Categories: Skin Care

25 Ways How to Treat Dry Skin on Face & Body Naturally

Flaky and dry skin is one common problem in the winter time. Dry and cold winter air will suck the life out of smooth and silky skin. Some factors contributing to dry skin include aging, a genetic predisposition and nutritional deficiencies. There are lots moisturizers and lotions on the market to fight off dry skin, however, most of them come are expensive. Natural treatments are not only inexpensive, but also quite effective in hydrating and nourishing dry skin. In this article, will introduce you 25 simple ways on how to treat dry skin on face and body naturally. All of the ways in this article is collected from reliable sources. Each individual has a different skin condition; hence you should consult your doctor before applying any way. Keep reading this writing to learn more these 25 simple ways on how to treat dry skin naturally!

25 Simple Ways On How To Treat Dry Skin On Face & Body Naturally That Work

1. How to Treat Dry Skin – Milk Cream

Surprisingly, the lactic acid in milk cream will help exfoliate dry skin. In addition, its soothing nature also helps maintain the delicate pH levels of your skin. Plus, the milk cream is also a great moisturizer. Here are detailed directions on how to treat dry skin on face & body naturally with milk cream:

  • Mix lemon juice (some drops), milk (one teaspoon) and milk cream (two teaspoons). Rub it on your legs and hands. Allow it on for about a while before taking a shower. It is suggested to do this way once every day.
  • Alternatively, you can add enough milk cream to gram flour (about 3-4 tablespoons) to create a thick paste. Then apply this paste on the face, hands and legs. Allow it on for about 15 minutes and then wash it off using lukewarm water. You should do this once every day.

2. How to Treat Dry Skin – Olive Oil

Seeking on how to treat dry skin with natural ingredients, you should not pass olive oil.

Olive oil has many antioxidants as well as healthy fatty acids, which are good and effective for your skin.

It can condition and soothe dry skin all over the body. For the best results, what you need to do:

  • Dab a thin extra virgin olive oil layer under your regular moisturizer.
  • About 30 minutes before taking a bath, rub some olive oil on the hands, legs and other parts with dry skin and lightly massage. Take a shower and later apply a light moisturizer.
  • Alternatively, you can mix equal amounts of fine brown sugar and olive oil. Then rub this homemade scrub on the dry skin using circular, light motions for some minutes. After that, take a shower and later apply a light moisturizer.

3. How To Treat Dry Skin With Honey

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Honey is one of the best natural moisturizers due to its antimicrobial, antioxidant and humectant properties. Therefore, it helps in locking in moisture in order to make your skin extra smooth and solf. Plus, honey contains many essential minerals and vitamins helping improve your skin’s health. Here are step by step directions on how to treat dry skin with honey.

  • Before taking a shower or bath, rub honey all over the body and allow it on for around 5 to 10 minutes. You had better repeat every day to get well-moisturized skin.
  • Measure out equal parts of unprocessed honey, beeswax, and olive oil. Then, melt the beeswax in one small pot for low heat. After that, remove it from that heat and mix in this honey and then this olive oil. Apply the mixture all over the body and allow it on for about 10 minutes. Finally, take a shower. You should repeat every day or every other day.

4. How to Treat Dry Skin – Milk

Milk has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that greatly help remove dry and itchy skin. In addition, the lactic acid present in milk will exfoliate dead skin cells as well as increase your skin’s ability in order to retain moisture. Plus, it helps lighten the complexion too. How to treat dry skin with milk? What you need to do:

  • Dip one washcloth in cold milk and next put this cloth on the dry skin for around five to seven minutes. Gently rinse off the milk with another cloth immersed in lukewarm water. The natural moisturizer will maintain on your skin. You had better do this way every other day.
  • Alternatively, you can add rose water (a few drops) and lemon juice (a few drops) to milk (four tablespoons). Rub the solution all over the body. Allow it on for about 10 minutes and rinse your body off with cold water. It is recommended to follow this remedy two times every day.

5. How To Treat Dry Skin With Yogurt

Yogurt is an effective skin-hydrating agent. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help soothe itchy and dry skin. Plus, its lactic acid content will help remove any bacteria or germs that may cause itchiness or dryness. Here are detailed directions on how to treat dry skin naturally with yogurt:

  • Apply fresh yogurt on the hands, face and legs and then gently massaging it into the skin. Allow it on for about 10 minutes and finally take a shower or bath. The mild exfoliating action in yogurt will get rid of dry skin as well as leave your skin refreshed. You should do this once every day.
  • Alternatively, mix yogurt (one-half cup) and mashed papaya (three tablespoons). Stir in some drops each of lemon juice and honey. Apply it on the skin and allow it on for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. You should use this method once per week.

6. How to Treat Dry Skin – Coconut Oil

Using coconut oil is really effective and good for treating dry skin. Especially, it contains a good amount of fatty acids making up for any moisture loss from your skin. Here are step by step directions on how to treat dry skin naturally with coconut oil:

  • Liberally apply a little warm coconut oil all over the body before going to bed. In the morning, wash it off. You should do this simple remedy every day to make your skin smooth and soft.
  • Apply coconut oil on the dry skin after taking a shower or bath. When your skin is supple and warm from the bath, this oil is more readily absorbed. You had better do this every day.

7. How to Treat Dry Skin – Avocado

Avocado is loaded with fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins that help improve your skin from the inside. The rich vitamin A content also repairs to restore silky and smooth skin and helps in skin maintenance as well. For the best result, what you need to do:

  • Mash an avocado pulp into a smooth paste. Then rub this paste all over the dry skin. Let it stay on your skin for around 10 to 15 minutes and finally, wash it off with cold water. This process should be repeated once every day.
  • Mash 1/2 of 1 ripe avocado and stir in honey (one-half cup). Apply this mixture on the dry skin and allow it to sit for about 15 minutes before washing it off. You should apply the hydrating face mask about once or twice per week.
  • Alternatively, you can also consume an avocado smoothie glass every day to increase the intake of healthy fats, which will help maintain your skin moisturized and hydrated as well.

8. How To Treat Dry Skin With Oatmeal

Using oatmeal helps in moisturizing and relieving dry skin. The rich protein content of oatmeal leaves one protective barrier on your skin, which helps maintain moisture and prevent water loss as well. In addition, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are good and effective for the overall health of the skin. Here are easy methods on how to treat dry skin with oatmeal:

  • Pour plain oatmeal (one cup) into the bathtub filled with enough amounts of warm water. Add lavender oil (a few drops) afterwards. Soak in this bath water for around 15 to 30 minutes. You should enjoy this soothing bath about once a week.
  • You can also prepare a face mask by mixing a mashed ripe banana with ground oatmeal (one cup) and then adding lukewarm milk (a little bit). After that, apply the smooth mixture on the dry skin and allow it on for around 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. You had better use this face mask about once a week.

9. How to Treat Dry Skin – Almond Oil

Almond oil is a great source of vitamin E and, thus, is considered the best lubricator and emollient for dry skin. In addition, its antioxidant property is very good for the skin’s overall health. Plus, this oil is easily absorbed in your skin, because it is non-greasy. Here are detailed instructions on how to treat dry skin with almond oil:

  • Gently warm up a little pure almond oil. Then lightly massage the body with this warm oil about 30 minutes before taking a shower. After taking a bather when the skin is still damp, you apply some light moisturizer. It is recommended to do this way once every day.
  • Alternatively, you can enjoy a glass of warm milk combined with almond oil (one teaspoon) before going to bed. You had better follow every night in order to enjoy healthier skin and sound sleep as well.

10. How To Treat Dry Skin With Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains soothing, antifungal and antiseptic properties that can help fight irritated, dry skin and prevent flaking as well. This simple remedy will help moisturize your skin as well as form one protective layer that will maintain the skin free from any type of impurities. For the most beneficial results, you can use it as follows:

  • Cut open a fresh leaf of aloe vera and next squeeze the gel out from it.
  • Then apply the gel on the dry skin. Allow it to sit for around 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • You should do this method two times every day.

Try these simple remedies to alleviate the discomfort coming from dry skin and improve its natural smooth and soft texture.

11. Castor Oil And Olive Oil

To bring a smooth and soft texture to the skin and get rid of its dryness, you should try a mixture of olive oil and castor oil. Here are step by step directions on how to treat dry skin on face & body naturally with this combination:

  • Blend olive oil (three parts) with castor oil (one part).
  • Apply this mixture on your face and on other areas of the body where your skin is dry.
  • Next soak one clean washcloth in some hot water, and later squeeze it.
  • After that, place this cloth over your body parts where having applied this oil mixture.
  • Allow it to remain till it cools down.
  • You can repeat this process at least 2-3 times until your skin feels smooth and soft.

12. Barley Flour, Mustard Oil,  And Turmeric Powder

This combination will make your skin soft, silky, and fair. Here are easy steps on how to treat dry skin naturally with this combination:

  • Take 2 table spoons of barley flour
  • Next add one table spoon of turmeric powder
  • Then add 2 tea spoons of mustard oil
  • Add water after that
  • Mix well to create a paste
  • Apply this paste on your affected skin parts
  • Leave it for about 10 minutes
  • Scrub it off with the palms
  • Finally bathe with lukewarm water

13. How To Treat Dry Skin With Chocolate Mask

Give the skin one chocolaty texture by using a chocolate mask. For the best results, all you need to do is make a mixture of cocoa powder (5 tablespoons), mashed avocado (2 tablespoons) and about four tablespoons of honey. Then apply this mixture on the face and body to have a glowing and soft skin as it will help to decrease blemishes and marks from the skin.

14. How to Treat Dry Skin – Mango

Seeking on how to treat dry skin with natural fruits, you should not pass mango. Mango is soothing for your skin while it also helps soften it. For the desirable results, what you need to do:

  • Take one fully ripe mango and next mash it.
  • Now, mix mashed mango (a teaspoon) with one teaspoon of sugar.
  • Then use the mixture to exfoliate the skin as a pre-mask.
  • After that, take the rest part of this mashed mango and mix it with argan oil (3 teaspoons).
  • Apply it on the face and allow it for around 20 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse it off.
15. Milk Cream And Lemon Pack

Here are some instructions on how to treat dry skin with milk cream and lemon pack:

  • First step is to take fresh milk cream (a teaspoon) and mix powdered turmeric (¼ teaspoon) and some lemon juice to this.
  • After that, apply this pack on your face and allow it remain for around 15 minutes.
  • Then, massage gently it for about five minutes and wash it off. This will leave the skin glowing and soft than ever before.
16. How To Treat Dry Skin With Beeswax Moisturizer

All you need is beeswax (1 ounce), almond oil (4 ounces), vitamin E oil (at least 10 drops), Vanilla essential oil and a double boiler. Then, put beeswax, almond oil and vitamin E oil into this double boiler and next heat them up, until they melt properly. Put them off from heat. Now, mix Vanilla essential oil with water (1/8 cup) in it. Stir for around 10 minutes. Lastly, pour the mixture into one jar or plastic bottle and restore it at room temperature to solidify. This beeswax moisturizer is ready to use.

17. Avocado And Papaya Paste

As you see, papaya is one of the popular fruits for dealing with dry skin naturally. It not only effectively removes scars but also reduces dryness.  Here are detailed directions on how to treat dry skin on face & body with this paste:

  • Make a paste by using 1 papaya slice, 1 banana and 1 avocado.
  • Apply it on your face & body and allow it for about 15 minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can also make one paste out of avocados and then apply it all over your face and body to help nourish the skin. This remedy is the most effective cure for dry skin on your face.
18. How To Treat Dry Skin With Banana Paste

For the better results, you just need to mash one ripe banana and then apply it like one face pack. Allow it for half an hour and then wash it off. Not just banana, but the peels of banana also contain a number of ingredients that are good and effective for your skin. The peel has a good amount of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals contributing to the wellbeing of your skin. Rubbing banana peel on your dry skin surface will help relieve skin inflammation as well as recover the smoothness and softness of the skin.

19. How to Treat Dry Skin – Sea Salt

Using sea salt is very good for treating dry skin naturally. All you need to do is to add a cup of sea salt to one tub of warm water and then soak for 20 minutes minimum to help nourish extremely dry skin. Alternatively, you can also combine 1 cup of coarse sea salt with vegetable glycerin (1/4 cup) to make a nourishing salt scrub for your dry skin. Then rub this mixture over the skin in one circular motion, and wash with warm water. You should do with an oil-based moisturizer for the best results. If you have open wounds you should not use the sea salt.

20. Papaya And Cucumber And Honey

Here are step by step directions on how to treat dry skin with the combination of papaya, cucumber, and honey:

  • Crush about three papaya pieces (or sliced papaya) with 1/3 part of cucumber.
  • Add in honey (two tablespoons) and mix all of these ingredients well.
  • Then apply this mixture as a mask and allow it on till it dries up.
  • Afterwards, rinse with lukewarm water. This will soften, hydrate and moisturize your skin.
21. Honey And Cornstarch

This remedy is one of the effective and easiest homemade moisturizers for treating dry skin naturally. Here are detailed directions on how to treat dry skin with the combination of honey and cornstarch:

  • All you need to do is mix cornstarch (threetablespoons) with water till one thick paste is formed.
  • Then, add in the preferred amount of honey in order to make the paste lighter and sticky.
  • Mix well and later apply on the dry areas. Allow it on for half an hour minimum. You can also do this before taking a bath.
22. Yogurt And Turmeric Powder

Here are detailed instructions on how to treat dry skin with the combination yogurt and turmeric powder:

  • Mix yogurt (three parts) with turmeric powder (halftablespoon). The purpose of adding the turmeric powder is to help in getting rid of the dead skin cells.
  • Then use this paste as one face scrub and wash right away after you scrub it for about 3 minutes.
  • After that, apply some honey and allow it on for around 10 minutes.
  • Finally, wash it off with lukewarm water.
23. How To Treat Dry Skin – Eat Fish

At least two times a week, eat some oily or cold-water fish like salmon or herring. These are high in omega-3 fatty acids that help keep the skin-cell membranes healthy. The other good sources of the fatty acids are avocados, walnuts, and flaxseed oil. Simply, you can mix flaxseed oil (2 tablespoons) each day into your morning oatmeal or your salad dressing.

24. Chamomile, Lavender, And Peppermint

Here are detailed instructions on how to treat dry skin with the combination of chamomile, lavender, and peppermint:

  • Take a pot or pan or and next fill it with two quarts (or two liters) of water. Then mix equal parts of fresh or dried chamomile, mint leaves, and lavender and add this mixture (4 tablespoons) to the water. After that, slowly heat it up till it starts to boil.
  • Then put it on a table in front of you and hang over this pan at a comfortable distance so its steam can clean the face.
  • Allow this up for about 15 minutes, then splash the face using cold water like in one real sauna and pat your skin dry gently with a towel. It is best to apply one natural oil or moisturizer to seal the skin off.
25. Yogurt, Cucumber, Oatmeal, And Honey Mask

Here are several directions on how to treat dry skin with this mask:

Get this:

  • Plain unflavored yogurt
  • 2 tablespoon of dark organic honey
  • Oatmeal
  • Cucumber

Do this:

  • Peel the cucumber and then cut it into many cubes. After that, put them in one food processor and next mash it.
  • Now, add enough of the honey, oatmeal and yogurt till you have a paste.
  • Apply this paste to your dry skin, lie down and allow it for around 10 to 15 minutes. Finally, rinse it off with alternately cold and then warm water.

Additional Tips:

  • Mix glycerine (a tablespoon), rose water (a tablespoon) along with lime juice (a tablespoon) and then apply it on the body and face.
  • Mix 1 egg with honey (a teaspoon) along with olive oil (½ teaspoon), and also add a little rosewater. Then put the egg and oil mixture on the face for some minutes. Egg is one conditioning agent that will make your face supple and soft as ever.
  • Take 3-4 almonds and next to soak them in some milk for one night. In the morning, crush these almonds to create a paste. Apply this paste on your dry skin at night before bedtime and leave it. Wash it off the following morning to get a soft and glowing skin.
  • Mix together some vanilla extract, baking soda as well as oatmeal to create a paste. Next to mix this paste in one tub of lukewarm water. Then soak in this water to remove the dry skin.
  • You can add 1-2 teaspoons of baby oil in the bath water for a long-lasting smoothness. Also, you can apply petroleum jelly or glycerine oil to get a soft skin.
  • Simply, massage the body with coconut oil before taking a shower, to get a soft skin. As you see, coconut oil contains excellent conditioning properties. It also helps nourish dry as well as damaged skin.
  • As you know, cucumber is really good for your skin as it is one natural moisturizer, and also works as one skin-lightening agent. For the best results, you need to grate a cucumber in to thin pieces. Now, spread it properly on your face. Leave it be for 30 minutes. You should repeat this remedy every day for around one week till you see a substantial difference.
  • Take 2 egg yolks and then beat them properly. After that, mix them up with olive oil (a tablespoon). Apply the mixture all over the body.
  • Take an egg yolk, milk powder (1 tablespoon) and honey (½ teaspoon). Now, mix all of these together and then apply it on the face. Rinse it off after about 20-25 minutes.
  • Yes, a fruit acts excellent in curing dry skin. Mash some avocado, papaya, and banana and mix curd (a tablespoon) in it. Now, dampen your skin face with one wet tissue and then, apply the mixture while rubbing it in one circular motion. Allow it to remain for about 10 minutes. Wash it off afterwards.
  • Mix honey (2 tablespoons) with milk (2 teaspoons) and apply it on the face and neck.  Allow it be for about 20 minutes, and then, wash it off with tepid water. This way will leave the skin well-moisturized.
  • Sesame oil is very good for treating flaky and dry skin. Rub the sesame oil all over the body before taking a bath. This way will make the skin supple.
  • Take wheat flour (4 tablespoons). Mix mustard oil (a teaspoon) and turmeric powder (half teaspoon) in it. Add water to create a paste of all the ingredients. Then apply this paste on the face, and allow it to dry for some time. Finally, use lukewarm water to rinse it off.
  • You can add lavender oil (a few drops) in your bath water to moisturize the body.
  • Mix little brown sugar with coconut oil or olive oil. You can also add a little honey to it. Then rub this mixture all over the body in one circular motion before taking a shower.

  • Egg yolk is also another very popular and easy home remedy for treating dry skin. Make a face pack by using 1 egg yolk, milk powder (1 teaspoon) and honey (1 teaspoon). Apply this paste on your face and all the dry parts. Allow it for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off with regular tap water.
  • Take honey (1 teaspoon) and mix it with rose water (1 teaspoon) and apply it on your face and neck. The face pack will cleanse your skin, tone it and make it glowing. This way is one of the most effective and useful treatments for dry skin.
  • Mix yolk of 1 egg with olive oil (1 teaspoon) and add a few drops of lime juice and rose water to this paste. Then apply this mixture on your face and allow it for about 15 minutes.  Wash it off with tap water and notice the miraculous result.
  • Take some olive, coconut or almond oil and massage your body prior to bathing. One hot oil massage will act even better. This easy way will make the skin smooth and soft and will keep the moisture post bath.
  • Curd has high amount of anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties that is well known to make your skin radiant and soft. Then apply plain curd or also mix with some honey and lime (a few drops). Allow it on your skin for 10 minutes minimum and then wash it off. This face pack will really work wonder for your skin.
  • Soak a few almonds entire night, peel the skin and then grind to one fine paste. Add raw milk (2 teaspoons), gram flour (1 teaspoon) and lemon juice (a few drops) to this paste. Later apply this face pack on your face and allow it for about 20 minutes. Then wash it off this paste while gently massaging your skin with lukewarm water. This will not only improve the skin tone but will also relieve dry skin.
  • Mix fresh cream (one teaspoon) with turmeric powder (¼ teaspoon) and lemon juice (a few drops). Apply this mixture on the face and allow it for about 15 minutes. Then massage your face till five minutes and finally wash off.
  • Eat foods rich in proteins minerals and vitamins.  You should include vitamin rich foods in your daily diet like milk, eggs, cream, mushrooms, legumes, nut, peas, carrots, oranges and spinach.
  • Grateone apple and then apply it on your dry skin. Leave it for around 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Makea tea from chamomile flowers (3/4 tablespoons) in boiled water (1 glass). Filter or strain it and then enjoy. You can also add honey or lemon to improve your taste.
  • Take6 leaves of dandelion, tear them up and next put them in one cup. Then pour boiling water on it and allow it for around 5 to 10 minutes. Finally strain it. Dandelion contains quite a bitter taste so you can add honey for taste.
  • Bruisepacked mint leaves (1/2 cup) in a tea pot, then add green tea (2 tablespoons) and then pour boiling water (4 cups) on it. Leave it for around 5 to 10 minutes and afterwards strain it. You can add lemon and honey to taste.

If you want to know more about natural, at home remedies for other diseases and conditions, go to our main Home Remedies  page. After reading the article of top 25 simple ways on how to treat dry skin naturally, hope that it can help you find out the best remedy to help cope with dry skin fast without any side effect. All these ways are very effective in treating dry skin. However these ways will take some times to deal with dry skin but their results are long lasting. If you have any question, or you know other way for skin lightening, please leave them below. Also you can share the experience if you know any other dry skin treating remedies to us.

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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