How To

24 Ways on How to Deal With Panic Attacks Naturally Without Drugs

Sometimes you may be hit by a tidal wave of fear, anxiety, and panic that make you feel awful and depressed. Your physical body will respond to those emotional feeling by trembling, headache, dizziness. You may think that is the end and you are dying or going crazy. This is an awful feeling and many people who suffer from it do not know what it is and how to deal with it for months or even years. Therefore, in this article, I would like to introduce to you the effective tips and techniques on how to deal with panic attacks naturally without drugs that help you to overcome this awful feeling.

How To Deal With Panic Attacks Naturally Without Drugs – Effective Tips And Techniques Forever

Panic attacks are also called anxiety attacks, which can lead to physical sensation of fear. For example, the patients with panic attacks may experience dizziness, racing heartbeat, trembling, shortness of breath, and muscle tension. It is said that panic attacks can occurs frequently, suddenly and unexpectedly, however, panic attack occurrence does not mean you are facing external threat. A panic attack will last for a couple of minutes or even for half an hour. However, the emotional and physical effects caused by panic attacks can last for a few hours. Although, not many people know about panic attacks or how to deal with it, this condition is very common in people. Everyone at any ages can have a panic attack in their life. About 35 percent of the population in America gets panic attacks at some times during their lives.

If panic attacks are not treated, it will become more prolonged and more frequent issues. For a long time, it will be severely disabling. As the result, patients with panic attacks may want to avoid some situations in which they fear of occurring of panic attacks. They will want to be alone and never go out with their friends or family. Panic attacks can become panic disorder during period of illness or stress. The persistent anxiety reoccurs frequently and unexpectedly. However, how do you know you are suffering panic attacks? You will know it with the signs or symptom of this condition. They include heighten vigilance for danger, irrational and anxious thinking, awful feeling for danger, dread, fear of losing control, going crazy, dizziness, chills and tingling in your hands and arms, sweating, shaking or trembling, hot flushes, racing heartbeat, a sensation of constriction in your chest, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, abdominal distress or nausea, muscle tension, dry mouth and a sensation of unreality from surrounding environment.

There are many causes of panic attacks. However, you should see the doctor to make sure that the physical panic-like symptoms are not caused by illness such as asthma, diabetes, inner ear complaints, hyperthyroidism, cardiac complaints and post-partum hyperthyroidism. We have different approaches for panic attacks, including medications, psychotherapy, biofeedback therapy, stress management techniques, proper breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, problem-solving skill training, and lifestyle change. However, if you can, please reduce an amount of medications or drugs you use to treat panic attacks. The possible reason may be that these medications and drugs will cause some unwanted side effects. There are some effective techniques and tips on how to deal with panic attacks naturally without drugs I would like to introduce to the readers of AllRemedies. If you concern, please read the article bellow to know more.

1. Get Used To The Scary Sensation

This is the first tip on how to deal with panic attacks. Even though, the fear, anxiety and panic may be the last thing you want to try, you need to face it and get used to this awful sensation or feeling. It is bad for you to escape or avoid those situations. It does not make the symptoms of anxiety attacks disappear if you continue to avoid them. Hear me. The best way to face it is getting used to the symptoms of this condition. You need to interpret these symptoms including pounding heart or feeling of lightheaded. It is needed to understand that those awful feelings and sensations do not mean you are dying. Therefore, include those feeling or symptoms you are afraid of and practice them outside the situation of a panic attack. As soon as possible, you will not see the pounding heart, trembling or fear as the signs of danger anymore.

It is important to know that your body can fight against the physical or emotional panic response such as racing heart, headache or a tight throat. 

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“More time you spend on practicing your own symptoms, more possibilities you will control and begin to habituate them.”

I mean that your brain will become bored. Specifically, if you are afraid of heart pounding, you should run on the treadmill. If you are terrified of dizziness, you can sit in an office chair and let it spin around. Or you fear of shortness of breath, you can practice this feeling by breathing the coffee. Fear of lightheadedness? You can crouch and stand up quickly afterward. This tip will be effective and you need to try. By practicing with those symptoms regularly, you will find yourself overcome it soon. Be patient even though it seems difficult for you.

2. Bring it on

This tip on how to deal with panic attacks sounds strange but it is effective. Bringing it on, you will make your body stop finding the reason for panic. It means that whenever you start worrying and are about to have a panic attack, you should tell yourself: “Hey body, I am not afraid of. So, why do not you bring it on? Give me your best shot.” Surprisingly, being willing to panic attacks will help you to stop anxiety and the cycle of fear escalation. Panic will go away as soon as you try to fight panic and anxiety by yourself. When you try to escape or avoid those situations, it will make your emotional and physical body response get worse and become more persistent. If you welcome the sensation of being anxiety and panic, your body will not find any reason to fear anymore.

3. The Anxiety Is Not Realty

It is important to know that anxiety is not reality. When you fear about something which will happen, you need to calm down and tell yourself that “Stop worrying because nothing worse will happen to you”. For example, when you have the ringing phone at 3 a.m, it makes you feel anxious and panic. Some patients with frequent panic may interpret the panic that it could mean someone in their family have trouble, someone is dread or your children are in the emergency room. In fact, it could also mean somebody calls a wrong number, a prank call or your friend who is abroad got his mixed up time zones. Until you get this phone call, it is still the product of your interpretation. So why do not you stop thinking seriously and pick up your phone? It is the same as anxiety or panic. Instead of thinking that “I am dying or I am going crazy”, why do not you interpret that anxiety is not something dangerous. It is just anxiety which you have faced before and can fight it against.

4. Start With Positive New Thought

The thought is very important. Negative thought will make the symptoms of panic attacks get worse while positive thought will make you feel better. As the technique on how to deal with panic attacks naturally, you should start with positive new thought. Unfortunately, most of patients with unexpected panic always keep on negative thought like “ Am I having panic attack?” or “I am scared, I am dying and going crazy. I will throw up and people will laugh at me”. Those thought will go on and lead you to the cycle of fear escalation. So next time, when you have panic attacks, you should try your best to talk back to your though in the positive new way. Thinking about something happy or interesting happening in your life or some satisfactory achievement you got will help you to become better and more positive. One of my friends who frequently get panic attacks has tried this technique and saw the great result.

5. Slowly Get Yourself Into Panic Situation

This treatment on how to deal with panic attacks without drugs takes time. Therefore you should be patient and try your best. Because facing the panic situation immediately is difficult and impossible, you can slowly get yourself into panic situation that you fear. Specifically, when you are afraid of doing exercise in the fitness class because of heart pounding, you may want to stop exercise and never come back to your fitness class.

However, you can overcome it by doing two things. Firstly, you should try to think that your heart can handle with exertion. The second thing is getting your heart rate up a little bit at one time. Every day, try jogging a few steps and then around the block. By doing that, you can overcome the anxiety of racing heart and come back to your fitness class. Some people can be afraid of being in crowded movie theater. The effective tip for them is to try sitting in the seat close to the exit of the movie theater as possible as you can. For the next time, you should move up to the couple rows. And third step is sitting in the couple seats. However, you need to make sure that the current step is easy and you do not feel panic any more before going up to the next step.

6. Breathing Exercise

If you have panic attacks or panic disorder, the deep breathing exercise is the most effective technique on how to deal with panic attacks that I want to show you. Moreover, this technique is also effective in treating other anxiety disorders. Trying breathing exercise will help to soothe the panic symptoms. Have you experience the difficulty in breathing? You may want to breathe. However, the harder you try, the worse emotional and physical symptoms become. When you feel shortness of breath and it may feel like you cannot catch your breath, it does not mean you do not have enough air. In fact, you are talking and breathing. You are not dying. Therefore, it is not dangerous symptoms. However, this symptom will make you feel scared and uncomfortable to face it. You want to treat or deal with it. Somebody may tell you when you have panic attack “Please take the deep breath”. However, it seems unhelpful and incomplete. The possible reason may be that you do not know how to take breath even though it is the good advice. The good breathing exercise I would like to mention bellow will help you to know how to take deep breath.

The breathing technique does not help you too much because you forget to exhale. Do you understand what I mean? If not, please do these steps. Put one hand on the chest and other hand on your belly. Firstly, breathe shallowly from the chest several times. After that, try to take deep breath. You need to make sure that when you inhale, you do not use your diaphragm or your belly but use your chest muscle. The swallow and short breath will make you feel uncomfortable because you tighten your chest to unpleasant degree. You may feel dizzy or lightheaded because breath using chest muscle will lead to the same sensation as hyperventilation. As the result, you may experience racing heart.

Therefore, it is recommended belly breathing exercise for patients with panic attacks. Firstly, you put one hand on your belly and other hand on your chest. You need to use your hands in order to know what parts of your body and what muscle you use to breathe. Secondly, you open your mouth and sigh gently. When you do that, relax your shoulders and muscles of your upper body. Exhale gently. The key of sign is that you should not completely empty your lung. Just need to relax your tension muscles of your body. After that, close your mouth. Pause for a couple of seconds. With closed mouth, inhale through your nose by pushing the stomach out. Pause to finish that inhale. The time you pause depends on the size of your lung. Some people can pause longer. You should pause whatever time you feel comfortable. It is important to breathe slowly and gently because it will keep you calm down. Open your mouth and exhale all the air in your lung by pulling the belly in. Pause and relax. Repeat these steps several times until you feel better. This breathing exercise steps seem easy but effective. Therefore, you should follow them whenever you get panic attacks.

7. Sleep

We all know that sleep plays the important role in restoring your energy and healing physical and emotional problems by itself. The reason is that sleeping will give you time to relax. The brain intension caused by lack of sleep will increase the risk of developing panic attacks. Therefore, as the way on how to deal with panic attacks, it is recommended sleeping at least 8 hours daily.

Unfortunately, one type of panic attacks is nocturnal panic attacks which can happen at night and wake you up for no good reason. People do not know why and how it happens. When they experience from panic attacks at night, they begin to worry about something bad and ominous which will happen. However, recent studies have found out that 50-70% of people with panic attack will face this issue at least once at night.  Therefore, it is unusual when you are awaked at 2 or 3 a.m. Because there are a few explanations about that, it seems difficult for people to understand why it happens at night. The causes of nocturnal panic attacks still remain unknown. However, we all know that while sleeping, the brain still works.

It is reasonable to assume that the process of nocturnal panic attacks is the same as the process of daytime panic attacks. And you may have symptoms at night like symptoms during the day. When you are awaken at night due to nocturnal panic attacks, it has low possibility for you to fall asleep again. The longer you lie in your bed, the more frustration and panic you will experience. Therefore, one helpful advice that I want to suggest for patients with nocturnal panic attacks is that getting up. Make you fully awake by splashing the water on your face. You should drink some water and do ordinary things such as checking your dog or cat. Although the nocturnal panic attacks are not the usual nightmare, you can treat it like that. You should not turn on your television. Instead, try doing a boring thing in order to make you asleep again. For example, reading is recommended. If you still feel difficult to sleep, it is better to do menial chore such as scrubbing the tub. These laborious, boring and uncomfortable things will make you feel tired and asleep. After that, you can turn in your bed when you are willing to sleep.

8. Meditation

Like deep breathing exercise, meditation is also considered as one of the effective ways on how to deal with panic attacks. According to recent research, meditation will help you to improve your emotion by reducing activation of amygdala. The Harvard School of Medicine has said that meditation will give you many psychological and physical benefits by making changes in brain connectivity. Therefore, you should build regular meditation routine as the way to help you fight against anxiety and conquer fear. One kind of meditation I would like to introduce to you is Mantra meditation. Mantra meditation is not only spiritual experience but also physical qualities that are added to make it beneficial. Mantra meditation includes slowed breathing; therefore, it is effective in treating hyperventilation. When you have panic attacks, it will give you healthy and productive activity to do. Moreover, it will calm your mind; as a result, you will find the significant relief for symptoms of panic attacks.

9. Yoga

Yoga was originated in India over 5000 years ago. Yoga practice means a joining of your body, mind and spirit. Yoga practice includes deep breath, movements, meditation, and relaxation; as a result, yoga will help you to restore your energy and improve your personal balance as well as enhance the inflexibility. Because many studies and researches have shown the effectiveness of yoga in stress reduction, it is not surprising that yoga is an effective way to manage panic, tear and anxiety. There are many uncomfortable and unpleasant symptoms caused by anxiety and panic attacks, including feeling of tension, pain sensitivity, and tightness.

Yoga postures will help you to ease these physical discomforts. Doing yoga practice, you will stretch, balance and lengthen your muscle. As a result, it will relieve the muscle tension and stiffness in your body. Moreover, yoga practice not only reduces physical symptoms but also gets rid of negative and anxious thoughts. Visualization, meditation and focusing on a deep breath will remove the worry and fear present in your thoughts. Yoga practice will boost the relaxation response and allow your mind and body to retain a sense of ease and calm. In addition to, it is recommended practicing yoga in a class, where you can communicate and socialize with other people. The patients with panic attacks and agoraphobia always suffer from the sense of isolation and loneliness. Yoga becomes the helpful and effective exercise for people who want to seek for relaxation, stress relief and spiritual growth. Fortunately, there are many yoga classes which can help you with that area. Some yoga instructors can offer the suitable classes for you to treat your specific issues such as depression and anxiety. You should check out different recreation centers, yoga studios, community classes and spas in order to find the class you need.

10. Diet

Besides exercise and techniques on how to deal with panic attacks that I mention before, healthy diet will help you to fight against the anxiety too. It is a mistake when you do not eat properly because of anxiety or panic attacks. Some people skip their meal while some have emotional eating by putting their mouth with a lot of sugary snacks. When you have panic attacks, you feel like you are dying or out of energy. It is important to provide your body energy we lose. We can do that by the food we eat. It is said that a poor diet can increase the risk of developing some symptoms of panic attacks, including lightheaded, digestive problem, headaches, jelly legs, faintness, and fear.

The reason may be that you have low blood pressure. So, before recognizing that you have panic or anxiety attacks, you should eat something sweet. For the patients with frequent and unexpected panic attacks, it is important to eat little but often in order to keep their blood sugar levels under control throughout the day. Firstly, we need to see the importance of breakfast to our health. We spend 7 or 8 hours in bed. When we wake up in the morning, our blood sugar levels may be low. We should eat breakfast in order for our body to adjust. If you go out without eating anything, your body may have panicky feeling and you may develop panic attacks. It is good and excellent to eat something containing complex carbohydrates and protein because these foods will help to keep your blood sugar level under control. Carbohydrates can be absorbed quickly in our body.

Moreover, in order to keep panic attacks at bay or lower the risk of anxiety or panic, you should avoid any factors that can aggravate fear, worrying, anxiety and lead to panic attacks. Among harmful factors, caffeine ranks at the top. Many people find the relief for anxiety and panic when they reduce their caffeine consumption. Caffeine reduce will make them feel calmer and have better sleep. The possible reason may be that caffeine will stimulate the neuro-transmitter norepinephrine in your brain and make your feel more alert and awake.  Caffeine will also make you more susceptible to stress and anxiety by increasing sympathy nervous system activity and releasing adrenaline. As a result, you will easily fall into chronically aroused, intense condition. Too much caffeine will trigger stress and anxiety by depleting vitamin B, which is anti-stress vitamin. Therefore, you should limit the caffeine intake by avoiding the high-caffeine foods and drinks such as chocolate, tea, cocoa and cola. Moreover, you should stay away from fizzy drinks and sugary snacks. Water is the beneficial drink to keep you hydrated and healthy. Moreover, sipping water slowly is also a tip on how to deal with panic attacks and alleviate your anxiety. Therefore you should bring a bottle of water with you. Whenever you feel anxious or worried, you should take a little sip.

11. Foods That Ease Anxiety

We all know that diet plays the important role in preventing panic attacks at bay. However, which foods can make us calmer and get out of panic attacks? There are many particular foods which can act as the stimulants to make you calmer. If you have stress, anxiety or panic attacks, include these foods in your diet in order to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and stress. As a result, it will lower the risk of panic attacks. If you want to change your diet, you should to know which foods can help you to boost your mood and which foods you need to avoid because they can cause depression.

The first food that you should know is whole grain foods. Whole grain foods are beneficial for your health. Moreover, eating these foods will help you to alleviate the anxiety symptoms and keep the panic attacks at bay. The possible reason may be that whole grain has the great source of magnesium. It is said that lack of magnesium in your diet will easily cause anxiety, stress and increase the risk of developing panic attacks. Another reason is whole grain has tryptophan that can become serotonin. Serotonin is a calming neurotransmitter. Moreover, whole grain can reduce the sensation of hunger. Hunger can lead to anxiety and panic attacks. Another food that you should eat is seaweed.

Like whole grains, seaweed has many benefits for your physical and psychological health. Seaweed has the great source of magnesium and contains tryptophan content. Therefore, eating seaweed can help you to find the temporary relief for anxiety and stress.

Blueberries are not only the delicious fruit but also considered as the superfood on how to deal with panic attacks. The possible reason may be that blueberries are rich in phytonutrients and vitamins with antioxidant properties that are effective in relieving stress and anxiety. Because of calming effects, you should eat blueberries.

Beside blueberries, acai berries are also the foods which can give the sedation effects. Although acai berries do not help you to lose weight like people thought, acai berries are high in phytonutrients like blue berries and the antioxidant properties which will make you calm.

It is recommended bringing a handful of almonds with you. If you have anxiety or fear, you should eat some almonds to calm your mind and keep the symptoms under control before getting panic attacks. Almonds contain zinc which is a key nutrient for mood balance and emotion control. Furthermore, almonds contain healthy fats and iron. Some people think fat is not good and want to exclude any fats in their diet. However, it is the mistake.  Healthy fats which are present in almonds, salmons and other beneficial foods have the important role in a balanced diet that you should not miss. Iron deficiency will cause brain fatigue and be the factor for panic and anxiety attacks. Lack of iron does not give you enough energy to do daily activities.

Beside almonds, you can bring a bar of chocolate with you. When you suffer from panic attacks, taking small bite of chocolate will give you the temporary relief. When you want to eat chocolate as the effective way on how to deal with panic attacks, it is recommended choosing dark chocolate which is not added any milks or sugars. Chocolate is beneficial food for people who have to live with stress and anxiety or experience frequent, unexpected panic attacks. Eating chocolate will reduce cortisol which is known as the stress hormone. In addition to, this food contain active compounds that can help you to improve your mood.

The final food that I want to introduce to you on AllRemedies is maca root. Maca root is not available in grocery stores; however, maca root powder can be added into several beverages and foods which you can find in a variety of healthy food stores. Like other fruits and vegetable I mentioned before, maca root has the great source of phytonutrients, including iron and magnesium which can help you to reduce stress and anxiety. Consuming maca root will boost your immune system and give you enough energy.

Not only foods but also any things which contain vitamin B12, magnesium, antioxidant and zinc are effective in treating and prevent panic attacks.  Therefore, herbal supplements such as passionflower or kava may be beneficial for emotion control and mood balance. But if you want to take these supplements, you should consult your doctor first to ask him about what is the suitable amount of supplements taken daily. Overuse of these supplements can lead to some unwanted side effects and consequences.

12. Chamomile

A studies carried out by Clinical Psychopharmacology found out that chamomile can help you to reduce the symptoms of mild or moderate panic attacks. Chamomile is rich in magnesium and calcium, effective and important nutrients that can alleviate the symptoms of panic attacks. It is also said that some active compounds present in chamomile have sedation temporary benefits which can work well for anxiety and panic attacks like drugs such as Valium. However, chamomile does not have any unwanted side effects. It is good for you. Drinking chamomile tea will make your calmer and more relaxed.

In order to make chamomile tea, you will need dried chamomile flowers. Add these two teaspoons dried chamomile flowers into a cup of boiling water. Cover it to let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain it. If you find this tea taste is difficult to drink, you should add some honey. It is recommended drinking two cups of chamomile tea every day to achieve the great relaxation and prevent the panic attacks at bay.

Alternatively, if you do not have time to prepare chamomile tea, the easy and convenient way that I want to recommend is taking chamomile supplement. You can have the greater result if you combine taking chamomile supplement with drinking chamomile tea. Recent studies have found out there is 1.2%apigenin, an active ingredient which can treat anxiety. A study has conducted by the UniversityofPennsylvania Medical Center, in Philadelphia showed the significant decrease of panic attacks symptoms in people who take chamomile supplement for 8 weeks. The result is more satisfactory when compared with people who take placebo instead. However, before taking this treatment, you should consult the doctor for proper and suitable dosage in order to make sure that it does not cause any unwanted side effects. It is recommended taking 400 to 1,600 milligrams of chamomile supplements daily for great result.

13. L-theanine

It is said that Japanese Buddhist monks can meditate for hours. The reason is that they take L-theamine, an amino acid present in the green tea, according to Mark Blumenthal who works at the American Botanical Council. Many studies and researches showed that increasing the L-theanine intake will help you to calm the racing heart and lower raising blood pressure. Therefore, green tea is considered as effective home remedy  on how to deal with panic attacks.  According to a study, the students who live with frequent and unexpected panic attacks are calmer and can pay attention to the test after they drink green tea or take 200 milligrams of L-theanine. In order to treat or prevent panic attacks at bay, you can drink green tea as many as you can. You can drink three or five cups of green tea which contain L-theanine. Alternatively, you can take L-theanine supplement instead. However, if you want to take this supplement, you should consult the doctor for proper dosage first.

14. Hops

Another home remedy on how to deal with panic attacks is hops. Hops are present in beer. However, drinking beer does not provide you the tranquilizing benefits. Because the sedative compound in hops is volatile oil, you can utilize and get the beneficial benefits of volatile oil from tinctures or extracts. You can take aromatherapy using hop pillows. When you drink hops tea, it is difficult to consume due to bitter taste. However, you can combine it with mint or chamomile. According to Blumenthal, hops are effective in promoting a good sleep like another herb valerian. Taking hop supplement can be considered. However, if you are taking a prescription for sedative or tranquilizer, you should not consume this sedative herb. Please let your doctor know what supplements you are taking before trying this sedative herb.

15. Valerian

As I mentioned before, valerian is the herbal solution for panic attacks and sleep problems. Some herbal supplements can help you to get rid of panic attacks without making you sleepy as L-theanine while some herbal treatment is sedative which can be used to treat sleep deprivation. It is said that valerian can calm your nervous nerves. Valerian has sedative compounds. Because consuming valerian is safer than taking any sleep aid drugs or medication, it has been approved as the solution for sleep deprivation by the German government. Because of nasty smell, people take valerian as a tincture or capsule rather than drinking valerian tea.

But in this article, I still introduce to you the recipe and steps to make valerian tea. You need to add 2 teaspoons of chopped valerian root in a cup of cold water. Cover it for 8 to 10 hours. After that, strain the water and drink it through the day for the best result. Taking valerian supplement still needs you to consult the doctor for suitable dosage in order to avoid any unwanted side effects. Commonly, patients with frequent and unexpected attacks should take 400 to 900 milligrams of valerian extract in the evening. If you want to try this treatment, you should take it before bedtime. If you take it before going to work, it can make you feel sleepy and less focused on your work. Valerian treatment should be combined with other sedative herbs like chamomile, hops and lemon balm. Although German government has approved valerian as the treatment for sleep disorder or panic attacks, it is important to know that expectant and nursing mothers should avoid this herb.

16. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is named after the Greek words and is also called Melissa officinalis. Lemon balm has been wildly used to treat anxiety and stress since the Middle Ages. Moreover, lemon balm is also effective in treating any sleep problems by calming your nervous nerves. A study conducted with healthy volunteers showed that people who utilized lemon balm extracts were calmer than others who took a placebo. Although using lemon balm for sleep deprivation and anxiety is proven to be safe, some studies have found out that too much lemon balm can actually make you feel more anxious. Therefore, it is important to start slowly with a small dose. You should also follow the doctor’s direction in order to make sure that you do not experience any unwanted side effects due to overuse. Lemon balm is available in many forms, such as capsule, tea or tincture. It will be better if you combine lemon balm with other sedative herbs such as chamomile, hops and valerian

17. Daily Exercise

Beside yoga, meditation, breathing exercise, other daily exercise is also effective and beneficial for your brain as well as physical health. It is said that exercise is considered as an excellent antidote for anxiety and depression. It can give both temporary and long term benefits. According to Drew Ramsey who is Assistant Clinic Professor of Psychiatry working at a hospital in New York, exercising on the regular basis will improve your self-system and make you feel healthier. It is the fact that people who exercise daily experience less risk of panic attack than people who do not exercise. The possible reason may be that when you exercise, you will increase the “feel good” hormones and decrease the stress hormone in your body. Moreover, exercise can help you to burn extra energy that contributes to panic feeling. You just need to do regular exercise to prevent panic attacks at bay.

I would like to recommend aerobic exercise or daily walking for 30 minutes every day to help you. One of trigger for anxiety and panic attacks is worrying about your health and illness. The worrying and anxiety will disappear on its own if you are fit.

18. Passion Flower

Passion flower is another remedy that helps you to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. Moreover, using passion flower also help panic attack-prone people to keep this condition and awful feeling at bay. Passion flower contains flavonoids such as benzoflavone and chrysin, which can boost the amount of gamma aminobutyric acid in your brain. As a result, it will help you to reduce stress as well as anxiety. Because of its safety and effectiveness, passion flower has been approved as the treatment for panic attacks, anxiety, and stress by the German government. Moreover, beside the effectiveness for anxiety, passion flower is also used to treat insomnia naturally because this herb contains sedative properties. Utilizing passion flower will keep the nervous nerve calm. This herb is available in the market as the form of tincture, tea or capsule.

Although passion flower is safe for your health, it is still important to take passion flower treatment under the supervision of an experienced herbalist. The reason is that overuse of this herb can disrupt or deteriorate motor and mental functions. Moreover, breastfeeding or pregnant women should avoid using passion flower. Like other sedative herbs, passion flower can help you to resolve the sleep problems but can cause drowsiness and sleepiness. Therefore, patients with panic attacks should not take passion flower treatment when they are using other sedative herbs or taking a sedative prescription. You should take passion flower treatment in the evening when you are willing to go to bed rather than taking it before work. You should be careful when combining many sedative herbs at the same time. Furthermore, do not take passion flower treatment longer than one month.

19. Lavender

Because of intoxicating aroma of lavender, this herb is considered as effective remedy for panic attacks. Lavender has another name which is Lavandulahybrida. Lavender has anti-inflammatory properties. According to Greek study, many dentists use lavender scent in order to make the dental patients feel less anxious. The lavender oil scent will keep your minds of patients calm. A Florida study has found out that students who inhaled lavender oil scent before the test feel less anxious than people who do not. However, some students participating in this study said that lavender oil scent make their mind fuzzy. A German study has been conducted to show that taking formulated lavender pills can alleviate the symptoms in people who are diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Lavender has the same benefits as lorazepam which is an anti-anxiety medication.

Beside inhaling lavender oil as I mentioned above, you can take lavender as the form of tea, tincture or capsule. In order to make lavender tea, you need to add two teaspoons of dried lavender powder into a cup of boiling water. Cover it and wait for a few minutes. Strain the water and let cool down for a little bit. After that, it is recommended sipping lavender tea throughout the day for the great result. In order to make it taste better, you should add a little of chamomile and honey into this tea. Lavender tincture can help you to boost relaxation and sleep. Therefore, you should take lavender tincture before bedtime, not before work because it can lead to drowsiness and sleepiness.

The effective way to utilize lavender that I want to introduce to you is adding dried lavender to homemade pillows or sleep masks. It will not only make you sleep better but also prevent the panic attacks at bay. Because of sedative properties, you should not use lavender treatment together with medications or other sedative herbs that can make you relaxed or sleepy. The pregnant women should not utilize this treatment.

20. Eat Omega-3s

We all know that omega-3s are beneficial nutrient for your health but not many people know that omega-3s can help anxiety-prone people to fight against the depression. Therefore, as the way on how to deal with anxiety attacks naturally without drugs, you should increase the omega-3s. In a study, it is shown that students who took 2.5 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acid daily for 12 weeks to see the significant relief for anxiety before test.

It is recommended taking omega-3s from foods as much as you can. Omega-3 fatty acid is present in cold-water fishes such as salmon. A six-ounce salmon can contain 3.75 grams of omega-3s. Beside salmon, the great sources of omega-3s include sardines, anchovies, and mussels. If you cannot take enough omega-3s from foods, the alternative way is taking omega-3s supplements which are available in every health store. However, you should be careful if you want to choose this treatment because too much omega-3s can cause problems for your health.

21. Hot Treatment

It is said if you want to look for the ways on how to deal with panic attacks, you should not ignore hot treatment. Have you ever asked yourself sitting in the sauna or a steam room will make you feel relaxed? The possible explanation is that heating up solution will reduce your muscle tension and anxiety.  Warmth sensation will alter the neural circuits which contribute to mood balance. Moreover, the warmth also affects the serotonin releasing. Heating up has the same benefits as exercising. According to some studies conducted, lying on the beach of Caribbean island under the sun, relaxing in the spa or sauna after work, or taking the hot bath or Jacuzzi will make you calm and have the good spirit. When you take a hot bath, you can add a little of essential oil you like such as chamomile, lavender or rose oil in a bathtub in order to achieve the more satisfactory result. The carried oil such as jojoba oil can be added for the health benefits. You should soak in the hot bath and relax for about 15 to 20 minutes. If you do not have time or money to go to the spa or sauna, you can take a hot bath whenever you need to fight against the stress or anxiety.

22. Walk In The Forest

Japanese called this treatment Shinrin-yoku which means “forest bath” literally. Japanese researchers have seen the significant positive body and mind changes when people took a walk in the beautiful forest for 20 minutes. It is said that the sounds of running stream and the woodsy smell will make your mind calmer and relaxed. It is said that a forest bath can help you to reduce the level of stress hormone. People who often take a walk in the forest have less hormone stress than those who did it in the urban area.

23. Ginseng

Because of being adaptogen, ginseng can help you to reduce the symptoms of panic attacks. Some studies have found out that ginseng can fight against the anxiety and depression because it will decrease the intensity of body’s reaction to stressors. Moreover, ginseng has calming effects on the nervous nerves. You should simmer five or six slices of ginseng in three cups of water. Boil with low heat for 15 minutes. After that, strain the water. Let it cool for a little bit. If you want to make it taste better, you can add a little honey into it. For better result, it is recommended drinking three cups of ginseng tea daily. The alternative way is taking ginseng supplement which has the same benefits as drinking ginseng tea. However, you should consult the doctor first before deciding to take ginseng supplement. People who are taking high blood pressure medications or drugs should avoid using ginseng.

24. Massage

Another way on how to deal with panic attack naturally is massage. It is said that giving your massage relief daily will helps you to alleviate the intensity and frequency of panic attacks. Massage process will calm your nervous nerves and make your mind relaxed. When you do massage treatment, you can use aroma-essential oil to promote relaxation. You can utilize oils such as olive, sesame and coconut oil if you like. Firstly, you should warm the oil. After that, apply the oil to massage your neck, shoulders, back and your feet. If you have time or condition, you should do massage treatment daily in order to achieve the maximum benefits.

These are 24 techniques and home remedies on how to deal with panic attacks naturally without drugs I would like to introduce to you on If you find this article helpful and effective, please let me know by leaving your comments bellow. I will answer as soon as I can. Thank you for reading. I will appreciate with your contribution

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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