Categories: Herbal Remedies

28 Benefits of Flaxseed, Oil & Gel On Health & Beauty

Updated: 6/12/2019

Flaxseed is also known as Linseed. Because this herb has a great source of essential minerals, vital vitamins, and healing compounds, it has been used for various purposes for more than 7000 years. This herb has brown seeds that have often been used to treat inflamed skin as and the problems associated with constipation. Flaxseed also contains essential fatty acids that are effective in preventing heart problems and treating a variety of problems related to inflammation and hormone. Flaxseeds produce a vegetable oil called linseed oil or flaxseed oil, one of the oldest commercial oils.

It is well known for its great source of fiber, several B vitamins, thiamine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and other essential nutrients; therefore, it is considered as one of the powerful herbal remedies all over the world. In this article, we would like to introduce to you some amazing benefits of flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and gel for the health, skin, and hair. Let’s get started!

Benefits Of Flaxseed Oil And Gel – The Healing Effects Of The Flaxseed Herb

1. Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels may result in many serious health problems such as heart disease and strokes. In fact, heart disease can threaten the life of a lot of people in America. The possible reason may be that American people often eat a healthy diet such as fast foods, processed foods, alcohol, and carbonated drinks. These foods and drinks increase the level of cholesterol significantly, doubling the risk of developing heart disease and strokes and other serious problems related to arteries. Thus, it is important to follow a healthy low-cholesterol diet to control the cholesterol level. Flaxseed is said to lower blood cholesterol levels. Flaxseed is effective in reducing cholesterol level because it is rich in alpha-linolenic acid [1], [2]. This acid is proven to lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Moreover, it contains a great source of insoluble and soluble fiber. Soluble fiber can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol into your blood and your body and thus, reduce the cholesterol levels [3].

A study published in 2010 in Nutrition Research found a significant improvement in high cholesterol level in men who consume 200 mg of flaxseed lignin daily [4]. In another study, 40 participants with high cholesterol level were asked to consume 20 grams of ground flaxseed daily. Finally, the researchers would compare the result between people taking ground flaxseed and a group receiving statin drugs. After a period of time, they found out that the ground flaxseed is as effective as cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

For this purpose, you can mix a tablespoon of ground flaxseed with your cold or hot cereal and eat it as a healthy high-nutrient breakfast. Alternatively, you can mix a teaspoon of ground flaxseed with the mustard or mayonnaise. You can also add a tablespoon of ground flaxseed to a cup of yogurt and enjoy it.

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2. Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease

Benefits of flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and gel also include lowering the risk of heart disease. This is because flaxseed has a great source of fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, and phytochemical lignans.

Flaxseed is an excellent alternative food for someone who doesn't like eating fish but still wants to increase the daily intake of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are well-known for the benefits of reducing blood pressure and cholesterol [5] [6]. As a result, omega 3 fatty acids can help to lower the risk of developing heart disease [7]. Moreover, your body needs a lot of time to digest all the fiber content in flaxseed and you have less likelihood to overeat. The soluble fiber is also said to decrease LDL cholesterol levels.

To get these benefits of flaxseed, you just need to add one tablespoon of milled flaxseed or 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil to your diet daily.

Here are some ways on how to add flaxseed to your daily diet to keep heart disease at bay.

  • Add the flaxseed ground to different dishes such as cereal, salads, yogurt, baked goods, soups, and other hot dishes.
  • Add some flaxseed oil to different salads as dressing.
  • Use flaxseed as a great alternative for an egg. Egg contains much cholesterol while flaxseed helps to decrease cholesterol levels. To substitute flaxseed for an egg, you just need to mix 3 tablespoons of water with 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed and then wait for about 1 to 2 minutes until the mixture becomes a gel. Consume this mixture when you want to get the nutrients of an egg without increasing the cholesterol levels.

3. Control The Blood Pressure

Looking for the benefits of flaxseed, you should not ignore the effects of controlling the blood pressure. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately one-third of the American population suffers from high blood pressure [7]. If this serious health condition is not treated soon, it can lead to life-threatening diseases such as stroke and heart disease. Not many sufferers from high blood pressure know about their problem.

Eating flaxseed regularly will help you increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acid and alpha-linolenic acid. These healthy acids play an important role in reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack by controlling the blood pressure. In a 2005 study published in the journal “Hypertension”, 4,500 adults were instructed to follow the daily linolenic acid consumption. The result of this study showed that linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acids) consumption reduces the risk of hypertension [8].

Another study published in 2013 in “Hypertension” showed that flaxseed diet may control the blood pressure in patients with hypertension [9].

To obtain these benefits of flaxseed, you can choose flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed. The whole flaxseed should be ground with the help of a blender or coffee grinder to help absorb the omega 3 fatty acids easily and effectively.

Before using this remedy, you should consult your doctor and tell him or her about the medications and supplements you are taking, as flaxseed may interact with some particular medications and supplements.

4. Unclog Arteries

Clogged arteries, a serious health condition, are known as atherosclerosis. This health condition is caused by some factors and it can result in cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and heart attack. To prevent and treat clogged arteries, it is important to eat a healthy diet rich in potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, fiber, and methyl donors.

Rich in vital vitamins, essential minerals, and active compounds, flaxseed should be considered as an effective food for someone who suffers from clogged arteries [10]. Ground flaxseed can help to unclog your arteries by providing your body with both insoluble and soluble fibers. Because flaxseed oil does not contain fiber, you should choose ground flaxseed to get these benefits of flaxseed. Moreover, the ground flaxseed is loaded with alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega 3 fatty acids that are responsible for lowering blood pressure and inflammation. In turn, flaxseed unclogs arteries.

5. Benefit Patients With Gout

Omega 3 fatty acids content in ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil make it become one of the best natural remedies for gout [11], [12]. The omega 3 fatty acids in it can lower cholesterol levels, a factor causing gout. Plus, crushed flaxseed contains lignans and fiber. Lignans provide anti-inflammatory effects while fiber can help patients with gout by preventing constipation.

For this treatment, you can pour 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil into salads as their dressing. You can also take flaxseed oil in the form of capsules. Before taking these capsules, you need to consult your doctor carefully.

If you do not like flaxseed oil, you can consume crushed flaxseed instead. You can add crushed flaxseed to bread dough or sprinkle it on different dishes.

6. Treat Constipation

Flaxseeds have long been used to treat constipation for centuries because it is abundant in mucilage [13], [14]. Mucilage is a slimy compound that has soothing effects. This compound also helps to form a protective coating for your digestive tract. As a result, it makes the stool soft. These properties of flaxseed make it become an effective solution for constipation.

It is best to buy flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed. With ground flaxseed, when you want to use, you just need to grind it and add it to your cooked dishes.

7. Cure Cough And Flu

Cough and flu are common diseases especially when the season changes and can affect anyone at any age. However, children and people having a weak immune system are the most susceptible. Therefore, it is important to take special precautions during the seasonal changes to keep the cough and flu at bay. If you are suffering from cough and flu, you can use various antibiotics to find significant relief. However, it is good to know that flaxseed is good for treating cough and flu naturally and effectively. Flaxseed is an excellent alternative for antibiotics when antibiotics for cough and flu are not available [15].

Follow the remedy below:

  • Pour water in a saucepan
  • Add a sufficient amount of ground flaxseed to this saucepan
  • Boil this water over the medium for a few minutes
  • Turn off the heat and let it cool down
  • Pour this solution in a bowl
  • Add a little honey and lemon juice in the boiled flaxseed water
  • Consume it daily

8. Heal Eye Infection

Flaxseed can be used to treat eye infection. This is because flaxseed contains anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Using flaxseed can heal the irritation in your eye [16].

You can use flaxseed to treat eye infection as follows:

  • Boil 4 oz. water over the medium heat
  • Add two cups of bruised flaxseed to the boiled water
  • Continue steeping for 10 – 15 minutes
  • Turn off the heat
  • Wait for a couple of minutes until this solution becomes warm
  • Soak a cheesecloth in this solution
  • Remove the excess water from this cheesecloth
  • Apply this cheesecloth to your irritated eye
  • Repeat this treatment three times daily. Continue with this remedy until the symptoms of eye infection disappear completely.

Note:  If you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before using flaxseed as a treatment for eye infection. Flaxseed may be harmful if you use it for a long time.

9. Treat Arthritis In The Knees

Flaxseed oil contains not only various health components but also essential fatty acids that help to reduce inflammation caused by arthritis in the knees [17]. Moreover, the fatty acids in flaxseed oil are effective in alleviating stiffness in joints and walking speed in patients who get diagnosed with osteoarthritis. A 2010 study published in the issue of the “Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition” found out that the daily omega-3 fatty acids intake may alleviate swelling and joint pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [18]. A 2008 study published in the issue of the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” showed that omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids can improve the inflammation caused by arthritis in the knees.

You can add flaxseed oil to your salads or consume ground flaxseed to take the benefits of its fiber and other nutrients.


  • For most patients with osteoarthritis, one teaspoon of flaxseed oil per day is enough to improve the symptoms related to arthritis in the knees significantly.
  • In some patients, two teaspoons of flaxseed oil are necessary to reduce the pain, inflammation and swelling effectively. The daily recommended consumption of flaxseed oil differs from person to person. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor to find out the right dose.

You can take flaxseed oil supplement; however, it is best to add flaxseed oil to soups and salad dressings. If you want to add flaxseed oil to the hot dishes, you should make sure that you decrease its temperature. This is because the heat can decrease the quality of flaxseed oil.

10. Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer affects women at any age and it has become a nightmare and affliction for most women in the world. However, women do not know how to prevent this terrible disease and do not realize the importance of a healthy diet and avoidable chemical exposures.

Flaxseed is not only a nourishing food but also an effective medicine for breast cancer [19], [20]. This healing herb has a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and soothing properties. With a lot of powerful properties and benefits, flaxseed has been proven to be a medicinal powerhouse for many ailments and diseases.

In a study published in 2005 in the journal “Clinical Cancer Research”, patients with breast cancer were instructed to consume a muffin containing 25 grams of flaxseed daily for a period of 32 days. Researchers saw a significant reduction in cancer tumors in patients with breast cancer [21].

11. Fight Against Ovarian Cancer

Including flaxseed in daily diet helps to prevent not only breast cancer but also ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is difficult to be diagnosed. Many patients go to a hospital when the disease goes bad. Sometimes, ovarian cancer is misdiagnosed with other health particular health conditions. Treating ovarian cancer is not easy. The cure for this disease still remains unknown.

However, it is best to prevent this fatal disease in the first place. There are many natural substances that are experimented to be anti-ovarian cancer medicines. A few names of them are curcumin (turmeric), resveratrol (red wine, grapes, peanuts), and genistein (kudzu, soy, red clover). However, the most effective anti-ovarian cancer food is flaxseed. There are many extend researches that show the effectiveness of flaxseed in fighting against ovarian cancer [22], [23]. The reason why flaxseed can prevent and improve ovarian cancer is its anti-tumor properties.

In a study published in 2010 in the journal Gynecological Oncology, hens were fed with a flaxseed-enriched diet for one year [24]. After one year, researchers saw a significant improvement in ovarian tumors, better health, and reduction in mortality.

Patients who get diagnosed with ovarian cancer should add ground flaxseed or flaxseed oil to their daily diet. Besides flaxseed-enriched diet, it is important for patients with ovarian cancer to avoid ovarian cancer triggering factors including incompatible foods and chemical exposure.

12. Fight Against Radiation Exposure

Every day, we get exposed to various harmful radiations but shockingly, half of the radiation exposure in the United States is caused by medical tests such as CT scans and X-rays. Before the radiation exposure can worsen and lead to some serious health problems, what can we do to protect our health and body from radiation exposure? The answer is that you should eat flaxseed. In a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, researchers found out that regular flaxseed consumption may help to protect the lungs from damage associated with radiation exposure [26]. Other studies have shown that flaxseed is really effective in protecting healthy tissues and organs from the damage before and after radiation exposure. Therefore, we should incorporate flaxseed into the daily diet.

13. Cure Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Not many people know that flaxseed can treat carpal tunnel syndrome and reduce its symptoms significantly [27].

Flaxseed contains potential anti-inflammation properties that may help reduce inflammation-related conditions. In a study published in 2014 in the DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 100 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome involved. They were divided into two groups. One group received the flaxseed oil treatment while another group followed the placebo oil treatment. In a group treated with flaxseed oil, there was a significant improvement and reduction in pain, tingling, and numbness [28]. Other symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and function and mobility also become better.

14. Relieve Hemorrhoids

A fiber-rich diet can help to improve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Interestingly, including flaxseed in your diet is the best way to prevent and relieve hemorrhoids because it is storehouses of fiber [29].

Fiber is responsible for adding bulk to the stool and makes it softer. Increasing the fiber intake will help to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.

It is recommended consuming one or two tablespoons of flaxseed daily to get a significant relief. In serious cases of hemorrhoids, you can increase the daily flaxseed intake to three or four tablespoons. However, when you want to increase the intake, you should consult your doctor carefully. Other high sources of fiber include whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

15. Prevent And Improve Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is also an inflammation-related condition that occurs in the large intestine. Diverticulitis commonly affects both old women and men. It is estimated that more than 40 percent of men and women over the age of 60 may experience this condition.

A fiber-rich diet is highly recommended for patients with diverticulitis. Foods that are rich in fiber include whole grains, bran, vegetables, and fruits. But more interestingly, fiber contained in flaxseed is much higher than fiber in these foods.

However, if you choose to use flaxseed as an excellent relief for diverticulitis, you should choose ground flaxseed rather than whole flaxseed. In a book called “The Flax Cookbook,” dietitian Elaine Magee does not recommend eating whole flaxseed to improve diverticulitis [30]. She explained that the digesting system of patients with diverticulitis cannot digest the whole flaxseed properly and thoroughly. Therefore, if you are suffering from diverticulitis, you should grind flaxseed with a blender or coffee grinder.

Omega 3 fatty acids are well-known for anti-inflammatory properties. Flaxseed has a great source of not only fiber but also omega 3 fatty acids. Grinding flaxseed helps you to absorb the optimum omega 3 fatty acids. Eating fish regularly can also help you to increase the omega 3 fatty acid intake.

16. Relieve Gallstones

Gallstones are commonly seen in people who are pregnant, are over the age of 40 or overweight. The unhealthy diet including high-fat, low-fiber, and high-sugar may be contributed to this problem. Therefore, a fiber-rich diet is recommended for patients with gallstones [31], [32]. This is the reason why flaxseed is considered as great food for gallstones. Flaxseed has a good source of fiber and essential minerals and vitamins that may help to boost your health and fight against gallstones [33].

You can create a powerful solution for fiber increase by mixing one serving of organic applesauce with one tablespoon of ground flaxseed.

Alternatively, you can make flaxseed tea to relieve the pain and other symptoms of gallstones significantly. Follow the steps below:

  • Pour 2 and ½ cups of water in a pot filled with one tablespoon of flaxseed
  • Boil this solution over the medium heat for a few minutes
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for 6 minutes
  • Turn off the heat and wait for 10 minutes until it cools down

Drinking this tea provides relief from this condition within 10 minutes. It is best to make and drink this tea daily until the symptoms of gallstones disappear completely.

17. Treat Asthma

Asthma is affecting more than 10 million people all over the world. Certain allergy to dirt, pollens, and pollution during childhood may result in asthma. Although asthma condition can be treated well with inhalers and oral medications, we all want to know effective home remedies on how to treat asthma naturally. Interestingly, flaxseed can treat asthma.

It is said that flaxseed oil is good for the formation of fatty acids [34]. As a result, it helps to lower the risk of asthma attacks. If you are vulnerable to asthma, you should take two tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily for at least two months to see the significant result.

18. Treat Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease is a health problem associated with the central nervous system. When the nerve cells of your brain were worsened and lost their function, it will cause stiffness and slowed mobility. Although the cures and treatments for Parkinson’s diseases have not discovered yet, a healthy diet and certain medications will help to alleviate the symptoms of this disease temporarily. Among the healthy foods for Parkinson’s such as walnuts, canola oil, fruits, and vegetables, flaxseed is listed on the top [35].

This is because flaxseed contains a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, which aid in brain function [36]. However, we lack researches and studies that can prove the effectiveness of flaxseed in treating Parkinson’s disease. However, in a 2007 report published in the issue of the journal “Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids”, an author stated that we can hope omega 3 fatty acids are good for reducing the risk and inhibiting the progression of brain-related conditions including Parkinson’s disease [37].To take the optimum absorption of omega 3 fatty acids, it is recommended consuming ground flaxseed rather than whole flaxseed. However, you can consume whole flaxseed if you experience constipation, a common complication of Parkinson’s disease. Ground flaxseed can be easily added to many dishes such as cereals, yogurt, and even baked goods.

19. Prevent Colon Cancer

Daily consumption of flaxseed may reduce the risk of developing colon cancer [38].

This is because flaxseed contains highly concentrated anti-cancer sources such as omega 3 fatty acids. Researches have shown that omega 3 fatty acids play an important role in alleviating inflammation, one of the triggering causes of colon cancer [39]. There is a close link between chronic inflammation in joints or organs and the development of certain cancers such as colon cancer.

Flaxseed also has various sources of disease-fighting nutrients such as magnesium, iron, calcium, folate, potassium, and antioxidants and many beneficial plant compounds that give you great protection against cancer.

You can grind the whole flaxseed and sprinkle it into cereal, salads, baked goods, and bread or muffins.

20. Improve Menstruation

If you want to find the relief for menstrual cramps, menstrual pain and even irregular period, flaxseed would be the best choice.

Eating flaxseed regularly can make your menstruation more regular. A 1993 study published in “The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism” showed that women who consume flaxseed on a daily basis have regular menstrual cycle [40].

If you often suffer from menstrual cramps or menstrual pain on the days of menstruation, adding flaxseed to your diet may help you to get better. Both ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. You can also take a flaxseed supplement after consulting your doctor carefully.

21. Increase Fertility In Women

Flaxseed oil is effective in nourishing organs. This oil is safe to be used during pregnancy. It treats infertility by maintaining the balance between estrogen and progesterone, two hormones that are responsible for a health reproduction [41], [42], [43]. Moreover, flaxseed oil can reduce the level of prostaglandins, substances that affect the reproductive process negatively. Moreover, women with infertility should have a good lifestyle and a healthy diet rich in minerals and vitamins.

22. Treat Acnes

People at any age and gender may experience acne; however, teenagers are the most susceptible, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Many foods including flaxseed are good for treating acne problems. Flaxseed may fight off acne problem thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties [44]. Acne is a skin condition related to inflammation. Alpha-linolenic acid found in flaxseed is effective in treating the inflammation that causes various health ailments such as heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and skin conditions.

However, before you decide to use flaxseed to treat acne problems, you should consult your doctor and ask him about the proper dose. However, in general, the daily recommended consumption for an adult is one tablespoon of ground flaxseed three times daily. You can increase the flaxseed intake to two or four tablespoons after consulting your nutritionist and doctor. When you consume ground flaxseed, you should drink water as much as you can to get the optimum nutrients and benefits of flaxseed.

Moreover, omega 3 fatty acids and anti-inflammatory properties are also found in flaxseed oil. Therefore, flaxseed oil has been used as an effective remedy for acne in ancient India. You just need to put a drop of flaxseed oil on your palm. Rub it to make this oil warm. Apply it to the affected skin and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

23. Treat Eczema

Eczema is actually an inflammatory skin condition. Therefore, natural ingredients and foods with anti-inflammatory may help to improve this condition. Treating eczema is also one of the best benefits of flaxseed oil. It is a great source of alpha-linolenic acid, the essential fatty acid that contains anti-inflammatory properties. To treat eczema, you just need to add flaxseed oil to your diet or take flaxseed oil supplement.

Moreover, flaxseed oil can be used topically for eczema condition [45], [46]. Take a drop of flaxseed oil on your palm and then apply it to the scaly and dryness patches. Wait for about 15 – 20 minutes to make sure that your skin can absorb all the benefits of flaxseed oil. Finally, rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this treatment daily for a few weeks.

24. Treat Dry Skin

You can treat dry skin with flaxseed oil because it has moisturizing properties that help to make your skin glowing and radiant. Flaxseed is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and has anti-inflammatory properties. It not only normalizes lipids but also improves the hydration of your skin [47], [48].

For this treatment, before bedtime, massage your skin with some flaxseed oil in circular motions and then wash it off with warm water.

You can also add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil to your breakfast, your lunch and even your dinner. Consuming flaxseed oil regularly will help to improve your skin quality.

Moreover, people with dry skin should limit fast foods and processed foods. Eat a healthy diet that includes oily fish, fruits, colorful vegetables, and leafy greens to help increase the intake of essential fatty acids, vitamins, zinc, and selenium. Besides, you need to drink eight glasses of water per day.

25. Prevent And Reduce Wrinkles

We all know that dry skin will increase the risk of developing wrinkles and fine lines. This is the reason why people with dry skin often spend a lot of money on skin care moisturizer to prevent pre-aging signs. But we wonder whether flaxseed oil can help to prevent and reduce wrinkles.

The fatty acids and protein sources found in flaxseed oil are good for preventing the appearance of wrinkles and reducing them. When applied topically to your skin, flaxseed oil helps to fasten the healing of damaged cells. As a result, it will give your skin firmness, elasticity, texture, and tone.

People who apply the flaxseed oil to their skin two or three times a week can have a smoother and brighter skin with fewer wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots [47]. Moreover, adding flaxseed oil to daily diet also benefits those who have flaky and dry or blemished, dull skin.

26. Heal Psoriasis

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, flaxseed can provide great dietary fibers, omega 3 fatty acids, lignans, essential minerals, and vital vitamins. As a result, healing psoriasis [49] is one of the amazing beauty benefits of flaxseed.

Omega 3 fatty acids in flaxseed can help to fight against inflammation, nourish the skin cell membranes, and boost your immunity system. These healthy fats can make your skin look soft and moist by retaining water in your skin cell membranes. Moreover, these fats open clogged skin pores and boost the detoxification process. Psoriasis is associated with inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids improve psoriasis by reducing inflammation [50].

It also contains a great source of lignans that are natural antioxidants. The potential antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of lignans make flaxseed become a great remedy for many medical conditions including psoriasis.

Moreover, lignans are also considered as phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are compounds that contain anti-estrogenic properties. These compounds can help to decrease the hyperactivity of estrogen. Women who have pregnancy and menopause are susceptible to psoriasis condition due to the hyperactivity of estrogen hormones.

To improve psoriasis, you can chew raw flaxseeds or consume ground flaxseeds. If you choose flaxseed oil, you can add one tablespoon of flaxseed oil to your salad or take capsules that are always available in health stores.

27. Boost Hair Growth

Flaxseed oil is one of the best natural home remedies that help to grow hair [51], [52].

Flaxseed is rich in vitamin E and vitamin E is effective in the growth of capillaries. It can give the moisture and nourishment to the hair shaft, roots, and scalps. By providing the required nutrition for your scalp and your hair, flaxseed expedites the growth of your hair. Moreover, omega 3 fatty acids found in flaxseed can boost the elasticity of your hair. As a result, it prevents hair breakage.

There are many ways of using flaxseed to boost your hair growth. You can grind the whole flaxseed to make a powder and then add this flaxseed powder to your soup, salad, muffins or cookies. You can use flaxseed oil as a dressing of your favorite salads.

Moreover, flaxseed can be used topically. Applying the flaxseed gel directly to the scalp can boost the growth of your hair.

Flaxseed gel can be made easily at home.

  • Add ¼ cup of brown flaxseed into a saucepan filled with two cups of water
  • Boil this mixture over high heat for a few minutes
  • Turn off the heat when the mixture becomes a gel
  • Strain the gel

When you want to use this flaxseed gel for hair growth, you just need to apply this gel to your scalp and massage gently for a few minutes. Keep it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

28. Treat Dandruff

You can treat dandruff with flaxseed oil [53], as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids [54]. Here is the way on how to treat dandruff with flaxseed oil.

  • Mix one tablespoon of flaxseed oil with one tablespoon of sugar (you can choose brown sugar or white sugar) in a bowl
  • Apply this mixture to your scalp and your hair and massage gently
  • Wrap your hair with a clean large towel and leave it for at least 20 minutes
  • Mix a mixture of two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, two cups of water, and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Put this mixture in a spray bottle
  • Wash off the flaxseed oil on your hair with water and a little shampoo
  • Divide the hair into sections
  • Use the spray bottle to apply this mixture to your hair comprehensively
  • Massage your scalp gently
  • Wrap your hair with a hot wet towel
  • Leave it for at least 20 minutes before washing with water
  • Follow this treatment two or three times a week to treat dandruff completely.

We hope that you will find useful information in this article. Do you know other benefits of flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and gel? Have you used flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and gel to treat various problems? If you find it helpful, please share with us your experience by leaving your comments below.


Reviewed By Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Heather M. Duquette-Wolf, RD, CSSD [Link]

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I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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