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17 Natural Home Remedies for Varicose Veins Pain

Varicose veins are the common disease in which the enlarged veins appear abnormally close to the surface of your skin. This disease happens in your  thighs and calves when the walls of veins are weakened and valves function poorly. As the result, it will have enough ability to regulate blood.

According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 25 percent of women and 10 percent of men experience varicose veins each year. There are many unpleasant symptoms of varicose veins that make everyone worried and uncomfortable. Therefore, they want to find the effective solutions and natural home remedies for varicose veins pain that help them to alleviate the pain and discomfort as well as unpleasant feeling. You can try prescribed medications. However, it sometimes can result in some unwanted side effects if you do not follow the prescription of doctor carefully or you overuse. Are there any natural solutions for varicose veins which are safe and effective? The answer is yes. In this article, I would like to introduce to you some effective techniques and natural home remedies for varicose veins pain that helps you to find the significant relief.

Natural Home Remedies For Varicose Veins Pain – Effective Solutions That Work

Varicose veins mean that you will have enlarged, gnarled veins appearing close to your skin surface. Although any veins in your body can become varicose, the pain in legs and feet are the most affected.

The common reason of this disease is standing and walking upright which put the pressures in veins of your lower body. For many patients, varicose veins as well as spider veins which a mild variation of varicose veins are the cosmetic concern while for some patients, this disease will result in discomfort and aching pain. However, in some serious cases, varicose veins will develop the serious life-threatening consequences related to circulation problems.

If you see any signs and symptoms of this disease, you should make an appointment with the doctor in order to get the soon diagnose and proper treatment. Self-care measures or various procedures will be done in order to remove or close varicose veins. But how do we know that we are suffering from varicose veins. Therefore, it is important for you to know the signs and symptoms of this disease. Although some patients with varicose veins feel pain, this disease commonly does not cause pain. In the first stage, the veins appear in dark, purple or blue color. If you see your thighs and calves which are the most affected, veins appear bulging or twisted. It will look like cords on your legs. In the later stage, the painful signs and symptoms may occur.  You will feel heavy and aching pain in your legs. There are throbbing, burning, swelling and muscle cramping in your legs. When you stand or sit for a long time, the pain can get worse. The itching is around one or more veins. If the skin ulcers are near your ankles, you may suffer from a serious form of varicose veins. In this case, you need to look for medical care.

Spider veins are the mild variation of varicose veins. The spider veins are smaller and are often found closer to the surface of your skin. These veins appear in red or blue color. The size of spider veins varies and they often look similar to spider’s web. It is said self-care at home, including exercise, wearing a compression stocking and elevating your legs, can help you to alleviate the symptoms of this disease and keep this disease from getting worse. However, if you concern about the cosmetic look or the self-care treatment does not work and stop the symptoms of varicose veins, you should see the doctor for the medical care. Arteries play the important role in carrying the blood from your heart to other parts and tissues in your body. After that, the veins will carry the blood from your tissues of body to your heart, which is called recirculation. In order to perform effectively the function of carrying the blood from your tissues to your heart, the veins will need to work hard against gravity. This muscle contraction may work as a pump. Tiny valves in your veins will open to allow the blood to flow toward to your heart and then close in order to make sure that the blood will not flow backward. However, when you get older, the veins will lose elasticity and the valves are weaker and weaker. As the result, the blood flows forward and backward. The blood is accumulated in your veins, causing varicose veins. The veins become blue because of deoxygenated blood, which is caused by recirculation of blood through the lungs.

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Besides aging, pregnancy is another factor which can increase the risk of developing varicose. The possible reason may be that during the pregnancy period, the volume of blood in your body increases while the flow of blood from your legs to pelvis decreases. As a result, the circulation change will result in varicose veins. Moreover, this disease will get worse during pregnancy period as your uterus exerts will put the great pressure on your veins of legs. Furthermore, hormonal change due to pregnancy also contributes to this problem. Because pregnant women cannot use medical treatment, the symptoms of varicose veins may develop. However, within three months after delivery, the symptoms of varicose veins will disappear without medicines or drugs. In this article, I would like to introduce to the readers of some effective techniques and helpful natural home remedies about varicose veins pain that can help to find the significant relief. If you concern, please read the article bellow.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the wonderful solution if you ask for the natural home remedies for varicose veins. Apple cider vinegar is considered as the natural cleansing product. Moreover, using apple cider vinegar also helps you to improve the blood circulation and flow. If the blood flows naturally and smoothly, the swelling and the heaviness of varicose veins will decrease effectively and significantly.

In order to do this treatment, you should apply sufficient amount of apple cider vinegar on the skin areas where dark or purple veins appear. You should massage your affected skin areas gently after applying undiluted apple cider vinegar. It is recommended doing this treatment every day before going to bed and after waking up in order to get the most satisfactory result. Another option is drinking apple cider vinegar solution. You should add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water. Stir it well in order to make sure that the apple cider vinegar is dissolved completely. You should drink this water twice a day and maintain for one month. You will see the significant positive result if you are patient.

2. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is also considered as one of the effective home remedies for varicose veins. Because cayenne pepper has the rich source of bioflavonoids and vitamin C, using cayenne pepper will help you to improve your blood circulation and ease the pain caused by swollen and congested veins. In order to do this treatment, you should put one teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder into a cup of hot water. Stir it well in order for the cayenne powder to be dissolved in the water. It is recommended drinking this mixture three times a day for one month in order to get the positive results. In some cases, the signs and symptoms of varicose veins may stop after two months. However, being patient is the most important.

3. Olive Oil

We all know that olive oil has many benefits for your skin and your health. Olive oil is the key of the Mediterranean diet and the essential nutrient for longest –living cultures in the world. Olive oil consumption contributes to many benefits of the Mediterranean diet. When you use olive oil to replace butter or other less healthy fats, it will help you to prevent many diseases and fight against the anti-aging process. A prominent cardiologist suggested that consuming two tablespoons of olive oil per day will help you to enjoy many benefits which are beneficial for your health. Therefore, it is not surprising when olive oil is considered as one of the effective natural home remedies for varicose veins.

It is said that massage the affected areas with olive oil will help you to increase the blood circulation, reduce the pain and alleviate the inflammation. If you want to use olive oil as the treatment for varicose veins, you should mix the equal amount of vitamin E with olive oil. Pour this mixture onto your hand and then rub it slightly and gently. Apply this oil onto your affected areas and then massage it gently. You should keep doing for a few minutes before removing. It is recommended following this olive oil treatment for one or two weeks.

Alternatively, you can mix the mixture of two tablespoons of olive oil with four drops of cypress essential oils. Mix it well and then massage this mixture on your skin. If you want to get a more satisfactory result, you should repeat the mixture again. Many people with varicose veins see the significant positive result after one or two weeks trying.

4. Garlic

Because garlic has anti-inflammation properties, it should be considered as one of the effective home remedies for varicose veins. Using garlic will help you to flush out of the harmful toxins and free radicals from your body. Moreover, it will improve the blood flow and circulation in order to make sure that the veins can carry enough blood to your heart and lung. As a result, the pain and unpleasant symptoms caused by varicose veins will decrease at the great extent.

Firstly, you should slice up six garlic cloves and place them into a glass jar. Take the juice of three oranges and then put the juice into his jar. Two tablespoons of olive oil are also added. Leave this mixture for overnight, at least 12 hours. Shake the jar and then take some drops of this mixture onto your fingers. Apply it on the affected areas where the inflamed veins present. Massage gently in a circular motion for at least 15 minutes. Finally, use the cotton cloth to wrap the affected areas and leave it overnight for the positive result.

Because this treatment is safe enough and does not cause any unwanted side effects, you can repeat it daily. You will see the significant result for a couple of months. Moreover, there are a lot of garlic benefits, including improving hair growth, clearing acne, treating cold, maintaining your weight. It is said that by including garlic in your diet will help you to prevent many problems and issues at bay.

Moreover, you can make the garlic tea. All things you need are 5 crushed garlic cloves, lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of grated raw ginger. Firstly, you should boil 4 cups of water. When it boils, you can remove the water from the heat. After that, add 5 crushed garlic cloves, grated ginger and lemon juice into the water. Cover it and let it steep for at least 20 minutes. Strain the water. It is recommended drinking 4 cups of garlic tea during the day and continuing until the symptoms of varicose veins disappear. You can drink hot tea or cold tea. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Drinking garlic tea also benefits the patients with varicose veins.

5. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a plant whose bark, leaf, and twigs are often used to make medicine. Witch hazel can be used orally as the solutions for mucous colitis, diarrhea, coughing up blood, vomiting blood, colds, tuberculosis, cancer, and tumors. Moreover, witch hazel can be applied directly onto the skin areas where pain, itching, eye inflammation, swelling, mucous membrane inflammation, hemorrhoids, minor burns, bruises, insect bites and other skin irritations are present. Witch hazel has many benefits because it contains tannins, the chemicals are effective in repairing broken skin, alleviating swelling and fighting bacteria when applied. Therefore, it is not surprising when with hazel is considered as one of effective home remedies for varicose veins that you should know. Using this herb will help you to strengthen the blood vessels; as a result, it can reduce the symptoms of varicose veins. Moreover, witch hazel also contains garlic acid and essential oils which can help you to alleviate the swelling and pain caused by varicose veins as well as other skin diseases.

In order to do this treatment, you should use the soft clean washcloth and soak it into the witch hazel. Apply the washcloth on the affected areas and keep it for a few minutes. It is recommended doing this treatment twice or three times a day for a couple of months. Some people see the significant result when they try this treatment for one or two months. Another option is add 10 or 20 drops of distilled witch into a warm water tub. After that, soak your legs into this treatment for about 15 minutes. Finally, wash your legs with this water and let it dry. It is recommended following this treatment once daily for about two months. After two months, you will see a great relief.

6. Butcher’s Broom

Butcher’s broom is effective in alleviating discomfort and aches of varicose veins. Butcher’s broom is also called Ruscus aculeatus. Butcher’s broom is an evergreen which looks like a shrub. People have used butcher’s broom for circulation system health benefits. One of the benefits of butcher’s broom is tightening the blood vessels as well as capillaries. Therefore, butcher’s broom is often used as the treatment on how to cure varicose veins effectively and naturally. Moreover, butcher’s broom can help you to treat fluid retention and symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency.

According to American university in Washington, the butcher’s broom can work because this evergreen stimulates the release of noradrenaline that help you to increase vascular tone as well as constrict blood vessels. As a result, it helps to improve the blood circulation and prevent blood pooling. Flavonoids in butcher’s broom can help you to make the blood vessels stronger. Therefore, they can function properly. There are many researchers and studies which have shown the effectiveness of butcher’s broom in treating varicose veins. For example, in 2007, an 8 week- study was conducted by researchers in Mexico. In the study, 124 patients suffered from varicose veins and its symptoms such as leg heaviness, discomfort, and ache. They are put into a daily regimen of taking 2 capsules of butcher’s broom. The researchers noticed the significant relief for varicose veins after two weeks. And by the end of the study, no one who had participated in the study complained about their problems and issues. Many scientists and researchers found that this evergreen works because it contains ruscogenins, the compounds can help you to alleviate inflammation due to its anti-elastase and anti-inflammation properties.

It is recommended taking 100 mg of butcher’s broom supplement three times a day if you want to look for the effective home remedies for varicose veins. Because this supplement is created from the roots and the seeds of this plant, they will also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for your health, including vitamin C, B vitamins, chromium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, silicon, selenium, and zinc. These nutrients in butcher’s broom are effective in tightening and strengthening the blood vessels, alleviating the inflammation in your legs, improving blood circulation and flow. Although it is said that butcher’s broom is safe and inexpensive. However, the patients who experience obesity and blood clots may face some unwanted side effects. Therefore, it is important for you to consult the doctor or trusted healthcare provider. Moreover, people with high blood pressure and pregnant women should not use this herbal treatment without consulting the doctor and healthcare provider.

7. Horse Chestnut Seeds

Horse chestnut is also called buckeye Spanish chestnut. Horse chestnut seeds are originated from the Balkan Peninsula (for example, Bulgaria and Greece) but it grows widely in the Northern Hemisphere. Although horse chestnut has the second name as buckeye, we should not confuse the horse chestnut with California or Ohio buckeye trees. The possible reason may be they are not the same species.

For ages, horse chestnut leaves, seeds, flowers, and barks have been used to treat many health conditions and diseases. Today, the horse chestnut seeds are often used as one of the natural home remedies for varicose veins in which the vein does not function properly to carry the blood from your legs to your heart. This condition will cause ankle swelling, itching, feeling of heaviness and nighttime leg cramping. This herb is also effective in treating hemorrhoids. Many scientists and researchers have found the effectiveness of horse chestnut seed extract in treating varicose veins. Moreover, horse chest nut seeds have the same benefits as wearing a compression stocking. According to the clinical studies carried out by the Cochrane Collaboration, horse chestnut seed extract is the short-term solution for the symptoms of varicose veins. There are not enough evidence and studies that show the effectiveness of horse chestnut seeds in treating other health conditions and diseases. Horse chestnut seeds can work for the patients with varicose veins because it has anti-swelling and anti-inflammation properties. Using horse chestnut seeds will increase venous tone; as a result, it can decrease the appearance of varicose veins. Moreover, aescin, a compound presents in horse chestnut seeds will help to strengthen the veins in order to make sure that the veins in your legs will function properly.  Moreover, this compound will hamper the production of enzymes which can lead to capillary wall damage.

In order to use chestnut seeds as one of the home remedies for varicose veins you can buy the chestnut seed gel which is available in the market. Apply the gel topically on the affected skin areas. You should repeat the treatment twice a day for the more satisfactory result. When you use it on the regular basis, you can see the significant relief for the swelling and leg pain.

It is said that, you can also take horse chestnut supplements. However, before choosing this way, you should consult the doctor or healthcare provider first in order to make sure that it does not result in negative side effects for your health. You should ask him for the proper dosage. It is recommended taking 300 mg daily. It should be divided into twice a day. However, it is important to remember that you should not consume or that raw horse chestnut seeds, bark, leaves, or flowers. The possible reason may be that it contains esculin which is poisonous. When the horse chestnut is processed properly, it contains little or no esculin. Therefore, it is considered to be safe for using. However, processed horse chestnut seed extract may cause some unwanted side effects such as nausea, itching, and gastrointestinal upset. Pregnant women and nursing mom should avoid this treatment. Therefore, it is needed to consult the doctor or healthcare provider before using this treatment. Tell them your current health condition and which complementary health approaches you are using. Give them the details of what you did to manage the symptoms. Horse chestnut seed treatment on how to cure varicose veins requires coordination and safe care.

8. Parsley

If you want to look for effective natural home remedies for varicose veins pain, you should not ignore parsley. Parsley is a herb and its root, seed and leaf are often used to make medicine. Parsley is the well-known remedy for many health conditions and diseases such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal disorder, jaundice, constipation, intestinal gas, colic, indigestion, asthma, cough, diabetes, fluid retention, high blood pressure and anemia. When parsley is applied directly on your skin, it can help you to treat chapped skin, tumors, bruises, parasites, and lice. Moreover, parsley is also the solution on how to grow hair fast and effectively. However, the benefits of parsley do not stop there. People also use parsley to treat varicose veins at home. The possible reason may be that parsley has the great source of vitamin C, which is the powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C is effective in encouraging collagen production. Moreover, it can repair your cells. When you use parsley, it can strengthen your capillaries and then reduce the symptoms of varicose veins.

In order to do this treatment, firstly, you should add a handful of chopped fresh garlic in a cup of water.  Boil it for at least 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, you can remove the heat. Cover it for a few minutes. Let it cool down for a little bit. Strain the water. For the more benefits, you can add a few drops of marigold or rose essential oils. Place the solution in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Apply this solution on the affected areas with a cotton ball. If you want to see the positive result, you should do this treatment once daily for a few weeks. Moreover, in order to treat varicose veins more quickly and more naturally, you should include raw parsley in your diet and eat it as often as you can.

9. Grapevine Leaves

It is said that grapevine leaves have the great source of flavonoids, which can make the veins healthier and stronger. Grapevine leaves are one of the effective natural home remedies for varicose veins. The possible reason may be that the leaves contain anti-inflammatory, astringent, homeostatic and antioxidant properties. Thanks to these properties, grapevine leaves are effective in treating varicose veins.

Firstly, add a cup of grapevine leaves into four cups of water. Boil it for at least 10 minutes. Let it warm for a few minutes until it becomes the lukewarm water. Pour it into the bucket and then soak your legs into the solution for about 5 minutes.

After that, put your feet into another bucket which is filled with the cold water. Keep it for 10 seconds.

Repeat the process three or four times. When you finish, you should massage your legs with castor oil in the upward direction.

Finally, you elevate your affected legs in a high position for a few minutes. If you want to treat varicose veins completely, you should do this treatment a couple months until the symptoms of varicose veins decrease.

10. Marigold

No one is unfamiliar with marigold. This herb has golden orange flowers and pale-green leaves. Marigold is often used in cooking and medicine. It can work as diaphoretic and stimulant. Many patients with sore and inflamed eyes use this herb to find the relief. Moreover, marigold is also used as one of the effective home remedies for varicose veins pain. The possible reason may be that this herb has the great source of vitamin C and flavonoids that can help you to stimulate the collagen production as well as repair your cells. Therefore, using marigold treatment will help you to alleviate the pains and other symptoms of varicose veins.

In order to treat this disease, you should add one cup of marigold leaves into four cups of water. After that, boil the solution for about 5 minutes. After that, you should turn the heat, let it warm and dip the cotton ball into this solution. Squeeze to get rid of the extra water. Apply the cotton ball directly on your affected areas. Leave it until the cotton ball completely cools. If you want to see a positive result, you should try this treatment several times a day for a few months. Moreover, you can eat fresh marigold petals for more benefits.

11. Grape Seed

When you look for the effective home remedies for varicose veins, it would like to recommend grape seed for you. Therefore, whenever you eat the grape and want to throw its seed away, you should consider it again. It can help you to treat varicose veins because this seed contains flavonoids, vitamin E, the antioxidants oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, linoleic acid. These compounds concentrate much in the grape seed.

The grape skin also has but it has low concentration. The antioxidants oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes will help you to strengthen your connective tissue structure; as a result, the inflammation will decrease. Moreover, they keep the veins, capillaries, and even arteries from damage due to free radicals. Vitamin C in grape seed will boost the collagen production. Therefore, using grape seed will help you to increase the elasticity of capillary walls and the tone. It will make your capillary walls stronger in order to keep the rupture, hemorrhages, and infection at bay.

But how can we use grape seed as the effective way on how to treat varicose veins? There is no harm if you chew the grape seeds. However, some people may do not like it because it makes their mouth bitter tasting. The alternative way is making the grape seed powder and then add this powder in your soups. You can consume grape seed supplement as the form of tablets, capsules, and liquid extract. If you want to take grape seed supplements in these forms, you should seek for the one which has more than 95% of the antioxidants oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes. It is recommended taking 50 mg a day divided into 3 times in order to reduce tingling, burning, pain and swelling caused by varicose veins. It is important not to confuse grape seed and grapefruit seed extract.

However, patients with blood thinners, pregnant women and breastfeeding mom should not use this treatment. Although, this grape seed supplement as the form of capsules, tablets, and liquid extract is effective and safe, you still need to consult the doctor before using in order to make sure that it does not cause any unwanted side effects for your health. You should tell them all the details about your health conditions and which other supplements and approaches you are using.

12. Grape Seed Oil

If you do not want to consume grape seed extract, you can massage the affected areas with grape seed oil as the way on how to cure varicose veins effectively and naturally. Grape seed oil is found to have anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, this treatment will help you to strengthen and repair your blood and capillaries vessels.

You can mix the grape seed oil with other essential oils in order to add more benefits. For example, you can mix 3 teaspoons of grape seed oil 3 teaspoons of jojoba oil and 8 drops of geranium, lemon, peppermint or any essential oils that you like. Mix it well in order to create the fine paste. After that, put some on your palm and rub in order to make it warm. Now, you can massage your ankles, legs and other areas where the varicose veins present. You should massage the solution from your feet upward to your legs. If you want to treat varicose veins effectively and completely, you should repeat this treatment several times a day for a couple of months.

13. Pine Bark

Pine bark is the name of Pinus pinaster. It is originated from southwest France and grows in countries in Western Mediterranean. Pine bark extract is made by extracting a number of beneficial compounds. However, the way we take pine bark extract does not damage or affect the tree. Scientists and researchers have found many necessary phytochemical constituents, including procyanidins, flavonoids, and proanthocyanidins which have many benefits for your health. For example, the scientists found the close connection between the proanthocyanidins in pine bark extract and prostate cancer cells. Scientists noted the significant reduce in the symptoms of prostate cancer after letting the participants try it for a couple of months.

Moreover, besides prostate cancer, pine bark extract is also one of the effective home remedies for varicose veins pain and other health conditions. The possible reason may be that like the grape seeds, pine trees also have Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complexes. This compound will be effective in improving your blood circulation and flow. Moreover, it aid in tissue repairing and reproduction. Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complexes are also found to strengthen the venous walls. Many studies and researches have shown that this compound will help the patients with varicose veins find the relief. The scientists measured and tested the patients with varicose veins and after a couple of months; they saw the significant positive result in leg swelling, edema, pain and tight calves.

In order to extract proanthocyanidins from the pine bark, it requires warm water and a little pressure. When you use pine bark extract as the treatment on how to cure varicose veins pain, it can work with the collagen in the blood vessel walls and boost the collagen production. As a result, it will give your capillaries the more elasticity and make it stronger. Moreover, it will improve your blood circulation and keep your blood pressure under the control. Thanks to anti-inflammatory properties, this treatment will alleviate the chronic inflammation. Moreover, Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complexes will also enhance the effectiveness of vitamin E and vitamin C. In order to use pine bark to treat varicose veins, all things you need are fresh pine tree bark.

It is recommended choosing pine bark from maritime pine tree, 12 cups of water and cheesecloth. Firstly, wash the pine bark. Pour 8 cups of water into a pot. Boil the water and then add the pine bark. Cover the pot and reduce the heat. Keep simmering until the amount of water is as half as its original quantity. Because the water is hot, you can use the cheesecloth to strain it. Pour the strained liquid into a bowl and put the bark back to the pot. After that, add 4 cups of water into that pot which has once used pine bark. Simmer until the water remains half. Strain the liquid with the help of cheesecloth. Add this liquid with the earlier strained liquid in the bowl. Return this liquid to the pot and boil it again. Simmer until the liquid remains ¼ cup. Turn off the heat and let the liquid cool down. You should store this liquid in the bottle. However, you can take the pine bark extract in the form of supplements. It is recommended taking 45-360 mg per day or 50-100 mg divided into three times daily. Before taking these supplements, you should consult your doctor or some medical herbalist first in order to know which exact quantity of pine bark extract you should take and whether this treatment is suitable for you.

14. Gotu Kola

Some people want to find the effective way to treat varicose veins but it is difficult to get the unpleasant symptoms disappear. However, when they try the folk home remedies for varicose veins, they see the significant result. One of the famous folk remedies is gotu kola.

Some contemporary studies have found that gotu kola is effective in increasing blood circulation and alleviating swelling. Therefore, it has many health benefits. Although a small amount of gotu kola is safe for most of people, it still requires doctor’s consultation if you want to take this treatment. Pregnant women and nursing mom should not take this treatment without asking the doctor. This gotu kola treatment is not suitable for people with liver problems. Gotu kola is one kind of parsley which grows in Southeast Asia, India and Africa. We can use the stems and leaves of gotu kola in cooking or as a medicine. Gota kola has been used to make medicine in China or Africa. Besides varicose veins, gotu kola can treat a lot of diseases such as asthma, syphilis and skin problems like psoriasis. Gotu kola is effective in treating varicose veins because it has triterpenic fraction of Centella asiatica (TTFCA), a chemical that can help you to stimulate the collagen production. These connective tissues will strengthen the walls and internal lining of your veins. It is said that the stronger the veins are, the fewer risk of varicose veins you may develop. Collagen and elastin are the important elements for healthy veins. However, it will worse when you age. Therefore, this is the reason why you need gotu kola to improve your veins. Moreover, gotu kola also helps you to increase blood flow and alleviate swelling.

You can take gotu kola treatment in the different forms. You can use it as a tea. In order to make gotu kola tea, you just need 1 teaspoon of dried gotu kola leaves, a cup of water and honey if you like. Firstly, you should add gotu kola in the hot water, and steep it for at least 10 minutes. Strain the water and add honey if you want. It is recommended drinking this tea twice or three times a day for the great result. If you do not like tea, you can take capsules. The tinctures are available, both alcoholic and alcohol-free. Read the label carefully to know the dosage instruction. Before treatment, you should consult the doctor to know any bad side effects. If necessary, take the kotu kola in moderation. If the symptoms of varicose veins do not go away, you should talk to your doctor about your condition.

15. Fuller’s Earth Pack

Fuller’s earth is also called “bleaching clay”. This herb has been used in India as the folk medicine for many conditions related skin. Because of its absorbent properties, fuller’s earth can be the excellent toner and cleanser. It is important not to confuse fuller’s earth with bentonite clay. The reason is that bentonite has sodium while fuller’s earth has calcium. However, because of lack of studies or researches on fuller’s earth, we do not know exactly how it can treat varicose veins. However, many patients with varicose veins said that they find the relief after trying it for a couple of months. The remedy will help you to treat swelling, one of the symptoms of varicose veins.

You need to mix one or three tablespoons of fuller’s earth in the sufficient water. You can use more. It depends on the affected areas. Mix well in order to create the fine paste. After that, you can apply this paste on your affected areas where the varicose veins are present. It is recommended leaving it on your legs overnight. The fuller’s earth can become dry while you sleep. The next morning, when you wake up, you can wash it off. If you want to have a satisfactory result, you should repeat the treatment for a couple of months.

16. Helichrysum Essential Oil

Helichrysum Essential Oil is the effective essential oils that help you to cure varicose veins. This oil comes from Helichrysum flower. It is quite expensive however it is proven to be effective.  Helichrysum essential oil should be considered as one of the home remedies for varicose veins because of its anesthetic, anticoagulant, and antispasmodic properties. Therefore, helichrysum essential oil will help you to repair the damaged cells and alleviate the pain and discomfort. By using helichrysum essential oil on the regular basis, the symptoms of varicose veins will disappear. Apply 2 or 4 drops of helichrysum essential oil on your affected areas where the varicose veins are present. Massage it gently for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can mix one drop of Helichrysum oil, 4 drops of basil oil, 1 drop of cypress oil and 1 drops of wintergreen oil. Apply this mixture on your legs. Massage gently until this essential oil is absorbed well into your skin. If you want to have more satisfactory result, you should do this treatment daily.

17. Cabbage Poultice

If you want to look for the effective home remedies for varicose veins pain, you should not ignore cabbage poultice. It is loaded highly nutritious components such as vitamin A, B, C, E and K, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sulfur, copper, and fiber. Therefore, cabbage should be included in your diet for overall health. Cabbage has the healing properties because of potassium, sulfur, vitamin K. It makes cabbage become the effective home remedy for varicose veins. Thank to sulfur content in cabbage; you can get the relief from infection and ulcers. The simple way on how to cure swelling and pain as well as varicose veins is applying the cabbage leaves on the affected areas. Another way is making cabbage poultice. Wash the cabbage leaves carefully. After that, chop them. Add sufficient water in order to create the fine paste. Apply the paste on your affected areas. After that, you should use the linen cloth to hold the paste in place. Let it sit for a few hours. It is recommended repeating this treatment two or three times a day.

Although these natural home remedies for varicose veins pain that I mentioned on are effective and helpful, you still need make some major changes in your lifestyle and habit in order to prevent this disease from reoccurring. For example, you should not sit or stand too long. If it is your work, you can sometimes take break for 15-30 minutes. Do not be in the same positive for the long period. When you sit, it is important not to cross your legs or cross your ankles. Avoid wearing high heels as much as possible. Wearing tight clothes will hamper your circulation. Therefore, you should wear loose clothes. It is said that strength and cardiovascular exercises are beneficial for the patients with varicose veins by improving your blood circulation. Stay away from alcohol and cigarette because it can worsen the symptoms of varicose veins. Lifestyle and diet changes will make the symptoms of varicose veins reduce and vanish overtime.

 I hope that this information I gave you is helpful. Do you have any questions to ask? If yes, please leave your comments bellow. I will answer as soon as I can. Thank you for reading.

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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20 Home Remedies for Bloated Stomach After Eating

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Top 15 Natural Home Remedies For Gastritis Pain Relief

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