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37 Tips How to Get Rid of Canker Sores Fast and Naturally

Canker sores appear in your mouth. It is one of common disease when it is estimated that 20 percent of the general population can experience canker sores. It is said that canker sores can attack anyone at any age. However, women are more vulnerable than men. Some people may confuse canker sores with fever blisters or cold sores but canker sores are not a contagious disease. Normally, this disease can heal by itself without any treatment and the healing time lasts up to 7 or 10 days. If you want to ease the pain caused by canker sores, you can use prescribed drugs or over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen. Moreover, there are many natural techniques and home remedies on how to get rid of canker sores fast and naturally that are available in your kitchen. These remedies and solutions will help you to reduce the pain, alleviate inflammation and speed up the heeling process.

Read also: 30 natural home remedies for canker sores in the mouth

How To Get Rid Of Canker Sores Fast And Naturally – Effective Techniques And Helpful Remedies

Canker sores are uncomfortable annoying problem which can appear in your mouth. You can experience canker sores anywhere inside your oral cavity, including base of the gums, the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, soft palate, and tongue. Although the exact causes of canker sores are still unknown, it may be a result of chewing on your cheeks, viral infection, emotional stress and more. In fact, it is the body reaction due to some adverse events in life. Some people experience canker sores once or twice during their life while others may suffer from chronic canker sores which require further investigation on their causes. It is said that tongue is the most vulnerable to canker sores. The possible reason may be that the tongue does the most work in your mouth such sensing taste, touching food and receiving sensation. It is uncomfortable, annoying and miserable to have canker sores on your tongue.

Some factors which can increase the risk of developing canker sores may include weak immune system, oral injury, stress and depression, hormonal changes, excessive smoking, certain drugs, hereditary factors, food allergies, anemia, using the wrong oral care products, viral infections, salty acidic or spicy foods, genetic inheritance, lack of vitamins and minerals (vitamin B-12, folic acid and iron in your diet), using toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate, tongue injury (chewing, biting, etc.)

When crank sores affect your mouth, you may experience symptoms such as pain, burning sensation, inflammation, swollen lymph nodes, and fever.

Canker sores can disappear for up to a week. However, you can fasten the process of healing canker sores problem by prescribed or over-the counter medications, making a good food choice, natural home remedies and effective techniques. However, in this article on, I would like to focus on the effective natural solutions and home remedies on how to get rid of canker sores. If you concern, please read the article bellow to know more.

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1. Try To Stop Causes

It is important to find out the causes and factors which result in canker sores. If you want to know the effective techniques on how to get rid of canker sores on your mouth, you can try this following guidance.

Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush. The possible reason may be that using a hard force to brush your teeth will damage your gums, teeth and increase the risk of developing cankers sores or mouth ulcers. It is recommended flossing your teeth daily.

If you have mouthwashes or toothpastes which contain sodium lauryl sodium, it is important to change them. Sodium lauryl sodium will lead to canker sores and worsen its symptoms. Using toothpastes with sodium lauryl sodium ingredient will make you suffer from chronic mouth ulcers or canker sores.

The most effective solution on how to get rid of canker sores is relaxing. You can do anything if you feel worried or stressed. Keep in mind that canker sores are not a serious problem can heal naturally after one week. Moreover, some people may experience canker sores when they have intense emotional stress. Like eczema and acne, depression and stress may exacerbate the symptoms of canker sores.

Learn more: Top foods high in sodium you should know

2. Try Not To Disturb It

It is easy to understand that canker sores will make you hyper aware of. However, when you open your mouth, your teeth or tongue will touch this open wound and cause further irritation. Moreover, it sends the waves of pain throughout your body. Therefore, you should do your best to avoid touching or disturbing these painful sores. It is suggested that you should chew the foods on the other side far away from your canker sores. Letting tongue touching the sores will make it more painful and slower to heal. It is important not to pick at or squeeze the sores. You just need to leave it alone and let your body and immune system heal this problem.

3. Your Diet

“Diet always plays the important role in your life.”

An unhealthy diet which includes fast foods, sugary drinks, and fatty snacks may result in some health problems while we can treat and prevent many health conditions by eating healthy. Therefore, it is not a surprise when diet has significant beneficial or detrimental effects on canker sores. In order to treat canker sores and speed up its healing process, you should pay attention to your diet.

For example, as the first tip related to diet on how to get rid of canker sores in your mouth, you should stay away from acidic and spicy foods. This is because these foods will irritate the sores and make its symptoms get worse. Peppers and sodas should also be avoided. It is important to avoid oranges, lemons, apples, pineapples, tomatoes, figs and strawberries especially when you suffer from chronic canker sores. These fruits and vegetables will lead to canker sores.

If you want to fasten the healing process, you should increase zinc, B12, folic acid and iron intake. It is better to get more these vitamins and mineral through daily diet. Zin-c rich foods include oysters, meat and poultry, beans, breakfast cereals, seafood, nuts and whole grains. You can increase vitamin B12 intake by eating yogurt, turkey, chicken, beef, pork, seafood, fish, egg, and almond. Folic acid is in fortified cereals, cooked lentils, spinach, broccoli, white navy beans, asparagus, enriched pasta, cantaloupe, and eggs. Superfoods which have the great source of iron are spinach, tomato, lima beans, asparagus, potato, snow peas, prune juice, apricots, kale, beets, green peas, oatmeal, yogurt, duck, chicken, oysters, seafood (scallops, shrimp, crab), tuna, tofu, soybeans, pumpkin, peas, nuts, egg, sesame seeds, and almond butter. However, if you cannot get enough foods which contain these vitamins and minerals, it is alright to take vitamins and minerals instead. It is recommended taking these supplements in the morning. However, before taking these supplements, it is important to consult the doctors carefully to know the unwanted side effects due to excessive consumption.

4. Avoid Foods Which Contains A Lot Of Harsh Acids

Orange juice as well as other citrus fruits or juices have a great source of vitamin C, which is good for your health and your beauty. However, if you are suffering from canker sores, citric acid in these fruits and juices can irritate your sores and make the pain get worse. Moreover, if you eat a lot of citrus fruits and drink citrus juice during the time of getting canker sores, you will make the healing process slower. It is important to stay away from tomatoes and tomato juice as well as peppers which have a lot of harsh acids.

5. Avoid “Pointy” Foods

It sounds awkward and silly but in fact, the foods with sharp edges can cause canker sores by cutting your skin or tongue in your mouth. These foods with sharp edges you need to avoid include bread crusts, chips, pretzels, biscotti, popcorn and so on. If you have canker sores in your mouth, it is important to stay away any foods which can lead to further damage to the inside of your mouth.

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6. Give Up Smoking

When you smoke, you will chew tobacco, a bad habit which can result in canker sores. Moreover, tobacco contains harsh chemicals which can cause irritation on your skin. Therefore, if you are having nasty canker sores, you should give up tobacco. Cigarettes should be avoided too because of its same bad effects.

7. Try Not To Irritate Further The Inside Of Your Mouth

Canker sores will occur after lesions and cuts inside your mouth. These following tips will help to lower the risk of canker sores.

Braces and other orthodontics may protrude into your skin and cause canker sores. As an effective tip on how to get rid of canker sores, you should eliminate the areas the braces and other orthodontics affect. It is the good idea to ask your orthodontist about your problem. He will help you to eliminate the sharp corners or wires which cut your skin. Many people prefer orally-safe wax because it will help fight against cuts and other injuries.

Ill-fitting dentures may result in canker sores. You can ask your dentists for alternative options.

8. Know Medical Conditions That Trigger Canker Sores

Simple canker sores can heal for a week and it may happen three or four times a year. It is a common condition. However, if canker sores last for more than a week and appear frequently, the problem may be your underlying health conditions. If you want to treat cankers sores soon and completely, you should treat the underlying health problem first.

It is said that people who have weak immune system may be vulnerable to canker sores. Therefore, if your immune system is compromised, you should treat it a healthy diet, taking medication or supplements. You should make an appointment with your doctor and ask him for help.

Individual who suffer from gastrointestinal tract disease like Celiac disease and Crohn’s disease may have the higher risk of developing complex canker sores than other normal people. If you want to treat canker sores, you need to address and treat your health problem first.

9. A Saline Rinse

If you ask for the effective home remedy on how to get rid of canker sores, you should not ignore a saline rinse. You just need to mix one teaspoon of table sores or sea salt with one cup of warm water. Stir the solution well in order to make sure that the salt will dissolve well in the water. It is recommended using this solution to rinse your mouth several times a day. Because a saline rinse has disinfectant effects on canker sores, it can help you to relieve the pain. After rinsing your mouth with a saline rinse, you should place a pinch of salt (Table salt or sea salt, it depends on you) directly on your canker sores in order to have a more satisfactory result. This process may cause a painful sensation. However, it will fasten your healing process. It is recommended repeating this treatment 4 or 5 times daily for a good result.

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10. Baking Soda Rinse

Baking soda is the great alternative options for saline rinse. Baking soda will help your affected mouth heal itself and reduce the bacteria and acidity from your mouth. Baking soda is also called sodium bicarbonate, a white crystalline compound which is available in your kitchen and can be used as the effective remedy for many health and beauty problems including canker sores. Baking soda can work well as an alkalizing agent, antacid, exfoliator, and cavity washer. Thanks to its natural anti-septic properties, baking soda will kill the germs and the bacteria causing canker sores. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties will ease the inflammation and swelling of mouth sores. Baking soda is effective in preventing any kinds of gum or periodontal problems; as a result, this remedy will kill off the bacteria and clear the canker sores in your mouth if used regularly. The anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties make it become the great mouth rinse for canker sore treatment.

In order to use baking soda as the mouth rinse, you just need to mix one teaspoon of baking soda with a cup of warm water. Stir it well. Swish and then spit it out.

Another way on how to get rid of canker sores with baking soda is creating baking soda paste. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of warm water until it becomes the fine paste. You can use your fingers or a cotton ball to apply this baking soda paste on your affected areas where you have canker sores. Let it sit for a few minutes. When it dries, you can rinse it off with warm water. This treating process will remove the bacteria and acid causing canker sore from your mouth. You need to repeat this treatment once daily until your canker sores disappear completely.

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11. Apply Baking Soda Directly On Your Canker Sores

You can use baking soda only without mixing it with water or any other ingredients. This treatment is more effective. However, baking soda has strong properties and it can cause irritation and painful sensation when applied directly on the canker sores. Therefore, it is important to test this treatment first before using it as the effective way on how to get rid of canker sores in your mouth.

Firstly, you take a sufficient amount of baking soda in a bowl. Use your fingers or cotton swab to apply baking soda on the affected areas in your mouth. Let it sit for about an hour before rinsing your mouth with water for getting rid of the germs and bacteria. Using baking soda to treat canker sores will help neutralize the acidity and ease the pain, symptom of canker sores. The treatment requires regular application for the best result.

12. Baking Soda, Salt And Hydrogen Peroxide

We all knew that baking soda acts as alkalize which can help to balance the PH level in your body. Anti-septic and anti-bacterial of hydrogen peroxide will alleviate the inflammation and remove the bacteria from your mouth. Salt is the effective ingredient which can fasten the process of healing canker sores by drawing out the canker sore’s fluids and preventing bacterial infection. Therefore, the combination of baking soda, salt and hydrogen peroxide is an excellent solution for canker sores.

Mix a small amount of baking soda, salt and hydrogen peroxide 3% in equal quantities. Rinse your mouth with this solution four or five times daily. If you want to have greater result, you need to repeat this treatment within 2 or 3 days.

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13. Baking Soda And Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which make aloe vera become the great remedy for canker sores. Using aloe vera will ease your pain, speed up the healing process and removing canker sores.

When you suffer from canker sores, you should rinse your mouth with a sufficient amount of aloe vera every day. After rinsing, use a little baking soda to apply on your canker sores. Leave it on for a couple of minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. You can get complete relief after repeating this treatment several times.

14. Baking Soda And Salt

As the effective solution on how to get rid of canker sores, you can combine baking soda and salt in equal quantities. Add a little of water in it to make a consistent paste. After that, you can apply this paste on canker sores. Let it sit for a few minutes and then swish it with warm water. Spit it out to remove bacteria causing canker sores. Repeat this treatment within 3 or 4 days until you get a complete relief.

15. Peppermint, Baking Soda And Water

One of the benefits of peppermint is treating canker sores thanks to its cooling effect. Peppermint will fasten the healing process and improve the condition significantly.

Add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda and 3 drops of peppermint essential oil in 2 ounces water. Stir it well.

Use this water to rinse your mouth several times a day. Regular usage of this mouthwash will help to treat canker sores effectively.

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16. Baking Soda, Salt Water And Liquid Benadryl

In this solution, you will need 2 teaspoons of baking soda, 1 cup of warm water, 1 teaspoon of salt and liquid Benadryl.

Add baking soda and salt in a cup of warm water. After stirring it well, you can add liquid Benadryl in. Use this mixture to rinse your mouth for a couple of minutes. Spit it out to remove bacteria causing canker sores and prevent other mouth infection.

Regular usage will give you the significant relief for canker sores.

17. Apply A 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

You can use hydrogen peroxide 3% to treat canker sores effectively. The possible reason may be that hydrogen peroxide contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties which can help to reduce sore pain, alleviate inflammation and removing canker sores. You can see the significant result after 24 hours applying hydrogen peroxide on canker sores. It is said that regular usage of hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash can keep the healthy levels of bacteria and prevent further canker sores. Firstly, pour a little of hydrogen peroxide in a plastic soda cup and add sufficient water to dilute it. Use a cotton ball or a Q-tip to apply hydrogen peroxide onto your canker sores. After a few minutes, you can rinse it off with lukewarm water. However, make sure that you do not swallow it. Hydrogen peroxide contains antiseptic properties, which can help getting rid of bacteria causing canker sores in your mouth. It is said that canker sores can disappear within 2 or 3 days if hydrogen peroxide is applied twice daily.

Gargling your mouth with the combination of hydrogen peroxide and zinc lozenges is an effective way on how to get rid of canker sores. Mix hydrogen peroxide with sufficient water and then add one or two zinc lozenges. Gargle your mouth and spit it out. Make sure that you do not swallow. 3 or 4 times usage is needed for removing canker sores.

Avoid swallowing hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide in your body can lead to stomach upset.

18. Milk Of Magnesia

Milk of magnesia is also great remedy on how to get rid of canker sores in your mouth. This is because milk of magnesia has the antacid effect which can help neutralize the acid environment and balance the PH of your body. As a result, this remedy will make the environment less supportive for the bacteria growth in your mouth. Using a cotton ball to dab milk of magnesia on canker sores several times a day for a few days is the only thing you need to do in order to remove canker sores completely.

Alternatively, you can mix a mixture of hydrogen peroxide 3% with water in equal quantities and then use a cotton ball to dab this solution on your affected areas. Wait for a few minutes before dabbing milk of magnesium on canker sores. Leave it on for a few minutes. Mix milk of magnesium with liquid Benadryl in equal quantities. Swish your mouth with this mixture for one or two minutes and spit it out to remove bacteria causing canker sores. Repeat this treatment for several times a day for a few days.

19. Use Ice To Numb The Pain

If the canker sores are painful and uncomfortable, you can ease this pain by using ice. You just need to hold them on the painful sores for a few minutes and let them melt over the sores. Ice will help you to ease the pain and alleviate inflammation.

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20. Lemon

Lemon is citrus fruits and its juice can be used to treat canker sores effectively. Lemon juice will balance the PH in your mouth. Moreover, this remedy is effective in killing off the bacteria causing canker sores. Squeeze a lemon to take it juice. Wash your hand carefully and use your fingers to apply lemon juice on canker sores. You can use cotton ball to apply it if you do not want to use your fingers. It is recommended using this solution before and after breakfast, before and after lunch, before and after dinner, and before you are ready to go to bed. When you apply lemon juice on affected area, you should leave it on for one or five minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

21. Alum Powder

Alum powder is widely used in shaving as many people believe. However, its great benefits and wonderful uses of alum powder are more than that. Alum powder has many types in which potassium alum is widely utilized for household purposes. Because it has many wonderful benefits and uses, alum has been well-known since ancient times. It is purchased in blocks and powder. If you buy alum block, you can powder it to use it as home remedy. Many people around the world use alum in shaving and for a variety of treatments. Alum can be beneficial to treat mouth odor, cracked heel, and canker sores. Alum is cheap and affordable. Therefore, if you experience canker sores you should buy alum powder as an effective treatment.

As a remedy on how to get rid of canker sores, a pinch of alum powder is pressed over the affected areas. Leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse it with a cup of water. It is said that alum will act as an astringent that help you to reduce the issue. Moreover, alum powder is effective in improving your immune system. It is an effective remedy if your canker sores are caused by virus. It is recommended using this treatment one or two times daily. This treatment may cause sting sensation; however, you can get the significant relief the next day. Although its excellent benefits of alum powder in treating canker sores, many people especially young children do not like pressing alum powder directly on canker sores because they cannot bear stinging and burning sensation.

The alternative option is making homemade alum mouth rinse as the effective way on how to get rid of canker sores without causing any uncomfortable sensation. To make a mouth rinse, alum powder should be in a pestle and mortar. Boil water and add a little of salt in it. Wait until the salt dissolve completely. Turn off the heat and then stir it in the alum powder. After the alum powder dissolves, you use this mixture to rinse your mouth at least three times a day. Salt is one of effective remedies for canker sores; therefore, this treatment is safe for young children and old people to use. If you use raw alum powder to treat canker sores, it is important to make sure that you do not swallow it.

22. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is effective remedy for canker sores. The possible reason may be that it contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and curative properties which can help to reduce pain and ease inflammation as well as fasten the process of healing canker sores.

In order to treat canker sores, you should cut the aloe vera leaf and extract the gel from it. You can grow aloe plant in your garden in order to use it at any time. However, if you do not have aloe vera leaf available, you can buy aloe vera gel in the market. Take the gel and apply it directly on your canker sores. Leave it for a few minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. It is recommended repeating this treatment three or four times daily.

If you want to get more satisfactory effects, besides applying aloe vera gel on the affected areas, you should wash your mouth with aloe vera juice at least three times daily.

It is the great idea to take two tablespoons of aloe vera gel daily if you want to achieve the quick relief.

23. A Tea Rinse

Tea has cooling and anti-inflammatory properties which is effective in treating canker sores. If you have sage tea, you should add one teaspoon of sage in hot water. If you want to make chamomile tea, you can do the same way. Dip a bag of chamomile in hot water. Wait for a few minutes until the tea cools down. After that, use this tea to rinse your mouth. Sage and chamomile tea have antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties which can ease discomfort and lower the risk of infection.

Alternatively, you can apply a chamomile tea bag over the canker sores. Chamomile tea has the chemical bisabolol which contains anti-inflammatory properties and is effective in treating canker sore’s redness.

In order to receive the significant result, you should repeat this treatment several times a day for a few days.

24. Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Lozenges

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice lozenges are widely used to cure ulcers in your digestive system. Moreover, they can be utilized to treat canker sores effectively and significantly. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice lozenges can be bought in health food store or local herb store. Buy it and let these lozenges sit on canker sores for a few minutes until it has dissolved. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice lozenges will shrink the size of canker sores and speed up the healing process. However, you should not let children use lozenges. The possible reason may be that children can easily get a choking hazard. It is better to have a glass of water after that.

25. A Cayenne Pepper Paste

Another way on how to get rid of canker sores fast and naturally is creating cayenne pepper paste. You should mix one tablespoon of cayenne pepper with sufficient drops of water. You can use your fingers or Q-tip to dab this cayenne pepper mixture on canker sores for a few minutes. It may cause terrifying pain because of the capsaicin in cayenne pepper. However, when the spicy taste disappears, you will ignore the pain of canker sores for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

You can also eat candies containing cayenne pepper to get the relief from canker sore pain.

26. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can act as natural anti-inflammatory. When applied on canker sores, it will help to ease the swelling and pain caused by these sores. As the effective home remedy on how to get rid of canker sores fast and naturally, coconut oil contains antiviral and antibacterial which can heal the sores more quickly. It is recommended repeating this treatment several times a day for two days in order to make the cankers sores disappear completely.

Put one teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth. Wait for it to melt over the canker sores. It is better to swish it in your mouth for a couple of seconds. Unlike other remedies on how to get rid of canker sores, you can swallow it afterward. This treatment is safely used for both young children and the old people.

27. Coriander

Asking for the best remedies on how to get rid of canker sores, you should not ignore coriander. This is because coriander can act as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal. Using coriander will help you to ease the pain as well as alleviate discomfort caused by canker sores.

You should dip a handful of coriander leaves in boiling water. Wait for a few minutes and then strain it. Let it cool down for a few minutes. Use coriander solution to gargle your mouth with warm water. It is recommended repeating this treatment three or four times daily.

Alternatively, you can add one teaspoon of coriander seeds in a cup of boiling water. Wait for a few minutes before straining it. You should rinse your mouth with this solution several times a day.

Moreover, if you want to have more satisfactory result, you should drink coriander juice which is taken from fresh coriander leaves. Drinking this juice several times daily will give you the magical relief one canker sores.

28. Honey

Honey can be used to treat canker sores effectively because it possesses soothing, antibacterial as well as antiseptic properties.

All you need to do is applying a teaspoon of honey on canker sores in your mouth. This treatment can cause painful sensation; however, it is effective in treating inflammation and pain caused by canker sores if you apply it regularly. It is recommended repeating this treatment several times daily.

Alternatively, mix ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of honey in order to create a thick paste. You should apply this paste on canker sores for a few minutes before rinsing your mouth with lukewarm water. For the best visible result, you should use this treatment twice daily for two or three days.

29. Apply Powdered Sage Leaves

We all know the sage rinse tea can treat canker sores effectively. However, do you know powdered sage leaves are also one of effective remedies on how to treat canker sore effectively and naturally? You just need to apply them directly on canker sores for a few minutes before removing it with lukewarm water. Repeat this treatment daily for a couple of days to clear the sores completely.

30. Tea Tree Oil

Just a few drops of tea tree oil on canker sores will give you the significant relief. This is because it has antiviral and antifungal properties. However, it needs to be used externally because swallowing tea tree oil is toxic.

Dilute 10 drops of tea tree oil in a glass of warm water and use this solution to rinse your mouth regularly for a few days.

Another way on how to get rid of canker sores with tea tree oil is mixing two drops of tea tree oil with ½ tablespoon of water in order to create a fine mixture. It is recommended applying this mixture on your canker sores two or three times daily in order to get a complete relief

31. Onion

Onion has sulfur which is effective in healing canker sores and easing inflammation and pain.

You just need to cut onion into small pieces and use these pieces to press over canker sores for a few minutes. When the onion juice absorb into your affected areas, it will give you significant relief. You should repeat this treatment at least three times a day in order for the canker sores to disappear completely.

Alternatively, you can extract the juice from medium-sized organic medium and mix it with sufficient water. Apply this mixture on canker sores several times daily.

Moreover, eating one raw onion in the regular basis will help you to prevent canker sores from occurring.

32. DIY Numbing Spray

Both eucalyptus essential oil and peppermint oil have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial as well as astringent properties, which are effective in tightening the issues, relieving the discomfort, and alleviating swelling. Moreover, the cooling agents of these oils will numb the nerve causing pain.

You will need 2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil or olive oil, 8 drops of eucalyptus oil, 10 drops of peppermint oil and a glass bottle to spray.

Firstly, pour grapeseed oil or olive oil in the bottle and then pour the essential oils in. Use this bottle to spray the mixture directly on canker sores for pain and discomfort relief. It is better to shake the bottle before spraying.

33. Clove Oil

Eugenol in clove oil is considered as a potential painkiller. Eugenol has been widely used by dentists for ages in order to make the patients feel less painful and more comfortable. People still use eugenol today to treat a lot of health problems, including toothaches or canker sores. Eugenol is often used in a pure extracted form. However, as a home remedy on how to get rid of canker sores fast and naturally, clove oil is useful.

Dissolve salt in water. And then use warm salt water to rinse your mouth in order to let the area in your mouth clear. Mix 5 drops of clove oil with ½ teaspoon of olive oil. Apply this solution on canker sores with the help of a cotton ball. Leave it in for about 5 minutes in order to get the pain relief.

34. Wax Cap

If your canker sores get irritated when the teeth or braces and or dentures keep rubbing against these sores, putting a little wax cap over the surface of your tooth, braces or dentures can help you to lower the possibility of irritating friction against canker sores. As a result, it will fasten the healing process.

Firstly, you should melt down one tablespoon of beeswax and 2 teaspoons of coconut oil. Let this mixture to cool down for a few minutes. When it cools, you put a little of mixture over the edge of your tooth, dentures or braces in order to keep the cankers sores from rubbing.

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35. Eat Yogurt

Yogurt is the delicious healthy food which is full of nutrients. Especially, eating yogurt daily will help you to restore the bacteria balance in your body by providing you good bacteria and boosting your good immune system. Eating yogurt helps you not only to have a healthy gut but also prevent and treat many problems, including canker sores. The possible reason may be that yogurt will balance the bacteria in your mouth and help to remove the bad bacteria causing canker sores. It is recommended choosing plain yogurt with live cultures. You can find the excellent yogurt with live cultures if you read the label carefully. People who have canker sores should eat 1 tablespoon yogurt three times a day. It is great to eat a whole cup of yogurt. You can add a little raw honey for delicious taste. Moreover, the combination of yogurt and honey will fasten the process of healing canker sores.

36. Liquorice

Crush or pound a liquorice stem with sufficient water to create a paste. In order to treat canker sores and find the pain relief with liquorice, you should apply this paste directly on canker sores. It is recommended leaving it on for about 5 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water or salt water. Regular application will make the canker sores disappear completely. Therefore, it is good if you can repeat this treatment several times a day for 2 or 3 days.

37. Fenugreek Seeds

Another remedy on how to get rid of canker sores in your mouth that I would like to introduce to you in this article is fenugreek seeds. Soak a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water and leave it overnight. In the morning, you can add sufficient pure honey to create a paste. In order to heal canker sores and find the pain relief, you apply this paste on these sores and let it sit for 5 or 8 minutes. If you can repeat this treatment several times a day for a couple of days, the canker sores will disappear soon.

Because all these 37 remedies on how to get rid of canker sores fast and naturally are for informational purpose only and the healing time as well as efficiency depends on each individual, it is important for you to experiments with different natural solutions and home remedies in order to find the best one. If you have any questions to ask me, please feel free to raise your voice. Leave your comments bellow. I will answer you all when I have time.

All Remedies

I'm Huyen My - I believe that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. My goal with All Remedies is to help you cure your diseases with 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the comfort of your home

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23 Home Remedies for Vaginal Odor in Women

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Top 15 Natural Home Remedies For Gastritis Pain Relief

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