Categories: Skin Care

20 Tips How To Take Care of Your Skin In Your 20s

Updated: 09/12/2019

If you are a teenager, it is important to take care of the skin properly. The possible reason may be that in your 20s, you may experience some skin problems such as acne, pimples, aging, or wrinkles. If you take care of the skin soon, you will prevent the problems from occurring. Therefore, do not wait until you are in your 30s or 40s. It is time to introduce to you some effective tips and home remedies on how to take care of your skin naturally in your 20s that help you to achieve beautiful and glowing skin and prevent skin problems such as pimples, acne, wrinkles, and aging.

How To Take Care Of Your Skin In Your 20s Naturally – Effective Tips & Natural Home Remedies

The 20s is expected to be the best period of your life. These years are full of adventure and independence. Moreover, it is a great time for you to develop a healthy eating habit and lifestyle. Bad habit and lack of skin care routine will lead to some skin problems in the 20s such as acne, pimple, and wrinkles. To have beautiful and glowing skin, you only need to change your habit and diet. Practicing a healthy habit regularly plays an important role in taking care of the skin. Many teenagers face skin problems because they do not have a good habit and diet. The sooner you start to take care of the skin, the more significant positive changes you will make in your life. It is the fact that when you are at the age of 18-22, the hormonal changes and fluctuation will lead to monthly breakouts because it may boost the sebaceous glands to produce excess oil. Using birth control pills also increase the risk of developing skin problems soon because this factor may affect the natural hormonal balance. Some people do not have breakouts during their teenager; however, in their 20s, they may experience some skin issues such as acne or pimples. The possible reason may be that the hormonal activity may affect people differently, and body chemistry also varies. Whatever your skin type is, we want to introduce to the readers of AllRemedies the effective techniques and home remedies on how to take care of your skin in your 20s naturally.

1. Sleeping

As the first tip on how to take care of your skin, you should sleep well at night. Some people in their 20s are busy working, studying, and socializing at late-night; therefore, they do not get enough sleep as they should. Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality may lead to many diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, higher risk of mortality[1]. Moreover, not having good sleep may cause problems related to skin, such as signs of intrinsic aging[2], acne breakouts[3]. Furthermore, sleep loss is related to a higher risk of initiation, development, and recurrence of psoriasis[4]

Therefore, sleep quality is required if you want to have beautiful and glowing skin. It is recommended sleeping enough from 7 to 8 hours per day. If you find it difficult to sleep, you should try some effective tips to help you fall asleep. For example, some people find relief when they drink a glass of hot milk before going to bed. Some people feel sleepy after taking a warm bath. It is important to turn off all the lights, television, and computer in your room to make sure that you sleep in a dark, comfortable environment. You can use an eye-mask to block the light.

2. Manage Stress

Stress is a part of modern life which may come from work, study, or social relationships. We cannot avoid it, but we have to manage it. Too much stress is related to many health problems such as vulnerability to psychiatric disorders, cardiovascular dysfunctions, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune syndromes, etc[5]. In addition, stress may affect the skin negatively. Stress may lead to psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne, contact dermatitis[6]. Moreover, there is a relationship between stress and skin aging, leading to acne, wrinkles, etc[6].

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3. Prevent Sun Damage

Sunlight and UV rays may affect your skin and lead to some problems such as skin acne, pimples, wrinkles, and skin cancer[7][8]. Therefore, you should not go out when the temperature is hot, or it is shining. However, if you need to go out, it is important to protect your skin from sunlight and UV rays with protective clothes and sunglasses. However, you should apply sunscreen with SPF 15 to 30 to protect your skin daily. Especially after you use some natural cleansers or masks from tomatoes or lemon, protecting your skin from sun damage is required. The possible reason may be that these masks and home remedies on how to take care of your skin at home will make your skin sensitive to your sunlight and UV rays. You should know that the sun’s rays may also damage your skin by reflecting off the snow. Some people are too busy to have enough time to apply both moisturizer and sunscreen. The effective solution for them is choosing a moisturizer with sunscreen.

4. Wash Your Face Daily

Washing your face daily in the morning and the evening is the important step on how to take care of your skin. Washing your face will help you to get rid of the dirt, which triggers skin problems such as acne and pimples. You can wash your face with a sponge or flannel. It is said that washing your face with suitable cleansers for your skin type will help you to resolve the skin issues caused by dirt and oil.

5. Use Oil As Moisturizer

Moisturizing your skin is very important. Moisturizers may help you improve skin barrier function and prevent some problems related to dry skin[9]. Besides the beauty products you can find in cosmetic shop or supermarket, there are a lot of natural ingredients that may be used as moisturizers, including oils because natural oils have essential fats and proteins which are good for your skin and your body, natural oils are excellent choices. There are some types of oil you can use:

  • Coconut oil: Thanks to containing many vitamins such as vitamin K, vitamin E, etc., coconut oil is one of the effective options to moisture the skin along with making skin smoother and look younger[10].
  • Castor oil: This oil is used commonly in cosmetic products like cream, lipsticks and moisturizer[11]
  • Shea butter: Using shea butter may improve skin health such as treating dry skin, reducing wrinkles, etc.[12]
  • Almond oil: This oil may smooth the skin and treat psoriasis and eczema[13].
6. Exercise Regularly

Exercise may not improve skin health directly, but it is effective to help you take care of your skin. As we have mentioned above, stress is one of the reasons for the appearance of skin problems. Many studies show that regular exercise may manage stress level, which may reduce skin problems[14][14].

Additionally, doing exercise regularly helps you improve general health by reducing the risk of many diseases such as type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, dementia, coronary heart disease, some types of cancer, etc[15].  The healthy immune system is associated with healthy skin.

It is recommended that adults do exercise every day and aim to achieve at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week through a variety of activities.

7. Take A Bath

As mentioned above, sleep deprivation is one of the causes of skin problems. Therefore, taking a bath which helps you have a good sleep is one way to maintain skin health[16].  Another benefit of taking a bath is clearing your skin. It is the fact that showering is better than taking a bath. The hot water may open the pores in your skin. If water is clear, it may come in your pores and remove all the dirt and toxins from your skin. As a result, you will have clearer skin and a fresh feeling. Therefore, as the way on how to take care of your skin, you should not ignore taking a bath.

You can add some benefits of taking a bath when you use several effective home remedies. For example, you can pour two tablespoons of whole milk into a hot bath. After that, relax in the hot bath for about 20 minutes and moisturize your skin. Whole milk may help you to get rid of the dead skin cells and boost the new skin regeneration. The possible reason may be that it has lactic acid. Another remedy which is good for your skin is coconut milk. Coconut milk is considered as a natural moisturizer.

Moreover, it is proven that coconut milk may help you to soothe the sunburn. You can easily find the coconut milk in any grocery aisle. Pour two or three tablespoons of coconut milk into a hot bath. Jump in the bathtub and try to relax for about 20 minutes.

Although hot or warm water may help us relax quickly, it may lead to dryness on skin. As a result, you should moisturize the skin after taking a bath.

8. Avoid Wearing Makeup

Many people like makeup because they believe that makeup will make their skin look healthy and glowing. However, heavy makeup for all day long or using products with low quality will worsen your skin conditions and lead to some severe skin problems such as acne breakouts, spots, and pimples[17]. Therefore, remember to choose the products with high quality and remove the makeup when you go home and before going to bed.

9. Drink Water

This is the easiest way you can do to take care of your skin. Never let your skin dehydrated. Water plays an important role in keeping you healthy, especially for the skin. The skin contains approximately 30% water, which aids plumpness, elasticity, and resiliency[18]. Therefore, remember to take at least 8 glasses per day.

10. Take Care Of Your Lips

It is important to take care of your lips. Nowadays, people see that rosy lips are considered as the beauty feature of women. Many men feel rosy lips attractive. Therefore, someone who has dark lips wants to find ways to lighten them. Do not forget to:

  • Exfoliate your lips: two tablespoons of butter with three tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • Moisture your lips: honey, olive oil, aloe vera
  • Remove after using lipstick
11. Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

You should pay attention to the dark circles under your eyes. Because the areas under the eyes are sensitive, you need the special treatments. Many people in their 20s have dark circles in their eyes due to a bad habit, unhealthy eating, physical problems, and harmful environmental factors such as aging, heredity, crying, excessive working in front of a computer, dry skin, stress or depression, and sleep deprivation. It is said that dark circles may affect anybody at any age. Although dark circles are not a severe problem, and it does not cause any harm or serious complication, it makes sufferers look unhealthy, tired, exhausted, and older. You can easily get rid of dark circles under your eyes with some effective home remedies we would like to introduce to you in this article.

The first one is almond oil. It is said that almond oil is an effective home remedy on how to get rid of dark circles because it is beneficial for the sensitive skin around your eyes[19]. Regular use of almond oil will make the dark circles less visible.

Cucumbers have mild astringent and skin-lightening properties; therefore, it may help you to resolve the raccoon eyes. Moreover, cucumber also contains refreshing and soothing properties. Thanks to containing a large amount of vitamin K, cucumbers become an effective way to treat dark circles[20][21]. To get rid of dark circles under your eyes, you should cut the cucumber into several small slices. Store the cucumber slices in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. After that, apply the two cool slices over your eyes and try to relax for about 10 minutes. Finally, wash it off with lukewarm water.

Alternatively, you can mix one teaspoon of cucumber juice with one teaspoon of lemon juice to create the mixture. Dip a cotton ball in the solution and squeeze the extra juice. Apply the cotton ball over your affected skin. Let it sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. It is recommended to repeat this treatment several times for great results.

12. Exfoliate Skin

If you want to have soft skin, you should not ignore exfoliating it. It is said that exfoliation will help you to get rid of dead skin cells and boost your blood circulation as well as keep your pores clean. As a result, exfoliation will give you a glowing, youthful, and beautiful skin[22]. If you want to exfoliate your body, you may have several choices. Specifically, you can visit the dermatologist clinic or make an appointment with the spa. Moreover, you can buy some exfoliants at skincare stores. However, these treatments will cost much money, and some may cause unwanted side effects. The best way on how to take care of your skin is to try some exfoliating treatments at home. Therefore, we would like to recommend to you some effective natural exfoliants you can make at home.

The first remedy you should not skip is honey. It is better to choose raw, unprocessed honey to exfoliate your skin. The possible reason may be that it has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Using honey as an exfoliant will help you to reduce the risk of developing skin infection and help you to fight the acne problem. Moreover, because of antioxidant properties in honey, honey will protect your skin from harmful environmental factors and heal your problem soon. You can apply sufficient honey on your face and your body. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Honey is considered as the excellent facial scrub, which is suitable for any skin types[23].

Another remedy you can choose is yogurt. Yogurt has lactic acid, which may be found in some prescription skin care treatment[24]. However, the concentration of lactic acid in yogurt is mild. Therefore, it does not cause any unwanted side effects. Using yogurt solution is suitable for any skin type, face, and body. Yogurt will keep your skin hydrated and smooth while lactic acid will lighten your skin naturally and effectively. You should apply the plain yogurt on your face and body. Leave it for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

13. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is not suitable for your health by increasing the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, respiratory disease, etc. leading to many premature deaths[25]. If you want to have healthy skin, you should avoid smoking. Many studies show that smoking is the cause of premature skin aging[26][27].

13. Healthy Diet Should Not Be Ignored

If you want to find an effective way on how to take care of your skin in your 20s naturally, you should not ignore the healthy diet.

  • Vitamin A helps reduce wrinkles caused by skin aging[28]. Vitamin A deficiency may cause dry skin[29]. You can find vitamin A in fish oil, tomato, milk, eggs, etc.
  • Vitamin B3 helps reduce wrinkles and yellowing and improve elasticity[30]. Some sources of vitamin B3 are peanuts, red meat, fish, whole-grain cereals, legumes, etc[31].
  • Vitamin E is useful for treating a skin infection, preventing skin cancer, and protecting the skin from UV due to its anti-inflammatory effect[32]. Some foods rich in vitamin E are nuts, spinach, whole grains, olive oil, and sunflower oil[33].

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C plays an important role in keeping your skin healthy. Vitamin C also boosts collagen production. Collagen will make your skin firm and strong. Increasing vitamin C intake may help you to heal your skin damage. Because of antioxidant properties, vitamin C is considered as the remedy that prevents skin problems such as fine lines, dryness, and wrinkles[34].

Many studies have been done to show that vitamin C is effective in eliminating sunburn due to exposure to sunlight and UV rays. Vitamin C also keeps the risk of skin cancer at bay. Because it has antioxidant benefits, consuming vitamin C regularly will make your skin look supple and healthy[35]. Scientists and doctors said that vitamin C is the excellent nutrients for your body. There are a variety of foods which have a great source of vitamin C. For example, you can consume fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, collard greens, bell peppers, and cauliflower.

15. Using Masks

Using masks not only keeps skin hydrated but also refreshes skin[36]. Instead of buying some types of facial skin care in shops or supermarkets, you can make a mask at home by using honey: Apply honey on face and massage gently. After 15 minutes, wash with lukewarm water.

16. Treatment For Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, you may face less acne breakout because the sebaceous glands will produce less oil than oily skin. However, dry skin may experience a lack of elasticity, and this skin is more sensitive to the wind, sun, and cold temperatures. It requires special techniques on how to take care of your skin. You should wash your face with warm water and creamy cleanser. Moreover, toner and moisturizer may be required to keep your skin hydrated.

17. Treatment For Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, your skin tends to have much shine after cleansing, and the pores are enlarged. It is possible for you to develop some skin problems such as blackheads, pimples, and whiteheads. Because the oily skin may have more dirt than other skin types, you should wash your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser and warm water. Firstly, wash your face with warm water. Some gentle cleansers are available in the skincare stores. Before buying these products, you should read thecarefully to make sure that you are not allergic to any ingredients in these products. You can also make the home-made cleansers from natural ingredients such as olive oil, milk, the combination of honey and lemon, the combination of cucumber and tomatoes.

If you want to use olive oil, you should rinse your face with warm water first. After that, pour a few drops of olive oil into your palm. Apply this solution on your face and massage in circular motions for a few minutes. Let it sit for 5 minutes before removing the residue with the wet, warm, clean towel. After trying for a few weeks, some people will achieve radiant looking skin. Alternatively, some people may like milk as the natural cleanser for oily skin. It is recommended choosing the cold raw milk to enhance the effectiveness. You should add one tablespoon of orange peel powder into cold raw milk. After that, you should dip the cotton ball into this solution and apply it on your face. Massage it gently for a few minutes. Leave this solution on your face for about 5 minutes. Finally, rinse it off with lukewarm water. Using gentle cleansers is the best way to protect your skin from damage.

18. Treatment For Normal Skin

If you have oil in the T-zone while your nose and cheeks areas are dry, your skin type is normal skin. Your normal skin also needs a proper skincare routine. Cleansing regularly is important to remove the dirt from your skin. You can use warm water and some effective cleansing products for your face. However, you should choose the cleansing products containing natural ingredients that do not cause any unwanted side effects. But the best way on how to take care of your skin is to use natural ingredients that are available in the kitchen. For example, you can use cucumber, rosewater, honey, egg yolk, and lemon to make the home-made cleansers. If you choose cucumber as the solution for normal skin, you should grate one cucumber and rub it gently on your face and neck. The cucumber juice also has the same benefits. You should extract the juice from a lemon with the help of material such as a blender. Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of the curb. After that, apply the mixture on your face and neck. Let it sit for about 5 minutes. Finally, wash it off with warm water. Cucumber solution will clean and nurture your skin. Another ingredient you can use is rosewater. You should dab the rosewater over your forehead, face, and neck. It may be better if you apply this treatment before going to bed. It is recommended using rosewater cleanser every day to achieve glowing and beautiful skin.

19. Treatment For Sensitive Skin

The sensitive skin will easily be allergic to the wind, sun, and cold temperature. If you have sensitive skin, you may experience redness, inflammation, rash, dilated capillaries, and acne. The delicate skin requires special treatment to protect your skin from an allergic reaction. You should wash you your face with warm water and gentle cleansers. Because the sensitive skin is difficult to choose the best cleanser, it is recommended using natural ingredients that are available in your home. For example, the suitable ingredients which may be used as home-made cleansers include chamomile, lavender, rosemary, coconut oil, and aloe vera. These ingredients are suitable for sensitive skin and do not cause any unwanted side effects. It is time for me to introduce to you some natural solutions that help you to achieve glowing and beautiful skin. If you choose aloe vera to clean your face, you should extract the gel from aloe vera leaves. Make your face wet with warm water, and apply the gel on your face. Massage it gently for a few minutes. After that, you should leave it for about 5 minutes before removing the aloe vera from your face with lukewarm. Another natural cleanser you can use is the combination of honey, egg yolk, and almond. Firstly, you should take the yolk from an egg and add honey to it. Mix it well to make the smooth mixture. After that, add 5 almonds to the solution. You should mix the mixture well. Apply the solution on your face, forehead, and neck. Wash your skin with warm water to remove the paste from your face.

20. Use Lemon To Lighten Your Skin

Some people in their 20s may experience some brown patches and spots as well as some discoloration areas due to sunlight damage and the use of birth control pills. The possible reason may be that these factors increase the level of estrogen and lead to excessive melanin production. If you suffer from these problems, you should ask the doctors to manage your hormonal balance with different dosages. However, you can try several effective tips and natural home remedies to lighten your skin at home. It is said that vitamin C is the best nutrient that is good for the skin. Using vitamin C solution will help you to fade the brown spots and suppress melanin production. Lemon is a great source of vitamin C. You can use lemon topically on your face, neck, and other treated areas[37].

These are 20 techniques and tips on how to take care of your skin face & body in your 20s naturally. We hope that you will find these tips helpful and effective. However, all content provided is for informational & educational purposes. We recommend you consult a healthcare professional to determine which method is appropriate for you and to avoid the side effects when applying these methods. In addition, asking for healthcare professional’s advice may help you know that you have to take medicine or not.

If you have any questions to ask, please raise your voice by leaving your comments below. We will answer as soon as we can.

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I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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