
List of 19 Common Super Foods High in Magnesium to Consume

Magnesium is an important mineral for the body in order to keep the body parts function well. Magnesium plays the important role in maintaining normal muscle, boosting a healthy immune system, strengthening the bones, and maintaining the heart health. The possible reason may be that magnesium is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in your body. Lack of magnesium will cause many health problems such as cardiovascular disease, muscle spasms, high blood pressure, diabetes, migraines, anxiety disorders, cerebral infarction, and osteoporosis. However, excessive magnesium can lead to diarrhea because your body will remove the excess. It is recommended consuming at least 400 mg of magnesium in the daily diet. But the question is which foods contain the high level of magnesium and which rich-magnesium is good for our health. Therefore, in this article, I will introduce to you the list of common foods high in magnesium.

List Of Natural Super Foods High In Magnesium –The Good Foods For Your Overall Health

Your body needs magnesium to function well. Surprisingly, this mineral shows the great value and benefits in treating chronic pain, headaches, sleep disorder, and asthma. Moreover, recent studies have found out that consuming foods which are high in magnesium will reduce the risk of health conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. Hundreds of studies have proven the excellent benefits of magnesium for human’s health. Therefore, it is important for you to know the list of common foods high in magnesium. It is said that foods high in magnesium may include legumes, dark green vegetables, wheat bread, cereals, nuts, and fish. To know more the detail, please this article about the list of common foods high in magnesium in AllRemedies.

1. Egg

The first food in the list of common foods high in magnesium that we would like to mention is the egg. A large egg may contain 6.1 mg of magnesium. Moreover, the nutrition of an egg may include 7.9 grams of protein, 7.9 grams of fat, 36 mgs of calcium, 132 mgs of phosphorous while it has only 80 calories. Therefore, egg is considered as the superfood for health. There are many ways to prepare this food.

In many countries, egg has been eaten as the healthy breakfast since time immemorial for all good causes. Egg has a great source of vital nutrients, including magnesium and other minerals as well as essential vitamins; therefore, egg has become an integral part of a healthy diet. Because a large egg contains only 80 calories and 7.9 grams of fat, eating an egg daily does not make you gain weight.

Thanks to magnesium and protein content, eating egg on the regular basis will help you to build the block of bones, cartilage, muscles, blood, and skin. Protein in egg will be used by the body to repair damaged tissues as well as make hormone, enzymes, and other body chemicals. Egg will provide you enough energy your body needs during the day. If you want to lose weight, egg is the ideal food to eat instead of consuming carbohydrates and fat.

Besides magnesium and protein, egg also contains a high level of riboflavin or vitamin B2, a water-soluble vitamin which is necessary for the metabolic process, growth, normal cell function and energy production.

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Some people may be afraid that egg yolk can cause some health problems. However, it is the fact that if consumed in moderation, egg yolk is a healthy food. 100 gms of egg yolk contains 1.33 gm of cholesterol; however, it has a great source of vitamin A, B vitamins, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, iron, and lecithin. It is said that you can eat one egg per day without worrying about cholesterol and fat level in your body.

There are many ways for you to prepare egg, including boiling, poaching, scrambling, and frying.

2. Milk

Asking for the foods high in magnesium, we cannot ignore milk. Milk is one of the dairy products which can provide you magnesium, phosphorous, calcium and protein. These nutrients are necessary for human bone growth and development. Consuming milk daily from early childhood and throughout the life will strengthen your bones and keep your body from health diseases such as osteoporosis because of its high level of magnesium and calcium.

Drinking milk will make your teeth healthy and strong. Many studies have found out that if milk can be consumed together with cariogenic foods in your diet, it can reduce the bad effects of these foods on your teeth. Moreover, the dentists recommend drinking a glass of milk between the milk as the safe drink because it does not cause tooth decay as other sugary juice.

Magnesium will reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure; therefore a number of studies have shown that drinking 3 portions of milk along with 5 portions of vegetables and fruits daily will keep high blood pressure in children and adults at bay.

Drinking milk and consuming dairy products will lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. The people who drink milk regularly are less likely to have heart attack than others who do not. The possible reason may be due to many factors of milk. Epidemiological studies indicated that increasing the intake of magnesium and calcium will prevent cardiovascular disease.

Milk has a great source of magnesium; therefore, it will keep obesity at bay. Many people believe that drinking milk will add more weight. On the contrary, researches showed that people who drink milk, as well as dairy foods, are slimmer than others who do not. However, it is recommended drinking low-fat milk or sugar-free milk in order to prevent obesity by controlling the calorie intake.

Moreover, beneficial nutrients in milk including magnesium and calcium will link to reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Milk and other dairy products contain a low glycaemic index, which helps to keep the blood sugar levels under the control.

Moreover, drinking milk will keep your body hydrated. To remain hydrated, it is suggested that you should drink enough 6 – 8 glasses of fluid per day. Milk is the great drink which not only gives hydration to your body but also provides your body beneficial nutrients at the same time.

One cup of regular milk contains 32.8 mg of magnesium while skim milk has 27.8magnesium per cup. 12.2 mg of magnesium is included in one cup of low-sodium milk.

3. Low-fat Yogurt

If you want to increase magnesium intake and want to have a good health, it is recommended consuming two cups of low-fat yogurt per day. Yogurt also contains calcium. It is said that consuming enough magnesium will make your body absorb calcium easily. On a container of low-fat yogurt contains 19 milligrams of the mineral. It is the great idea to eat low-fat yogurt with fiber-rich fruit as the healthy breakfast.

Besides magnesium and calcium, yogurt also has the great source of probiotics which are considered as the good bacteria for your digestive tract. If probiotics are eaten in adequate amounts, it will result in many health benefits such as good immune system, digestion, and intestines.

Several nutrients which can be found in low-fat yogurt include protein, vitamin B2, and vitamin B12.

Because low-fat yogurt contains a high level of magnesium and calcium which are necessary for strong bone; eating yogurt will keep osteoporosis at bay. Calcium will loss when we age. It is needed to consume enough calcium and magnesium.

A recent study testing over 5,000 Spanish students for around two years has found out that people who eat 2-3 serving of low-fat yogurt daily will show a 50% reduction in the risk of developing high blood pressure, compared with students who do not eat.

For anyone who wants to lose weight, low-fat yogurt may be a good choice. The possible reason may be that eating yogurt will make us feel fuller. As a result, we do not feel hungry to eat more snacks.

It is recommended choosing a yogurt which contains probiotics and active cultures. You should check the yogurt label with the graphic saying “live and active cultures”. If you want to know more about the specific active cultures yogurt may contain, look into the list on the label. For example, the active culture bifidusregularis is effective in regulating the digestive system. Therefore, if you suffer from constipation, this is the probiotic for you.

4. Banana

Banana is one of the healthy foods high in magnesium. One medium-sized banana can contain 33 mg of magnesium. For ages, this delicious fruit has been well-known for bone-strengthening and heart-healthy potassium. One banana can provide 100 calories, which make it become a portable breakfast as well as an easy-on-the-go healthy snack.

Fiber, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium content in a banana are beneficial for heart health. Increasing potassium and magnesium intake will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Moreover, enough potassium consumption will protect your body against stroke, loss of muscle mass, and kidney stones.

Furthermore, banana is also considered as the good food for your brain. Tryptophan, an amino acid in banana plays the important role in maintaining the good memory and boosting your good mood.

Other nutrients in banana include vitamin B6, protein, folate, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin A and iron.

Unlike other fruits, fresh banana is available any time of year. Because the ripening process still continues when a banana is picked, this fruit should be placed at the room temperature. The warmer the temperature is, the faster the ripening process of banana will become. In order to slow down this process, you can store the bananas in the refrigerator. According to the Morning Banana Diet, a popular diet fad in 2008, it was better to eat a banana with water in the morning, in lunchtime and before 8 pm.

Ripe mashed banana is often used to replace butter or oil in baked foods. Using mashed banana in cookies, muffins, and cakes will give the sweet flavor.

However, it is important to note that when you take beta-blockers medication, you should consume banana as well as other potassium-rich foods in moderation. The possible reason may be that beta-blockers can increase potassium level in your blood and result in some unwanted side effects. People who have weak kidney should not eat banana and other potassium-rich foods too much because if the kidney is not able to excrete the excess potassium, it will be fatal.

5. Fish

Fish such as wild salmon, mackerel, tuna, and halibut has not only omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D but also magnesium. Therefore, fish should be included in the list of common foods high in magnesium. Because fish is loaded with necessary nutrients for your body and your brain, it is considered as one of the healthiest foods in the world.

Eating fish will lower the risk of developing stroke and heart attacks thanks to its magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids content. According to a study carried out in the U.S, people who eat one or more servings of fish weekly show the 15% reduction of heart disease risk.

Moreover, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium is essential nutrients for human’s growth and development. This is the reason why parents should encourage their children to eat more fish for good causes. However, some fish contains a high level of mercury which can lead to some brain developmental problems. Pregnant women should not eat more than 340 grams of fish per week. Pregnant women should avoid eating uncooked and raw fish because the microorganisms in fish will affect the fetus.

Moreover, studies also showed that people who eat fish on the regular basis will have a good memory.

Depression and emotional disorders can reduce if you eat fish regularly.

Other benefits of eating fish in your diet include preventing asthma, protecting the vision in old age, and improving sleep quantity.

Fish is the delicious food. There are many easy ways to prepare this food. For good overall health, it is recommended eating fish once or twice a week.

For magnesium amount, 1 oz of cooked bluefish contains 7.1 mgs of magnesium.  Tuna has the greatest source of magnesium with 9.9 mgs of magnesium per oz.

6. Soybeans

Asking for the common foods high in magnesium, you should not skip soybeans, a delicious nutrient-rich legume which can provide you the great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and amino acids. ¼ cup of roasted soybeans can give you 63 mgs of magnesium. Other legumes which are also rich in magnesium include kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas, white beans, lentils and black-eyed peas.

Soybeans have many health benefits. It is recommended consuming soybeans in a regular basis in order to improve metabolism, protect heart health, improve digestion, prevent cancer, keep birth defects at bay, increase blood circulation and promote bone strength. Moreover, soybeans are a great choice if you want to gain weight.

The health benefits of soybeans may be due to its nutritional contents. This food has the great source of magnesium. Moreover, essential vitamins which can be found in this healthy food are folate, vitamin K, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin C and thiamin. Besides magnesium, soybeans are also rich in minerals such as iron, phosphorous, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc and calcium. Moreover, soybeans contain organic compounds and antioxidant properties which boost the health benefits of soybeans.

However, keep in mind that if consumed too much, soybeans will lead to some health problems. For example, due to estrogen-mimicking compounds in soybeans, men who consume too many soybeans or soy milk will suffer from a hormonal imbalance. As a result, it will lead to some problems in men such as sexual dysfunction, infertility, lower sperm count and increased risk of certain cancer. Moreover, because soybeans contain anti-thyroid compounds, eating too much will hamper the activity of thyroid gland and increase the risk of goiters as well as affect normal activity in your body.

In spite of these effects and health problems which are rare, soybeans are still healthy food choice if you want to look for the superfoods for your health. Therefore, why do not you give it a try?

7. Avocado

Avocado should be included in the list of common foods high in magnesium. Avocado is loaded with healthy nutrients and multivitamins as well as disease-preventing chemical compounds, which makes avocado become the excellent good food that you should consider adding in your diet. Avocado is a delicious creamy fruit, which often grows in warm climates. Avocado is the favorite fruit in South America and Mexico. The versatile avocado will provide your body monounsaturated fat. Surprisingly, avocado contains about 20 minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it is considered as the superfood for your health.

Eating avocado is good for your heart, vision, digestion, and detoxification. Thanks to calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium content, avocado is the wonderful food that can strengthen your bone and lower the risk of developing osteoporosis. Vitamin K and magnesium in avocado will make it easy for your body to absorb calcium. Lack of vitamin K and magnesium will result in bone fracture. Folate in avocado will help the women to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

If you suffer from stress and emotional disorder, it is recommended including avocado in your diet. The possible reason may be that eating avocado will boost your good mood thanks to its ability to block the production of homocysteine.

Because avocado can provide your body vitamin C, E, K, B6, and niacin, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, pantothenic acid, potassium, omega-3s and beta-carotene, this delicious fruit should be eaten in a regular basis.

Many people may worry when avocado contains fat and provides a lot of calories. However, the good news is that all fat of avocado is healthy fat which can keep you fuller. When these healthy beneficial fats are consumed, it will give your brain the signal to turn off the appetite. As a result, it will make you consume fewer calories later. Moreover, because this fruit is effective in slowing down the process of breaking down carbohydrates into sugar, it will keep the blood sugar level under the control.

The effective tip on how to choose ripe avocado is pressing into its skin. The softer its skin is, the riper it becomes. If the skin of avocado does not budge, you should wait for a few days until it can ripen before eating. You can make an avocado smoothie or add this fruit in a sandwich or salad.

8. Dark Chocolate

If you want natural magnesium booster, you should consider eating a small piece of rich dark chocolate. It is said that one square of dark chocolate can provide you 24% of recommended magnesium daily intake while it contains only 145 calories. Dark chocolate contains beneficial antioxidants which can help you to improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure, and boost the overall health.

Dark chocolate contains magnesium and cocoa; therefore, it is effective in lowering the blood pressure. Moreover, some studies found out the close link between eating dark chocolate and reduced risk of bowel cancer. A small study carried out in 2009 saw the result that people who ate 40g of dark chocolate a day felt less stressed and experience less depression. Therefore, it may be indicated that eating dark chocolate may reduce stress hormones.

However, eating too much dark chocolate may make you gain weight and lead to some disease. Therefore, if you choose dark chocolate as one of the foods high in magnesium, you should take it in the moderation.

9. Dark Leafy Vegetables

Among super foods for your health, dark leafy vegetables are the great source of minerals and vitamins, which have many benefits for your overall health. These vegetables are rich in magnesium while containing a few calories. Therefore, it is the great choice for people who want to lose weight. Eating dark leafy vegetables can protect your heart, keep high blood pressure at bay, and prevent obesity. In this article, I would like to introduce to you some typical dark leafy vegetables, which are common foods high in magnesium.

Greens: The greens family includes collard greens, mustard greens, and kale. Collard greens are common in the Southern United States. These greens are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and K, as well as magnesium. Mustard greens are quite more peppery but have the same nutritional value as collard greens. Kales are also loaded with vitamins and minerals.

Spinach: Spinach is the common dark leafy vegetable which contains vitamin A, C, K, as well as calcium, iron, and magnesium. There are many ways for you to eat spinach. It can be added in a variety of salads or sandwiches. Moreover, it can be sautéed or steamed.

Lettuces: Lettuces including curly endive, Romaine, and iceberg lettuces can be served in salads. It is recommended purchasing darker lettuces because of its higher nutritional value.

Broccoli: Broccoli belongs to the cabbage family. Broccoli has the great source of vitamin A, C, and K as well as fiber, folate, and magnesium. Broccoli can be served as cooked or raw into casseroles and stir-fries.

Other dark leafy vegetables containing a high level of magnesium are arugula, chard

10. Almond

Almond is one of the common super foods high in magnesium. One cup of raw almond can contain 386 mg of magnesium. Other nutrients contained in almond are copper, vitamin E and high-quality protein. Moreover, almond also contains healthy unsaturated fatty acids and a lot of bioactive molecules such as phytosterols, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. These nutrients are good for the cardiovascular system. Thanks to its high nutritional value, it is recommended eating almond in the regular basis as a healthy easy-on-the-go snack. You can eat raw almond or toasted almond. Moreover, they can be served in a variety of dishes. Almonds can be available in different forms such as flaked, sliced, slivered, or as butter, flour, oil, almond milk. People sometimes serve almond in biscuits, cakes, ice cream, chocolate, bread and certain liqueurs.

 Many studies and researches have been carried out for centuries to find out the health benefits of almond. So, there are a lot of good reasons that make you consider eating almond in the regular basis.

 According to a 2005 study published in the journal of the American Dietetic Association, consuming almond will help you to boost the levels of vitamin E in red blood cells and in asthma. Moreover, it will keep diseases related to high cholesterol at bay. This is because vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant which can help to fight against the damaged cells and artery-clogging oxidation of cholesterol. Ella Haddad, an author of the study said that it is recommended eating a handful of almonds per day as a great way to increase vitamin E in our body and stay healthy.

A study conducted at the Department of Nutrition, University of California found out the close link between almond consumption and reduced risk of colon cancer.

A study which was published in the Journal Circulation showed the effects of eating almond as snacks in the diet on reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.

However, the almond consumptions will cause some potential risk. Some people may have an allergic reaction to almonds. Therefore, if you experience any signs of an allergic reaction, it is important to avoid any foods containing them.

11. Sesame Seeds

It is not surprising when sesame seeds rank in the list of foods high in magnesium. It is estimated that 1 oz of roasted sesame seeds can contain 101 mg of magnesium. Because the seeds contain many essential minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper, and selenium. Therefore, sesame seeds have been used in culinary and traditional medicines for beneficial causes and good benefits. Sesame seeds have good sources of phytonutrients including flavonoid phenolic anti-oxidants, omega-6 fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins and health-promoting properties. 100 g of sesame seeds can provide 573 calories. Most calories of sesame seeds come from healthy fat. Many studies have shown that these sesame seeds are good for children’s growth and development. In order to provide enough recommended level of minerals, phenolic antioxidant, protein, and vitamins, you just need to eat a handful of sesame seeds per day.

Sesame seeds are available all around the year. You can buy whole, air-dried or husked, toasted sesame seeds in the spice stores. Brown, black, white or yellow color sesame seed can be packed in bulk bins or air-seal packs. Because these seeds can easily turn rancid due to significant unsaturated fat content, it is important to store sesame seeds in airtight containers. Sesame seeds can stay fresh for a couple of month with proper storage. Hulled white sesame seeds should be stored in a refrigerator. You should avoid rancid seeds which have an offensive smell.

Sesame seeds are often used in cooking. When we mix sesame seeds with olive oil and other vegetable oils, it can become flavorful and semi-solid paste which can be added in different dishes. For example, in order to make tahini, a thin light brown color paste in the famous middle, eastern dip known as hummus, you just need to grind dry, roasted sesame seeds and olive oil. Alternatively, in order to increase the magnesium intake, you can sprinkle dry fried seeds over biscuits, toasts, salads, cakes, breads, and stir fries. In Europe, these seeds are also the main ingredient of margarine. In South India, these sesame seeds are often mixed with almonds, peanut, and jaggery. It is said that sesame oil which is extracted from these seeds are one of the most favor cooking oils in Indonesia, Malaysia and southern states of rural India.

However, some sensitive people may have sesame seed allergy. The symptoms of sesame seed allergy may include dermatitis, hives, and itching. Sometimes, sesame seed allergy may be severe and can cause serious symptoms such as stomach pain, vomiting, swelling lips and throat, chest congestion, breathing difficulty and death. Therefore, individuals who are sensitive to sesame seeds should avoid this food.

12. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds have more magnesium than almond, sesame seeds, and much more than roasted soybeans, chopped walnuts, and dry peanuts. It is estimated that ¼ cup of sunflower seeds can contain 128 mg of magnesium. Therefore, these seeds should be included in the list of common foods high in magnesium. Sunflower seeds are considered as sweet, nutty seeds containing essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. Sunflower seeds are not only eaten as popular healthy snacks but also added in different recipes.

Sunflower which is a tall herbaceous annual plant belongs to the family of Asteraceae. Sunflower originates from Middle American region but the European explorers have brought this plant to many countries all over the world. Nowadays, sunflower is grown mostly in Russian Union, USA, China, and Argentina. Sunflower requires well-drained, limey and most soy to flourish.

Sunflower seeds are considered as healthy foods which can provide your body not only magnesium but also beneficial nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. A handful of sunflower seeds can provide you a lot of calories. It is estimated that 100 g of sunflower seeds can contain 584 calories. However, most of the calories of sunflower seeds come from healthy fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid and mono-unsaturated oleic acid) that can help you to reduce the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol in your blood. Recent studies have shown that diet which contains monounsaturated fats can help you to keep coronary artery disease as well as a stroke at bay. Moreover, like other healthy nuts, sunflower seeds are rich in good quality amino acids like tryptophan which is necessary for growth and development especially in children. Poly-phenol compounds such as quinic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and quinic acid are natural anti-oxidants which can help to get rid of free radicals from your body. Vitamin E in sunflower seeds is effective in protecting cell membrane and skin from harmful oxygen-free radicals. Besides magnesium, sunflower seeds are also rich in other essential minerals such as iron, calcium, manganese, selenium, zinc, and copper. These minerals play the important roles in red blood cell production, bone mineralization, hormone production, enzyme secretion as well as maintaining skeletal and cardiac muscle. In order to provide the recommended amount of phenolic anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, and protein, you just need to consume a handful of sunflower per day.

When the sunflower heads turn dry and brown, it means that it is the time for them to be harvested. You can buy hulled, whole-seeds, salted or roasted sunflower seeds in the stores. However, you should avoid buying thin, shriveled seeds in the stores because it loses its flavor. You can store whole seeds in a bin or jar at the room temperature. However, you need to store sunflower kernels in an airtight container and keep it in the refrigerator.

There are many ways for you to increase the magnesium intake with sunflower seeds.  Salted or roasted sunflower seeds can be eaten as a healthy snack. They can be added to salads. Use sunflower kernels as a garnish in sautéed vegetables or fried-rice dishes. When you make cakes, chocolate, candies or muffins, you can add these seeds. Nowadays, sunflowers seeds are often used to press cooking oil. Some people may have sunflower seed allergy and develop the allergic symptoms such as itchiness in the skin, vomiting, gastritis, sneezing, and itchiness in the eyes. Therefore, people who are allergic to sunflower seeds need to avoid eating these seeds as well as foods containing sunflower seeds.

13. Oatmeal

One cup of cooked oatmeal can provide your body 57.6 mg of magnesium which is much more than bran flakes, wheat or rice Krispies. Therefore, oatmeal should be included in the list of foods high in magnesium. Furthermore, oatmeal is considered as one of the healthiest foods.

The possible reason may be that besides magnesium, oatmeal is rich in other minerals, vitamins, and lipids which have many benefits for your health. But oatmeal is not still American popular diet in spite of cheap cost, delicious flavor as well as endless health benefits.

This quick and easy-to-cook breakfast food is loaded with plenty of nutritional benefits for your health. It is recommended including this healthy food in your diet in order to look good and healthy.

Health benefits of oatmeal include boosting energy, protecting skin, supporting weight loss, preventing diabetes, maintaining heart health and reducing colon cancer.

14. Beef

There are many health benefits of eating lean beef. One of the endless benefits of eating beef is that beef has the good source of magnesium. Therefore, consuming beef on the regular basis will be beneficial for your heart, your bone development, and immune system. It is estimated that 1oz of boiled beef contains 6.5 mg of magnesium while there is 7.1 mg of magnesium in 1 oz of lean cooked beef.

Moreover, it is said that 3-ounce serving of beef can provide half the recommended daily protein intake for men and 60% recommended protein intake for women. However, it is recommended choosing lean beef cuts including shoulder steak, round steak, flank steak and lean ground beef in order to achieve the maximum health benefits. The possible reason may be that saturated fat in many cuts of beef can cause some serious problems in your cardiovascular health.

Furthermore, consuming lean beef also increase the level of iron which is the necessary mineral for healthy red blood cell production. Lack of iron will lead to anemia. The vitamin B-12 contained in lean beef is needed in hemoglobin synthesis. This vitamin plays the important role in fat and protein metabolism as well as neurological function. Lean beef is also rich in coenzyme Q10, an antioxidant which protects your cells from free radicals.

In order to prepare and cook beef, it is the great idea to choose healthy seasonings which do not have saturated oil and salt in order to add flavor to the beef. For example, use garlic and olive oil to marinate a flank steak or use cracked pepper and lime juice as a seasoning of a shoulder steak. However, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, even though lean beef has essential nutrients and many health benefits, you should eat it in moderation.

15. Chicken

One of the endless reasons you should consider eating chicken in your diet is that chicken is rich in magnesium. Compared to lean beef, chicken contains the same amount of magnesium. Specifically, 1oz of dark-meat cooked chicken contains 6.4 mg of magnesium and 7.6 mg of magnesium for white-meat cooked chicken.

Moreover, chicken is the supply of essential minerals and vitamins. Therefore, eating chicken is considered as a healthy diet which can help you to lose weight, keep cholesterol level under the control, prevent high blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing the risk of cancer.

Chicken is one type of poultry which has been domesticated and eaten for ages. The first country which is believed to domesticate chicken is India; however, nowadays, this poultry is domesticated in many regions including Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. In the 19th century, chicken was domesticated for its meat and eggs. Many studies have recommended eating chicken as a healthy food for a high nutritional value.

Besides magnesium (20mg), 100 g of chicken can provide protein (18g), saturated fat (4g), fat (15g), calcium (11mg), cholesterol (75mg), iron(0.9 mg), phosphorous (147 mg), zinc (1.3mg), potassium (189mg), and sodium (70mg). Chicken has a great source of vitamins including thiamin, vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin D.

Chicken can be cooked in a variety of ways.

You can make a healthy delicious chicken salad by mixing roasted chicken breast, cranberries or cherries, diced apple, halved seedless grapes, boiled mushrooms, and chopped green onions together in a bowl. It is alright to add a little of salt and pepper to increase its flavor. Chicken salad is healthy food which does not require much time to prepare.

If you like eating sandwich, chicken sandwich is the great choice for you. Firstly, toast 2 slices of bread and then spread the butter on each slice. Add beetroot, cucumber slices, capsicum, onion and cooked chicken in one slice of bread. Put a little of salt and pepper to enhance its flavor. You can add ketchup mayonnaise on each slice of bread to taste.

Over-fried chicken is also the favorite dish for many people. You just need to cut the medium-sized chicken breast into pieces and use paprika and salt as a seasoning in order to add taste. Dip these chicken breast pieces into egg white and then dip into crushed cornflakes. Place the chicken breast pieces in a greased baking tray and cook it in the microwave or oven when it finishes.

16. Shrimp

If you ask me for the list of common foods high in magnesium, I would like to recommend raw shrimp. It is estimated that 1 oz of raw shrimp can contain 11.9 mg of magnesium.

Eating shrimp can give you many health benefits. For example, it will improve your bone and brain health, manage your weight, and lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Moreover, shrimp contains cancer preventative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties, which makes it become one of the healthiest foods that can reduce the possibility of developing many health ailments. Therefore, if you want to look for the sources of magnesium, you should consider shrimp as the excellent option that boosts your overall health.

Besides magnesium, eating shrimp can provide other essential minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium, zinc and potassium, and vitamins including vitamins A, E, B6, and B12. Moreover, it also contains thiamin, iodine, niacin, and riboflavin.

If you want to increase the level of magnesium as well as other minerals, vitamins and include shrimp in your healthy diet, there are many ways to cook with shrimp.

Instead of eating spaghetti and meatballs, you can substitute for penne paste and shrimp with Alfredo sauce or white wine. As the alternative for an Italian dish, you just need to fry shrimp in a pan for a couple of minutes and put it over your pasta.

Shrimp kebabs are also the favorite dish for many people.

When you cook shrimp, make sure that you do not overcook it.

However, eating too much shrimp can cause mercury and purine accumulation. Excessive mercury accumulation in your body can cause vision problems, mercury poisoning, and reduced fetal health. Moreover, excessive levels of purines can exacerbate the symptoms of gout in patients. Shrimps contain the moderate amount of purines but if patients with gout eat shrimp, it can worsen their symptoms. Therefore, if you are suffering from gout, you should avoid eating this food.

Like other types of seafood, shrimp can cause an allergic reaction. It should be careful when you experience unexpected symptoms related to allergy.

17. Tuna

Tuna has less magnesium than shrimp; however, tuna still ranks in the list of foods high in magnesium. Eating tuna has many benefits for your health such as reducing cardiovascular conditions, keeping blood pressure and cholesterol level under the control, boosting growth and development, aiding in weight loss efforts, keeping the immune system healthy, increasing energy, protecting skin, aiding in red blood cell production, preventing cancer, fighting against various kidney disease, easing inflammation and preventing cell membrane damage.

Tuna fish belongs to the family of fish which has great nutritional value. Thanks to its delicious taste, high nutritional value, and availability, tuna fish is the healthy alternative for red meat.

Tuna fish has many health benefits because it contains the impressive content of minerals, vitamins, nutrients as well as other organic compounds. This fish has the great source of protein and antioxidant. Eating tuna fish, you do not need to worry about sodium and saturated fat. Besides magnesium, tuna fish is also rich in phosphorous, selenium, potassium and iron. Vitamins in tuna fish include vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin, and riboflavin.

Tuna fish contains a moderate level of methyl mercury which does not harm your health. However, if methyl mercury is consumed in larger quantities, it can lead to mercury poisoning and cause some dangerous problems. Although it is believed that eating too much tuna fish can cause mercury poisoning, some recent studies have shown that it is not serious as you thought as long as you consume fresh, unprocessed tuna.

18. Pineapple

Pineapple is the fruit which is high in magnesium. Pineapple is believed to come from Hawaii. However, the fact is that it did not. Today, it is the fruit you can find in any grocery stores and in any kitchen. In South and Central America, pineapple is well-known not only for its sweet taste but also effective home remedy that can help you to treat inflammation and digestion problems.

Eating pineapple will help you to reduce the risk of developing many health problems and conditions. Many studies have shown that increasing consumption of pineapple will lower the risk of overall mortality, obesity, heart disease, diabetes. Moreover, it also helps you to make your hair healthy, provide you energy and let you lose weight.

Pineapple is loaded with many nutrients, vitamins, and mineral as well as active compounds which are necessary for overall health. One cup of fresh pineapple may contain only 82 calories, 0 gram of cholesterol, 0 gram of fat, 22 grams of total carbohydrate, 2 milligrams of sodium and 1 gram of protein. There is 35 mg of magnesium in one cup of fresh pineapple. This is the reason why pineapple ranks in the list of foods high in magnesium. Besides magnesium, pineapple also has a great source of vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, calcium, riboflavin, thiamin, folate, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, potassium, manganese, antioxidants, and polyphenol such as beta-carotene. Moreover, fresh pineapple has bromelain, an enzyme which is effective in easing joint pain, alleviating inflammation, block tumor growth, and speed up the recovery process.

It is recommended choosing a pineapple which has a firm and plump body without soft spots or bruising. Pineapple needs to be picked when it is at peak ripeness. The possible reason may be that if picked, pineapple will not continue to ripen. To maintain its freshness and delicious taste, ripe pineapple should be kept in the refrigerator. You can eat ripe pineapple as a healthy snack or add it in a variety of fruit salads. If you like pineapple juice, it is a good drink for you. However, make sure that you do not add any sweeteners or preservations to it.

However, if you are taking beta-blockers, a medication for heart disease, you should not consume pineapple as well as other foods high in potassium. This is because excessive potassium consumption will harm the kidney which is functioned well. The kidney plays the important role in removing the excess potassium from your body. When it cannot function properly, it can be fatal. Pineapple is one of the highly acidic foods. People who get diagnosed with gastro-esophageal reflux disease may suffer from symptoms such as regurgitation and heartburn when consuming pineapple or other acidic foods. However, the symptoms may vary in different individual.

19. Beets

One of the reasons which make your love beets is that it has the great source of magnesium and possesses many health benefits. There are beneficial antioxidants in the beetroots. Moreover, eating beets will help you to fight against coronary artery disease as well as stroke, keep the level of cholesterol at bay and reduce the aging process.

Beet contains low calories. 100 g of beets can provide 45 kcal. Moreover, it has zero cholesterol and a small level of fats. Eating beets can provide a plenty of nutrients, vitamins, and fiber such as folates, vitamin C, carotenoids, vitamin A, pantothenic acid, niacin, pyridoxine, copper, manganese, iron, and magnesium.

It is recommended buying fresh, firm and bright texture beets which have rich flavor and uniform size. You should not purchase beets with soft-looking slump. Moreover, in order to get the maximum health benefits, organic beets are a good choice.

To prepare beet greens, you should make sure that you wash them thoroughly in the running water and rinse in saline water for around 30 minutes in order to get rid of sand, soil, dirt as well as any insecticide residues. Top beet greens should be prepared and eaten when they are still fresh. But you can store beet roots in the refrigerator for a few weeks without freshness and flavor loss.

It is said that garden-beets can be prepared in a variety of dishes. For example, beetroots can be added in salads with potato, carrot, and tomato, etc.

Steam beet cubes and cook with butter.

Make a glass of beet juice which a healthy drink for your body and your health.

Indian people often serve beet roots in curries with other vegetables like potato, carrot, tomato, etc.

In Europe, beet chucks are served as side dish. People often add vinegar, olive oil or lemon juice in it.

In Eastern Europe, beets can be cooked as soup.

However, it is important to know that beet greens have oxalic acid which may crystallize in the urinary tract. Therefore, if you experience oxalate urinary tract stones, you should eat beet greens in moderation.

These are the list of 19 common foods high in magnesium that I would like to introduce to you. Other foods which can provide you magnesium include sirloin, lamb, turkey, veal, bluefish, flatfish, cod, apricot, lemon, prune, tomato, cherries, peach, pear, strawberries, cabbage, carrot, corn, cucumber, and pecans. Do you have any questions? If yes, you can leave your comments below the post. I promise that I will answer your questions as soon as I can. Thank you for reading.

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All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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