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27 Health and Beauty Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

In order to live healthy, people have the strong urge of find out the superfoods to eat and bad foods to avoid. In addition to vegetables, fruits, fish and other good foods, we cannot ignore the important role of beverage for health and beauty. How to choose a good and healthy beverage is also important. Many people who often drink unhealthy beverages such as soda, sugar rich drinks, caffeine beverages and alcoholic drinks are more prone to health problems including diabetes, overweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and heart problems. Green tea is commonly recommended replacing coffee because drinking too much coffee may be harmful to the health. Moreover, do you know that green tea is considered as the healthiest beverage in the world? Evidence and scientific studies have found out many health and beauty benefits of drinking green tea daily.

Health And Beauty Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea – Top Reasons Why You Should Drink Green Tea Daily

If you are looking for the healthiest beverages on the planet, you should not ignore green tea. Green tea is packed with a plenty of nutrients and antioxidants that can bring many powerful effects on your health. For example, green tea is said to improve brain function, lower the risk of some certain cancers, and reduce the body fat, as well as many other health and beauty benefits. It is recommended buying green tea in a store that has a well-established reputation of delivering good products.

If you are interested in health and beauty benefits of drinking green tea daily, you should read this article on AllRemedies to know more.

1. Improve The Overall Health

Green tea is more than just a green beverage. It contains the bioactive compounds that make green tea become the healthiest beverage in the world. Drinking green tea is good for the overall health because it is packed with polyphenols such as catechins and flavonoids that are considered as powerful antioxidants. These substances are good for reducing the formation of free radicals and keeping the molecules and cells from any damage. Free radicals are factors causing aging and health diseases. Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant and one of powerful compounds, have been long researched. Scientists have found that this compound can treat a variety of health problems. This is the reason why green tea is considered as an excellent beverage for powerful medicinal properties. Furthermore, green tea is loaded with essential minerals that are good for the health. However, it is recommended buying a high quality brand of green tea in a store with a well-established reputation of delivering good products. Do not choose the lower quality brands due to the cheaper cost because they may have excessive levels of fluoride.

However, drinking green tea even with a low quality brand has more benefits than risks.

2. Loaded With Antioxidant

People keep asking a question: Are antioxidants good for our health and beauty? Why people need them? And how do people get antioxidants? These questions have been answered by a lot of scientific studies and researches. The eaten foods turn into energy in our body. At the same time, some byproducts called free radicals are regenerated within our body. Then chemicals have awful harms to our body, causing some damages especially when the process of oxidation happens. Moreover, free radicals are the key factors fastening the aging process. People are more likely to experience many premature diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and blurred vision. Moreover, free radicals are also enemies of beauty because it can result in a lot of premature signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, and aging spots.

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However, we do not need to worry about it. We are able to combat the effects of free radicals by eating healthy and maintaining a good lifestyle, as well as skipping bad habits. One of the great ways on how to fight against free radicals and lower the aging process is taking advantages of benefits of drinking green tea. Scientists from the American Society for Nutritional Sciences have carried many clinical trials on positive health benefits of drinking green tea daily. They all saw a significant result of health benefits of drinking green tea. This is because green tea has the high levels of antioxidants and flavonoids that can fight against the effects of free radicals.

Antioxidants and flavonoids abundant in green tea are effective in preventing cancer, reducing inflammation, fighting viruses, and lowering the risk of allergies.

Read more: home remedies for wrinkles

3. Improve The Brain Function

Many people drink green tea in order to make them alert and concentrated. They often drink it in the early morning after having breakfast and then go to work or school. Green tea is effective in eliminating the dizziness and asleep left by long sleep last night. Moreover, maybe not many people know that but green tea makes them smarter. Sound great, does not it? Some scientists found out the close link between caffeine, the key active ingredient in green tea, and brain function improvement. Caffeine is considered as a stimulant. However, overconsumption of caffeine may affect our health. This is the reason why coffee should be limited. Green tea has less caffeine than coffee but it is enough to bring great effects on the brain function without causing some unwanted side effected caused by too much caffeine.  When you consume caffeine, caffeine can block Adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. As a result, it may boost the firing of neurons as well as the concentration of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine.

Many scientists have studied the improvements of caffeine in numerous aspects of brain function such as vigilance, improved mood, memory, and reaction time.

But the benefits of drinking green tea are more than that. In addition to caffeine, green tea also contains the amino acid L-theanine that can work as the brain barrier against stress and anxiety. L-theanine can boost the function of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA that contains anti-anxiety effects. Moreover, L-theanine also increases the production of dopamine and alpha waves in your brain.

Many other studies also showed the synergistic effects of caffeine and L-theanine. The combination of caffeine and L-theanine is said to improve the brain function significantly.

Green tea has more L-theanine and smaller dose of caffeine than coffee. Therefore, drinking green tea daily may cause less kind of “buzz” sensation than drinking coffee. Many people said that they have more energy and are more productive after drinking green tea, compared with drinking coffee.

4. Fight Against Anxiety And Boosting Relaxation

People who are more likely to get anxiety attacks and depression are recommended drinking green tea daily. The benefits of drinking green tea daily include anti-anxiety and relaxation booster.

Green tea is packed with a powerful source of l-theanine. This amino acid can work as a neurotransmitter that boosts the production of alpha waves in our brain. Alpha waves are actually the relaxation booster. A study saw a significant increase of alpha waves in human volunteers when they are asked to take l-theanine. L-theanine does not make you feel drowsy.

It turns out that benefits of drinking green tea can help to keep you from stress, anxiety, and depression without causing asleep.

5. Contain Anti-Bacterial Effects

When you get sick, do you often meet a doctor to get antibiotics? Most people do that. However, do the prescribed antibiotics work effectively? Do they have unwanted side effects? If you use antibiotics for a long time, the bacteria and viruses causing sickness may develop its resistance to antibiotics. Moreover, used excessively, antibiotics may result in some unwanted side effects. Why do not you use natural home remedies to treat and prevent sickness? There are numerous natural solutions and home remedies for sickness including green tea.

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants called catechins. According to the Food Science Technology Bulletin, catechins such as epicatechingallate (ECG) and epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) can inhibit the development and growth of many bacteria. This is because catechins can create the firms that block the bacteria that make you get sick and ill.

6. Control Cholesterol Levels

One of benefits of drinking green tea daily is controlling cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is common health problem nowadays due to unhealthy diet and improper lifestyle. People nowadays are very busy to eat healthily; therefore, they often buy fast foods and processed foods that are loaded with cholesterols. As a result, in the modern life, people are more likely to suffer from high cholesterol levels. It is estimated that about 73.5 million adults experience high LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is bad cholesterol that affects the health and results in many health problems. It is important for us to eat foods that have less cholesterol and find the possible way to lower bad cholesterol.

The natural amazing solution for high cholesterol level is one of benefits of drinking green tea.  According to, drinking 10 cups of green tea daily can help to control large effects of bad cholesterol on the health.

You may think that 10 cups of green tea daily is a lot. However, do not worry. It is alright to drink up to 10 cups of green tea if you have high cholesterol levels. Each cup of green tea can help to reduce bad cholesterol significantly.

Read more: foods high in cholesterol

7. Burn Fat And Improve Physical Performance

It is not surprising when green tea is included in the list of ingredients of fat burning and weight loss supplements. Actually, fat burning and weight loss are benefits of drinking green tea daily. Many human controlled trials found out that green tea is effective in burning fat and increasing the metabolism rate. According to some studies conducted in healthy men, drinking green tea daily increases the energy expenditure by 4% and the fat oxidation by 17%. These numbers may indicate the benefits of drinking green tea in burning fat and losing weight.

However, it is important for me to point out that some studies do not see any increase in metabolism. Maybe, the effectiveness of green tea in fat burning and weight loss depends on individuals.

Moreover, caffeine in green tea is also contributed to the improvement of physical performance by using fats as energy.

Two separate studies have shown that physical performance is increased by 11-12% by consuming caffeine in green tea.

Read more: home remedies for weight loss

8. Lower The Risk Of Parkinson’s And Alzheimer’s

Benefits of drinking green tea include not only improving the brain function but also protecting your brain from aging process. When people age, the function of brain deteriorates gradually. It is normal to be forgetful. However, it becomes the problem when forgetfulness affects some aspects of our life and daily activities. The old people are more likely to get Alzheimer’s disease, the most common neurodegenerative disease. Alzheimer’s disease may lead to dementia.

In addition to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s is also a common neurodegenerative disease that is often seen in the old. It is associated with the death of dopamine that plays the important role in producing neurons in our brain.

Many studies conducted in animals have found out that catechin compounds present in green tea contain numerous protective effects on neurons. Therefore, scientists could conclude that green tea lowers the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s if drank daily. Drinking green tea is a natural way on how to prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

The old should drink several cups of green tea daily to keep their brain healthy.

9. Lower The Risk Of Certain Types Of Cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the planet. Scientists and researchers have tried to found the possible potential treatment for this fatal disease. However, now the treatments for cancer are not known. Once the cancer cells grow uncontrollably, your body becomes weaker and weaker fast and it leads to death.  It is said that oxidative damage may speed up the development of cancer. But antioxidants contain protective effects. Increasing antioxidant intake can help to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in your body. Moreover, antioxidants lower the risk of certain types of cancer. We all know that green tea is loaded with powerful antioxidants. Therefore, anti-cancer is one of the benefits of drinking green tea daily. Scientists also recommended drinking two or three cups of green tea daily to keep certain cancers including breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer.

Many observational studies found out that people who like drinking green tea are less prone to these types of cancer.

More importantly, you should know that adding milk to a cup of green tea reduces the quality and value of antioxidants. Therefore, it is a bad idea.

10. Improve Dental Health

Catechins in green tea contain not only protective effects on neurons but also biological effects. Containing anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, drinking green tea can help to kill bacteria causing the influenza virus and infections. Moreover, some harmful bacteria may cause many dental health problems. For example, Streptococcus mutans in the mouth are the primary causes of plaque information, tooth decay, and cavities.

Many studies showed that catechins present abundantly in green tea are effective in halting the growth of streptococcus mutans. Therefore, it is recommended taking benefits of drinking green tea to improve dental health and lower the risk of cavities.

Moreover, scientific studies also found out that drinking green tea daily can help to reduce bad breath significantly.

11. Keep Type II Diabetes At Bay

Type II diabetes becomes one of the most common diseases that affects about 300 million people in the world. Patients with type II diabetes have high blood sugar levels in their body because of an inability to produce insulin or insulin resistance.

Studies showed that health benefits of drinking green tea daily involve fighting against type II diabetes. This is because beneficial compounds in green tea are good at decreasing blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity.

A Japanese study showed that risk of developing type II diabetes reduce by 42% if green tea is consumed daily.

7 studies on a total of 286,701 individuals showed that green tea can lower the risk of diabetes by 18%.

Read more: home remedies for diabetes

12. Protect Stomach Health

Due to improper lifestyle such as skipping meal, eating fast foods, eating late or drinking too much alcohol, stomach issues are common. It is easy for you to suffer from heartburn and inflammatory bowel disease. A research conducted in 2012 found out that about 20% of people experience either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Another study carried out in the Florida Hospital, over 40% of American people experience heartburn at least once a month.

In order to prevent these issues and protect your stomach health, it is recommended drinking several cups of green tea daily. Green tea contains the anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it can help to prevent many stomach issues such as colitis. According to the University Of Cincinnati College Of Medicine, green tea has EGCG that can protect the stomach from Crohn’s disease and colitis. Moreover, green tea contains anti-cancer properties. One benefits of drinking green tea is good at keeping colon cancer at bay.

13. Protect Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart disease are one of the leading causes of death in the planet. It is important for us to protect cardiovascular health. The best way to keep cardiovascular system healthy is eating high-nutrient diet. However, we cannot deny the important role of healthy beverage in protecting cardiovascular health. Studies showed that drinking green tea can eliminate the main risk factors of cardiovascular diseases such as LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides.

One of the benefits of drinking green tea is to boost the antioxidant capability in the blood. Therefore, it can keep the LDL cholesterol particles from the process of oxidation that is one of the factors increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

14. Help To Lose Weight

Drinking green tea can help to increase the metabolism rate; therefore, it helps to prevent overweight and obesity. Several studies found out that one of the benefits of drinking green tea is to help reduce the body fat. People who have fat in abdominal area, as well as other parts of their body, should drink two or three cups of green tea daily.

A randomized controlled trial on green tea involving 240 people saw the significant decrease in body weight, body fat percentage, abdominal fat and weight circumference.

But if you want to lose weight, you need a proper weight loss program and a healthy diet. It is important to exercise at least two or three times a week. Drinking green tea but still eating unhealthy and maintaining bad habit does not help you to lose weight.

15. Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea – Boost The Longevity

All people die eventually. It is evitable. However, with the development of medical service and increasing awareness of healthy lifestyle, people have the ability to lengthen their life. People nowadays live longer, compared with other people from the past decades. Japanese people are said to live longer than other people from other different countries in the world. Scientists have found it is due to their healthy diet including rich nutrient foods and green tea. It is not surprising to know that green tea helps Japanese people live longer.

According to a study conducted in 40,530 Japanese adults, people who drank at least 5 cups of green tea daily are less likely to die within an 11 year period. Another study conducted in 14,001 elderly Japanese people who are at the age of 65 – 84 showed that the possibility of death is reduced by 76% within a 6 year period. Benefits of drinking green tea can help to prevent heart disease, stroke, and other causes of death.

16. Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea – Keep You Look Young

As I mentioned above, green tea has a great source of antioxidants. Free radicals causing oxidation are one of the major factors triggering the aging process. According to a study conducted in the University of Campbell, Japanese people who drink green tea daily always have longer life spans.

Free radicals also affect our skin by breaking down collagen. As a result, the aging process may make us more likely to have pre-aging signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots. Antioxidants and protein found in green tea can slow down the aging process and make us look young.

However, you should not drink green tea in the morning with an empty stomach because it can result in upset stomach. Therefore, you should eat something or drink a little milk or creamer before green tea.

17. Protect Skin From Sun’s Ultraviolet Rays

Many studies have found out that benefits of drinking green tea or applying tea bags to your skin can help to protect your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Recent lab tests conducted at the University of Strathclyde showed that the extract epigallocatechingallate found in green tea can fight against the skin cancer. Researches on this extract found out that green tea made skin tumors disappear.

Moreover, according to another study published in the Journal of Nutrition in Germany, women who drank six cups of green tea daily were less likely have red skin when their skin got exposed to sunlight, compared with others who did not. However, drinking green tea alone does not help to lower the risk of sunburn or skin cancer caused by overexposure to sunlight. In order to protect the skin, it is important to apply sunscreen and wear protective clothes.

18. Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea – Improve Bone Health

Osteoporosis occurs when bones become fragile and brittle. It can affect both women and men. The aging process makes bone weaker. Although humans need to do more researches and studies on the benefits of drinking green tea daily for bone health, increasing evidence showed that green tea is good for bone. For instance, according to a study published in the journal Nutrition Research, people at the age of 65 or 75 drinking green tea may have 5-percent higher bone density, compared with others who do not drink green tea regularly. Scientists and researchers have found out that drinking green tea can boost bone mineral density and lower the fracture risk. Researchers in Hong Kong also showed that a group of chemicals found abundant in green tea can boost the process of bone formation and inhibit their breakdown. A nutritionist Marisa Moore said that more conclusive and reliable studies on benefits of drinking green tea for bone healing need to be conducted.

19. Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea – Soothe Arthritis

Asking for the home remedies for arthritis, you should not ignore the benefits of drinking green tea daily. In order to reduce pains and aches, you just need to sip three or four cups of green tea daily. Many recent studies found out that a chemical compound called quercetin contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. In a study conducted in mice at Case Western Reserve University, mice that are given four cups of green tea daily were less likely to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. This study also showed that green tea is more beneficial than water in soothing arthritis. In the Iowa Women's Health Study on women, the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis reduces by 60 percent. Other studies and researches showed that it is due to polyphenols found in green tea contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Polyphenols can help to improve arthritis problem.

Read more: home remedies for arthritis

20. Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea – Clear Acnes

A study conducted in A University of Miami, green tea contains antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that can eliminate about two-thirds of pimples in people who have mild or moderate acnes. In order to get rid of pimples and acnes from the skin significantly, you just need to apply green tea or placing green tea bags to the affected skin for six weeks. Alternatively, you can make a cup of green tea and use it as a face wash twice daily to reduce bad pimples and acnes.

If you have oily skin, you can mix the green tea and the peppermint tea in equal quantities and use it as an oil blasting wash.

If acnes and pimple make your skin inflamed, you can sooth it by mixing the green tea with chamomile tea in equal quantities.

21. Treat And Prevent UTI

Recent studies showed that benefits of drinking green tea daily also include fighting against a urinary tract infection. Antioxidants found in green tea are effective in treating bladder inflammation. According to other studies, the incidence of UTIs reduces by 40 percent.

22. Fight Allergies

Allergy patients often find green tea as a significant relief. New evidence also showed this kind of benefits of drinking green tea. Researchers in Japan conducted many laboratory tests and found methylated epigallocatechingallate (EGCG), a compound present in green tea can block a cell receptor that produces the allergic response.

According to Hirofumi Tachibana who is the leading investigator of the study and a professor of chemistry at Kyushu University located in Fukuoka, Japan, green tea contains effective anti-allergenic properties. Therefore, if you are experiencing allergies, you just need to drink several cups of green tea daily.

Green tea has been widely used for years to treat the coughing, sneezing, and watery eyes that are typical symptoms of allergies and cold. Growing evidence in animal studies showed that green tea can work for allergy symptoms.

Green tea is useful to treat a variety of allergens including dust, pollen, certain chemicals and pet dander. However, in order to conclude about benefits of drinking green tea in fighting allergies, more conclusive studies need to be conducted.

EGCG, one of the most powerful active antioxidant, found abundant in green tea is contributed to many benefits of drinking green tea daily. Previous studies have found out that EGCG has an ability to fighting allergic reactions. Moreover, EGCG is also effective in blocking the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE) and histamine that trigger allergic reactions.

More researches are needed to determine how beneficial drinking green tea to people who suffer from allergic reactions. Experts always recommended patients with allergic reactions should consult a doctor for best treatments. A healthy diet and proper exercise are also said to reduce allergy symptoms.

23. Treat Dark Circles And Puffy Eyes

Staying up late or getting exposed to environmental toxins may affect the delicate skin around and under the eyes, leading to dark circles and puffy eyes. Many people know that the cool cucumber slices are a great home remedy for these problems. However, it is important for me to add more that the green tea bags can work effectively too. Rich in a plenty of tannins and antioxidants, green tea bags can eliminate the fluids and reduce the swelling around the eyes.

After a late night deadline or overexposure of environmental toxins, you just need to apply cool green tea bag to your eyelids for about 15 to 20 minutes in order to let antioxidants and tannins be absorbed into the skin and treat dark circles and puffy eyes.

You can use cucumber, green tea bags as well as other effective home remedies for dark circles and puffy eyes. However, it is better to prevent it in the first place. Stop or limit tobacco and alcohol use because it can cause fluid retention around the eyes and lead to swelling. A good 8-hour sleep and a healthy diet play the important roles in maintaining the beautiful skin. It is also recommended applying green tea bags to the areas under your eyes regularly, drinking at least 8 classes of water and using a proper moisturizer for your skin type.

If you tried the green tea bag or other home remedies for dark circles and puffy eyes but do not see any improvement, you should see a doctor immediately. Chronic eye puffiness may be a symptom of serious medical problems.

Read more: lemon for dark circles

24. Alleviate Asthma

Asthma, one of the common inflammatory diseases, is associated with the constriction of the bronchial airways. Wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing are symptoms of this disease. However, asthma is chronic and difficult to treat completely. People who suffer from asthma often take asthmatics to reduce the sensitivity to environment triggers such as animal dander, pollution, exercise, and smoke. The severity of this disease varies. Some people have some attacks during a particular period while others may have to use preventives daily. It is said that benefits of drinking green tea also help control the symptoms of asthma.

You just need to stew a green tea bag in a cup of boiling water. Cover it well for a few minutes. After that, let it cool down and sip it.

If you have chronic asthma, you should drink two cups of green tea to keep asthma symptoms at bay.

25. Improve Skin Complexion

Green tea is not only good for the health but also is beneficial for the skin. Green tea can help to remove the toxins from our skin, reduce inflammation, and heal scars and blemishes. Moreover, benefits of drinking green tea daily also help to boost the skin’s elasticity.

According to a study conducted in 2003 by the Medical College of Georgia, green tea can maintain the skin rejuvenation. Therefore, green tea is often used to treat skin wounds and diseases.

In order to have a healthy and beautiful skin, you can not only drink green tea but also make a green tea mask.

26. Stimulate Hair Growth

Green tea has a great source of antioxidants that can stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss.  The catechins found in green tea can block Dihydro testosterone (DHT) that can cause hair loss. Moreover, benefits of drinking green tea for hair also include treating hair problems such as dandruff and dry scalp. Moreover, according to a study conducted in 2005 in the Journal of the National Medical Association, the polyphenols present in green tea are effective in treating hair loss.

It is recommended drinking two or three cups of green tea daily to have strong and shiny hair.

Read more: Home remedies for hair growth

27. Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea – Shrink The Large Pores

Green tea contains astringent and antioxidant properties. Therefore, green tea shrinks the large pores that may be clogged with bacteria, oil, and sweat. Moreover, green tea makes the skin tight and smooth.

In addition to applying skin masks made from the green tea, drinking several cups of green tea can shrink the large skin pores by flushing out the toxins from the body.

These are 27 health and beauty benefits of drinking green tea daily. If you have any questions, please leave your comments bellow. Thank you for reading.

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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