clove oil has a beneficial compound known as eugenol that has powerful germicidal effects. These, combined with antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of the oil, may help treat pinworm infection [8], [9].

You will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • 1 or 2 drops of clove essential oil


  • Mix the coconut oil with the clove essential oil
  • Apply the oil mixture directly to the infected area
  • For a satisfactory result, repeat this treatment every night.
3. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice contains the acidic nature that reduces the pH of the body. Consequently, this may kill off the pinworms [10].

You will need:

  • 1 glass of water
  • ½ lemon
  • Honey


  • Squeeze ½ lemon into the lemon juice
  • Put the lemon juice in a glass of water
  • Put some honey into this lemon water
  • Drink it daily
  • Consume at least one glass of lemon water daily for quick results.
4. Water

Pinworms are contagious; therefore, it can spread from person to person easily. It is important for you to clean your entire household by using hot water to kill pinworms completely. Hot water is effective in preventing pinworm recurrence [11].

You need to prepare:

  • Hot water
  • Detergent and soap


  • Wash your hands with warm water and soap after you contact with the sufferers or items of the infected person
  • Soak all the infected fabrics and clothes in hot water for about 30 minutes before washing them
  • Clean the washrooms daily with soap and water to prevent reinfection of pinworms
5. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple is rich in an enzyme known as bromelain that contains antimicrobial properties. Using pineapple can kill off the pinworms [12]. Therefore, you should not ignore pineapple juice if you are looking for amazing home remedies for pinworms.


  • Peel the pineapple and cut it into pieces
  • Put these pieces in a blender
  • Add a glass of water in the blender
  • Drink the pineapple juice once daily
6. Alcohol

Alcohol has antimicrobial and disinfecting properties due to the isopropanol present in it. Rubbing alcohol to the infected area can get rid of pinworms and prevent the recurrence [13], [14]. Therefore, alcohol is one of the effective home remedies for pinworms.

You will need:

  • Alcohol
  • Wipes or cotton balls


You just need to use a cotton ball to rub alcohol over the affected areas. It is recommended rubbing alcohol every time you in the toilet.

7. Yogurt

Yogurt is loaded with probiotics that may balance the bacteria in the digestive system[15]. Yogurt can destroy and eliminate harmful bacteria from your body. To treat pinworm infection, you just need to consume a cup of plain yogurt at least once daily.

8. Dietary Changes

A healthy diet plays an important role in human health. If you eat healthily, your immune system will be able to fight against and prevent many health problems and disease [16], [17]. However, on the contrary, a bad diet will weaken your immune system and deteriorate the functions of many organs of your body. As a result, it will increase the risk of developing health ailments and diseases. As the way of home remedies for pinworms, it is recommended eating plenty of vegetables and fruits which can provide you with the necessary nutrients and health benefits. Moreover, you should stay away from carbohydrate and sugary foods, and high-calorie and sugary beverages.

The possible reason may be that the pinworms can easily grow and spread if you give them the right nutrients and favorable environment which are carbohydrate and sugary drinks or foods. Eating high-fiber foods, including whole wheat, bran, and raisins will help to flush pinworms from your system by adding bulk to the stool. Besides vitamins and fibers, you should also increase probiotics intake.

Probiotics play an important role in keeping your urinary tract healthy. Moreover, probiotics stimulate the growth of good bacteria which fight against bad bacteria, make the intestines become unfriendly for pinworms to exist and grow, and get rid of pinworms effectively and naturally. Yogurt has a good source of probiotics.

9. Proper Hygiene

When you scratch your itchy skin areas and put your fingers in your mouth, it will make the pinworms start the cycle of infestation again. More seriously, the pinworm eggs from your fingernails will transfer into the clothing, foods, and bed. As a result, these eggs spread from person to person and hatch in their intestines. It is important to have proper hygiene to prevent further infection [18], [19]. The doctor may say that proper hygiene is the key techniques that help the patients treat pinworm infection and prevent it at bay [20]. You should start to wash your hands with soap and warm water. It would be better if you did not skip your nail where most of pinworms eggs hide in. Make sure that you clean under your nails carefully. It is recommended to wash your hands before eating each meal, after going to the bathroom, and immediately upon waking up. When you touch the infected sheets or clothes, you should wear gloves to protect. Moreover, it is important to wash the unclean clothes and sheets several times a day with hot water to kill off the existing pinworms.

10. Garlic

Asking for the effective home remedies for pinworms, we would like to recommend garlic for you. Garlic is the potential food to eat if you want to get rid of pinworms. It has many nutrients such as vitamin A, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C, iron, vitamin B6, and magnesium, which are helpful and beneficial for your health. For ages, garlic has been used medicinally to treat and prevent a variety of health conditions and diseases such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack, coronary heart disease, and atherosclerosis [21], [22]. Some people consider garlic as an effective solution that helps them to prevent certain cancer related to rectal, colon, breast, stomach, lung, and prostate [23], [24].

Apart from that, the organosulfur compound allicin present in garlic works against intestinal worms [25] [25], [26]. Besides, the antiparasitic nature of garlic is effective at killing any existing pinworm eggs and preventing female pinworms from laying eggs [27]. Along with that, it can help to remove hookworms and roundworms (nematode). Moreover, it is an antioxidant that exhibits antifungal and antibacterial properties [28], [29].

The patients with pinworms should try adding garlic to their dishes. You can also grind some cloves of fresh garlic until it becomes a smooth paste. Mix the paste with Vaseline and apply this paste to your infected rectal area or the buttocks to kill off pinworms.


  • Although garlic seems likely safe for most people, it may cause several side effects for some people who eat raw garlic too much. Common side effects include a burning sensation in your stomach or mouth, bad breath, gas, heartburn, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and body odor.
  • Several reports and studies have shown that excessive garlic consumption will increase the risk of bleeding during surgery [30].
  • If garlic is applied to your skin, it is possibly safe. However, it can cause skin damage which is similar to a burn for some people who have sensitive skin.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women can consume garlic normally in food. However, they should avoid using it in medicinal amounts. There are not enough evidence and studies which can show the safety of garlic for pregnant and breastfeeding women when it is taken medicinally or topically. Therefore, to stay away from side effects, they should avoid it.
  • For children, garlic is safe if it is consumed in moderation. If eating garlic in large doses, it can cause some serious problems. In some cases, excess garlic consumption will be dangerous and fatal to infants and children.
11. Grapefruit Seed Extract

A grapefruit seed extract has been used as a popular supplement that many people believe it can cleanse their digestive system. This extract can help to kill pathogens of many infectious diseases, such as fungi, viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Grapefruit seeds have polyphenols that contain strong antimicrobial activity that may fight against pinworms [31], [32].

For this treatment, put 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract into a glass of water and then drink this solution three times daily for one week to see the significant result. If you want to take grapefruit seed extract as the capsules, it is recommended to take 100 milligrams divided into three times a day.

12. Wormwood

All parts of wormwood and its oil can be used medicinally to treat a wide range of health conditions and problems such as the upset stomach, loss of appetite, intestinal spasms, and gallbladder disease. Many people also consider wormwood as a powerful treatment for liver disease, fever, and worm infections such as ringworms and pinworms. Wormwood is effective in treating pinworms thanks to its isothujone, santonin, and thujone. These anti-parasitic substances will kill off all worms living in your intestinal tract [33], [34]. To treat pinworms, ringworms, and other parasites, you should mix a few drops of wormwood into a glass of water. You can also use brew tea instead of water. Then, consume this solution when your stomach is empty. This treatment is safe for children who are infected with pinworms.

You can also prepare about three drops of wormwood extract, a cup of hot water, and honey. Then, add the wormwood extract to the hot water and add some honey for flavor. Consume this tea. Follow this way three times a day for one week.

13. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has plenty of essential nutrients and a great source of antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Using coconut oil will eradicate all types of worms, microbes, and infections [35], [36].

It additionally functions as a very strong antiparasitic property, which can help rid your body of expel parasites and stimulate your immunity to fight them.

If you suffer from pinworms and ringworms, you should swallow a teaspoon of coconut oil every morning after you wake up. If you want to add more effectiveness, you should rub coconut oil around your anus at night.

14. Carrots

Carrots act as a natural deworming property because they help to expel the pinworms. They are also enriched with beta-carotene that is a precursor for vitamin A, so it can help to kill the eggs of pinworms. Moreover, it is enriched with fiber, which may improve digestion and stimulate bowel movements [37]. It further helps combat parasites quickly by improving the immune system. Moreover, carrots are nutritious food but low calorie. The foods are loaded with plenty of nutrients such as vitamin A, biotin, vitamin K, fiber, potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin B6, B3, and B12, phosphorus, and folate which are great for your overall health and your digestive system.

Patients with pinworms should shred carrots and eat them three times a day. However, if you do not want to eat raw carrots or you do not like its flavor, you can add a little honey to improve its taste. Raw carrots can be added to a variety of salads. Moreover, you can puree boiled potatoes and carrots with the help of a blender or food processor. This nutritious soup can be served hot or cold. Finally, add sufficient spices and herbs to taste delicious.

15. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds [38] have been used as an anthelmintic, a substance which can help to flush the intestinal parasites [39], [40]. Pumpkin seeds have high levels of compounds called cucurbitacins which may paralyze the pinworms. As a result, it keeps the pinworms from holding on to the intestinal walls. According to a 2016 study, pumpkin seed extracts may help curb gastrointestinal nematode (worm) infections [41].

Follow the steps below:

  • Blend one cup of pumpkin seeds and mix with a cup of plain yogurt. Alternatively, you can use diluted coconut milk or coconut water
  • Add small amounts of coconut water or plain yogurt until it becomes a smooth paste.
  • Get this paste out of the blender and put it into a bowl.
  • Eat it as a porridge breakfast when your stomach is empty in the morning.
  • Following the pumpkin seed solution for up to one month to solve the parasite breeding cycles completely.
16. Onion

Onion is the healthy superfood which contains plenty of nutrients such as biotin, manganese, onion, copper, vitamin B6, vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B1, and folate. These nutrients are beneficial for your health and your intestinal health. Onions are also full of sulfur globules which may help to flush pinworms out of your system within one to two days [42], [43].

It is recommended consuming a ½ cup of onion serving per day to prevent many health conditions and problems, including parasites. You can also slice a medium onion and soak it in a pitcher of water. Leave it overnight. In the morning, the treatment for pinworm is ready for you to take. Drink the onion liquid three times a day to kill off the pinworms in your intestines.

17. Bitter Gourd

The bitter gourd is also called the bitter melon. This vegetable is bitter; therefore, not many people like consuming it. However, bitter gourd has a lot of health benefits that you should not know, as it has a great source of vitamins such as B2, B1, B3 and C, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and fiber. One of such benefits is treating pinworms and other varieties of parasites. Drinking bitter gourd juice is an effective way that helps you to flush both pinworms and their eggs from your intestine.

It also contains anthelmintic compounds that are beneficial for killing intestinal worms, including pinworms [44]. Besides, it can help to eliminate the toxins, which these parasites leave behind when they die.

When you want to juice or cook bitter melon, you should wash it under running water and brush it with a soft vegetable brush. After that, cut the bitter gourd into small slices. Remove its seeds. You can make it less bitter by soaking it in salt water for about 30 minutes before juicing. Plus, you can add honey, carrot or apple juice to make this juice more palatable.


  • Excessive consumption of bitter gourd juice will lead to diarrhea or mild abdominal pain. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor if you want to use bitter melon as natural home remedies for pinworms.
  • Pregnant women should avoid eating bitter melon or drinking it juice too much because it may affect the uterus and may cause preterm labor.
18. Apple Cider Vinegar

It is said that taking apple cider vinegar combined with water daily will help you not only kill the pinworms quickly but also make your intestine less favorable for pinworms to thrive by decrease the PH levels [45].

You just need to mix one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink it daily for a better result.

19. Ginger

Ginger is not only used in cooking to add more flavor to your dishes but also considered as an effective remedy to treat a wide range of health problems and ailments, from sickness, nausea, dizziness, vomiting to cold sweating. Moreover, ginger is effective in killing a variety of intestinal worms, including pinworms [46].  Ginger can help to destroy parasites in the stomach before passing on to the intestine by supporting your digestive system [47].

Therefore, if you suffer from pinworms, you should add ginger to your cooking or eat a few pieces of raw ginger in order to find significant relief. You can also drink ginger tea. Make the tea by putting the ginger root in boiling water. Cover it and wait for about 5 minutes. Drink this tea daily when it cools down.

20. Castor Oil

Castor oil contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help to destroy the worms, yeast, and parasites while making your body healthy. Therefore, it is an effective and purgative remedy for all kinds of gastrointestinal problems. It may help dislodge pinworms from your intestines, which in turn pushes them out of the body since it contains laxative effects [48], [49].

To get rid of pinworms, you should take one teaspoon of castor oil daily. This oil will be able to prevent the worms from holding on intestinal walls and force them to get out of the body through the stool.

21. Food-grade Diatomaceous Earth

It is said that food-grade Diatomaceous Earth [50] is an effective solution for pinworms and other worm infections effectively and naturally [51]. It’s a great natural and food-based anti-parasitic medications. Diatomaceous earth works by attracting fungi, viruses, pesticides, bacteria, drug residues, etc. to absorb them.

However, when you go shopping, there is a variety of food-grade Diatomaceous Earths that make you confused. Some kinds of food-grade Diatomaceous Earth are used in an aquarium and may be toxic if you consume. Therefore, before purchasing, you should consult the expert first. Food-grade Diatomaceous Earth is a chalky, sedimentary rock made from small fossilized algae known as diatoms. Some studies and reports showed that consuming food-grade Diatomaceous Earth can kill adult pinworms and pinworm larvae by making them dehydrated. When you want to use food-grade Diatomaceous Earth to treat pinworms, the ideal dosage is one tablespoon daily for adults and one teaspoon for children. You should not inhale the food-grade Diatomaceous Earth because it can lead to lung damage. You can also add it to applesauce, smoothies, and water. Make sure that you stir it well to help the food-grade Diatomaceous Earth dissolve. You should continue to consume four-grade Diatomaceous Earth until pinworms and their eggs are killed off completely.

Tips For Prevention

Although you have treated pinworm infection, it is still important to know how to prevent the spread of pinworms and further infestation [52]. There are some ideal methods and approaches that help you to keep pinworms from coming back. If you have children, you should make them diligent to do these methods.

  • Wash the hands with water and soap immediately after using the toilet and touching the infected items. It is needed to wash under nails carefully.
  • Regular cleansing the anal or genital region with antiseptic, mild soap, and warm water is required to prevent further infestation.
  • Avoid the bad habit of scratching.
  • Regularly cut your fingernails. Keep it clean and trimmed short.
  • Wash clothes, pajamas, all bedding, and underwear daily. Dry it well before using or wearing.
  • Often change the bed linens.
  • Do not share towels with other people.
  • Make sure that your children wear clean underwear.
  • Avoid getting into the room of the infected person until the pinworms are treated completely.
  • Stay away from infected linens.
  • Avoid putting the fingers to the mouth and touching the face.
  • Clean the toilet carefully after using.

The above home remedies for pinworms can give you effective and quick results only when followed regularly without fail. So go ahead and try using these remedies and let us know which one works best for you.

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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