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Natural Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Pain – 10 Tips

It is said that people with rheumatoid arthritis will have more risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome which may results in the painful sensation in your hand and twists. However, if your job and hobby require you spend a lot of time using computer, punching cash register key, playing musical instrument, continuously clicking computer mouse, using your hand to do repetitive and forceful movement, it may increase the risk of developing the painful condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. This syndrome affects your hand and your wrist. Fortunately, you can find the effective natural home remedies for carpal tunnel pain without paying expensive cost or spending a good deal of time. Therefore, it is time for me to introduce to you some effective tips and techniques as well as natural home remedies to help you.

Natural Home Remedies For Carpal Tunnel Pain – Effective Tips And Techniques You Should Know

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful wrist and hand condition which may result in tingling, numbness, and other symptoms. Carpal tunnel syndrome happens due to a pinched nerve in your wrist. There are many reasons causing this disease, including rheumatoid arthritis, an anatomy of your hand and wrist, certain health problems, doing repetitive movements with your hands. The carpal tunnel is the structure formed by bones and ligaments. This narrow passageway lies on the palm side of the wrist. The carpal tunnel plays the important role in protecting main nerve to your hand and tendons which bend your fingers.

Due to an overwhelming job requiring repetitive movements, the compression in hands and wrist can cause tingling, numbness sensation, weakness in hands and wrists that is called carpal tunnel syndrome.  The numbness and tingling sensation are very uncomfortable. It occurs when you hold a telephone, a paper or a steering wheel using your hands. Sometimes, it may wake patients from sleeping. Many people want to find the relief for tingling and numbness by shaking out their hands and wrists. If the carpal tunnel gets worse, these symptoms will become constant and unbearable. Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome also feel weakness in hand and wrist. They may feel difficult to hold objects with their hand and have the tendency to drop them.

The possible reason may be that the pinching muscles in thumb are affected. When you make an appointment with the doctor, some test and diagnose, including physical examination, X-ray, electromyogram, and nerve conduction study, will be required in order to know whether you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.However, there are a lot of ways and approaches that help you to relieve the pain, numbness and the tingling sensation affecting your hand and wrist function. For example, the doctor will recommend you using wrist splinting, some prescribed drugs such as ibuprofen. Corticosteroids such as cortisone may be rejected your carpal tunnel by the experienced doctor in order to alleviate swelling and inflammation. This treatment will work well if the pain of carpal tunnel is caused by inflammatory arthritis. In some serious conditions, surgery such as endoscopic surgery or open surgery may be required to treat the problem. However, if you just experience the mild carpal tunnel pain, which causes difficulty in your life and activities, you can try home remedies for carpal tunnel pain, which I would like to introduce to you on AllRemedies.com. If you concern, please read the article bellow.

1. Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

If the pain of carpal tunnel is caused by rheumatoid arthritis, the first tip on how to treat the pain of carpal tunnel is that you should treat rheumatoid arthritis. If you want to treat rheumatoid arthritis, it is important for you to see the doctor in order to get diagnose and proper treatment. It is said that the easiest way to treat this condition is using certain prescribed medication. Moreover, you can use supplements in order to alleviate the symptoms. However, if you want to choose these approaches, you should consult your doctor first in order to make sure that they do not cause any unwanted side effects. The doctor will recommend the suitable amount of mediation or supplement you can take daily without side effects.

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Some patients with rheumatoid arthritis may ask whether there are natural ways and techniques on how to treat rheumatoid arthritis and home remedies for carpal tunnel pain as well as their effectiveness in treating these problems. Some patients feel the relief when they use ice or heat packs. This treatment will help to ease the inflammation and swelling. You should apply the cold or heat compression on your affected areas for 15 minutes. It is important to make sure that the compression is not too hot or cold. Alternatively, you can have the heat therapy in the shower. When the warm water flows through the affected areas, it will soothe the pain and inflammation.  It is recommended taking hot tub to treat rheumatoid arthritis. However, you should not use hot tub or hot compression if you are pregnancy or have heart disease, high blood pressure. Additionally, you can use mind or body therapies such as visualization, meditation, Tai chi, acupuncture, and biofeedback.

2. Rest

Resting is the important one of home remedies for carpal tunnel pain you should know.

When you have the pain of carpal tunnel, you should stop using your hands and wrist to do repetitive job or hobby. Resting will give the inflamed tissue the time to heal by itself. As the result, it will boost the process of recovering. It is important to have a good sleep during the treatment although the the pain of carpal tunnel may interfere with your sleep and resting. It is recommended sleeping enough 8 hours a day. If you have difficulty in sleeping, you should see the doctor to get proper diagnose after trying several tips and techniques on how to sleep well without any achievement. When you sleep, you should turn off all the computers and televisions in your room in order to make sure that there are not any noises in your room. Some people have the habit of having a television in the room and falling asleep afterward. This habit is a mistake because the noises and light from computer and television will stimulate your mind while it needs to relax. Instead of watching television or playing computer, you had better listen to the light music or audio book. Practicing some relaxation exercises before bedtime also make you sleep better and more easily. If you have your favorite TV shows at night, you should record it and watch it on the following day. Backlit devices such as iPad will affect your eyes and result in difficulty in sleeping if you use it at night. It is said that reading backlit devices late and in the dark room will increase the risk of developing eye cancer or eye diseases. The only light source you need is the bedside lamp. Before you go to bed, you should avoid bright light because it will stimulate your brain and make you unable to fall in sleep easily. Instead, low-wattage bulbs can be used. It is important to make sure the room you sleep is enough dark. The darker your room is, the more easily you sleep. You can try shades or heavy curtain to block the light coming from the window. If you sleep at noon and it is difficult to block all the light in the room, you can try a sleep mask in order to cover your eyes. The second tip on how to sleep well is making sure that your bed is comfortable. The bed should have enough room for you to turn and stretch comfortably. Some people find drinking a glass of hot milk before bed is effective. If you have tried a lot of tips and techniques but nothing works, you should make an appointment with the doctor.

3. Regular Carpal Tunnel Exercises

If you want to look for the effective home remedies for carpal tunnel pain, you should not ignore carpal tunnel exercises. The doctors always recommended the patients with the pain of carpal tunnel trying some exercises to stretch their wrist and make it limber. The effectiveness of these exercises is proven. If you perform these exercises regularly, the pain and numbness caused by the pain of carpal tunnel will reduce naturally.

In this article, I would like to introduce to you some effective exercises that help you to alleviate the pain in your hands and wrist.

Firstly, you make a fist. Slide your fingers and make sure that it is pointing up straight. You should repeat this exercise five or ten times in order to achieve the great result.

Another exercise is making a wrist and then trying stretching your hands and your fingers as far as you can. If you want to reduce the pain, you should repeat this exercise five to ten times.

The third exercise, which is effective in treating pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, is prayer stretch. You should place your palms together in front of the chest and bellow the chin. After that, lower your hands to your stomach while still keeping palms together. Continue doing this until you feel a moderate stretch under the forearms. You should hold this gesture for 15 to 20 seconds. Relax a little bit and then repeat this exercise for a few times.

Additionally, wrist flexor stretch also helps you to alleviate the tingling and numbness caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. In order to do this exercise, you should extend and stretch your arms in front of you. Your palms are up. Bend the wrist and make sure that your palm is pointing toward the floor. Hold for a few seconds to make sure that you feel a moderate stretch in your forearm. Stretch to other hand and repeat the process two to four times in order to achieve the significant relief.

These exercises are effective and helpful; therefore, you should try it.

4. Lose Some Weight

The excess weight may compress the median nerve in your wrist. As the result, it will make the symptoms of carpal tunnel worse. It is recommended keeping your healthy weight in order to prevent the symptoms from getting worse and boost the recovery process.

The good way is eating healthy and doing regular exercises. You should ask the doctor for your ideal weight you should maintain.

The healthy diet means that you should stay away from the fast foods and processed foods because these foods will make you gain weight and increase the risk of developing some serious problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. In the healthy diet, you should consume a variety of vegetable and fruit which contain a great source of vitamins and minerals. Eating healthy and smart will help you be healthy and prevent many physical problems. Therefore, if you ask for the home remedies for carpal tunnel pain caused by obesity and overweight condition, you should try to lose weight. The doctor will advise you to write down what you eat during a day on your food diary to control your diet. Some studies have been done to show that the people, who write the food diary, have a tendency to eat about 15 percent less than people who do not write.

A study carried out by the University of North Carolina found out that people consume much alcohol and fat, which account for 115 calories per week. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you should limit the alcohol and fat intake. The significant result in weight loss can be seen after one week. After the breakfast, you can drink orange juice or other fruit juice if you like. However, after that, during the day, you should not drink any juices or soda. Drinking 8 glasses of water instead is the excellent way for you to keep hydrated and start to lose weight. The possible reason may be that according to recent studies, people in America consume more than 245 calories per day from soft drinks like juices and soda. It means 90,000 calories a year. It is said that reducing one glass of orange juice a day will make lose one pound a day.

Some people have the bad habit of eating their meal while watching the television. This habit is not good because watching television will make you eat more than you thought. Therefore, it is worthy to sacrifice one of your favorite TV shows and go for a walk after meal to help you digest the food easily and effectively. Some people with emotional eating have the tendency to eat when the feel nervous, bored, and frustrated. For a long time, you may forget how physical hunger is. Sometimes, you reach for foods especially fast foods and other unhealthy foods because of craving, not hunger. Therefore, for the next time, you should find the time you are truly hungry before reaching for foods. Moreover, it is better to choose the healthy snack such as sunflower seeds, an apple or light salad rather than eating unhealthy fast foods and drinking soda to relieve your boredom and negative emotion.

According to a Duke University study, regular 45-minute walk will make you lose weight. It is also proven that three miles of jogging or walking daily will help you to reduce 30 pounds a year without changing your diet too much.

Another tip for losing weight is eating a small portion of everything. It means that you should eat small hamburger, small popcorn, and a small salad. The possible reason may be that people have a tendency to eat all things in front of them without knowing they are full. These are some tips that I would like to introduce to you. If you want to know more about the effective way to lose weight and eat healthy, you should visit our website AllRemedies.com  to find more helpful information.

5. Diet For The Pain

The diet will affect your health. A healthy diet will boost the recovery process while unhealthy diet including fast foods, saturated fat, snack, salted popcorn and other processed foods will make the symptoms of the pain of carpal tunnel get worse. Therefore, it is important for you to know the healthy diet as well as the good foods for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • The first excellent food is red bell pepper. According to Joanne Gardner who is an integrative nutritionist working at Duke University in Durham, red bell pepper has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Eating red bell pepper as much as you want will help you to reduce the inflammation.
  • Other colorful fruits and vegetables like yellow peppers, carrots, tomatoes, and leafy greens also have effectiveness in treating carpal tunnel syndrome. Therefore, you should include these colored vegetables in your meal.
  • Another food the patients with the pain of carpal tunnel should eat is spinach. Many researchers have found out that patients suffering the pain of carpal tunnel will find the relief by taking vitamin B6 supplement. However, if you want to take B6 supplement, it is important to consult the doctor before trying in order to make sure that it does not cause any unwanted side effects. Fortunately, vitamin B6 is available in some certain foods such as spinach. Vitamin B6 can work as an analgesic and help you to alleviate the pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Many patients with carpal tunnel syndrome feel the relief. However, if you want to increase vitamin B6 intake in order to ease pain and numbness in your hand and wrist, you should not consume more than 200 milligrams per day. Spinach can be added into many foods such as your salad, pie and an omelet.
  • If you do not like spinach, you can try many foods such as chicken, fortified cereals, bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, and cauliflower, which also contain vitamin B6. Because patients with carpal tunnel syndrome also suffer from inflammation, another inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis may make the symptoms of this disease get worse. In this case, salmon is the excellent food for you to eat in order to alleviate inflammation, according to Elena Tovar who is clinical dietitian working at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. The possible reason may be that salmon has the great source of omega-3 fats called DHA and EPA. Other fishes such as sardines and tuna also help you to relieve inflammation. Therefore, fish oil supplements are considered as the convenient way to treat carpal tunnel syndrome if you do not have time eating fishes. However, if you want to take fish oil supplements, you should consult the physician first before trying, especially when you use fish oil supplements to treat medical conditions.
  • Thanks to a great source of ALA which is another omega-3 fatty acid, walnuts can help you to reduce inflammation; as the result, it can treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Other foods which also contain ALA are chia seed and flaxseed. These foods are effective in treating inflammation as well as carpal tunnel syndrome. There are many recipes using walnuts for you to choose. You can add them into your salad, crush to the chicken or fish fillets.
  • Many scientists also found out that pineapple should be included in a list of foods that help you to alleviate the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. The possible reason may be that there is an enzyme called bromelain in the pineapple. Bromelain will break down inflammation. If you cannot eat pineapple, you can take this enzyme in concentrated pill. However, you should make sure that you are not using any aspirin and antibiotics.
  • Turmeric also helps the patients to find the relief. However, not only what we eat but also how much we are is important. Eating too much is not good. For example, excessive vitamin B6 intake will lead to toxicity and affect your liver. It is necessary to ask the doctors or physician about the ideal amount of omega-3 fatty acid, and vitamin B6 you should take daily.

6. Using Herbs

Besides eating healthy foods, doing exercises and having excellent food choices, herbs are also considered as the effective home remedies for carpal tunnel pain. It will help you to reduce the symptoms of this disease. In this article, I would like to introduce to you several effective herbs that can give you the significant relief after a few weeks.

  • The first herb is willow. It is said that willow was used in aspirin to reduce pain and relieve inflammation because willow contains chemicals called salicylates.
  • Other herbs which also have salicylates are wintergreen and meadowsweet. However, it is important to know that people who cannot use aspirin should not drink willow herb.
  • Another herb which is also effective in relieving the pain of carpal tunnel is chamomile. Many people using chamomile notice the significant result. Drinking chamomile tea can calm your jangled nerves. Moreover, chamomile has chamazulene, bisabolol, and cyclic ethers, active compounds, which contain anti-inflammatory properties. Scientists also found out that chamomile are rich in apigenin. For patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, it is recommended drinking several cups of chamomile tea per day.
  • Green tea has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is a versatile remedy, which can give you a lot of health benefits. Drinking green tea daily will help you to boost your immune system and make you beautiful, healthy. Because of being caffeine – free product, it does not cause any unwanted side effects. Therefore, you can buy green tea bags, which are available in the market or prepare this tea from leaves.
  • Additionally, turmeric herb is recommended for you if you suffer from tendonitis, arthritis, autoimmune condition, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The possible reason may be that turmeric contains curcumin, a chemical which has anti-inflammatory agent. Many studies carried out have shown that curcumin has the same benefits as pharmaceutical medication cortisol. However, the medication cortisol is expensive and has some unwanted side effects. Therefore, you had better use turmeric to treat carpal tunnel syndrome instead of cortisol. You can add turmeric into food and consume it. Another way is taking turmeric as the capsules form. Turmeric capsules are available in every health food stores. Some patients like drinking turmeric milk. Add two tablespoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk. After that, stir for a few seconds in order to make sure that turmeric powder is dissolved well in a glass of warm milk. Drinking two or three glasses of turmeric milk daily is effective in treating inflammation and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Ginger is also considered as one of the natural home remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome. You can add ginger to your meal while cooking in order to improve the flavor and help you to lower the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome as well as rheumatoid arthritis. Another way is making ginger tea by adding ginger chuck in a mug of boiling water. Cover it and let it steep for a few minutes. After that, remove the ginger chuck and pour the tea into a glass. You can wait until it becomes warm. Sip the ginger tea slowly to achieve the better result.
  • Other herbs you can use to treat carpal tunnel syndrome include milk thistle, cat’s claw, and boswellin. It is recommended applying this herb several times until you see the symptoms of this disease disappear.According to Dr. Duke, using these herbs is better than trying expensive medications and drugs like Celebrex. Dr. Duke introduced the herb recipe for the patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Firstly, you should blend the diced celery with the help of material. After that, place the blended celery into a mug with boiling water on the top. Cover it for a few minutes. Add a little cayenne pepper, curry, ground black pepper, turmeric, grated ginger, fresh basil, paprika, oregano, sage, rosemary and some grape leaves. Blend it well and drink it for several health benefits.
  • It is said that using these herbs accompanied with exercises and a healthy diet will help you to fight against many diseases and ailments such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and carpal tunnel syndrome.

7. Taking Natural Supplements

It is said that you can promote wrist health by providing enough vitamins, minerals that help you to fight against swelling and inflammation. Many studies carried out have shown that Neurophine will improve your blood circulation, alleviate inflammation, boost your immune system and strengthen your joint. As the result, neurophine is effective in treating carpal tunnel pain. People can take neurophine without worrying about unwanted side effects. Therefore, it can be used daily in order to give you the significant relief and health benefits.

Several ingredients in Neurophine you should know is vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, copper, methylsulfonyl methane, chondrotin sulfate and biocell collagen type II. These vitamins and mineral will help you to reduce the risk of arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome progression, support your body function and reduce the pain. You can take these vitamins and mineral as well as botanicals in foods. However, if you cannot take enough these nutrients, you can take them as the natural supplement form. Although neurophine carries minimal unwanted side effects, it is still important for you to consult the doctor before trying.

8. Comfrey

If you ask for home remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome, you should not ignore comfrey. According to Arkansas herbalist Steven Foster and pharmacognosist  Albert Leung, applying comfrey on your affected skin can help you to alleviate the pain, inflammation and swelling. The possible reason may be that comfrey contains the active compounds including rosmarinic acid and allantoin. Although there are some bad rumors about comfrey that it can lead to liver damage if digested, we do not have any scientific studies to show its side effects if it is applied topically on our skin. Therefore, you can use comfrey at home to help you alleviate the pain and inflammation caused by carpal tunnel syndrome.

It is recommended steaming the fresh comfrey leaves and let it cool for a while before applying this solution on the affected wrist. Comfrey leaves can be found in your own green garden. However, if you do not grow comfrey in your garden, you can choose dried comfrey powder which is available in the market. You can add a few spoons of this powder in any skin cream to enhance its effectiveness.

9. Apply Red Pepper

As I mentioned before, red pepper can be used as the excellent foods to alleviate the pain and other symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Moreover, you can not only eat red pepper but also apply it on your affected skin. Red pepper is also known as cayenne, which contains active compounds and anti-inflammatory properties.

One of compounds in red pepper you should know is capsaicin. Some commercial salves, including Capzasin-P and Zostrix have capsaicin ingredient and they are often used to reduce the pain for patients. Red pepper can be used as the home remedy to treat carpal tunnel syndrome by blending red pepper into the cayenne powder with the help of material. After that, you can add a few spoons of cayenne powder into a quarter cup of skin lotion and apply the solution on the affected wrists. Remember to rub it gently in order not to harm your skin. Moreover, you can easily make a capsaicin treatment on your own. You just need to steep five to ten red peppers into 2 pints of alcohol for a few days. After that, you can apply it gently on your affected areas.

However, you need to make sure that after doing this treatment, you should wash your hand carefully if you do not want to get the capsaicin treatment in your eyes as well as your sensitive areas. Because capsaicin powder may lead to skin irritation for some people, it is important to test it on the small skin before applying it on the larger areas. If you have some signs of allergic reaction, you should stop using it.

10. Ice Pack

Some patients with carpal tunnel syndrome found that applying ice pack on the affected wrist will give them the significant relief. In order to treat carpal tunnel syndrome, you can place some ice cubes in a bag and apply it on your finger, wrists and other areas you feel pain. Let it sit for a few minutes before finishing. It is recommended doing it several times in order to achieve the great result.

Nothing is better than prevention. It required you to have a good lifestyle, regular exercise and healthy diet. People who need to work an overwhelming job with repetitive movements should relax and have some fun as well as rest properly. It is recommended using natural home remedies for carpal tunnel pain. However, if the conditions are severe, it is the time for you to consider surgery. After surgery, the patients still need some physical therapy and effective exercise to boost the recovery process. There are some tips and techniques I hope that you will find them effective and helpful. This article is for the informational purpose only. If you have any question to ask, please raise your voice, I will answer your questions. Thank for reading.

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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