
Top 8 Natural Foods that Cause Yeast Infection in Babies to Avoid


Yeast infection can be extremely uncomfortable. It has such symptoms as itching, burning, and clumpy feelings on the parts of the body which it affects. This problem can also be a matter of concern to small children as they have very sensitive skin. If you are parents of small babies, and you are worried about your children’s recurrent yeast infections, the good news is that you can identify what are the factors that trigger them, especially some certain kinds of foods.

Babies can be negatively impacted by their food intake in two ways. Firstly, they may develop some allergies to some foods which can produce a diaper rash. Secondly, some foods may create diarrhea, and it irritates their skin more than urine, and accordingly, they trigger an uncomfortable diaper rash. Specific kinds of foods can play a significant role in the development of yeast infections in babies, especially if they are getting nutrition from their mother’s breast milk. There are some foods that you should eliminate from your babies’ diet in order to reduce or even get rid of their rashes. By this way, you stand a good chance of stopping the agony before it even starts.

In this article, we, have listed top 8 foods that cause yeast infections in babies you should know about to avoid rather than using a topical anti-fungal cream for your children.

Learn more: 28 Natural Home Remedies for Yeast Infection Symptoms

Top 8 Natural Foods That Cause Yeast Infection In Babies To Avoid You Should Know

1. Added sugar

It is beyond the shadow of a doubt that the excess consumption of sugar can be a contributory factor to various health-related problems. Yeast is a fungus, therefore, it needs a supply of energy to live and grow. Sugar obviously supplies this energy, which gives way to the development of yeast in small children just like how your body gets energy from sugar and other carbohydrate-rich foods [1]. The more sugar your baby consumes, the more likely that his or her yeast infection will grow.

Therefore, it is necessary that you make an attempt not to purchase too many types of foods with high fructose contents such as glucose, syrups and sucrose, and many other things that seem to possess artificial sugar. You should bear in mind that processed foods with high content of refined sugar should be eliminated from your baby’s meals if he or she is suffering from yeast infections. Take away from them their sugary treats such as cokes, processed meats, tomato sauces, cookies, candies, or even flavored yogurt – to name some of them. Looking at the ingredients list and making relevant choices are essential when you are shopping for anything in the markets or supermarkets. This will help you to acknowledge which regular food choices of yours have an excessive amount of sugar.

On the contrary, you should increase the amount of good carbohydrate intake on the occasion that yeast infection is causing trouble for you and your beloved child. You may want to incorporate some low-glycemic index fruits like pears, berries, and green apples, which do not increase your blood sugar like added sugar. Nonetheless, you should note that feeding your baby the fruit itself, rather than the juice because your child will process the sugar more slowly and get the full benefit of the fibers in the fruit.

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See more: Research-Based Anti-Fungal Foods For Candida And Yeast Infection

2. Foods That Cause Yeast Infection – Citrus Fruits And Juices

Some citrus fruits are very acidic, which can justify the fact that they exacerbate the problem of yeast infection in your baby. Should a diaper rash develops, there are fruits such as oranges which should be cut out from your baby’s diet to prevent the yeast from growing. The science behind it is that citrus fruits have the tendency to fungal contaminants. If you are not careful with certain kinds of fresh fruits, for instances, oranges and lemons, the mold can yeast can cause infections and allergies for your babies. The second point is that owing to the acidic nature, these fruits can create favorable conditions for yeast to multiply. [2]

Even though citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C and other kinds of antioxidants, they are not appropriate for small children to consume in case of yeast overgrowth. As an inevitable result, excluding them from babies’ as well as mothers’ diet when the babies are breastfed is absolutely essential to get rid of their diaper rash. You can substitute these fruits for more alkaline ones such as cucumber, pears, or green apples, etc.

Read more: 21 Quick Natural Home Remedies for Diaper Rash in Babies

3. Tomatoes And Tomato Products Like Spaghetti And Tomato Sauce

Who do not love ketchup and other types of tomato products? The combination of sweetness and sourness make them really suitable to sprinkle on many kinds of dishes. However, in the case of yeast infection in babies, consuming them on a regular basis is a big no-no. It is scientifically proven that canned tomatoes and ketchup contain a lot of refined sugar, which can spike up blood sugar. Constant changes in blood sugar level have been believed to be a complete culprit for developing more and more yeast infections in many people. Obviously, yeast lives on glucose, so once there is more glucose than your body’s needed consumption, the yeast will definitely have more food. Furthermore, high blood sugar also has a negative impact on the immune system of babies because overconsumption of sugar makes it more difficult for them to cope with the bad bacteria.

It is understood that more proper regulation of blood sugar levels might be useful in preventing and curing the infections of yeast. Specifically, one study suggested that lowering sugar intake to some extent in the diet dwindle the severity of the symptoms in small children who are constantly the victims of yeast infections. This does not necessarily mean that you have to create a really strict diet without sugar. However, a diet which is very low in carbs can genuinely reduce your chances of fighting off fungal build-up, which is the thing you do not want in case your child is struggling with an infection from yeast!

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4. Bread And Other Processed Carbohydrates

Another kind of food in the top 8 foods that cause yeast infection in babies is bread. The ingredients incorporated into bread, to be more specific, flour, sugar, and milk are mixed together during the process of manufacturing. After your baby eats his or her favorite bread, the yeast cells from these ingredients, which have developed in a prolonged period of storing will potentially give way for an infection in the child’s body. A yeast infection can be an inevitable consequence of the yeast originated from bread, and it can transform into the natural yeast living in the body of a human. According to some leading experts in the field of nutrition, such refined carbohydrates as white bread, white rice, pasta, and flour tortillas should be kept at bay to lower the risks of getting a yeast infection, especially in small children.[3]

Regulating blood sugar level and refraining from highly refined sugar is not equivalent to avoiding all sources carbs completely in your diet. Some healthy alternatives to the conventionally consumed carbs known as “safe starches”, especially ones that provide plenty of glucose rather than a high proportion of fructose can do wonders.

Learn more: 15 Home Remedies Using Tea Tree Oil For Yeast Infection Itching

5. Foods That Cause Yeast Infection – Chocolate And Candies

The sad news is that your baby's favorite sugary treats should be eliminated as well if you want to get rid of his or her yeast overgrowth. Chocolate and candies are among the top 8 foods that cause yeast infection in babies. As mentioned before, the high content of sugar incorporated in chocolate and candies is acidic, which can create a favorable condition for the yeast to develop in your baby's system. Of course, it is quite hard to stop them from having these, but you can still do it by not purchasing such stuff. You are the person who decides your child's diet, so do not hesitate to cut down on the triggering foods like chocolates and candies to eliminate the nasty rashes in your baby's skin. Remember chocolate and candies are not doing any good for the overall health of your child, so even though yeast infections have been tackled, you should also keep their intake of these foods under strict control.

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6. Foods That Cause Yeast Infection – Dried Fruits

No one can deny the massive benefits fruits bring about to the human body. They are packed with a great variety of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, as well as vitamins and minerals. However, when it comes to dried fruits, it is a whole different story. During the process of making fried fruits such as banana, mango, grape, etc. a great amount of sugar is added to boost the flavor of these products. Besides sugar, there also exist many types of preservatives, which can create havoc for the vulnerable immune system of your beloved babies.

It is not much of an exaggeration that when your baby is suffering from yeast infection, his or her immune system is weaker than normal, thus any added triggering food can provoke the negative response, making the problem worse.

Therefore, dried fruits as snacks, no matter how tasty they can be, should be eliminated in the case of a baby having a yeast infection.

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7. Peanuts And Peanut Butter

There is no such amazing thing as having a handful of peanuts or peanut butter as a healthy dip for your snacks. They keep your baby fuller for longer and are great sources of healthy fats. However, on the occasion of yeast overgrowth in the body, consuming peanuts and other peanut-based products is inappropriate [4]. Peanuts also are the most genetically engineered food on the planet. How can this even be possible, you may be wondering? Peanuts are usually stored in silos for long periods of time. They can be stored for months or even years before they are ever sold and brought to the market for food processing. During this time, they grow molds in these silos. By adding peanuts or peanut butter to your baby's diet, you are actually increasing the risks of him or her being infected with yeast.

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8. Foods That Cause Yeast Infection – Beef, Pork, And Chicken

These are the foods among the top 8 foods that cause yeast infections in babies. If you are a big meat-eater, the chances are that you will also allow your baby to have meat in a large portion as you may believe that beef, pork, and chicken can provide sufficient amount of protein for your child to fight off the nasty invaders. Wrong! The animals such as pigs, cows, or chickens in agriculture these days are fed with various kinds of antibiotics, which end up being stored in our bodies if we consume their meat. Accordingly, when we consume these conventional types of meat rather than organic ones, the antibiotics can trigger infections of yeast in us. Farmers also fatten these animals up with grain and starchy foods, which might be the justification for the growth of yeast infections as well. The meat is usually packed with mycotoxins, a poisonous component of these molds. It is such a vicious cycle. Instead of feeding your baby with normal pork, beef, and chicken, try to increase their protein intake with plant-based proteins such as beans, quinoa, or organic meat, which are much safer to consume.

Get also: List of 36 Best Foods to Eat When Breastfeeding to Calm Baby

When your baby has those nasty bumps or itches caused by yeast infections, do not get panicked and rush to the nearest pharmacy to get them topical creams or medications. You can gradually reduce the severity of your child's problems by cutting down on specific kinds of foods in the top 8 natural foods that cause yeast infections in babies we have listed above. Diets do play a crucial role in any kinds of health-related issues, therefore, you should weigh up the pros and cons before choosing a type of superfood to incorporate into the diet of your beloved child. Needless to say, you stand a great chance of protecting your baby's immune system from the annoying yeast infections by eliminating these aforementioned foods. If you know any food which can trigger yeast overgrowth, feel free to share with us!

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