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20 Tips How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast and Naturally

Pimples are the common skin condition which can affect any people at any ages. Pimples will happen when the sebaceous glands known as oil glands becomes inflamed, infected, swell up, and filled with pus. These ugly pimples can appear in any parts of your body, for example, your neck, face, shoulders, and back. Although this skin problem is not serious or life-threatening, it will make the sufferers feel miserable and unconfident because of their appearance. Everyone with ugly pimples on their face, neck, shoulders and even back want to find the significant ways on how to get rid of pimples fast and naturally. Although there are many lotions, creams, and medicine for acne treatment on the market that helps you to find the significant relief, they are expensive and take times to treat. But fortunately, we have many natural methods and home remedies on how to get rid of pimples fast and naturally within a very short time period.

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast & Naturally – Effective Home Remedies And Natural Techniques

Before knowing how to get rid of pimples fast and naturally, it is important for you to understand the underlying causes and triggers of this problem. You need to know that pimples are not your fault. Believe it or not but pimples are often caused by external factors such as what you eat, how your skin care routine is, and how often you exercise. Moreover, some psychological factors such as stress, depression or some issues beneath your skin’s surface will lead to the pimples and acne breakouts. These factors are beneath your control. In this article, I want to mention 5 common causes of pimples. For some people, pimple problem starts at puberty when the hormone called androgens begins to be produced more. Androgens will make the sebaceous glands enlarge; as a result, it will cause pimples and acne breakouts. It is said that androgens increase during the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy. Another trigger that increases the risk of developing pimples is extra sebum. When the sebum is produced excessively, it can mix with skin bacteria, dead skin cells that clog your pores and lead to pimples. An unhealthy diet which includes sugary beverage, fast foods, and spicy foods will make you more prone to pimples and acnes. Stress or depression will cause hormonal changes which lead to pimple problem. The final trigger of this skin issue is bacteria. If you go out without covering your face, the environmental pollution may result in your problem. Depending on various causes of acne, we will have different pimple treatments. However, in this article on Allremedies, I would like to introduce to you the most common and most effective ways and home remedies on how to get rid of pimples fast and naturally whatever the causes are.

1. Ice

As the effective remedy on how to get rid of pimples naturally, ice will help you to ease the inflammation, redness, and swelling caused by pimples. Using ice compression will improve your blood flow to the affected skin areas where the acnes and pimples are present. Moreover, it is effective in tightening your skin pores and removing the oil and dirt clogged in the pores. In order to treat pimples, you can use crushed or ice cubes to make ice compression. Firstly, you should wrap the ice in a cotton cloth and then press it gently on your affected areas. You should hold it for a couple of seconds. Wait for a few minutes and then repeat the process again.

2. Lemon Juice

Lemon is loaded with many nutrients, which make lemon become not only healthy food for your health but also an effective remedy for different skin problems and disorders, including acne, dark spots, pigmentation, and pimples. Lemon juice is available and affordable; therefore, you can use them to substitute for expensive skin care products which have questionable chemicals and ingredients. There are many benefits of lemon juice for beauty that make you surprised.

Using lemon juice will lighten your skin, even your tone and treat dark spots and so on.

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It is said that lemon juice has a great source of vitamin C and is rich in acidic acid. Regular application will make your pimples dry up faster. There are a variety of ways and methods on how to get rid of pimples with lemon juice I would like to introduce to you.

The simplest way is to apply fresh lemon juice on your skin with the help of a clean cotton swab. Leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. It is recommended using this treatment before bedtime. Lemon juice will lead to irritation and redness for sensitive skin. Therefore, if you have pimples on your face, it is important to try the fresh lemon juice on the small surface of your wrist before applying on your face. If irritation occurs, you should stop doing this treatment. If you have sensitive skin, you should be careful. You can dillute the lemon juice with sufficient water to lower the risk of irritation and redness.

An alternative solution is mixing one tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon cinnamon powder. Mix it well in order to create the thick paste. After that, you can put the paste over your pimples and leave it overnight. In the morning, after you wake up, you can wash off the paste with lukewarm water.

If you want to use lemon juice as the treatment for pimples, one thing I would like to note is that using lemon juice will increase the sensitivity of your skin to the sunlight. Therefore, it is important to wear the sunscreen at least 5 PDF daytime.

3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been added as the natural powerful ingredient in many kinds of soaps, lotions, ointments thanks to its amazing healing powers. This skin beauty secret comes from Australia where hundreds of tea trees can grow naturally. Americanaboriginal tribes have taken advantage of the tea tree oil’s healing properties for thousands of years. The leaves of tea tree were boiled to make tea or antiseptic poultices which can help you to treat cuts, burns, and other skin disorders. It is said that tea tree oil is the excellent remedy on how to get rid of pimples and acne at home. The possible reason may be that its antibacterial properties will help your body fight against pimples caused by bacteria. Moreover, tea tree oil has soothing properties which will ease inflammation and redness. Tea tree oil is effective in drying out the blackheads and whiteheads.

In order to treat pimples and acne, you just need to dip a cotton ball in the tea tree oil solution and dab it on your affected areas where you have pimples or acne. You should need to leave it on your skin for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Alternatively, you can also mix one teaspoon of tea tree oil and one tablespoon of aloe vera gel in order to create the fine mixture. After that, you can apply this mixture on your blemishes and pimples. You should leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

If you have sensitive skin, you should make sure that you remove all tea tree oil completely.

4. Toothpaste

If you suffer from acne or pimples, your mother or grandmother may suggest you use toothpaste as the secret tip on how to get rid of pimples fast and naturally. Many evidence showed the effectiveness of toothpaste in treating acnes and pimples. However, it will be more effective if you use toothpaste together with ice remedy. It is recommended using white toothpaste to treat pimples and acnes instead of gel toothpaste.

You should apply enough white toothpaste on your affected skin areas before bedtime. You can leave it overnight, and in the morning after you wake up, you can rinse it off and see a significant improvement.

If you want, you can repeat this treatment several times in the daytime. Just need to make sure that the white toothpaste will remain on your acnes and pimples for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off. Keep doing this treatment until the pimples have gone completely.

5. Steam

Steaming is good for your skin and it is considered as the effective way on how to get rid of pimples and acnes. The possible reason may be that it will open your pores, let your skin breathe easily and removing the dirt and oil clogged into the pores which caused inflammation and infection. In order to do this treatment, you should a large bowl of hot water. Put this bowl on the table or on the flat surface. After that, let your face over the bowl of hot water. Use a large clean towel to cover your head in order to prevent the steam from escape. Allow the steam come to your face for a few minutes. You can take the towel off if the water cools down and there is no steam. Splash cold water to your face and wash with warm water afterward. Cold water will help to close your pores. To finish, an oily-free moisturizer should be applied to make your skin look soft and smooth.

6. Garlic

Garlic has used in food and medicine for thousands of years. As the folk medicine, garlic has been believed to treat a wide range of health conditions and problems, from common cold, flu to the Plague. Many modern scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of garlic in healing health problems. The possible reason may be that garlic has the key ingredients, including diallyl sulphides and allicin which are beneficial for your health. However, garlic treats not only health diseases but also skin problems, including acnes, pimples, and blemish thanks to its antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. These properties will help you to fasten the healing process. Antioxidant agents will protect your body and your skin against free radicals. It is said that the fermented black garlic has the greater source of antioxidant levels than normal cloves. Moreover, the sulfur in garlic plays the important role in promoting the healing process.

If you want to use garlic as the treatment on how to get rid of pimples and acnes, you should cut the garlic into two pieces and rub these pieces onto the inflamed pimples gently for at least five minutes. After that, you can wash it off with warm water. If you want to achieve the better result, you should repeat the treatment several times for a couple of weeks.

Eating raw garlic will improve your immune system and purify your blood. However, you should not eat too much because it can cause some unwanted side effects, for example, irritation and the digestive tract damage. Some people may be allergic to garlic. Symptoms of garlic allergy are skin rashes and headache. Therefore, you should be careful if you want to use garlic as the topical treatment or food.

7. Baking Soda

Baking soda is the available ingredient in the kitchen and is used as the inexpensive treatment for many skin problems. You can use it as the toothpaste, deodorant and a number of home remedies for skin care. Many dermatologists have seen exfoliating as the effective pimple treatment and prevention regime. Baking soda and other household ingredients can be used to make the exfoliating paste for pimples. Because baking soda is amphoteric, which means that baking soda can act as an acid or a base. Thanks to this characteristic, baking soda plays the important role in neutralizing and correcting the PH imbalance, which causes pimples and acnes problems. Moreover, baking soda contains mild antiseptic and anti-inflammation properties that can help you to ease the inflammation and irritation caused by pimples.

However, some patients said that long-term use of baking soda can lead to skin PH imbalance. The reason may be that the bacteria growth may promote the occurrence of pimples. But the true is that treating pimples and acnes depends on a variety of conditions and factors including the treatment, body condition and extent of pimples. Moreover, this remedy will not be effective for all patients with pimples. Therefore, it is important for you to test your skin first. If you do not see any positive result and the pimple condition gets worse despite the long – term use of baking soda remedy, you should stop doing this treatment and seek for the help of a dermatologist. They will instruct you how to get rid of pimples with baking soda and which alternative treatment you can use instead of baking soda.

If you want to cure pimples, all things you will need are baking soda and clean water. Firstly, you should rinse your face with a clean towel and warm water. If you like, you can use peanut butter at this step. Mix eight teaspoons of baking soda with sufficient water in a cup. Stir it well. You can add more water if you think this mixture is dry. If there is excessive water, you can add more baking soda. Make sure that the mixture is soft and creamy. After that, you can apply the mixture over your pimples with clean hands. After all the pimples are covered with baking soda, leave it on for about 15 minutes or more until the mixture dries. When you finish, wash your face to remove the paste with warm water. Use a soft towel to pat your skin dry. It is important to apply the suitable oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin soft and smooth. The moisturizer will balance the PH level on your skin. If you want to treat pimples effectively and completely, you should repeat the treatment twice a week and continue for one or two months until the pimples disappeared.

However, baking soda will make your skin dry. It is the reason why you will need a moisturizer afterward. Baking soda may make you experience dryness, stinging, burning or itchy sensation. If you have sensitive skin and your skin can not handle baking soda face mask. You should rinse it off immediately and then apply an oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin moisturized and hydrated.

Alternatively, you can make baking soda bath as the effective ways on how to get rid of pimples and acnes. You can add 100 grams of baking soda into your warm bath. This baking bath will keep pimples from reoccurring and reduce the irritation.

8. Honey

Honey is considered as antibiotic; therefore, it has been used for thousands of years as the effective treatment that helps you to heal wounds Honey has the great source of natural antibiotics which can fasten the healing process and keep the infection at bay. Honey is antibiotic which can inhibit the growth of bacteria causing this disease. Moreover, thanks to acidic properties and high sugar concentration, honey will block the harmful bacteria’s ability to replicate. Honey has antiseptic properties; therefore, it is effective in keeping the infection caused by pimples, acnes, and whiteheads from getting worse. Thanks to anti-inflammatory properties, applying honey on your full-developed pimples will help to ease redness and swelling caused by pimples and acnes. Honey treatment for pimples and acne is suitable for people who have dry skin because it is a natural humectant. Using honey will keep your skin hydrated and moisturized and prevent any dryness and peeling from occurring.

However, bacteria are one of different causes of pimples and acnes. Pimple problem can happen because the pores are clogged. As a result, the bacteria will build up. But the underlying reason is that the pores cannot drain the natural-released oil, which is caused by hormonal changes. Honey will help you to unclogged the pores and remove the dirt, oil and bacteria from your skin. However, it cannot get into the deeper surface and solve underlying factors.

The simplest way on how to get rid of pimples fast and naturally with honey is dipping the cotton ball into honey solution. You can apply the cotton ball on your inflamed pimples. Let it sit for about 30 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water and then pat it dry. It is recommended doing this treatment several times a day in order to get the most satisfactory result.

An alternative way is to mix cinnamon with honey together in order to create the smooth paste. You can apply it over the pimples before bedtime. Do not wash and then leave it overnight. In the morning, when you wake up, you can wash it off with cold water. Cold water will close your pores. You can immediately see the significant improvement in swelling and inflammation. It is better to use this treatment again.

9. Cucumber

If you want to look for the effective ways on how to get rid of pimples, you should not ignore the cucumber. Many people know that cucumber is effective in soothing your skin, ease puffiness or treat dark circles under your eyes. Moreover, many people who have pimples also use this remedy and find the significant result. Many studies and evidence have proven the cucumber’s effectiveness. They found the great source of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E as well as potassium which have cooing and soothing properties.

In order to treat pimples, you should cut cucumber into small pieces. After that, soak these pieces in water for at least one hour. We need to do this in order to make the nutrients, including potassium, vitamin A and chlorophyll to transfer to the water. After that, you can strain the water solution and drink it up. You can drink this solution as much as you can. You can drink it instead of water.

However if you want to make the face mask from cucumber, you can grind one cucumber. Apply the solution on your affected skin areas where you have pimples and acnes. You should wait for a couple of minutes until it becomes dry. It is recommended let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Because cucumber is safe to use, you should not need to worry about any unwanted side effects like other pimple treatments. Using cucumber face mask will help you to remove the dirt, bacteria and oil from your skin pores.

10. Papaya

Papaya fruit contains many helpful and effective properties that help you to treat pimples, acnes, and blemishes as well as other skin problems. Therefore, asking for the home remedies on how to get rid of pimples and acnes fast and naturally, we should not skip papaya. Papaya is rich in antioxidant vitamin A and beneficial enzymes, which can help to ease the inflammation, irritation and make your skin look soft and smooth.

To create the face mask from papaya, you should cut the papaya into small pieces. Crush these pieces to take its juice. After that, apply this juice over your pimples. Let it dry for a couple of minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This treatment should be reapplied again several times a week if you want to get the maximum result.

Moreover, you can make an exfoliating face mask from papaya. This mask will exfoliate your skin and make your skin look soft and smooth. Mash papaya pieces and add sufficient honey to create the fine paste. Spread it paste on your face, neck, back and shoulder areas where you have pimples and acnes. Make sure that this paste covers all your pimples well. You should massage your face gently in the circular motions using your fingertips. After that, you can let it dry for a couple of minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. For a great result, you should repeat this treatment several times a month.

11. Egg White

Many people have tried and thought that whipping egg white and then applying it to the affected skin areas is a good way on how to get rid of pimples. Egg white is the available, cheap ingredient in your kitchen. Creating the face mask from egg white is the simple, easy and effective way that helps you to remove pimples. Moreover, it can help to eliminate the pimple scars too. Thanks to amino acids and vitamins in egg white, the pimples can be cured and dead skin cell accumulation can be prevented. You should use a fork to separate the egg white from its yolk. Whip it properly for 3 minutes. After that, apply egg white over your pimples and acnes. Let it dry for about 20 minutes before rinsing if off with lukewarm water. It is important to apply a suitable moisturizer afterward in order to keep your skin look soft, healthy and smooth. If you want to have the satisfactory result, you should repeat the treatment several times a week.

12. Orange Peels

The ascorbic acid properties and vitamin C content in orange peel make it become the potential treatment on how to get rid of pimples fast and naturally. This remedy is easy for you to follow. In order to treat pimples, blemishes, and acnes, you just need to rub the orange peels gently on your skin and then use a cotton ball to apply the orange juice. However, before using the orange peels to treat pimples and acnes, you should wash your hands first in order to keep the bacteria from your hands to transfer to your skin. It is recommended using different orange peels for each pimple you want to treat. You should leave it juice for at least one hour before washing it off with lukewarm water. Warm water will help you to open your pores. In order to treat pimples and acnes effectively and completely, you should use this treatment several times for a couple of weeks.

13. Using Neem To Treat Pimples

Neem plant is a tree which can grow fast and have long-life. This plant was commonly grown and came from in India. Nowadays, we can see neem grown in many countries all over the world. In India, the neem is used medicinally for many purposes and benefits. However, many parts of the world are not familiar with it. It is said that neem is a versatile and fascinating plant for many purposes and benefits. All parts of neem plant, including it seeds, leaves, bark, twig, pulp, flower are beneficial for your skin and health. Many people use neem leaves as the way on how to get rid of pimples. The possible reason may be that neem leaves have the powerful antibacterial properties.

Neem leaves can be used in different forms that help you to ease many skin conditions, ranging from infections, pimples, rashes, and acnes. Neem leaves are beneficial for your skin problems because they have antiviral, antiseptic, astringent, antifungal, anti-inflammation and antioxidant properties. These properties make neem leaves become the holistic remedy for pimples and acnes. It is believed that the antioxidant properties are much one hundred times more effective and powerful than blueberries, broccoli and other antioxidant foods in nature. Using neem leaves will help you to fight against free radicals and improve your immune system. If applied on your skin, neem will vitalize, rejuvenate and repair existing skin damages. Moreover, neem leaves have powerful ingredient called quercetin which is effective in treating acnes and pimples. Quercetin has a power of reducing redness and inflammation while keeping your skin look cool and soft. Besides quercetin, neem has the great source of salicylic acid, a powerful anti bacterial, which can help you to prevent any skin infections from breaking out. Oil which is extracted from neem can nourish your skin thanks to hydrating components and their fat content. You can buy neem online or at natural food stores or the local organic stores. In this article, I would like to introduce the effective ways on how to get rid of pimples and acne with neem leaves, neem powder, and neem oil.

The simplest way is extracting the oils from neem and use the cotton ball to apply this oil on your pimples and acnes. Alternatively, if you use neem powder to treat acnes and pimples, you can mix this powder with sufficient amount of water to form a fine paste. After that, apply this paste on your affected skin where you have pimples and acnes. It is recommended leaving this paste on your skin overnight in order to make the powder penetrate the skin and destroy all disease-causing bacteria.

Another way on how to get rid of pimples with neem is to make a face mask from neem and multani mitti pack. You can make this paste easily at home. When applied regularly, this mask will give you the significant improvement in breakouts and pimples. Moreover, you can notice the reduce of pigmentation and dark spots to the great result when using this mask. In order to make this mask, you should place some neem leaves in the sun. Wait until it becomes crisp. After that, you can grind these leaves into a fine powder. Mix sufficient multani mitti with one teaspoon of neem powder and then add a little of rose water to create the thick and smooth paste. Next, you can apply this paste on your face, neck, shoulders and backs where you have pimples and acnes. Leave it on your skin for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

In addition to neem and multani mitti pack, neem and yogurt pack can also help you to treat acnes and pimples to a great extent. Yogurt is effective in maintaining clear and smooth skin. While neem will help to reduce pimples and acnes as well as dark spots because of being powerful antibacterial, yogurt will make your skin look soft, hydrated and prevent dullness and dryness on your skin. In order to make this pack, you should leave a few neem leave in the sun until it becomes dry and crisp. Grind them into a fine powder after that. Mix two teaspoons of this powder, one teaspoon of besan and sufficient yogurt. Mix it well in order to create the thick paste. Spread this paste on your face, neck, shoulders and back where you have pimples, acnes, and blemishes. It is better to wait for 20 minutes before rinsing if off with lukewarm water. It is recommended repeating this treatment twice or three times a week in order to see the better result.

You can make an overnight pimple cure by preparing neem powder from its leaves and then mixing with sufficient water to create the smooth paste. Apply this paste on your affected skin areas. You should go to sleep and leave it on overnight. In the morning, you can wash it off with lukewarm water. You can see the pumps reduce significantly. Repeat this treatment several times in order to get the great result.

14. The Combination Of Honey And Strawberries

Honey is a great way to treat pimples and acne. It also helps to preserve the moisture on your skin; as a result, it will make your skin look soft and supple. Strawberries contain salicylic acid, the important ingredient which stimulates the upper layer of your skin called epidermis to shed the dead skin cells faster. As a result, the clogged pores will open and the bacteria clogged into your skin pores will be removed. Moreover, this substance will also encourage the new skin cell’s formation and close your enlarged pore to prevent fresh infection.

To prepare, you should clean your face first. Make sure that you remove all the dirt, oil and bacteria on your skin. Pat your skin dry with a clean soft towel. Wash three strawberries under the running water in order to remove all dirt on them. After that, mash these strawberries. You should make sure that it is not watery. Blend them with two teaspoons of honey. Apply this mixture on your skin and let it sit for about 30 minutes before rinse it off with lukewarm water. If you want to treat pimples and acnes completely and effectively, you should repeat this treatment several times a week for a few weeks until the pimples and acnes have gone.

15. Basil

It is said that basil herb has many nutrients and benefits for your health and your skin. Basil is originally grown in India, Iran and other tropical regions of Asia. Basil leaves and seeds can be used medicinally to treat a lot of health and skin problems. One of the basil’s benefits is treating pimples and acnes. Basil is well-known for its pimple-healing properties. Using basil will help you to remove the bacteria called Propionibacterium acne; as a result, it will keep the pimples and other kinds of breakouts at bay. Therefore, if you suffer from acnes, pimples, blemishes or other skin related problem, basil is the wonderful remedy for you. In this article, I would like to introduce to you some different effective ways on how to get rid of pimples with basil.

The firstly way is using the water after boiling basil leaves. In this way, you should put about 10 basil leaves in a small saucepan. Press the leaves against the base of saucepan and you can use a spoon to do it easily. Pour a cup of water into a saucepan. After that, boil the mixture of leaves and water for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and strain the water. Apply the solution on your skin areas with a cotton ball. You can store the mixture in the refrigerator for about 5-day use.

If you do not like boiling the mixture of leaves and water, you can use fresh basil juice instead. To prepare, you should take some fresh organic basil leaves from the local organic stores. Crush them well to take the juice. After that, you can apply this juice on your affected skin areas and massage gently using your fingertips. Let it sit for 15 minutes to make sure that your skin has enough time to absorb all the nutrients and benefits of basil. When it is done, you can wash your skin with cold water. Cold water will close your skin pores to prevent infection.

Basil essential oil toner is also effective in treating acnes, pimples and blemishes. You can buy a bottle of basil essential oil in the market and then mix 10 drops of this oil with 3 tablespoons of water. You can use this treatment as the regular facial toner to keep any ugly breakouts at bay efficiently.

You can benefit from basil facial steaming. In order to make this steam, you should put a few basil leaves to a pot of boiling water. Place the pot on the tables or the flat surface. Lean over the pot and steam your face. It is recommended using a towel to cover your head in order to prevent the steam from escape. Basil facial steaming will help to clear your skin and make your skin look supple, glowing and refreshed by opening the clogged pores and giving the deep cleansing. When you finish with the facial steaming, you should splash cold water to your skin. The possible reason may be that while steaming will open your pores, the cold water will close your skin pores in order to prevent infections.

The mask made from gram flour and basil is also effective in treating acnes and pimples. Firstly, you should put mint and fried basil leaves in a bowl. Grind them well in order to create the fine paste. After that, you should add sufficient gram flour and a little water to create the fine paste. Apply this thick paste on your skin for about 15 minutes. Finally, you rinse it off with lukewarm water to have blemish-free beautiful skin.

In order to treat acnes and pimples completely and effectively, you should repeat basil treatment several times until these skin problem has disappeared.

16. Tomatoes

If you want to look for the effective ways on how to get rid of pimples and acnes, you should not ignore tomato. We all know that tomatoes are the amazing food for our skin. Tomatoes are loaded with antioxidants; therefore, they help to repair our damaged cells and provide a great source of lycopene and vitamin C into our system. Lycopene is a natural antioxidant which shows the vibrant red color on tomatoes. Lycopene has many benefits for our skin. For examples, lycopene boosts the collagen production; therefore, it will keep your skin from aging. It encourages the new skin cell formation and gives your skin the fresh, youthful and even appearance.

As the effective way on how to get rid of pimples, tomatoes are effective in reducing the size of large pores. Although it does not give you the instant result, it is still worth trying. Using tomatoes will help you to dry out your acnes and pimples faster. Therefore, tomatoes are said to be beneficial for oily skin and pimple-prone skin. However, if you apply tomatoes topically on your skin too often and too much, it will lead to more dryness and other new problems. Moreover, tomatoes have the great source of vitamin A, C and K. These vitamins are good and necessary for your skin, teeth, bone, muscle and overall health. You should take tomato juice and apply it on your skin areas where acnes and pimples are presents. Leave it at least one hour before washing it off with lukewarm water.

17. Place Dried Hibiscus On Your Pimples

Hibiscus is the beautiful flower. We all know that hibiscus can be used to make a delicious tea and it has many benefits for your health and your skin. However, do you know hibiscus is also effective in treating acnes and pimples? You can drink hibiscus juice or apply it on your skin. When hibiscus is used to treat acnes and pimples, it will help to unclog the pores. All things you will need are wet hibiscus leaves. Apply these leaves onto your affected skin areas where you want to treat pimples and acnes. Allow it to sit on your skin for at least 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. You should continue this treatment daily until the pimples, acnes and blemishes have gone completely.

Another way on how to get rid of pimples with hibiscus is to boil 3 teaspoons of hibiscus plant in 2 cups of water. After boiling, you can strain it and let it cool down for a couple of minutes. You can add a little of honey to enhance the effectiveness of this solution and add more moisture to your skin. Pour this solution into a cup. And then use a paper towel or cheesecloth to apply this solution on your inflamed pimples and acnes. It is recommended sticking it for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. If you want to achieve a more positive result, you should do this treatment daily for a couple of weeks.

18. Green Tea

It is not surprising when green tea is included in the list of helpful way on how to get rid of pimples. Drinking green tea has many benefits for your skin, and health. Because of its antioxidant and nutrients, green tea will nourish your skin and slow down the aging process. Moreover, drinking green tea will help you to treat many health problems such as heart disease, obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes and so on. But do you know the effectiveness of green tea in treating pimples and acnes as well as blemishes?

When applied, green tea will show the positive result and significant improvement in acnes and pimples, according to a recent study carried out by dermatologist in 2012. This study found that green tea has the helpful antioxidant called epigallocatechin-3-gallate(EGCG). EGCG is effective in ease inflammation, control sebum production and inhibits the bacteria growth. Therefore, if you have pimples or acnes prone skin, this treatment is worth trying. You should put 2 teaspoons of organic tea leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 5 minutes. After that, you should strain the leaves and let the water cool down a little bit. Apply this solution on your affected skin areas where you have pimples and acnes with the help of cotton ball or cheesecloth. But, you can pour green tea in a spray bottle to spray it easily. Because green tea is good for your skin and it does not cause any unwanted side effects, you can leave it overnight. In the morning, you can feel your skin fresh and soft. Plus, the pimples and acnes will reduce.

19. Aloe Vera Gel

Today, we all know the healing properties of aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel is considered as the helpful remedy for many health and skin problems because it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Aloe vera will fasten the healing process for micro cracks and wounds. Moreover, it is not surprising when it is used to remove pimples and acnes as well as other skin damage. It should be noted that aloe vera gel is well-known for unique and powerful healing properties which have been wildly used since ancient times. Aloe vera is considered as the excellent and powerful treatment and remedy for a wide variety of problems, including pimples and acnes. The possible reason may be that aloe vera gel contains a lot of vitamin C, mineral salts, vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin E, amino acids and carbohydrates which are beneficial for your skin and your health.

 Many studies have shown the effectiveness of aloe vera gel in treating acnes and pimples. After a long and regular application, they see the redness and swelling reduce. Acnes and pimples also show the significant improvement. In order to treat acnes and pimples, you should extract the gel from aloe vera leaves. After that, apply the gel directly on your skin areas where pimples and acnes. Leave it on your skin for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. You can use aloe vera gel lonely like that. But if you want, you can combine this remedy with other substances such as tea tree oil and garlic. Aloe vera is an indoor plant; therefore, you can grow it in your house if you do not like to buy the extracted gel in the market. However, it is important to know that aloe vera gel treatment cannot work for every people. Some people experience the irritation and redness after trying aloe vera gel. Therefore, before using aloe vera gel as the home remedies on how to get rid of pimples fast and naturally on your face, you should try it on the small surface of your wrist. If irritation or redness happens, you should stop applying.

20. Turmeric

Turmeric can help you to treat pimples and acnes effectively and naturally. Turmeric has healing properties. You can not only add turmeric in your food in order to add better flavor but also use it as the effective topical remedy for a wide range of skin problems. It is said that turmeric is effective in improving your complexion and treating common skin conditions such as dark spots, acnes, pimples, and redness. Turmeric has become the effective way on how to get rid of pimples fast and naturally.

Turmeric paste is the simplest way to treat pimples. All things you will need are turmeric and water. Mix turmeric with a little of water in a correct ratio and then apply this mixture on your inflamed pimples. You should leave it on for at least 30-40 minutes before washing if off with lukewarm water. Turmeric paste will help you to prevent pimples from developing further. Moreover, it can cure this problem soon. It is recommended applying this treatment regularly for a better result. You can replace water with honey which contains antiseptic properties.

The combination of turmeric and sandalwood paste also helps people with pimples and acnes problem. In order to make this paste, you need to create the thick paste by mixing sandalwood paste and turmeric and adding sufficient rose water. After that, you should apply this paste on the pimples and acnes. Let it sit on for about 15-20 minutes. Finally, rinse it off with lukewarm water. This combination will give your skin glowing appearance. However, you can use neem powder instead of turmeric.

Alternatively, you can mix one teaspoon of turmeric, 3 teaspoons of plain yogurt and 2 teaspoons of rice flour in order to create the thick paste. After that, you can apply this paste on your affected skin areas. If you like, you can substitute sesame oil for olive oil.

Another way on how to get rid of pimples with turmeric is mixing one teaspoon of turmeric, 3 teaspoons of yogurt and 2 teaspoons of rice flour in order to create the thick paste. After that, you should leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. It is said that the combination of turmeric and rice powder can be effective in treating pimple-prone skin.

These are 20 home remedies and techniques on how to get rid of pimples fast and naturally I would like to introduce to you on Allremedies. I hope that you will find these tips helpful and effective. If you have any question to ask, please raise your voice by leaving your comments bellow.

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All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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