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19 Tips How To Get Smooth Skin On Face & Body Naturally At Home

Everyone wants to have glowing and gorgeous skin. No one likes dull, patchy, rough or tired-looking skin. However, skin problems such as blemishes, acne enlarged pore, and wrinkles often affect your beauty. In order to have glowing and smooth skin, many people want to find the good skin care products in the market. They are sometimes effective. However, knowing how to choose the good products is important and not easy. It requires great knowledge about skin care products and their ingredients. Skin care products are often too expensive to buy. People with low income cannot afford them. Moreover, some kinds of skin care products contain harmful chemical ingredients which can damage your skin over time and lead to skin cancer. If you use the products incorrectly or choose the products which are not suitable for your skin type, it can easily cause irritation or worsen your skin conditions. However, you can get the beautiful, glowing skin with effective tips and helpful techniques on how to get smooth skin on face and body naturally at home.

How To Get Smooth Skin Naturally At Home – Effective Solutions For Glowing And Gorgeous Skin

Do you have any skin problems such as acne, blemishes, or wrinkles? Does your skin suffer from irritation or breakout? Luckily, there are many skin care tips and techniques on how to get smooth skin on face and body naturally at home we would like to introduce to the readers of  If you concern, please read the article below in order to get glowing and gorgeous skin that you always want.

1. Skin Care Routine

The first tip on how to get smooth skin at home is having the excellent skin care routine. Everyone needs a skin care routine to take care of their skin properly.

It required four steps: makeup removal, cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. Washing your face regularly will help you to get rid of the dirt and oil which can cause skin problems such as acne and pimple. You should wash your face in the morning and in the evening. However, when you wash your face, you should not use rough loofahs and washcloth. The possible reason may be that they are too harsh for your skin and can lead to blemishes and irritation on your face.

It is better to choose the best cleanser which is suitable for your skin type and has the natural ingredients. If you want to exfoliate your face, it is important to buy the special soap or cleansers which are made to do that. Buy cleansing brush will help you to remove the dirt, oil from your face without causing irritation or damage. Toner is optional. However, if you have dry skin, you should not skip this step. Toner plays the important role in tightening your skin and removing the dirt from your pores. It is recommended choosing alcohol-free toner for your skin. Alcohol in the toner will worsen your acne problem and cause skin breakout. You should choose the toner, which is suitable for your skin type. Keeping your skin hydrated is important. Therefore, moisturizing your skin is the necessary step that you should not skip. There are many moisturizers available in the market. Moisturizer not only helps you to keep the moisture of your skin in balance but also prevent excessive oil production. You should buy the moisturizer based on your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, you should choose the best moisturizer with an oil-free formula. If your skin has acne problem, the moisturizer with acne-fighting ingredients is the best choice. If you wear your makeup all the day, it is important to remove it at night. Although it seems quite hard for you to do it when you are tired, you still should not skip this step. You can buy a makeup removal cream or oil and use the cotton wool pad to remove the makeup from your face gently.  Avoid your lips and areas around your eyes. In order to remove the makeup from your eye, you need the special makeup removal. Do you use makeup remover wipes because they may be abrasive and harsh to the surface of your skin?

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2. Treat Acne

The smooth skin means that you do not have any acne or pimples. However, if you have acne problem, we would like to introduce some natural remedies in this article to help you. It is said that salicylic acid can help you to get rid of the acne by exfoliating skin layers. It helps the new skin form quickly. Therefore, you should choose the gel or toner which have salicylic acid in its ingredient and use it daily. Beside salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide is also effective in treating moderate or severe acne. Some lotions and spot treatments, which have benzoyl peroxide as its ingredient are the best choice for people who have acne problem or acne-prone skin. It is recommended using this skin care product at night time. High-caliber acne treatment such as Retin-A or Accutane is effective and helpful in resolving acne problem. However, this treatment should be done under the supervisor of an experienced dermatologist or doctor. It means that you have a prescription if you want to try these treatments. If your skin has irritation, please make an appointment with your dermatologist or specialist in order to seek the advice.

However, if you want to look for the effective solution on how to get smooth skin naturally at home, you can make the face masks for skin. For example, you can make the cinnamon and honey mask. Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties while honey is considered as a natural antibiotic. Therefore, the mask made from cinnamon and honey can help you to stop acne problem. All things you will need are 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and paper towels. Firstly, rinse your face with water. Mix two ingredients together in order to create the fine paste. Apply the mixture to your face and it is recommended leaving for 15 minutes. Finally, you can wash it off with lukewarm water. Because this paste is too sticky, you will need some paper towels at on hand.

Moreover, papaya mask is also effective in treating acne problem. Moreover, it will remove the dead skin cells from your face. As a result, this mask will show you how to get smooth skin and soft skin. Papaya contains papain, the enzyme which can reduce your inflammation and keep the pus at bay. Mash up one flesh papaya to make sure that it becomes the consistency. Apply on your face and wait for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Other natural masks such as banana, oatmeal, and potato will help you to have the gorgeous skin without acne problem.

3. Do not Pick The Pimples

If you suffer from the pimples and acne, please do not pick the pimples. The possible reason may be that picking the pimple will worsen your problem. Moreover, it can cause irritation or inflammation.  Picking the pimples will lead to blemish in the dermis and epidermis, the inner and outer layers of your skin. If the blemishes develop, it will difficult for you to heal. So, be brave and avoid this bad habit. Picked pimples will make you have some scars on your face. Because a pimple is temporary but the scars are forever. If you want to have beautiful and glowing skin, you should not make the condition worse by picking the pimples. Using your dirty hand to touch your face should also be avoided. The possible reason may be that the dirt and oil from your hand will be left on your face, clogging the pores and causing acne. Keeping your hand from touch your face will also help you to change the habit of picking the pimples.

4. Drink Enough Water

Water plays the important role in your health and your skin as well as other organs of your body. People can live without food for one week but cannot live without water for 3 days. Water can reflect your skin health. Hydrating will make your skin better because our skin is 64 percent water. It is said that water dehydration will make your skin look dull, unhealthy, and dry. Dehydration also develops the wrinkles, and pores on your face, accelerating the aging process. A variety of structures in your skin such as collagen need water to function effectively, according to the Julius Few, director of the Few Institute and clinical professor at the University of Chicago.  Without adequate water, the collagen will lose. Lack of water will trigger the changes in the oil glands in your skin. It is important to ensure the balance of oil and water on the surface of your skin. If the skin is covered by oil, it can clog the pores on your face and lead to acne, pimple problem.

When you drink enough water, your skin will look plumper, more gorgeous, and more beautiful. Hydrated skin will minimize the appearance of wrinkles, pores and aging signs.  Moreover, drinking water will help you to flush out the toxin, free radicals, and waste from your body. As the result, it will make sure that all the organs in your body will function well. Therefore, the important tip on how to get smooth skin is drinking enough water. Although it is recommended drinking 6 or 8 glasses of water per day, the amount of water you need depends on your weight, your age, and your absorption. Specifically, the girls need at least 2.2 liters per day while the boys will need 3 liters daily.  3 liters mean that you need to consume 13 glasses of water.

However, how do we know we drink enough water or not? You can know it when you see the color of your pee. The lighter it is, the less water you will need. If your pee is clear, it means that you consume enough water. When your pee has the yellow color, it means that you will need more water. When you go out, you should bring a bottle of water with you. Stay away from the sugary beverage because sugar will worsen your skin. Do not eat too much salt because salt will cause dehydration. You should try the vegetable or fruits which have high water content. It is said that washing your face with the warm water twice a day can also improve your skin appearance and health.

5. Sleep

If you want to look for the effective way on how to get smooth skin, improve your skin tone and get rid of the dark circles around your eyes, nothing is better than the good and deep sleep. Sleep is considered as the anti-aging secret. After one or two night of missed sleep, your skin will look dull and your eyes look puffy. It is the fact that sleep deprivation for a long period will lead more wrinkles, and make you older. A study carried out by Skin Study Centre at University Hospital tested the 60 women at the ages of 30 and 49. They found out that women will good sleep will have less aging signs and more ability to recover from environmental stressors such as sun exposure. This study also showed that the women with lack of adequate sleep will show more wrinkles on their face, uneven complexion and less elastin. The possible reason may be that when you do not sleep enough, your body will release the great amount of stress hormone called cortisol which can hamper the collagen production.

Collagen is the important protein which can keep your skin look firm and plump. You can see how the good sleep will reflect your skin health. It is recommended sleeping enough 8 hours per day. If you find difficult to sleep, there are many effective tips and techniques on how to sleep well. For example, before sleeping you should make sure that all the lights and televisions, as well as computers, are turned off. If your room is not dark enough, you can use the eye mask to block the light. When you are ready to sleep, please do not eat heavy. The upset stomach due to eating too much may interfere with your sleep. Some people find drinking the hot milk before sleeping will make them fell asleep. Others think that taking the bath with added essential oil will make them sleep better. When you cannot sleep, please do not stay in your bed. Get up and do something. For example, doing housework or boring things like reading a book will be effective. When you are ready to sleep, lie on your bed.

However, if you try many things but nothing is effective for you, you should make an appointment with your doctor. Sleep deprivation may be the sign of certain medical problems and it needs to be treated by the professional. Not only sleep but also the way how to sleep is important. The possible explanation is you might get some acne and pimple problems when sleeping without realizing it. The factors may include a dirty pillow, your hair, and stress. Therefore, it is needed to wash and change your pillow once a week. The pillowcase collects saliva, dirt and other grime which can affect your while your sleep. Washing your pillowcase regularly will give you the positive result. Like your pillowcase, the pillow also collects dirt and dust. However, sometimes we cannot wash the pillow. But you can change it. If you use your pillow for a long time, it is time for you to buy the new one. Long hair will irritate your skin too. Therefore, when you sleep, you can use the headband to keep the hair from your face. If stress and depression will cause sleep deprivation, you should try some effective way to reduce stress.

Learn more: natural treatments to get rid of sleep apnea safely

6. How To Get Smooth Skin – Healthy Diet

We all know that the diet which is rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains will make your skin and your body healthy. Therefore, a healthy diet should be considered as one of the effective techniques on how to get smooth skin. It is recommended eating good foods which can provide the right energy. According to the scientific studies and researches, the diets containing a variety of vegetables, proteins, and grains show less pimple and acne breakouts than the diet rich in refined carbohydrates and sugar. The reason may be that eating vegetable (tomatoes, beets, and broccoli), grains (brown rice, quinoa, and buckwheat) and protein (fish, nuts and white meat) will provide your body and your skin necessary nutrients. These foods will make your body healthy and keep the organs of your body function well.

What is healthy for your body will also be healthy for your skin.

It is said that diet which is high in saturated fat and hormones will worsen your skin condition. For example, cows may be pumped of hormone so as to produce more milk. However, saying that does not mean you cut milk out of your diet. You just need to concern what you consume in your body and do not make the dairy products become the big part of your diet. If you want to look for the foods on how to get smooth skin naturally at home, we would like to recommend eating nuts as well as foods high in healthy fat for you. Moreover, vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin A which are available in seeds, nuts, avocado, and salmons will help you how to get smooth skin on face & body gorgeously.

7. Exercise

If you want to look for the effective ways on how to get smooth skin naturally, you should not ignore the importance of exercising. It is important to build the regular the exercise routine because exercise is a good way that stops stress or depression, keep your blood flow under the balance and ensure the good night sleep. Moreover, exercise will get rid of the toxin, waste and harmful radicals from your body through sweating. As the result, your body will be fit, healthy and your skin will look fresh.

It is better to work out or do exercise at the gym. However, if you do not have time, you can do whatever you want. Walking just 15 minutes a day will show the good improvement in your health and your skin. If you want to have more benefits, you can run. Swimming is also recommended. Exercise will help you to get rid of the stress accumulated in your body during the day. Stress will lead to pimples. Therefore, in order to boost how to get smooth skin, you can hit the gym, get on the treadmill, run, walk and swim. Your body and your skin will thank you. However, before exercise, you should consume the foods which are high in protein in order to keep your blood sugar under the control.

8. Take Enough Vitamins

Vitamins play the important role in giving your skin the smooth, healthy and beautiful appearance. In this article, we would like to introduce to you five vitamins that can help you to get the soft and beautiful skin. The first vitamin on how to get smooth skin is vitamin A. Vitamin A is the big secret of skin care. It is added to a lot of anti-aging and skin care products. Vitamin A takes the form of retinol which can be made in your body naturally. Consuming vitamin A or applying vitamin A topically will make your skin look fresh by pushing the new cells to the surface of your new skin. Sometimes, taking vitamin A can cause irritation. Therefore, if you want to take vitamin A supplement, you should start slowly. It is important to consult your doctor or experienced dermatologist in order to know how much vitamin A your body will need.

Besides vitamin A, you should also consume all kinds of vitamin B. Vitamin B has many variations, therefore; it is called B-complex. It is said that every variant of vitamin B is beneficial for your skin. Vitamin B is considered as the wonderful solution for your skin because it can make your tone evener. Vitamin B can help you to fight against acne problem. Therefore, you should consume the foods which are high in vitamin B for the benefits for your body and your skin. The B vitamins include niacin, thiamin, folate, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, and biotin. It is recommended consuming 1.1 or 1.2 milligrams of thiamin daily. The good resources of thiamin are fortified whole-grain cereals, green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, baked foods, green pea, enriched rice, nuts, and lentils. You can find riboflavin available in milk and dairy products. Moreover, the foods such as chicken, spinach, asparagus, eggs, fish, fortified cereals also contain the great amount of riboflavin. Women need 1.1 milligrams of riboflavin while men should consume 1.3 milligrams of riboflavin. Niacin is available in turkey, salmon, chicken, canned tuna. Potatoes, spinach and fortified cereals have the great source of vitamin B6 while the high-vitamin B12 foods are cereals and soy products. It is recommended taking 2.4 milligrams of vitamin B12 daily for the positive result.

In addition to, your body will need vitamin E to fight against the free radicals. Vitamin E is fat-soluble vitamin which can keep your skin look soft and healthy. This fat-soluble vitamin is the wonderful solution that can keep your skin look soft and healthy. Moreover, it can help to fight against the free radicals which cause oxidation. Providing your skin enough vitamin E will help your skin look moisturized and nice. You can consume vitamin E through diet which includes a variety of foods such as salmon, nuts, tofu, spinach, sunflower seeds, shellfish, avocados, broccoli, fish, and pumpkin. However, if you cannot consume enough vitamin E through your diet, you can take vitamin E supplement. Luckily, taking vitamin E supplement is cheaper than any skin care treatment. But if you want to purchase this supplement, you should consult the doctor before taking in order to make sure that it does not cause any unwanted side effects. Applying vitamin E onto your skin is also the best idea if you want to look for the effective solution on how to get smooth skin naturally at home. You just need to buy the vitamin E in the capsule form and puncture it. After taking its oil and apply on your face. Massage your face gently before rinsing it off.

One of the main factors that damage your skin is the breaking of the capillaries which lie underneath your skin. It is also the reason why we have bags under our eyes due to lack of sleep. Vitamin K is the excellent remedy that helps you to treat these problems. As a result, it will make our skin look healthy. Moreover, increasing the vitamin K intake will tighten your skin, slow down the anti-aging process and reduce the wrinkles on the surface of your skin. Below the surface, it can prevent the capillaries from breaking. You can increase the vitamin K intake by eating vitamin K-rich foods such as herbs, green leafy vegetable ( frozen kale, frozen spinach, collards, turnip greens), salad vegetables ( spring onion, endive, chicory greens, radicchio, lettuce, celery and cucumber), brassica vegetables ( cabbage, broccoli, pak choi, and cauliflower), spices ( chili powder, cayenne pepper), asparagus, soybeans, olive oil and dried fruits ( pears, blueberries, figs, peaches, and currants). Alternatively, you can take vitamin K supplement.

Moreover, feeding yourself a lot of resource of vitamin C is the good way to have the smooth, great skin. It is easy to do. You can find vitamin C available in many citrus fruits. Thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties and ability to fight against the free radicals, vitamin C has been added to many skin care treatments. Vitamin C plays the important role in fighting free radicals which can cause cell oxidation for your skin. Free radicals will result in wrinkle and dry skin. You can eat a lot of foods which are high in vitamin C or take vitamin C supplement. Before taking supplements, it is important to consult your doctor to make sure that it does not cause any unwanted side effects because of overuse.

9. Green Tea

It is said that green tea has antioxidant properties and is a pack of nutrients that help your body to fight against your acne problems. Moreover, green tea will aid your digestion. According to the scientific studies and research, the problems related to digestion will lead to an acne condition.  Moreover, green tea is considered as the beauty secret because it can resolve wrinkles and sagging problem. Therefore it is not surprising when green tea become the active ingredient in many skin care product ranging from cleanser, toner, serum, and moisturizer. The easy way on how to get smooth skin is drinking green tea every day. Beside benefits for your skin, drinking green tea will make your body healthy, manage your weight, keep the blood sugar level under the control, or lower the risk of developing heart disease, obesity, and cancer. Thanks to its benefits for your skin and your health, it is recommended drinking two or three glasses of green tea daily in order to get the optimum results.

However, if you want to improve your skin from the outside, you can make the green tea face mask. Green tea face mask is one of the effective home remedies on how to get smooth skin naturally. Using green tea face mask will help you to flush out of the toxin from your skin, soothe your complexion and resolve the blemishes. Many studies have found out that green tea contains catechins, the anti-bacterial agent which can help you to treat acne problem and regulate hormonal imbalance. Moreover, it has anti-inflammatory properties; therefore, it can help you to alleviate the inflammation and redness caused by scars and sans. What you need to do is mix 1 teaspoon of powdered green tea with 1 teaspoon of pure honey and an egg white. Use a fork to whip these ingredients together. Make sure that it becomes the fine paste. After that, apply this paste on your skin and leave it for at least 30 minutes. Finally, rinse it off with lukewarm water. Apply the moisturizer afterward in order to keep your skin soft and hydrated.

You can also make the green tea face mask for anti-aging benefits. This mask is effective for the aging signs such as wrinkles, loose skin, fine lines and age spots. Moreover, it will make your complexion look supple and moist. The possible reason may be that green tea has the EGCG compounds which can reactivate and repair your skin cells that are damaged due to bad lifestyle habits, environmental pollution, and excessive exposure to sunlight. Moreover, green tea is found to have a great source of oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) which are the most excellent antioxidant. These antioxidants will help you to fight against the free radicals and heal the damaged cells. As a result, green tea is effective in warding off the premature aging. OPCs can block the enzymes which may hamper your collagen production. Collagen and elastin are the necessary structure of your skin because they can maintain the suppleness and strength of your skin. In order to make the green tea mask for anti-aging benefits, you should mix one tablespoon of powdered green tea with three tablespoons of full-fat yogurt. Mix it well to create the fine paste. Apply this paste on your skin and wait for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

If you want to remove the impurities and the dirt from your face, you can make the green tea facial scrub. Mix one teaspoon of dried green tea leaves with sufficient honey in order to create the fine and thick paste. Apply this paste on your face and let it sit for about 10 – 15 minutes. While waiting, you can massage your face in circular motions with your fingertips. Finally, rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Green tea facial steam is effective in relaxing your muscle, reducing wrinkles, flushing the toxin out of your skin, removing the dirt from your pores and boosting the blood circulation. To follow the green tea facial steam, you should put 1/8 cup green tea, 2 tablespoons of dried organic peppermint and ¼ cup dried organic lemon balm in a bowl. Boil water over the mixture. When boiling, you should cover the bowl with a towel in order for the oil not to escape. Place the bowl of the mixture on the table of any flat surface.  Hold your face over the bowl. Use the large towel to cover your head and the bowl. This tip will help to keep the steam from escaping. Close your eyes and try to inhale deeply in order to get all the therapeutic properties. You can steam for 5 or 10 minutes until it becomes cool.

You can make the home-made toner from green tea. This toner will soothe your complexion, reduce inflammation and itching. You need to mix 5 teaspoons of green tea and 1 teaspoon of peppermint leaves. And then put them into a cup of boiling water. Steep it for 10 minutes. Strain the water and let it cool down. Pour this solution into a glass container. You can use the cotton pad to apply this green tea toner on your face or you can pour this solution into a spray bottle. It is recommended using this green tea toner two or three times a day.

Green tea can be made for hair strengthening benefits, bad breathe solution and sunburn soother. However, in this article on how to get smooth skin on face & body , we do not mention these benefits.

10. Do Not Wash Your Face With Shampoo And Hand Soap

If you want to have glowing and smooth skin, you should not use hand soap or shampoo to wash your face. The possible reason may be that shampoo and hand soap have highly strong concentrates that can damage your thin skin on your face. Hand soap is used to wash the thick skin which has full of bacteria. Therefore hand soap contains a strong acid. Therefore, using hand soap to wash your face will burn your skin face and leave some serious damage to your skin. It is important to keep in mind that your facial skin is thin; therefore, it requires high-quality products.

11. How To Get Smooth Skin With Lemon Juice

If you want to know the effective home remedies on how to get smooth skin, you should not ignore lemon juice. It is said that lemon juice is effective in cleansing your skin, lightening your scars and spots, and making your complexion look smooth and soft. Lemon is the citrus fruit which contains vitamin C and cleansing enzymes. Using lemon juice remedy will help you to refresh your skin. With natural astringent properties, lemon is the great cleansers for people who have oily skin type. If you want to lighten the acne marks and dark spots, you should squeeze the lemon juice and then apply it to your face and neck as well as other treated areas. If you have sensitive skin, you need to add a few drops of lemon juice with sufficient water. After applying the solution on your face, you should leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. It is recommended doing this treatment daily or several times a week.

If want to have smooth and soft skin, you need to squeeze half the lemon to take the juice. Mix this juice with an egg. Use a fork to whip these ingredients together. Apply this mixture on your face. Leave it for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. For the more positive result, you should repeat this treatment once or twice a week.

However, lemon juice is used for not only the oily skin but also dry skin. If you have dry skin, you can use lemon juice for moisturizing benefits. Squeeze half of the lemon and take this juice. Mix the lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of honey.  After that, apply the mixture to your face or dry skin areas you need to treat. Let the solution sit on the dry areas for at least 15 minutes. Finally, wash it off with lukewarm water.

However, if you want to use lemon juice as the home remedy on how to get smooth skin naturally at home, it is important to know about some tips and warnings before using this remedy. Because of citric acid in this juice, using lemon remedy can cause stinging. If you cannot tolerate the stinging and burning sensation, you should mix a few drops of lemon juice in water to reduce the stinging and burning sensation before applying the mixture to your skin. Lemon juice will dry your skin and make that condition get worse. Please make sure that the mask of lemon juice you use is suitable for your skin type. If you have dry skin, you need to use the moisturizer afterward in order to provide your skin moist. Because lemon has antibacterial properties, it may interfere with other topical skin treatments or other medications that you are using. Therefore, it is important to consult the health care provider and let him know what certain medications and treatments how to get smooth skin you are using in order to prevent the unwanted side effects. Using lemon juice will lead to dry, broken skin; therefore, it is needed to use it several times a day. Using lemon juice frequently will lead to some unwanted side effects. Because lemon juice will increase the sensitivity of your skin to the sunlight, you need to use the sunscreen with a high SPF when you go outside.

12. Tomatoes

You can find tomatoes available in the kitchen. You can know about its benefits for our health. However, not many people realize the great cosmetic benefits of tomatoes. Whether you want to resolve the acne problem, reduce rashes, treat the nasty sunburn or retain the glow on your dull skin, tomatoes are the wonderful remedy. Tomatoes not only taste delicious but also keep our skin healthy and glowing. Therefore, if you want to look for the effective home remedies on how to get smooth skin at home, you cannot ignore tomatoes. It is necessary to eat tomatoes daily because they have lycopene, the antioxidant which can work as the natural sunscreen from inside. These antioxidants play the important role in fighting against the cellular damage and keeping your skin from reddening. Tomatoes are considered as the anti-aging food which can slow down the aging process. Therefore, it is recommended consuming at least 16 milligrams of lycopene daily in order to fight against the free radicals in your body and maintain the moisture in people who have to work or live in the air-conditioned environment. Many cosmetic brands have used tomatoes in their skin care treatments. However, if you want to have glowing and smooth skin, you do not need to spend a lot of money on the expensive cosmetic products. You can do it at home by following the effective and helpful tips and techniques.

Big pores can increase the access of dirt and grime. As the result, it will lead to infected pores. Many people with that issue want to find the effective solution. If you have the enlarged pores on your face, you can easily shrink them with the help of tomato remedy. You just need to mix two tablespoons of tomato juice and two or four drops of fresh lime juice. You need to soak a cotton ball to this mixture and then apply this mixture on your face. After that, massage your face gently in the circular motions. Leave the mixture on your face for at least 15 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. It is recommended applying this solution daily in order to get the most satisfactory result.

Tomatoes are also effective in treating acne problem. The possible reason may be that tomatoes have acidity which can help you to clear the acne. Vitamin C and vitamin A are added into many acne medicines and tomatoes have the great source of vitamin C and vitamin A. If you want to look for the home remedies for acne, you just need to cut a tomato in half and apply the inside of this tomato on your face. If you have a severe acne problem, you should mash a fresh tomato and take its pulp to apply on your face and other areas where the acne are present. You need to wait for an hour in order for the skin to absorb all the nutrients and benefits of tomato remedy. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. You should not use hot water to wash your face because it can make your skin become dry. You should use this remedy on the regular basis until the acne problems disappear.

If you do not want your skin to produce too much oil, you need to mix the tomato juice with cucumber juice in the equal quantity. Use the cotton ball to apply this juice on your face. It is needed to do it regularly in order to control the excessive oiliness and acne problems.

Harsh summer can cause red sunburn and inflamed skin. For everyone who wants to look for a solution for sunburn, tomato is a wonderful choice. Crush a half of tomato and mix it well with two tablespoons of yogurt. Yogurt has anti-inflammation properties and contains good bacteria that can help you fight against the free radicals. As a result, the mixture of yogurt and tomato has the great healing properties which can help you to soothe the sunburn, raw and itchy caused by exposure to the sun. Lie on the bed and try to relax. Apply this mixture on your face and other areas you want to treat, including neck, body, hands, and feet. Wait for 20 minutes in order for the skin to get all the benefits of this mixture. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Tomatoes will sooth your skin while yogurt will provide your skin the needed protein. After trying this remedy for a few weeks, you will get the soft and glowing skin.

The facial mask made from tomato and honey is also considered as the effective mask on how to get smooth skin naturally at home you should know.

13. How To Get Smooth Skin Using Honey

Honey, one of the wonderful home remedy on how to get smooth skin, is often used in many skin care products and treatments. However, why do you need to spend a lot of money on moisturizing and anti-aging creams while you can make the honey treatment at home? Some home-made remedies and tonics with honey are easy to make and they will give you the great result if you try it for a couple of weeks. It is said that honey will help you to retain the moisture by keeping your skin hydrated. Moreover, honey is effective in keeping your skin from drying. Do you know that the ancient beauties often applied the mask made from honey and milk on the face in order to keep the skin radiant, young-looking, and smooth? Because of its anti-microbial and natural antioxidant properties, honey will protect your skin from sun damage, aid in the skin ability to refresh and rejuvenate. As the result, using the honey will make your skin look soft and supple. One of the skincare benefits of honey in treating mild and minor acnes which cause by hormonal changes. Because honey remedy can help you to remove the impurities of your pores, it should be considered as the great cleanser. With a wild ranging of beauty benefits, it is not surprising when honey is used popularly in a huge number of products which are available in the market for baby care, hair care, sunscreen, facial scrub, hand lotion, and moisturizer. Honey has sun protection properties; therefore, it will prevent your skin from drying in the cold and dry weather. If you want to look for the effective ways on how to get smooth skin with honey, we would like to introduce to you some effective honey masks for skin to help.

Take two tablespoons of honey and apply it on your face and neck. Let it sit for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. This remedy is simple but will help you to get the smooth and soft skin.

Another option is to mix an egg with sufficient honey. Use a fork to whip two ingredients together in order to create the fine paste. Apply this paste on your skin and leave it for 20 minutes. While waiting for 20 minutes, you can massage it gently in the circular motion. After that, you should wash it off with cold water. If you want to get rid of the unpleasant of egg white smell, you need a delicate cleanser.

Moreover, you can mix three tablespoons of honey with a one-half teaspoon of cinnamon powder in order to create the thick paste. Apply this paste on your skin. Because this remedy is safe, you can leave it overnight. In the morning, after you walk up, you can rinse it off with lukewarm water.

14. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil should be considered as the effective home remedy on how to get smooth skin because it contains antibacterial properties which can help you to fight against the acne problem caused by bacteria. Therefore, tea tree oil is effective in treating blemish and acne. It is not surprising when tea tree oil is often used in many skin care products ranging from your shampoo to your deodorant. It will beneficial to your skin because it can help to treat many skin problems, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Tea tree oil has been used in medicine for ages.

Topical tea tree oil treatment comes from Australia where Aborigines used tea tree oil as the effective antiseptic to treat sunburn. Although tea tree oil is considered as the herbal medicine, it can cause some unwanted side effects. Therefore, you need to use tea tree oil correctly if you do not want to end in the hospital. Whatever you want or however you use tea tree oil, this remedy will help you to improve your skin significantly. You can find tea tree oil available in the market. However, if you keep tea tree oil in the kitchen, please make sure that you keep it out of the reach of your children.

Tea tree oil can be used for various purposes. The possible reason may be that it has antimicrobial properties which can be called a disinfectant. Using tea treat oil can help you to kill microorganisms which can cause many skin diseases. Many scientists and researchers have found that tea tree oil contains anti-inflammatory properties which can help you to treat acne problem. However, if you want to use tea tree oil as the excellent remedy on how to get smooth skin, you need to be careful. If you are allergic to the oil, it needed to try it on your inner wrist first before applying this remedy on your face. Tea tree oil can help you to get rid of pimples. You just need to apply the tea tree oil on your face and other areas where the pimples are present with the help of a cotton swab. It is recommended applying tea tree oil remedy on your skin every hour until the pimples disappear.

15. How To Get Smooth Skin With Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is effective in treating acne, getting rid of blemish and vanishing your wrinkles and fine lines. Because aloe vera has been used for various purposes, the ancient Egyptians called it as the plant of immortality. Many people utilize aloe vera to treat sunburn. Aloe vera often grows in the dry climate in India and Africa. For ages, this herb has often used medicinally. Many studies and research have been done to examine the benefits of aloe vera for beauty and health. They have found many properties that are effective in treating many skin conditions from dry to flaky skin. Aloe Vera can help you to treat sunburn because it has powerful healing properties. Using aloe vera can heal the epithelial level of your skin. It can protect your skin cells from damage and keep your skin hydrated by providing moisture. Thanks to its antioxidant properties and nutritional qualities, aloe vera will help your skin heal quicker. Moreover, aloe vera can work as the effective moisturizer without causing any greasy feeling. Therefore, aloe vera is suitable for people with oily skin complexion. For people who use mineral-based makeup, aloe vera can become the great moisturizer to apply before in order to prevent your skin from drying.

Aloe vera is effective in treating acne because it has two hormones, including Gibberellins and Auxin. These two hormones contain anti-inflammatory and healing properties that can help you to alleviate the inflammation. Gibberellins can work as the growth hormone which can stimulate the growth of new cells. Therefore it can let the damaged skin cells heal quickly and naturally. Moreover, it also helps the minimal scarring to disappear. Aloe vera contains soothing properties; therefore, it can reduce blistering, inflammation, and itchiness. As a result, it will help your skin to heal quickly. Plus, aloe vera is also used in Ayurvedic medicine as the effective treatment for many chronic skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. When we age, everyone worries about the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines because of the loss of elasticity in our skin. Because aloe vera contains a plethora of antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E that can improve the skin firmness and prevent the skin from dehydration. Therefore, aloe vera is the wonderful remedy if you want to look for the effective way on how to get smooth skin and fight against aging. The aging can be caused by the loss of elasticity. However, there are many reasons for elasticity loss. It can be due to rapid weight gain or loss, or pregnancy. Because of elastic, your skin can expand or contract in order to accommodate the growth. However, if your skin stretches too far or too fast, the elasticity of your skin can be lost. It is the reason why it leaves unsightly stretch marks. Using aloe vera remedy will help you to hide these stretch marks by helping you to heal the wounds. Many people drink aloe vera juice because it has many health and beauty benefits. Drinking aloe vera juice will help you to get the glowing and beautiful skin from within. Moreover, aloe vera juice can keep many health problems and conditions at bay because they found 75 different nutrients in aloe vera, including minerals, vitamins, sugars, enzymes, phenolic compounds or anthraquinones, sterols, lignin, amino acids, saponins and salicylic acid.

If you want to use aloe vera as the topical treatment, you can follow these steps. Extract the aloe vera gel from its leaf. After that apply this gel to your skin and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. It is recommended trying this remedy twice or three times a week for a more satisfactory result.

An alternative option is mixing one tablespoon of aloe vera gel with one teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix it well and then apply this mixture to your face and neck. Let it sit for about 20 minutes before washing it off. You should use this facial mask for several times a week.

However, it is important to know that although aloe vera gel is natural, it can cause some irritation for sensitive skin. Therefore, before applying this treatment to your face, it is needed to try it inner wrist. After applying this treatment, it is important to use the suitable moisturizer afterward in order to prevent your skin from drying.

16. Cucumber

Cucumber should be considered as one of the effective solutions on how to get smooth skin naturally at home. The possible reason may be that cucumber has nourishing, hydrating and astringent properties. Because cucumber has the same PH as your skin, it can help you to restore the natural acid mantle of your skin. Moreover, using cucumber as the topical treatment can help you to fight against the bacteria and other contaminants. If you want to have the glowing and gorgeous skin, cucumber is a great choice. Cucumber will soothe and soften your skin; as the result, it will help you to get the beautiful skin. Thanks to many nutrients in cucumber, it can help to treat many skin conditions and diseases. Because of its cooling benefits, cucumber can be used as a skin cleanser. Cucumber can be used both externally and internally.

The simple way on how to get smooth skin naturally at home with cucumber is cutting cucumber into small pieces. Lie on the flat surface and put these pieces on your face. Try to relax for about 30 minutes. Finally, rinse it off with lukewarm water. Before applying, you should store these cucumber pieces in the refrigeration for more cooling properties.

If you want to resolve the pimples scars, blackheads, wrinkles, and dry skin, you can use cucumber as the facial mask. You just need to mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, with cucumber juice and sufficient milk to create the mask. Apply this mask on your face, neck and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. This treatment should be repeated several times a week.

In addition to, you can use cucumber as the natural cleanser.  Mix the cucumber juice with some sufficient milk and use it to replace for an expensive cleanser. It is said that, when cucumber is used as the cleansers, it will remove the dirt and grimes from your skin pores.

17. How To Get Smooth Skin – Papaya

If you ask for the effective home remedies on how to get smooth skin naturally at home, we would like to recommend papaya for you. Papaya is effective in making our skin beautiful and glowing because of many health components in papaya. It is the inexpensive fruit and can be used for various purposes. For example, papaya has a natural enzyme which is called papain. Papain is well-known to contain healing and antibacterial properties. Therefore, this enzyme will help you to get rid of the dead skin cells. Vitamin A in papaya also aids in breaking inactive proteins, as a result, it helps to boost the growth of new skin cells by removing the damaged and dead skin. Because papaya has a low quantity of sodium, using papaya both externally and internally will keep your skin hydrated. It has more carotene than other fruits such as custard apple, guava, apple, and plantains.

If you want to treat blemishes and pimples, you just need to apply the finely raw papaya paste onto your skin face. Let it sit for about 25 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Your skin will look supple and soft when you eat papaya regularly or apply it on your skin. When applied, papaya is effective in treating painful and cracked heels. You can use papaya as the exfoliator because it can clean your skin and make your skin healthy and gorgeous. Papaya can also treat discoloration if you apply papaya on the regular basis. If you want to find the solutions and home remedies on how to whiten your skin, papaya is a good choice. It whitens not only your face but also your arms and legs. You can treat ringworm patches and its inflammation by rubbing the raw papaya slices gently on these areas. Papaya can help you to reduce any signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.

If you want to look for home remedies for anti-aging, you should try papaya peel. You need to apply papaya peel gently over your face and let it sit for about 5 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Use it twice or three times a week for a more positive result. Papaya has the great source of Alfa-Hydroxy Acid (AHA’s), which can make the papaya become the effective home remedy for anti-aging. However, because papaya is considered as the acidic fruit, if you use papaya topically, please avoid using this remedy every day in order to avoid dryness and irritation for sensitive skin.

Papaya can be used to treat the dark spots. If you want to cure this problem, you need to mask a papaya and mix with sufficient milk. Apply this mixture on the affected areas. Regular application will improve your skin tone and make your skin glowing.

In order to keep your skin hydrated, you should mix the mashed papaya with a few drops of honey and then apply this mixture on your face. After that, you can apply this paste on your face.

Many people use papaya as the moisturizer for their skin. You just need to blend the ripe papaya into a fine paste. After that, apply this paste on your skin face and leave it about 15 minutes. Now, you can rinse it off with a washcloth.

If you want to find the home remedy that helps you to tighten your skin, you just need to mash the papaya and mix it with rice flour and sufficient honey in order to create the thick paste. Apply this mixture on your skin and leave for at least 20 minutes. It is recommended applying this paste three times a week in order to get a more satisfactory result.

Papaya can be used as the body scrub. Mix the mashed papaya with olive oil, salt spa, and honey.

If you want to use papaya as the face pack in order to cure skin tan and even your skin tone, mix mashed papaya with yogurt, honey, lemon juice, egg white in order to create the fine thick paste. Before applying, you should wash your face thoroughly. When the face is clean, you can apply this mixture on your skin as the facial mask. It is recommended leaving this treatment for 15 to 20 minutes. Finally, you can use the lukewarm water to rinse your face.

18. Turmeric

Turmeric is the herb that can help you to treat many skin problems. Turmeric is well-known as the remedy for pigmentation and blemishes. The possible reason may be that turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties; therefore it will help you to alleviate the redness caused by rosacea and blemishes. The antibacterial properties of turmeric will help you to treat infected skin and combat acne problem. Moreover, turmeric remedy will also help you to reduce the appearance of dark circles. Turmeric is the well-known remedy that helps you to treat acne scars and oily skin. Many people who use turmeric remedy regularly see the noticeable improvement in their skin complexion. Moreover, turmeric is considered as the antioxidant that helps you to fight against the free radicals causing premature aging. It also evens your skin tone. It is important to consult the doctor if you are using other medications and treatments on how to get smooth skin on face and body in order to prevent any unwanted side effects.

In order to create the turmeric face mask, you should mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with sufficient milk. Apply this treatment on your face and your skin for the beautiful, glowing, and flawless skin.

If you want to treat parched, dry skin, you should mix the mixture of one teaspoon of turmeric powder with two teaspoons of sandalwood powder and sufficient water. Apply this mixture on your face, and leave for a few minutes until it gets dry. After that, you can wash it off with lukewarm water. It is recommended applying this treatment once or twice a week for a more satisfactory result.

19. How To Get Smooth Skin With Mint

Mint has been used widely for beauty purposes such as improving your skin tone and reducing blemish. Therefore, if you want to look for the effective ways on how to get smooth skin, you should not skip mint. The possible reason may be that it has cooling effects. Mint has vitamin C and vitamin A which can help you to treat inflammation. Moreover, thanks to folate and riboflavin in mint, this remedy will help to brighten your skin when it is applied. Using products which contain mint will ease the redness, swelling, and itchiness. Mint has the great source of salicylic acid. Therefore, it can be used as an acne treatment. Salicylic acid will loosen your dead skin cells and prevent them from clogging pores.

If you want to use mint as the remedy for pimples, you should apply the mint juice on your face skin every night.

An alternative option is grinding some mint leaves and mixing it with two tablespoons of plain yogurt in order to create the thick paste. Apply this paste on your face and neck. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this treatment on how to get smooth skin several times a week for the great result.

These are 19 home remedies and techniques on how to get smooth skin on face & body naturally at home we would like to introduce to you on If you have any questions to ask, please raise your voice by leaving your comments below. We will answer as soon as we can. Thank you for reading.

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All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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