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Top 15 Natural Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment

Have you ever experienced persistent sensations in your legs which keep you awake while the rest of your body is ready to sleep? Or have some people told you that it is inside your head? And sometimes you have some symptoms such as pulling, creeping, throbbing and an uncontrollable urge to move your legs. In addition, they become more prominent at night when you are at rest or you are relaxing. If you have these symptoms, you may have restless leg syndrome. But don’t worry. Even though it is associated with obesity, nerve disease, heart disease, kidney failed, pregnancy, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, iron deficiency, and anemia, there are some ways you can treat it. You can have prescription according to the doctor. Or you can apply some natural home remedies to treat it at home. Do you want to know what they are? If your answer is “yes”, please continue reading this article on our page which will present to you the best natural home remedies for restless leg syndrome treatment that you can follow to get rid of it at home.

Top 15 Natural And Effective Home Remedies For Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment

These are 15 natural and effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome treatment which can help you to reduce the symptoms of restless leg syndrome:

1. Chamomile Tea

In order to cure the symptoms of restless leg syndrome, chamomile tea is the best choice.

This herb can relieve the symptoms of restless leg syndrome as well as reduce stress. If you want to use this remedy, just follow these steps below:

  • Prepare a teaspoon of dried chamomile herb as well as a cup of boiling water
  • Pour the herb into the water
  • Let it steep for about 10 minutes
  • Strain the tea
  • Drink this tea twice a day
  • Continue every day for a better night’s sleep until all the symptoms are gone away

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2. Baking Soda

If you want restless leg syndrome to be taken away, you ought to baking soda as this way:

  • Now take a teaspoon of baking soda
  • Then put it into warm water
  • Soak your legs in this solution for 10 or 15 minutes
  • Do this remedy every day before you go to bed

This process will give you a relief from restless leg syndrome. That’s why it is concerned as one of the effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Also, you can use apple cider vinegar for this case. It can help to balance your pH levels in your body along with improving absorption of nutrients. Here is the way you can follow in order to treat restless legs syndrome

  • First add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of lukewarm water
  • Then slowly sip it
  • Finally, leave it on for about 30 minutes before you go to bed
  • Do this procedure every day

Alternatively, it’s a good idea to consume apple cider vinegar tablets. But remember that you should ask the doctor before applying this method

Moreover, you can gently rub a small amount of apple cider vinegar on your legs before you go to bed every night

4. Hot And Cold Foot Soak

When you get restless legs syndrome, hot and cold foot soak is also a wonderful option for you. Why can it be said a wonderful option? Because the heat can promote the blood circulation meanwhile the cold can reduce inflammation. Plus, when using this foot soak, the cramping is reduced and the pain is eased. This is the detailed instruction for you:

  • Now fill a bucket with bearable hot water while filling another with cold water
  • Then put your feet in the first bucket with hot water for 3 minutes
  • After that, dip your feet in the second bucket for 20 – 60 seconds
  • Do this process again two or three times
  • Keep doing this procedure twice per day daily for the best result

5. Black Strap Molasses

Talking about some natural and effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome, you should know this herb called black strap molasses. It is a rich source of iron which can help to treat restless leg syndrome. In addition, iron can help to transport oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body’s cells. Besides, black strap molasses has potassium as well as calcium. And here is the detailed recipe for you:

  • Now prepare a tablespoon of black strap molasses as well as a cup of water
  • Then stir the ingredients well together
  • Drink this solution 30 minutes before you go to bed
  • Do this method once a day daily for the best result

Sometimes, you can mix black strap molasses with apple cider vinegar and then stir this mixture with water.

6. Epsom Salt Bath

In the list of natural home remedies for restless leg syndrome, epsoms salt ought to be mentioned too. Because of magnesium in epsom salt, it can soothe the muscles along with calming the nerves. That can help to cure restless leg syndrome. In order to perform this remedy, what you need to do is following this detailed direction here:

  • First pour a cup of epsom salt into the warm bath
  • Then stir it well by using your hand in order to dissolve the salt in the water
  • After that, soak your body in 30 minutes
  • Finally, get out and pat dry your body
  • Do this remedy once per day
  • Continue every day until the symptoms of restless leg syndrome are taken away

7. Camphor Oil Or Cream

The antispasmodic and therapeutic properties presented in camphor will alleviate the symptoms of restless leg syndrome as well as relieve inflammation. Here is how you can apply this remedy:

  • Take an enough amount of camphor oil or cream
  • Then gently rub it on your legs before you go to bed
  • Leave it on about a few minutes
  • Do this process every day and once each day in order to make the tingling sensation in your legs go away

8. Tonic Water

Tonic water, a carbonated soft drink, contains a compound called quinine that is a good choice for relieving your RLS condition. It is able to settle the nervous system along with providing you with a relief from many symptoms of RLS. It also can act as a muscle relaxant and improve blood flow to the muscles.

Remember that the large doses of quinine may cause negative side effects, but with only about 20 mg of quinine in eight ounces of tonic water, it is safe for you to use.

Therefore, drink a quarter cup of tonic water before you go to bed each night. Sip it slowly so your body has time in order to absorb the quinine.

9. Coconut Oil

An effective and easy treatment you should know is coconut oil. It can help you have a better sleep at night by improving blood circulation along with relaxing the nerves. This is the recipe you are looking for:

  • First take an enough amount of coconut oil
  • Next slightly warm it
  • After that, rub the warm oil all over your legs
  • Finally, massage your legs in circular motions.
  • You need to remember to massage from the ankles to the upward
  • Do this procedure every day. You can apply this once or twice a day.
10. Mustard Oil

Just like coconut oil, mustard oil is also a wonderful treatment when you are in this situation. Do you want to know the way you can use this oil? This is the answer for you:

  • Now slightly warm an enough amount of mustard oil
  • Then rub the oil you have warmed all over your legs
  • After that, massage your legs in circular motions while moving upward from your ankles
  • Do this remedy once or twice a day
  • Repeat every day until the symptoms of restless leg syndrome are gone away
11. Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil has the uses as chamomile tea. So chamomile oil can also promote your sleep at night by helping to relax the muscles and nerves. What you need to do now is to follow these steps below:

  • Now take an enough amount of chamomile oil. You can buy this oil at the store or extract the oil from chamomile flowers
  • Rub the oil all over your legs
  • Massage your legs for a few minutes before you go to bed
  • Do this process once every night until your condition is improved
12. Peppermint Tea

One of the natural, effective and easy home remedies for restless leg syndrome is peppermint tea. Peppermint contains high menthol content which can numb the restless feeling in your legs. Additionally, it provides a relief for aching muscles and helps you sleep well at night. Here is the direction you can follow:

  • Take a few peppermint leaves and wash them carefully
  • Pour a cup of boiling water over the leaves
  • Let it steep
  • Drink this tea every day before going to bed
  • You should drink 3 or 4 cups per day too. That will make you healthier.
13. Peppermint Oil

Sometimes, when you don’t have time to make peppermint tea, why don’t you try using peppermint oil? Let’s follow this recipe:

  • Pour a little peppermint oil on your hand
  • Directly apply the oil on your legs
  • Now massage them for 5 to 10 minutes
  • Carry out this process before going to bed
  • Repeat every night until you feel better
14. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil can be used as a relaxant. Moreover, it can help to reduce the symptoms of restless leg syndrome. Furthermore, the aromatic scent of the lavender oil has a calming effect which will help you to sleep better at night. To perform this remedy, please consult this detailed instruction:

  • Add a few drops of lavender to the tub of warm water
  • The soak body in
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes before going to bed

Alternatively, you can take a few drops of lavender oil and then rub it on your feet before going to bed each night.

15. Parsley Tea

When you have restless leg syndrome, you should take parsley tea. This tea will increase the assimilation of iron in your body. Also, it increases the absorption. In order to make this tea, please follow these steps below:

  • Pour a cup of boiling water over some parsley leaves
  • Then allow it to steep
  • Next add a little honey and some lemon juice
  • Now sip on this tea during the day
  • Follow this method every day till the symptoms of restless leg syndrome are taken away

Pay attention: you should not take foods which have lots of calcium when you use this tea

Besides, you can apply some drug-free treatments for the restless leg syndrome:

  • Drink a lot of water every day, at least 8 glasses per day. Even you had better drink a quarter cup of water before going to bed
  • Eat food which contains a lot of iron; for example, kidney beans, liver, lean beef, dark green vegetables and wheat germ
  • Have a good and balanced diet
  • Consume more food including folic acid such as beans, orange juice and leafy green vegetables
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and coffee as well as smoking
  • Avoid sinus and cold medications
  • Stretch and walk
  • Try acupuncture
  • Turn off the computer, laptop, television at least 30 minutes before going to bed
  • Maintain your weight
  • Wear sandals, shoes or boots which are soft and comfortable in many places such as the house, school, office and so on.
  • Try taking some painkillers
  • Try a pillow between your legs
  • Apply relaxing leg massage
  • Use muscle rubs
  • Have sex
  • Keep mentally busy by trying Sudoku, reading, writing and crossword puzzles
  • Sleep in a soapy bed
  • Sleep well at night
  • Wear socks when you go to bed in order to keep your feet warm and protected
  • Avoid having heavy meals close to bedtime
  • Jog in the park or in a place for a few minutes
  • Reduce stress
  • Take exercises or yoga regularly
  • Get moving at lunchtime
  • Check your medication regularly
  • Stay away from napping during the day

If you want to know more about natural at home remedies for other diseases and conditions, go to our main Home Remedies page. After reading the article of top 15 natural and effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome, hope that it can help you find out the best and the most suitable home remedies to get rid of your restless leg easily and quickly. However, the article is only for the informational purpose; therefore, you should see your doctor in order to get the advice before applying any home remedies for restless leg syndrome. If you have any question, or you know other at home remedies for restless leg syndrome, please leave them below.

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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